9 research outputs found

    Rhodamine-B labeled peptide hormone evaluation by thin layer chromatography

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    A novel thin layer chromatographic procedure was devised to evaluate the activity of rhodamine-B tagged peptide hormone such as vasopressin & octreotide. Peptide hormones viz. octreotide and vasopressin were added with rhodamine-B (0.2 ml of concentration 2.5mg/ml) and were estimated through thin layer chromatography (TLC) in a concentration and time dependent manner i.e. 25μg, 50μg for 30 & 60 minutes and 4.8μg, 9.6μg for 30 & 60 minutes respectively. The solvent medium used was a mixture of butanol, acetic acid and water in a ratio of 4:1:1. Stationary phase used in this experiment was Silica gel mixed with an inert binder like calcium sulphate and water. Different peptides travel at different rates due to the differences in their attraction to the stationary phase and because of difference in solubility in the solvent. The plates were made to visualize under a UV detector and respective Rf values were calculated. Results showed that rhodamine-B tagged peptides were well seen under UV detector as well as with naked eyes and is an efficacious marker when compared with other developing systems such as ninhydrin, iodine spray etc

    Physiological Responses of Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties across Different Cropping Systems under Rainfed Stress

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    Rice, sustaining half of the world's population, is traditionally cultivated through transplanting, particularly in Asia. However, challenges like excessive water use, labour demands, and environmental stresses like drought prompt the search for alternatives. Our study evaluates the impact of various crop establishment methods (CEs) – conventional puddled transplanting, direct drill seeding on flatbeds (DSR), and direct seeding on raised beds (FIRB) – on five stress-tolerant rice varieties (V): DRR 42, DRR 44, Sukha Dhan 5, Sukha Dhan 6, and Sarjoo 52. The key physiological parameters like Relative Water Content, Membrane Stability Index, and Chlorophyll content were analysed across different CE and V combinations. Notably, FIRB consistently surpasses other methods, suggesting its potential in bolstering stress tolerance and yield. Among the five varieties, Sukha Dhan 5 (V3) displays the highest RWC, Sarjoo 52 (V5) in MSI, and DRR 44 (V2) demonstrates superior chlorophyll content. These varieties underscore their pivotal role in maintaining plant water status, facilitating robust photosynthesis, and enhancing stress resilience, thereby ensuring stable yields. Our findings underscore FIRB's promise in curbing water waste and mitigating drawbacks associated with conventional transplanting practices

    Gum Acacia Improves Renal Function and Ameliorates Systemic Inflammation, Oxidative and Nitrosative Stress in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes in Rats with Adenine-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Background/Aims: The effect of treatment with gum acacia (GA), a prebiotic shown previously to ameliorate chronic kidney disease (CKD), in diabetic and non – diabetic rats with adenine – induced CKD has been investigated using several conventional and novel physiological, biochemical, and histopathological parameters. Methods: Diabetes mellitus was induced in rats by a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ). Diabetic and non – diabetic rats were randomly divided into several groups, and given either normal food or food mixed with adenine (0.25% w/w, for five weeks) to induce CKD. Some of these groups were also concomitantly treated orally with GA in the drinking water (15% w/w). Results: Rats fed adenine alone exhibited physiological (decreased body weight, increased food and water intake and urine output), biochemical (increase in urinary albumin/creatinine ratio, plasma urea and, creatinine, indoxyl sulfate and phosphorus), inflammatory biomarkers (increased in neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, transforming growth factor beta -1, tumor necrosis factor alpha, adiponectin, cystatin C and interleukin-1β), oxidative biomarkers (8-isoprostane, 8 -hydroxy -2-deoxy guanosine), nitrosative stress biomarkers (nitrite and nitrate) and histopathological (increase in tubular necrosis and fibrosis) signs of CKD. STZ - induced diabetes alone worsened most of the renal function tests measured. Administration of adenine in STZ – diabetic rats further worsened the renal damage induced by adenine alone. GA significantly ameliorated the renal actions of adenine and STZ, given either singly or in combination, especially with regards to the histopathological damage. Conclusion: GA is a useful dietary agent in attenuating the progression of CKD in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes

    The Effect of Metformin in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Rats with Experimentally-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease

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    This work aimed to investigate whether treatment with the antidiabetic drug metformin would affect adenine-induced chronic kidney disease (CKD) in non-diabetic rats and rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes. Rats were randomly divided into eight groups, and given either normal feed, or feed mixed with adenine (0.25% w/w, for five weeks) to induce CKD. Some of these groups were also simultaneously treated orally with metformin (200 mg/kg/day). Rats given adenine showed the typical signs of CKD that included detrimental changes in several physiological and traditional and novel biochemical biomarkers in plasma urine and kidney homogenates such as albumin/creatinine ratio, N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, 8-isoprostane, adiponectin, cystatin C, as well as plasma urea, creatinine, uric acid, indoxyl sulfate, calcium, and phosphorus. Several indices of inflammation and oxidative stress, and renal nuclear factor-ÎşB and nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 levels were also measured. Histopathologically, adenine caused renal tubular necrosis and fibrosis. The activation of the intracellular mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway was inhibited in the groups that received metformin and STZ together, with or without adenine induced-CKD. Induction of diabetes worsened most of the actions induced by adenine. Metformin significantly ameliorated the renal actions induced by adenine and STZ when these were given singly, and more so when given together. The results suggest that metformin can be a useful drug in attenuating the progression of CKD in both diabetic and non-diabetic rats

    The effect of sildenafil on rats with adenine-Induced chronic kidney disease

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    Karaca, Turan (Trakya author)The erectile dysfunction drug sildenafil has cardiopulmonary protective actions, and a nephroprotective action in cisplatin and ischemia-reperfusion- induced acute kidney injury. Here, we assessed its possible ameliorative action in a model of chronic kidney disease (CKD) using adenine feeding. Eight groups of rats were treated with saline (controls), adenine (0.25% w/w in feed daily for 5 weeks), and oral sildenafil (0.1, 0.5 or 2.5 mg/kg), either alone, or concomitantly with adenine. Urine was collected 24 h after the end of the treatments from all rats and blood pressure measured, followed by collection of blood and kidneys for the measurement of several functional, biochemical and histopathological parameters. Adenine treatment reduced body weight, creatinine renal clearance, and increased water intake and urine output, as well as the plasma concentrations of urea and creatinine, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity, and albumin in urine. Adenine also increased the concentrations of the uremic toxins indoxyl sulfate, uric acid and phosphate, and a number of proteins and inflammatory cytokines, and decreased that of several anti - oxidant indices. Renal histopathological markers of damage (inflammation and fibrosis) were significantly increased by adenine. Sildenafil, given simultaneously with adenine, induced a dose - dependent improvements in most of the above parameters, suggesting its possible use as adjunct treatment for CKD in humans