2,086 research outputs found

    Reactive attachment disorder in the general population: a hidden ESSENCE disorder

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    Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) is a severe disorder of social functioning. Previous research has shown that children with RAD may have poor cognitive and language abilities; however, findings mainly come from biased, institutionalised samples. This paper describes the characteristics of all children who were given a suspected or likely diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder in an epidemiological study of approximately 1,600 children investigating the prevalence of RAD in the general population. We found that children with RAD are more likely to have multiple comorbidities with other disorders, lower IQs than population norms, more disorganised attachment, more problem behaviours, and poorer social skills than would be found in the general population and therefore have a complex presentation than can be described as ESSENCE. We discuss the clinical and educational implications

    Artificial Contraception is Associated With Increased Numbers of Induced Abortions

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    Since the sexual revolution, it has been a widely accepted fact that contraceptives have been a necessity for our society. They seem to be the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies that would otherwise result from sexual unions between two people unprepared for the commitment of raising any or additional children. It almost goes without saying that the more effective and available contraceptives become, the less likely women who wish to avoid pregnancy will become pregnant and the fewer induced abortions they will seek. In reality, the information available concerning abortions and the women who obtain them points to a different conclusion. The more effective and available contraceptives become in a society, the more widespread the practice of induced abortions becomes. On the other hand, natural family planning has been associated with fewer induced abortions when an unplanned pregnancy results. This paper will present a sample of the information available, attempt to draw conclusions, and discuss the possible reasons that contraceptives are unavoidably linked to increasing numbers of induced abortions and that, conversely, natural family planning is associated with very few or no induced abortions. </jats:p

    Nanomechanical Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits

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    Many protocols for quantum computation require a quantum memory element to store qubits. We discuss the accuracy with which quantum states prepared in a Josephson junction qubit can be stored in a nanoelectromechanical resonator and then transfered back to the junction. We find that the fidelity of the memory operation depends on both the junction-resonator coupling strength and the location of the state on the Bloch sphere. Although we specifically focus on a large-area, current-biased Josesphson junction phase qubit coupled to the dilatational mode of a piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical disk resonator, many our results will apply to other qubit-oscillator models.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Dependence of CMI Growth Rates on Electron Velocity Distributions and Perturbation by Solitary Waves

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    We calculate growth rates and corresponding gains for RX and LO mode radiation associated with the cyclotron maser instability for parameterized horseshoe electron velocity distributions. The velocity distribution function was modeled to closely fit the electron distribution functions observed in the auroral cavity. We systematically varied the model parameters as well as the propagation direction to study the dependence of growth rates on model parameters. The growth rate depends strongly on loss cone opening angle, which must be less than 90o90^{o} for significant CMI growth. The growth rate is sharply peaked for perpendicular radiation (k∥=0k_{\parallel} = 0), with a full-width at half-maximum 1.7o1.7^{o}, in good agreement with observed k-vector orientations and numerical simulations. The fractional bandwidth varied between 10−4^{-4} and 10−2^{-2}, depending most strongly on propagation direction. This range encompasses nearly all observed fractional AKR burst bandwidths. We find excellent agreement between the computed RX mode emergent intensities and observed AKR intensities assuming convective growth length Lc≈L_c\approx20-40 km and group speed 0.15cc. The only computed LO mode growth rates compatible observed LO mode radiation levels occurred for number densities more than 100 times the average energetic electron densities measured in auroral cavities. This implies that LO mode radiation is not produced directly by the CMI mechanism but more likely results from mode conversion of RX mode radiation. We find that perturbation of the model velocity distribution by large ion solitary waves (ion holes) can enhance the growth rate by a factor of 2-4. This will result in a gain enhancement more than 40 dB depending on the convective growth length within the structure. Similar enhancements may be caused by EMIC waves.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. J. Geophys. Res. 2007 (accepted

    Experimental Study of Vertical Flight Path Mode Awareness

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    An experimental simulator study was run to test pilot detection of an error in autopilot mode selection. Active airline air crew were asked to fly landing approaches by commanding the Flight Path Angle mode while monitoring the approach with both a Head Up Display and Head Down Displays. During one approach, the Vertical Speed mode was intentionally triggered by an experimenter instead, causing a high rate of descent below the intended glide path. Of the 12 pilots, 10 were unable to detect the high descent rate prior to significant glide path deviation

    Periodic Bursts of Coherent Radio Emission from an Ultracool Dwarf

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    We report the detection of periodic (p = 1.96 hours) bursts of extremely bright, 100% circularly polarized, coherent radio emission from the M9 dwarf TVLM 513-46546. Simultaneous photometric monitoring observations have established this periodicity to be the rotation period of the dwarf. These bursts, which were not present in previous observations of this target, confirm that ultracool dwarfs can generate persistent levels of broadband, coherent radio emission, associated with the presence of kG magnetic fields in a large-scale, stable configuration. Compact sources located at the magnetic polar regions produce highly beamed emission generated by the electron cyclotron maser instability, the same mechanism known to generate planetary coherent radio emission in our solar system. The narrow beams of radiation pass our line of sight as the dwarf rotates, producing the associated periodic bursts. The resulting radio light curves are analogous to the periodic light curves associated with pulsar radio emission highlighting TVLM 513-46546 as the prototype of a new class of transient radio source.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Intelligent Pilot Aids for Flight Re-Planning in Emergencies

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    Effective and safe control of an aircraft may be difficult or nearly impossible for a pilot following an unexpected system failure. Without prior training, the pilot must ascertain on the fly those changes in both manual control technique and procedures that will lead to a safe landing of the aircraft. Sophisticated techniques for determining the required control techniques are now available. Likewise, a body of literature on pilot decision making provides formalisms for examining how pilots approach discrete decisions framed as the selection between options. However, other aspects of behavior, such as the task of route planning and guidance, are not as well studied. Not only is the pilot faced with possible performance changes to the aircraft dynamics, but he or she is also tasked to create a plan of actions that will effectively take the aircraft down to a safe landing. In this plan, the many actions that the pilot can perform are closely intertwined with the trajectory of the aircraft, making it difficult to accurately predict the final outcome. Coupled with the vast number of potential actions to be taken, this problem may seem intractable. This is reflected in the lack of a pre-specified procedure capable of giving pilots the ability to find a resolution for this task. This report summarizes a multi-year effort to examine methods to aid pilots in planning an approach and arrival to an airport following an aircraft systems failure. Ultimately, we hypothesize that automatic assistance to pilots can be provided in real-time in the form of improving pilot control of a damaged aircraft and providing pilots with procedural directives suitable for critical flight conditions; such systems may also benefit pilot training and procedure design. To achieve this result, a systematic, comprehensive research program was followed, building on prior research. This approach included a pencil-and-paper study with airline pilots examining methods of representing a flight route in an immediately understandable manner, and in a manner that would allow the pilot to modify an automatically-generated route and/or detect any inappropriate elements in an automatically-generated route. Likewise, a flight simulator study examined different cockpit systems for the relative merits of providing pilots with any of a variety of automated functions for emergency flight planning. The results provide specific guidance for the design of such systems
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