5 research outputs found

    Effects of radiofrequency on the healing of skin wounds in rats: analysis using digital planigraphy and histological evaluation

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    INTRODUCTION: Given the extensive use of plastic surgery and the search for better aesthetic and functional results, it is necessary to research ways to improve healing and scarring. The objective is to evaluate the effects of three radiofrequency (RF) sessions in healing the skin of mice. METHODS: Forty-eight rats were divided into four groups by day of sacrifice and treatment (RF group: RG; control group: CG). Dissection of the excisional wound of 2 cm x 2 cm (4 cm²) was performed and a 6-mm punch was used to hold two excisional wounds 0.6 cm in diameter. After 24 h, radiofrequency was performed using Spectra® directly on the wound in the dorsal region for 7 minutes at 38ºC. This was repeated three times on alternate days. For the control group, the radiofrequency protocol was performed with the device switched off. RESULTS: A larger area of the square wound was measured on postoperative day three in RG (RG7: 3.3 cm² ± 0.7 cm² vs. CG7: 2.4 cm² ± 0.4 cm²; p = 0.009). On day 14, the square wound in RG was greater than in CG (RG14: 1.9 cm² ± 0.5 cm² vs. CG14: 1.0 cm² ± 0.3 cm²; p = 0.001). There was a 90% closure of wounds in CG14. In RG14, 60% of the wounds were re-epithelized while 40% remained ulcerated. In CG7, 70% of the remaining wounds were ulcerated and 30% were re-epithelized. In RG7, 8% were re-epithelized and 92% remained ulcerated. CONCLUSION: Radiofrequency has a negative influence on the healing process, as indicated by mice that received radiofrequency having a persistent ulcerated wound

    Caracteristicas e aplicações dos Glicosaminoglicanos: uso de subprodutos da indústria de alimentos/ Characteristics and applications of glycosaminoglycans: use of by-products of the food industry

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    Os glicosaminoglicanos (GAG´s) são polissacarídeos aniônicos, lineares, compostos basicamente por hexosamina, ácido urônico e galactose. São eles o sulfato de condroitina (CS), sulfato de dermatana (DS), ácido hialurônico (HA), sulfato de queratana (KS), heparina (HE) e sulfato de heparana (HS). A diferença de densidade de cargas negativas e o grau de sulfatação determinam suas propriedades estruturais e biológicas. As propriedades terapêuticas dos GAG´s estão correlacionadas com sua capacidade de se ligar as proteínas. Os GAG´s sulfatados têm sido amplamente utilizados como anticoagulantes, com destaque para a heparina (HE). Diversos estudos também apontam para atividades regenerativa, antiviral, antiproliferativa e anti-inflamatória. A crescente demanda por GAG´s está impulsionando uma série de pesquisas para a descoberta de novas fontes de isolamento. Os subprodutos da indústria de alimentos são uma potencial fonte para obtenção de glicosaminoglicanos

    Periareolar zigzag incision as treatment for gynecomastia

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    INTRODUCTION: Gynecomastia is a benign hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the male mammary gland, and is considered the most frequent benign condition of the male breast. The objective is to evaluate aesthetic results and satisfaction of patients undergoing a new approach using a periareolar zigzag incision for the treatment of gynecomastia. METHODS: We present 13 cases of male gynecomastia treated with a periareolar zigzag incision technique. RESULTS: All patients were satisfied with the scar hidden in the transitional, naturally irregular periareolar skin of the nipple-areolar complex. No complications were observed in this patient series. CONCLUSION: This approach is an excellent, easy-to-perform surgical alternative for the treatment of gynecomastia, providing a satisfactory cosmetic result without the presence of a stigmatizing scar

    Effects of Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration and Water Regime on Rice Yield, Water Use Efficiency, and Arsenic and Cadmium Accumulation in Grain

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    (1) Background: Elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration affects the growth and development of the rice crop. In Southern Brazil, rice is traditionally produced with continuous irrigation, implying a significant amount of water used. Besides, continuous flooding favors the uptake of toxic elements such as arsenic (As) and cadmium (Cd). In this work, one Brazilian rice cultivar (IRGA 424) was tested for the effects of elevated CO2 concentration and different water regimes on rice yield, and As and Cd accumulation in grain. (2) Methods: Rice was grown in two CO2 concentrations (400 and 700 µmol mol−1) and two irrigation regimes (continuous and intermittent). It was evaluated the number of tillers, plant height, aboveground dry weight (ADW), water use efficiency (WUE), rice yield components, and As and Cd concentration in rice grain. (3) Results: Rice plants were taller and had a higher WUE when cultivated at e[CO2]. The ADW and the rice yield component were not affected by CO2 levels nor water regimes. Intermittent flood regimes had a lower average As concentration. The Cd concentration in the samples in both growing seasons and all treatments was below the limit of quantitation (8.76 μg kg−1). (4) Conclusions: Enhanced CO2 concentration did not affect rice yield, increased the WUE, and reduced As concentration in grains. Regarding water management, the intermittent regime enhanced WUE and promoted a reduction in As concentration in grains