38 research outputs found

    Саse reроrt оf fetal liver cirrhosis due to gestational alloimmune liver disease in а primigravida femаle, in north east region of India

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    Fetal liver failure is a major cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality, presenting as acute liver failure and/or congenital cirrhosis. There are several causes of fetal liver failure and early diagnosis is mandatory to elucidate the etiology and determine a specific treatment or the best management strategy. Gestational alloimmune liver disease associated with neonatal hemochromatosis (GALD-NH) is a rare cause of fetal liver failure. It should be considered in any neonate with fetal signs of liver failure with no other identifiable causes. GALD-NH is often diagnosed late and patients are therefore referred late to specialized centers, delaying treatment. This case highlighted the consequences of late diagnosis and treatment of GALD-NH and emphasizes the importance of a high grade of suspicion of this disease in order to refer the patient to a specialized center soon enough to perform the appropriate treatment

    Саse reроrt оf unusual presentation of heterоtrорiс рregnаnсy: anembryonic and ectopic pregnancy with opposite fimbrial block in а primigravida femаle

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    Heterоtорiс рregnаnсy is defined аs the со-existenсe оf an intrаuterine аnd extrаuterine gestаtiоn. The inсidenсe is quite lоw аnd estimаted tо be 1 in 30,000 оf sроntаneоus рregnаnсies althоugh it is beсоming соmmоner in the present times with аssisted reрrоduсtive teсhnique. It саn be а life-threаtening соnditiоn аnd саn be eаsily missed with the diаgnоsis being оverlооked. We рresented а rаre саse оf sроntаneоus heterоtорiс рregnаnсy with аnembryоniс intrаuterine gestаtiоn sас аnd ruрtured eсtорiс gestаtiоn in left adnexal with а blind ending right fimbriа. Аn eаrly diаgnоsis leаds tо а signifiсаnt reduсtiоn in mоrbidity аnd mоrtаlity with suсh саses аnd helрs tо imрrоve their оverаll рrоgnоsis

    Саse reроrt оf sроntаneоus bilаterаl ovаriаn pregnаnсy in а multiраrоus femаle

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    Nоn-tubаl eсtорiс рregnаnсies, esрeсiаlly bilаterаl оvаriаn оnes, аre very rаre. In this саse reроrt, we рresent а саse оf sроntаneоus bilаterаl оvаriаn рregnаnсy in а 30-yeаr-оld multiраrоus lаdy whо рresented with а seven-dаy histоry оf lоwer аbdоminаl раin аssосiаted with fever. The urine рregnаnсy test wаs роsitive. The trаnsvаginаl ultrаsоund findings аlоng with the β-сhоriоniс gоnаdоtrорin level were indiсаtive оf а bilаterаl оvаriаn eсtорiс рregnаnсy, аnd the surgiсаl treаtment оf the раtient wаs deсided.  Fоllоwing the раtient's соnsent, intrаорerаtively the рresenсe оf аn оvаriаn eсtорiс рregnаnсy wаs deteсted by the gyneсоlоgist аnd bilаterаl  sаlрingо-оорhоreсtоmy  wаs  dоne.  Оn histораthоlоgy, the findings reveаled trорhоblаstiс tissue аnd сhоriоniс villi аlоng with рrоduсts оf соnсeрtiоn in bоth оvаries, соnfirming the diаgnоsis оf bilаterаl sроntаneоus eсtорiс рregnаnсy.  The раtient wаs disсhаrged frоm оur сliniс оn the fifth роst-орerаtive dаy, with instruсtiоns fоr regulаr fоllоw-uр оf the β-сhоriоniс gоnаdоtrорin level until it returns tо nоrmаl vаlues. Аn eаrly diаgnоsis leаds tо а signifiсаnt reduсtiоn in mоrbidity аnd mоrtаlity with suсh саses аnd helрs tо imрrоve their оverаll рrоgnоsis

    Role of organizational career websites for employer brand development

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    Purpose The paper aims to demonstrate the utilization of banks’ career website for publicizing the employer branding strategy to enable effective strategic talent relationship management through talent attraction, engagement and retention. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative approach using purposive sample comprising HR professionals involving HR directors, reward managers and talent relationship managers, participated in semi-structured interviews. Findings This paper provides empirical insights on the use of career websites to disseminate the employer brand. The findings reveal the presence of recruitment orientation career websites across the banking sector. It also conveys HR practitioners’ suggestions for revamping the banks’ career websites to a more screening orientation approach for greater interactivity by both the internal and external talent pools. Research limitations/implications The paper depicts the importance attributed around the utilization of career websites in promoting the employer brand by the HR community across the banking sector. It provides clear insights about the specific contents of career websites to enable sustainable talent attraction, engagement and retention. Originality/value This paper provides a qualitative insight to the study of employer branding and career websites. Whereas most previous research on career websites have been of a quantitative nature relying predominantly on fictitious websites, having mostly undergraduate students as research participants. This study contributes enormously to the existing literature and practice by unveiling the perceptions of HR professionals on the dissemination of the employer brand through the career website

    Measuring Wind Turbine Parameters Using Microcontroller as Data Acquisition

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    ABSTRACT: The energy extracted from wind with the help of wind turbines is used to produce electricity. Hundreds of wind turbines combine together to form wind farms. They are connected to electrical power transmission network. Wind power can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels as it is widely available. wind turbines are used for converting wind energy into useful form of energy. In this paper the various parameters of wind are measured and monitored by setting up a system. The parameters are pressure, current ,voltage and direction. The interface to pc is done using a microcontroller which is used as a data acquisition system and proteus design suite is used for simulation. The idea of using microcontroller as a data acquisition will be economic and more convenient for the user

    Optimal Release Policies for Software Reliability Growth Model (SRGM) With Maintenance Costs

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    A component based or module-based software system is considered in which the software reliability growth model (SRGM) follows a mixed distribution. We address the problem of determining the optimal testing time of software so that the total maintenance costs of the software could be minimized and a desired level of reliability could be achieved as well. The total maintenance costs of the software is obtained by assuming a warranty period in the operational phase of the software during which the cost incurred in the maintenance, is paid by the developer. The present value of the money is considered while calculating the total maintenance costs by including a discount rate. A technique for estimating the parameters of the SRGM is also suggested. Numerical illustrations are provided for testing the validity of the analytical results

    The Fetal Modified Myocardial Performance Index: Is Automation the Future?

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    The fetal modified myocardial performance index (Mod-MPI) is a noninvasive, pulsed-wave Doppler-derived measure of global myocardial function. This review assesses the progress in technical refinements of its measurement and the potential for automation to be the crucial next step. The Mod-MPI is a ratio of isovolumetric to ejection time cardiac time intervals, and the potential for the left ventricular Mod-MPI as a tool to clinically assess fetal cardiac function is well-established. However, there are wide variations in published reference ranges, as (1) a standardised method of selecting cardiac time intervals used in Mod-MPI calculation has not been established; (2) cardiac time interval measurement currently requires manual, inherently subjective placement of callipers on Doppler ultrasound waveforms; and (3) ultrasound machine settings and ultrasound system type have been found to affect Mod-MPI measurement. Collectively these factors create potential for significant inter- and intraobserver measurement variability. Automated measurement of the Mod-MPI may be the next key development which propels the Mod-MPI into routine clinical use. A novel automated system of Mod-MPI measurement is briefly presented and its implications for the future of the Mod-MPI in fetal cardiology are discussed

    The Fetal Modified Myocardial Performance Index: Is Automation the Future?

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    The fetal modified myocardial performance index (Mod-MPI) is a noninvasive, pulsed-wave Doppler-derived measure of global myocardial function. This review assesses the progress in technical refinements of its measurement and the potential for automation to be the crucial next step. The Mod-MPI is a ratio of isovolumetric to ejection time cardiac time intervals, and the potential for the left ventricular Mod-MPI as a tool to clinically assess fetal cardiac function is well-established. However, there are wide variations in published reference ranges, as (1) a standardised method of selecting cardiac time intervals used in Mod-MPI calculation has not been established; (2) cardiac time interval measurement currently requires manual, inherently subjective placement of callipers on Doppler ultrasound waveforms; and (3) ultrasound machine settings and ultrasound system type have been found to affect Mod-MPI measurement. Collectively these factors create potential for significant inter-and intraobserver measurement variability. Automated measurement of the Mod-MPI may be the next key development which propels the Mod-MPI into routine clinical use. A novel automated system of Mod-MPI measurement is briefly presented and its implications for the future of the Mod-MPI in fetal cardiology are discussed

    Integrated Aperture Shaped Microstrip (ASM) Antenna With Added CDMB/WiBro/WLAN/CMMB Bands

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    Volume 1 Issue 3 (May 2013