48 research outputs found

    Circularly polarized resonant soft x-ray diffraction study of helical magnetism in hexaferrite

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    Magnetic spiral structures can exhibit ferroelectric moments as recently demonstrated in various multiferroic materials. In such cases the helicity of the magnetic spiral is directly correlated with the direction of the ferroelectric moment and measurement of the helicity of magnetic structures is of current interest. Soft x-ray resonant diffraction is particularly advantageous because it combines element selectivity with a large magnetic cross-section. We calculate the polarization dependence of the resonant magnetic x-ray cross-section (electric dipole transition) for the basal plane magnetic spiral in hexaferrite Ba0.8Sr1.2Zn2Fe12O22 and deduce its domain population using circular polarized incident radiation. We demonstrate there is a direct correlation between the diffracted radiation and the helicity of the magnetic spiral.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Commensurate lattice distortion in the layered titanium oxypnictides Na2_{2}Ti2Pn2_{2}Pn_{2}O (Pn=Pn = As, Sb) determined by X-ray diffraction

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    We report single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements on Na2_2Ti2Pn2_{2}Pn_{2}O (PnPn = As, Sb) which reveal a charge superstructure that appears below the density wave transitions previously observed in bulk data. From symmetry-constrained structure refinements we establish that the associated distortion mode can be described by two propagation vectors, q1=(1/2,0,l){\bf q}_{1} = (1/2, 0, l) and q2=(0,1/2,l){\bf q}_{2} = (0, 1/2, l), with l=0l=0 (Sb) or l=1/2l = 1/2 (As), and primarily involves in-plane displacements of the Ti atoms perpendicular to the Ti--O bonds. The results provide direct evidence for phonon-assisted charge density wave order in Na2_2Ti2Pn2_{2}Pn_{2}O and identify a proximate ordered phase that could compete with superconductivity in doped BaTi2_{2}Sb2_{2}O

    Covalency and vibronic couplings make a nonmagnetic j=3/2 ion magnetic

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    For 4d1 and 5d1 spin–orbit-coupled electron configurations, the notion of nonmagnetic j=3/2 quartet ground state discussed in classical textbooks is at odds with the observed variety of magnetic properties. Here we throw fresh light on the electronic structure of 4d1 and 5d1 ions in molybdenum- and osmium-based double-perovskite systems and reveal different kinds of on-site many-body physics in the two families of compounds: although the sizable magnetic moments and g-factors measured experimentally are due to both metal d–ligand p hybridisation and dynamic Jahn–Teller interactions for 4d electrons, it is essentially d−p covalency for the 5d1 configuration. These results highlight the subtle interplay of spin–orbit interactions, covalency and electron–lattice couplings as the major factor in deciding the nature of the magnetic ground states of 4d and 5d quantum materials. Cation charge imbalance in the double-perovskite structure is further shown to allow a fine tuning of the gap between the t2g and eg levels, an effect of much potential in the context of orbital engineering in oxide electronics

    The Final Chapter In The Saga Of YIG

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    The magnetic insulator Yttrium Iron Garnet can be grown with exceptional quality, has a ferrimagnetic transition temperature of nearly 600 K, and is used in microwave and spintronic devices that can operate at room temperature. The most accurate prior measurements of the magnon spectrum date back nearly 40 years, but cover only 3 of the lowest energy modes out of 20 distinct magnon branches. Here we have used time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering to measure the full magnon spectrum throughout the Brillouin zone. We find that the existing model of the excitation spectrum, well known from an earlier work titled "The Saga of YIG", fails to describe the optical magnon modes. Using a very general spin Hamiltonian, we show that the magnetic interactions are both longer-ranged and more complex than was previously understood. The results provide the basis for accurate microscopic models of the finite temperature magnetic properties of Yttrium Iron Garnet, necessary for next-generation electronic devices.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 4 supplementary figures, 1 table, 1 supplementary tabl

    Coupling of magnetic order to planar Bi electrons in the anisotropic Dirac metals AMnBi2 (A = Sr, Ca)

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    We report powder and single crystal neutron diffraction measurements of the magnetic order in AMnBi2 (A = Sr and Ca), two layered manganese pnictides with anisotropic Dirac fermions on a Bi square net. Both materials are found to order at TN approx 300 K in k = 0 antiferromagnetic structures, with ordered Mn moments at T = 10 K of approximately 3.8 muB aligned along the c axis. The magnetic structures are Neel-type within the Mn--Bi layers but the inter-layer ordering is different, being antiferromagnetic in SrMnBi2 and ferromagnetic in CaMnBi2. This allows a mean-field coupling of the magnetic order to Bi electrons in CaMnBi2 but not in SrMnBi2. We find clear evidence that magnetic order influences electrical transport. First principles calculations explain the experimental observations and suggest that the mechanism for different inter-layer ordering in the two compounds is the competition between the anteiferromagnetic superexchange and ferromagnetic double exchange carried by itinerant Bi electrons.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review B. Version 2 includes additional sample characterisation and bulk measurements, and ab initio electronic structure calculation

    Spin dynamics and exchange interactions in CuO measured by neutron scattering

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    The magnetic properties of CuO encompass several contemporary themes in condensed matter physics, including quantum magnetism, magnetic frustration, magnetically-induced ferroelectricity and orbital currents. Here we report polarized and unpolarized neutron inelastic scattering measurements which provide a comprehensive map of the cooperative spin dynamics in the low temperature antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase of CuO throughout much of the Brillouin zone. At high energies (E≳100E \gtrsim 100\,meV) the spectrum displays continuum features consistent with the des Cloizeax--Pearson dispersion for an ideal S=12S=\frac{1}{2} Heisenberg AFM chain. At lower energies the spectrum becomes more three-dimensional, and we find that a linear spin-wave model for a Heisenberg AFM provides a very good description of the data, allowing for an accurate determination of the relevant exchange constants in an effective spin Hamiltonian for CuO. In the high temperature helicoidal phase, there are features in the measured low-energy spectrum that we could not reproduce with a spin-only model. We discuss how these might be associated with the magnetically-induced multiferroic behavior observed in this phase

    Synergistic effect of simultaneous doping of ceria nanorods with Cu and Cr on CO oxidation and NO reduction

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    Ceria particles play a key role in catalytic applications such as automotive three-way catalytic systems in which toxic CO and NO are oxidized and reduced to safe CO2 and N2, respectively. In this work, we explore the incorporation of Cu and Cr metals as dopants in the crystal structure of ceria nanorods prepared by a single-step hydrothermal synthesis. XRD, Raman and XPS confirm the incorporation of Cu and Cr in the ceria crystal lattices, offering ceria nanorods with a higher concentration of oxygen vacancies. XPS also confirms the presence of Cr and Cu surface species. H2-TPR and XPS analysis show that the simultaneous Cu and Cr co-doping results in a catalyst with a higher surface Cu concentration and a much-enhanced surface reducibility, in comparison with either undoped or singly doped (Cu or Cr) ceria nanorods. While single Cu doping enhances catalytic CO oxidation and Cr doping improves catalytic NO reduction, co-doping with both Cu and Cr enhances the benefits of both dopants in a synergistic manner employing roughly a quarter of dopant weight

    Magnetically induced metal-insulator transition in Pb2CaOsO6

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    We report on the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of two new double-perovskites synthesized under high pressure; Pb2CaOsO6 and Pb2ZnOsO6. Upon cooling below 80 K, Pb2CaOsO6 simultaneously undergoes a metal--insulator transition and develops antiferromagnetic order. Pb2ZnOsO6, on the other hand, remains a paramagnetic metal down to 2 K. The key difference between the two compounds lies in their crystal structure. The Os atoms in Pb2ZnOsO6 are arranged on an approximately face-centred cubic lattice with strong antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor exchange couplings. The geometrical frustration inherent to this lattice prevents magnetic order from forming down to the lowest temperatures. In contrast, the unit cell of Pb2CaOsO6 is heavily distorted up to at least 500 K, including antiferroelectric-like displacements of the Pb and O atoms despite metallic conductivity above 80 K. This distortion relieves the magnetic frustration, facilitating magnetic order which in turn drives the metal--insulator transition. Our results suggest that the phase transition in Pb2CaOsO6 is spin-driven, and could be a rare example of a Slater transition.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted as a regular article in Phys. Rev.