1,859 research outputs found

    Creating Jobs in Samoa Through Public-Private Partnerships

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    Samoa’s achievement in contracting out to the private sector the functions of its Public Works Department (PWD) is one of the most successful reforms to upgrade infrastructure; improve the effectiveness of public expenditure; and increase the overall employment, productivity, and capacity in a Pacific island economy in the past 20 years. The reform has resulted in the establishment of nearly 30 new Samoan road construction and maintenance companies. Directly and indirectly, the reform has led to the creation of more than 2,000 new jobs, making this a prime example of the power of public–private partnerships to promote economic development and increase employment.1 Prior to the reform, much of this work was undertaken inefficiently by the PWD, or by foreign companies under contract. All construction and maintenance in Samoa is now outsourced to Samoan companies, which are sufficiently productive and cost-effective that foreign firms now struggle to compete

    Direct regeneration of NMC cathode material by using non-toxic solvent

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    The invention relates to the direct regeneration of NMC cathode active material from cathode scraps or spent lithium ion batteries using a non-toxic solvent. The usage of non-toxic solvent reduces the high temperature heating process and release of toxic gases during the removal of binders in the direct recycling process. Generally, PVDF binder is used for the manufacturing cathodes. During the direct recycling process after the delamination process, the binders are removed via heating or solution method. The major problem of heating the delaminated powders at higher temperatures is the release of HF gas during the decomposition of binders. Thus a solvent method was adopted by using some solvents like NMP, DMF to dissolve the binders. But these solvents are toxic in nature, thus herein the invention provides a non-toxic solvent which can be used for delamination and dissolution of binders. The delaminated cathode powders will be free from binders and could be directly regenerated skipping the heating process

    1917-05-16, Chas to Dorothy

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    Mississippi Private School Association Directory of Member Schools, 1993-1994

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    Report of the Fifth Meeting of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee

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    Report of the fifth meeting of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee, held in London, March 31-April 2, 1997 and chaired by Andreas Büchting and Assia Alaoui. Matters discussed included funding cuts and staff reductions at ICRISAT and IRRI, a draft paper on a private sector perspective of agricultural research, plans for the third CGIAR System Review, and the possibility of raising the level of CGIAR investment in biotechnology. The Committee also discussed means of increasing awareness of the CGIAR and its activities in the private sector, including preliminary preparations for a high level conference with selected representatives of that sector. Committee members described their visits to various centers.Agenda document, CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 1997

    Report of the Third Meeting of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee

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    Report of the third meeting of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee, held at CIMMYT headquarters in El Batán, Mexico, August 19-20, 1996. The Committee had a discussion of common interests with the TAC Chairman. It reviewed the results of a survey of the IARCs. It appointed a working group to prepare a statement of the private sector perspective on the status and needs of global agricultural research The Committee agreed in principle to hold a private sector summit on agricultural research, to be further considered at the next meeting. The mission statement for the Committee was revised, and would also be further considered.Agenda document, CGIAR International Centers Week, October-November 1996

    Literature review of selected aquaculture value chains in southern Bangladesh

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    Report of the Second Meeting of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee

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    Report of the second meeting of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee (PSC) held at ISNAR, the Hague, April 29-30, 1996. Issues discussed included the role of the committee in the CGIAR and its representation at CGIAR meetings, biotechnology, intellectual property rights relating to genetic resources, implications of the international public goods nature of CGIAR technology outputs, and international cooperation in genetic resources conservation. Agenda document, CGIAR Mid Term Meeting, May 1996

    Comments of the Private Sector Committee on the CGIAR System Review Report

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    The response of the CGIAR Private Sector Committee to the third CGIAR system review. The comments deal with the importance of CGIAR collaboration with the private sector, and the mechanisms for ensuring collaboration. They urge definitional clarity, particularly of responsibilities, and urge the creation of a central legal/policy body for areas that define the operation of the system as a whole. The Committee finds the report lacking in concrete and realistic priorities, and urges more direct attention to the problems of Africa. It believes that the private sector may provide resources to the CGIAR in cases of mutual benefit, but doubts that companies will become members.Agenda document, CGIAR International Centers Week 1998

    Mississippi Private School Education Association convention program, 1995

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