8 research outputs found

    Struktur dan Makna Cerita Pulau Belumbak Sastra Lisan Masyarakat Melayu Tayan Hilir Kabupaten Sanggau

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui struktur dan makna pada cerita rakyat Pulau Belumbak. penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskripstif, bentuk penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan struktural dan sosiologi sastra. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pertama: cerita Pulau Belumbak adalah alur maju. Kedua: tokoh utama yaitu Amat Selamat dan Amat Berkat; sedangkan tokoh tambahan yaitu Mak Rindah. Ketiga: penokohan, Amat Selamat dan Amat Berkat memiliki watak yang sama yaitu sombong dan rajin bekerja. Sedangkan Mak Rindah memiliki watak penyayang, bekerja keras, dan penyabar. Keempat, latar cerita ini terbagi tiga yaitu latar tempat, latar waktu, latar sosial. Kelima, makna cerita terbagi tiga yaitu makna keagamaan meliputi berdoa dan pemujaan, makna kemasyarakatan meliputi tolong menolong dan kepedulian dan makna kepribadian meliputi berpengharapan, kerja keras, pantang menyerah, kegelisahan, dan kesedihan. Cerita rakyat Pulau Belumbak ini menggunakan KTSP. SKyang digunakan yaitu memahami sastra Melayu Klasik, dengan KD mengidentifikasi karakteristik dan unsur intrinsik sastra Melayu klasik. Kata kunci: Struktur, Makna, Cerita Rakyat Abstrack: This study aims to determine the structure and meaning of the folklore of the Pulau Belumbak. the theory used in this research is the method deskriptif, a form of qualitative research, with using a structural approach and sociology of literature. Results of this study is the first, the strory is the plot forward Pulau Belumbak. socond, the main character is Amat Selamat and Amat Berkat. While the additional figure that Mak Rindah. Third, characterizations, Amat Selamat and Amat Berkat has the same character that is arrogant and diligent work. While Mak Rindah temperament compassionate. Fourth, the background of the story is divided into three, a background, the background of the time, and social background. Fifth, the meaning of the story is divided into three, bamely religious meaning incluse prayer and worship. Societl meaning include helping and caring, and the meaning of personality include hopelessness, work hard, unyielding, anxiety and sadness. Pulau Belumbak's folklore using KTSP. SK used is to understand the Malay literrary classic, with KD identifying characteristics and intrinsic elements of classical Malay literatur

    Gaya Bahasa Dalam Novel Sandiwara Bumi Karya Taufiqurrahman Al-azizy

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    : This study aimed to describe the style languague in the novel Sandiwara Bumi Al-Azizy Taufiqurrahman work. The method used is descriptive meaning that the data obtained were analyzed and described using words or phrases not in the form of numbers or use calculations. Results of the data analysis resulted in the conclusion, first; a style that includes the figure of speech antonomasia ratio amounted to 5 pieces, hyperbole totaling 22 pieces, totaling 3 pieces metaphor, personification consists of 4 pieces, simile amounted to 14 pieces. Secondly, the language style that includes the figure of speech antithetical opposition amounted to 3 pieces, kontradiksio totaling 10 pieces, prolepsis/anticipation numbered 1 pieces. Third, the language style of satire which includes irony figure of speech amounted to 2 pieces; and inuendo amounted to 2 pieces. Fourth, the language style looping covering alonim figure of speech amounted to 4 pieces, asyndeton totaling 10 pieces, epizeukis totaling 27 pieces, numbered 1 pieces epanalepsis, polisindeton amounted to 7 pieces, 10 pieces totaling climax, and zeugma amounted to 5 pieces

    Unsur Intrinsik dalam Legenda Ulai Bujang Karem Sastra Lisan Dayak Ketungau Sesaek Kabupaten Sekadau

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    This research aim to analyzing theme, mandate, plot, character, and background in the legend Ulai Bujang Karem Oral Literature Dayak Ketungau Sesaek Sekadau, and describing implementation plan this study into learning Indonesian in the schools. The method used in this study is descriptive method. Based on the analysis of data can be concluded that the legend Ulai Bujang Karem there are theme, mandate, plot, character, and background. This result is expected being Indonesian study materials in the school especially to teach students to analyzing intrinsic element in a story. The learning is guided by the lesson plan that is suitable with the condition and situation with the school learning environment. Keywors: intrinsic element, legend, oral literatur

    Kajian Strukturaliame Dan Nilai-nilai Pada Hikayat Hang Tuah Jilid I Karya Muhammad Haji Saleh

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    This research conducted to strengthen comprehension about The History of Hang Tuah, 1st Edition by Muhammad Haji Salleh, to learn the structural and the values in four different cases, first is how the description of the main character, second is the plot, third is the setting, and the last is the values in the story. The method used in this research is descriptive method, with qualitative research. The approach being used is structural approach and sociology literature, because the researcher can collect the data by classifying and describes it accurately in the structural and values of The History of Hang Tuah, 1st Edition by Muhammad Haji Salleh. Lastly, the researcher hope that the result of the research can help the reader of The History of Hang Tuah especially teachers and junior high school students. The result of this research is useful for college students to put The History of Hang Tuah as the reference for their research which is related to structure and values

    Pendekatan Kolaboratif dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Terpadu di Kelas III Sekolah Dasar Negeri 21 Kuala Mandor B

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    : This is a research about collaborative approach in integrated thematic learning on the third grade students of elementary school number 21 Kuala Mandor B. The research problems was how the design, implementation, evaluation and behavior of the students in the integrated thematic learning using collaborative approach on the third grade students of elementary school number 2 Kuala Mandor B. The purpose was to describe the design, implementation, evaluation and behavior of the students in the integrated thematic learning using collaborative approach on the third grade students of elementary school number 2 Kuala Mandor B. The results were (1) thematic lesson plan using collaborative approach done by the teacher was fulfil the thematic lesson plan acquirement in general; (2) thematic learning using collaborative was done according to the design and using varied method and strategy of learning; (3) the evaluation was not monotonous, and was used multiple assessment instrument; (4) students\u27 learning behavior in solving the various problem could be seen through the application of thematic learning using collaborative approach

    Citra Dan Peran Guru Dalam Novel Mandi Cahaya Rembulan Karya Abdul Mutaqin

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the use of image and teacher role in novel Mandi Cahaya Rembulan by Abdul Mutaqin . The research method is descriptive,meaning that the data obtained are analyzed and described using words or phrases not in the form of numbers or use calculations. The conclusion of data analysis are, first;physicalimage of main character in making novel Mandi Cahaya Rembulan,,second;non physical image of main character, and third; Role in the novelMandi Cahaya Rembulanlocated on the main character.The three types of elements are generated from image analysis and the role of the teacher in the novel Mandi Cahaya Rembulan by Abdul Mutaqin, so as to obtain some of the characteristics contained in the teache

    Nilai Religius pada Kumpulan Cerpen Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi Karya Kuntowijoyo: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai religius dilihat dari segi agama Islam dan kebudayaan Jawa dalam kumpulan cerpen Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi karya Kuntowijoyo. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, berbentuk kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini sebagai berikut (1) nilai religius dilihat dari segi agama Islam meliputi tawakal (Jangan Dikubur sebagai Pahlawan), tauhid (Tawanan dan Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi), tasamuh (Lurah), sembahyang (Rumah yang Terbakar dan RT 03 RW 22 Jalan Belimbing atau Jalan “Asmaradana”). (2) Nilai religius dilihat dari segi kebudayaan Jawa meliputi kepercayaan (Laki-laki yang Kawin dengan Peri; Lurah; Pistol Perdamaian; Anjing-anjing Menyerang Kuburan; Rumah yang Terbakar; Jangan Dikubur sebagai Pahlawan; Tawanan; JL Kembang Setaman, JL Kembang Boreh, JL Kembang Desa, JL Kembang Api; Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi; dan RT 03 RW 22 Jalan Belimbing atau Jalan “Asmaradana”), selamatan (Laki-laki yang Kawin dengan Peri; Lurah; dan JL Kembang Setaman, JL Kembang Boreh, JL Kembang Desa, JL Kembang Api), bertapa (Anjing-anjing Menyerang Kuburan), menari/menyanyi (Laki-laki yang Kawin dengan Peri), berdoa (Anjing-anjing Menyerang Kuburan dan Tawanan). Kata Kunci: Cerpen, Religius, Sosiologi Sastra Abstract: The purpose of this research is to describe the religious value in terms of Islamic religion and Java culture on a collection of Kuntowijoyo\u27s short stories by the title Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi. This study used the descriptive and qualitative method. The conclussion of research are (1) Religious value in terms of Islamic religion includes tawakal (Jangan Dikubur sebagai Pahlawan), monotheism (Tawanan and Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi), tasamuh (Lurah), prayer (Rumah yang Terbakar and RT 03 RW 22, Jalan Belimbing atau Jalan “Asmaradana”). (2) Religious values ​​in terms of Java culture include the trust (Laki-laki yang Kawin dengan Peri; Lurah; Pistol Perdamaian; Anjing-anjing Menyerang Kuburan; Rumah yang Terbakar; Jangan Dikubur sebagai Pahlawan; Tawanan; JL Kembang Setaman, JL Kembang Boreh, JL Kembang Desa, JL Kembang Api; Pelajaran Pertama Bagi Calon Politisi; RT 03 RW 22, Jalan Belimbing atau Jalan “Asmaradana”), the salvation (Laki-laki yang Kawin Dengan Peri; Lurah; JL Kembang Setaman, JL Kembang Boreh, JL Kembang Desa, JL Kembang Api), an ascetic (Anjing-anjing Menyerang Kuburan), the dancing/singing (Laki-laki yang Kawin dengan Peri), pray (Anjing-anjing Menyerang Kuburan and Tawanan)

    Nilai Budaya dalam Novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah Karya Tere Liye

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan nilai budaya yang terdapat dalam novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah karya Tere Liye. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan bentuk penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah sosiologi karya sastra. Sumber datanya adalah novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah karya Tere Liye. Datanya adalah nilai budaya dalam novel berupa kata, frasa, dan kalimat yang menunjukkan hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, sesama, karya, dan alam. Hasil analisis (1) hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan, meliputi: percaya kepada takdir Tuhan, berdoa, percaya takhayul; (2) hubungan manusia dengan sesama, meliputi: kegotongroyongan, kebersamaan, kepedulian, persahabatan, cinta kasih, kesopanan, keramahan, kebaikan, kecurangan, kesalahpahaman, kemarahan, kekecewaan, kepatuhan, bekerja keras, berpengharapan, kesedihan, kejujuran, kesederhanaan, kebijaksanaan, kesabaran, kerajinan, keingintahuan, kegelisahan; (3) hubungan manusia dengan karya, meliputi: keterampilan, berprofesi; (4) hubungan manusia dengan alam, meliputi: polusi, perkembangan teknologi, keadaan alam, kebiasaan masyarakat, memanfaatkan alam; dan (5) implementasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia dilihat dari segi kurikulum, tujuan pembelajaran sastra, pemilihan bahan ajar, dan tingkat keterbacaan layak dijadikan sebagai bahan ajar di SMA. Kata kunci: nilai, budaya, novel Abstrack: This study aims to discover the cultural value contained in the novel Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah by Tere Liye. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a form of qualitative research. The approach is a sociological approach literature. The source is the novel entitled Kau, Aku, dan Sepucuk Angpau Merah by Tere Liye. The data in this study of the cultural value in the novel are words, phrases, and sentences that show the human relationship with God, another human, the work, and the nature. The result the analysis novel are (1) the relationship of man with God include: believe in destiny God, praying, superstitious, (2) the relationships with another human, including: mutual cooperation, togetherness, caring, friendship, love, courtesy, friendliness, kindness, cheating, misunderstanding, anger, disappointment, obedience, hard work, hopelessness, sadness, honesty, simplicity, wisdom, patience, diligence, curiosity, anxiety, (3) the relationship of humans with the work include: skills, profession, (5) the relationship of man with nature, include: pollution, technological developments, natural conditions, people\u27s habits, utilizing natural, and (6) the implementation of cultural value in learning Indonesian novel in terms of curriculum, learning objectives of literature, the selection of teaching materials, and readability level worthy as teaching materials at senior high school