44 research outputs found
Análise de uma sequência didática para articular a tabela periódica aos princípios de integração entre ciência, tecnologia e sociedade
O presente trabalho discute como uma sequencia didática (SD) elaborada por bolsistas do Programa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID) do curso de Licenciatura em Química da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) apresentou-se como uma opção interessante de estratégia de ensino e aprendizagem relativa a aspectos teóricos e fenomenológicos do tema tabela periódica integrados ao contexto CTS. Os recursos usados: jogos e textos adaptados se revelaram como materiais potencialmente significativos que contribuíram não só na formação dos alunos da educação básica, mas principalmente na formação inicial de professores de Química
Depresión psicótica secundaria a hipertiroidismo y desenlace letal por tormenta tirotóxica: a propósito de un caso.
The role of excess and deficit of thyroid hormone in the pathogenesis of mood disorders has been recorded for almost two centuries. Thyroid pathologies, the most numerous among endocrine diseases, are causally associated with psychiatric pathology in a significant percentage of cases. Specifically, hyperthyroidism produces multiple psychopathological manifestations of anxious and depressive type, manic episodes and, infrequently, psychosis. Although the influence of the thyroid axis on the neural pathways of norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin plays a fundamental neurobiological role in these phenomena, there are still multiple underlying mechanisms to be elucidated. Given the need for a broad and comprehensive differential diagnosis between primary and secondary psychiatric pathologies, we report the case of a 52-year-old patient with psychotic depression in whom the late diagnosis of hyperthyroidism had painful and lethal consequences. Clinical and laboratory-based evaluations of thyroid function should be part of the psychiatric evaluation of any person with affective and anxiety disorders.El rol de exceso y déficit de hormona tiroidea en la patogenia de trastornos del ánimo se ha registrado desde hace casi dos siglos. Las patologías tiroideas, las más numerosas dentro de las enfermedades endocrinas, se asocian causalmente a patología psiquiátrica en un importante porcentaje de casos. Específicamente, el hipertiroidismo produce múltiples manifestaciones psicopatológicas de tipo ansioso y depresivo, episodios de manía e, infrecuentemente, psicosis. Aunque el influjo del eje tiroideo sobre las vías neurales de noradrenalina, dopamina, y serotonina juega un rol neurobiológico fundamental en estos fenómenos, existen todavía múltiples mecanismos subyacentes por dilucidar. Dada la necesidad de un diagnóstico diferencial amplio y abarcador entre patologías psiquiátricas primarias y secundarias, reportamos el caso de una paciente de 52 años con depresión psicótica, en la que el diagnóstico tardío de hipertiroidismo acarreó consecuencias penosas y letales. La valoración clínica y laboratorial de la función tiroidea, debe ser parte de la evaluación psiquiátrica de cualquier persona con trastornos afectivos y ansiosos
Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery for Anterior Spinal Procedures
Background. NOTES techniques allow transesophageal access to the mediastinum. The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of transesophageal biopsy of thoracic vertebrae. Methods. Nonsurvival experiments on four 50-kg porcine animals were performed. Transesophageal access to the mediastinum was attained using submucosal tunneling technique. Results. The posterior mediastinum was successfully accessed and navigated in all animals. Vertebral bodies and intervertebral spaces were easily approached while avoiding damage to adjacent vessels. Bone biopsy was successfully performed without complications, but the hardness of bone tissue resulted in small and fragmented samples. Conclusions. Peroral transesophageal access into the posterior mediastinum and thoracic vertebral bone biopsy was feasible and safe. The proximity of the esophagus to the vertebral column provides close and direct access to the thoracic spine and opens up new ground for the performance of multilevel anterior spine procedures using NOTES techniques
Tafonomia dos Invertebrados do Sítio Canastra, Formação Romualdo, Cretáceo Inferior, Bacia do Araripe, Araripina, Pernambuco, Brasil
The Romualdo Formation, Araripe Basin, corresponds to sedimentary rocks of shallow marine to transitional environment deposited during the late Aptian-early Albian. In the Sítio Canastra section, municipality of Araripina, Pernambuco State, are observed mudstones grading to calcarenites at the base of the outcrop. Calcareous nodules bearing fossil fishes are frequently found in the mudstones. The paleoenvironment is interpreted as transitional with fluctuating energy, suggesting successive transgression cycles. Towards the top the section, there are calcareous sandstones with fossils molluscs and echinoids, allowing the stablishment of different taphofacies, supporting the paleoenvironmental interpretation of the area. Through the taphonomic analysis, three taphofacies (T.I, T.II, T.III) were identified. The presence of marine organisms in the taphofacies, such as the echinoids of the species Pygurus tinocoi and Bothryopneustes araripensis in association cassiopid gastropods and mitilid bivalves, suggest a deposition in a of the species marine environment. Well preserves articulated equinoid shells ocurring in association to articulated and closed bivalves in T.I indicate a mostly biogenic living community generated by obrution deposits. In T.II and T.III, fragmentation is frequent, with bioclasts of several sizes. The fossil concentrations are poorly sorted with complex and chaotic packing, both in plant and vertical section, the above features are typical of tempestitic events in proximal areas. We concluded that the Canastra fossil site, represents the evolution of the Araripe paleolagoon, with an initial transgression gradating to a shallow marine environment with transport and burial of macrobenthic organisms between the beach and the platform (Araripina), through the action of storms, in agreement with data obtained in other areas of the basin.A Formação Romualdo, Bacia do Araripe, corresponde a rochas sedimentares de ambiente transicional a marinho raso depositadas durante o Neoaptiano-Eoalbiano. No sítio Canastra, município de Araripina, Estado de Pernambuco, observam-se argilitos gradando para calcarenitos na base do afloramento. Nódulos calcários que na maioria das vezes abrigam peixes, são frequentemente encontrados nos argilitos. O paleoambiente é interpretado como transicional com variação de energia, sugerindo sucessivos ciclos transgressivos. No topo ocorrem rochas calcareníticas com presença de fósseis de moluscos e equinoides, permitindo o estabelecimento de tafofácies que auxiliaram na interpretação paleoambiental da área. A partir da análise tafonômica foram identificadas três tafofácies (T.I, T.II, T.III). A identificação de organismos marinhos nas tafofácies, como equinoides das espécies Pygurus tinocoi e Bothryopneustes araripensis em associação a gastrópodos cassiopídeos e biválvios mitilídeos, sugere deposição das espécies em ambiente marinho. Carapaças de equinoides articuladas bem preservadas ocorrendo associadamente aos biválvios articulados e fechados na T.I indicam uma comunidade vivente primariamente biogênica, gerada por depósitos de sufocamento (= obrution deposits). Nas T.II e T.III a fragmentação é comum, sendo encontrados bioclastos de várias classes de tamanho. As concentrações fossilíferas são pobremente selecionadas, com empacotamento complexo e caótico, tanto em planta como em seção vertical, feições estas típicas de eventos tempestíticos em áreas proximais. Conclui-se que o afloramento fossilífero de Canastra, representa a evolução da paleolaguna Araripe, que sofreu a influência de uma transgressão e gradou para um ambiente marinho raso com ocorrências de soterramento e transporte dos organismos macrobentônicos, entre a zona de praia e a plataforma de Araripina, através da ação de tempestades, corroborando com os dados obtidos para outras porções da bacia
Baseline Features and Reasons for Nonparticipation in the Colonoscopy Versus Fecal Immunochemical Test in Reducing Mortality From Colorectal Cancer (CONFIRM) Study, a Colorectal Cancer Screening Trial.
IMPORTANCE: The Colonoscopy Versus Fecal Immunochemical Test in Reducing Mortality From Colorectal Cancer (CONFIRM) randomized clinical trial sought to recruit 50 000 adults into a study comparing colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality outcomes after randomization to either an annual fecal immunochemical test (FIT) or colonoscopy.
OBJECTIVE: To (1) describe study participant characteristics and (2) examine who declined participation because of a preference for colonoscopy or stool testing (ie, fecal occult blood test [FOBT]/FIT) and assess that preference\u27s association with geographic and temporal factors.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional study within CONFIRM, which completed enrollment through 46 Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers between May 22, 2012, and December 1, 2017, with follow-up planned through 2028, comprised veterans aged 50 to 75 years with an average CRC risk and due for screening. Data were analyzed between March 7 and December 5, 2022.
EXPOSURE: Case report forms were used to capture enrolled participant data and reasons for declining participation among otherwise eligible individuals.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Descriptive statistics were used to characterize the cohort overall and by intervention. Among individuals declining participation, logistic regression was used to compare preference for FOBT/FIT or colonoscopy by recruitment region and year.
RESULTS: A total of 50 126 participants were recruited (mean [SD] age, 59.1 [6.9] years; 46 618 [93.0%] male and 3508 [7.0%] female). The cohort was racially and ethnically diverse, with 748 (1.5%) identifying as Asian, 12 021 (24.0%) as Black, 415 (0.8%) as Native American or Alaska Native, 34 629 (69.1%) as White, and 1877 (3.7%) as other race, including multiracial; and 5734 (11.4%) as having Hispanic ethnicity. Of the 11 109 eligible individuals who declined participation (18.0%), 4824 (43.4%) declined due to a stated preference for a specific screening test, with FOBT/FIT being the most preferred method (2820 [58.5%]) vs colonoscopy (1958 [40.6%]; P \u3c .001) or other screening tests (46 [1.0%] P \u3c .001). Preference for FOBT/FIT was strongest in the West (963 of 1472 [65.4%]) and modest elsewhere, ranging from 199 of 371 (53.6%) in the Northeast to 884 of 1543 (57.3%) in the Midwest (P = .001). Adjusting for region, the preference for FOBT/FIT increased by 19% per recruitment year (odds ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.14-1.25).
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this cross-sectional analysis of veterans choosing nonenrollment in the CONFIRM study, those who declined participation more often preferred FOBT or FIT over colonoscopy. This preference increased over time and was strongest in the western US and may provide insight into trends in CRC screening preferences