901 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Intellectual Property Rights and Foreign Direct Investment

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    Byggbranschen befinner sig mitt i ett paradigmskifte – detta i samband med att BIM kommer att ersätta de traditionella arbetsmetoderna inom byggprocessen. BIM, även kallat objektsbaserad informationshantering, används idag till 3D-projektering, visualisering och samordning. Dock utnyttjas inte BIM till sin fulla potential. Förändringar sker även beträffande miljöaspekter inom byggsektorn. Miljökrav är inte längre enbart lagstadgade, utan kommer även från fastighetsägarna själva. En anledning är den ökade miljömedvetenheten, och att byggbranschen är en viktig aktör för en hållbar utveckling. Genom en byggnadsmiljöcertifiering styrs byggproduktioner mot att bli mer miljöanpassade. Miljöbyggnad är en av de vanligaste certifieringarna i Sverige då den är anpassad efter svenska byggregler. Ett av bedömningskriterierna för Miljöbyggnad är att dokumentera byggprodukter som byggs in i byggnadsverket i en loggbok. Det är byggnadsentreprenören som uppför denna och bär ansvaret för Miljöbyggnadscertifieringen under produktionen. Detta examensarbete utreder hur loggbokshanteringen för miljöcertifieringen Miljöbyggnad kan effektiviseras och optimeras inom ramen för BIM. Det första skedet av examensarbetet ägnades åt identifikation av problem kring arbetet med loggboken genom enkätundersökningar och kompletterande muntliga samtal.  I det andra skedet intervjuades BIM-sakkunniga med syftet att söka praktiskt genomförbara tillämpningar av BIM inom loggbokshanteringsprocessen. Kartläggningen resulterade i ett flertal problematiska områden inom den nuvarande loggbokshanteringen. Denna kan dock effektiviseras genom att byggföretag etablerar en konsekvent arbetsmetodik, definierar loggboksprocessen samt inför erfarenhetsåterföring. Utförda intervjuer resulterade i förslag på möjliga effektiviseringar av loggboken med hjälp av BIM – både en lösning som är tillämpningsbar idag och tre framtida lösningar. Den lösning som fått namnet ”Excellista med GUID” kan tillämpas idag, och effektiviserar loggboksprocessen genom att utnyttja den BIM-modell som tas fram under projekteringsskedet med hjälp av unika kodsträngar. Automatiska mängdavtagningar för byggprodukter är ett exempel på en effektiviserad loggboksprocess. Tre lösningar är tänkbara för framtida materialdokumentation inom BIM: En applikation, integrerade systemplattformar eller företagsgemensam databas. Framtidslösningarna kan effektivisera avsevärt genom en automatiserad loggboksprocess. Loggboken inom BIM-modellen skapar möjlighet till spårbarhet och visualisering. Den eliminerar kostsamma och tidskrävande moment i jämförelse med dagens hantering. Slutsatsen är att byggföretaget ska satsa på en företagsgemensam databas för företagets alla systemplattformar, men framtiden för materialdokumentation inom BIM ligger i en väl integrerad lösning mellan BIM-modellen och ett PLM-system.The AEC industry is in the midst of a paradigm shift - this in conjunction with BIM replacing traditional working methods within the construction process. BIM, also called object-oriented information management, is currently used for 3D modeling, visualization and coordination. However BIM is not being utilized to its full potential. There are also occurring changes regarding the environmental aspects of construction. Environmental requirements are not only legal, but are now requested by the clients themselves. One reason for these changes is increased environmental awareness and another is the fact that the construction industry has a vital role in sustainable development. Environmental certification of building projects promotes an environmentally friendly production. ‟Miljöbyggnad” is one of the most common certifications in Sweden because it is adapted to the Swedish building regulations. One of the assessment criteria for ‟Miljöbyggnad” is the logbook documentation of all the building materials used. It is the contractor who is responsible for the logbook and for the environmental building certification during the production.                   This thesis investigates how logbook management for environmental certification can be efficient and optimized in the context of BIM. The first stage of the thesis was devoted to the identification of problems related to logbook management. This was done with the use of surveys and complementary interviews. In the second phase BIM experts were interviewed in order to find practical applications for BIM in the log management process. The survey revealed several areas of concern within current logbook management. However these problems can be resolved if construction companies can establish a consistent work methodology, define the logbook procedures and implement experience feedback. Analysis of the interviews resulted in suggestions for possible streamlining of logbook procedures using BIM –one solution which is possible to implement today and three for future use. The solution which has been named "Excel list with GUID" can be applied today. Here, the BIM model generated during the design stage, is used to streamline the logbook process with the help of unique reference numbers. Automatic quantity take off for construction products is an example of a streamlined logbook process. Three solutions are possible for future material documentation in BIM: An application, integrated computing platforms or a company shared database. In the future results can be considerably improved with an automated logbook process. The logbook within the BIM model creates the opportunity for traceability and visualization. It eliminates costly and time-consuming steps in comparison with todays logbook management. The conclusion is that construction companies should invest in a company-wide database for all computing platforms, but the future of material documentation with BIM exists in an integrated solution with the BIM model and a PLM system

    Comentario a Primo Braga

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    El ensayo de Primo Braga aporta un resumen claramente interesante y útil de algunas de las probables implicaciones del TLC para el resto del mundo. Estas consideraciones indican que, en general, el TLC tendrá escaso efecto en los países no miembros. Estoy de acuerdo con la mayoría de las afirmaciones de Braga. Sin embargo, siento que ha omitido algunos de los aspectos más provocativos y potencialmente importantes de la cuestión, aspectos que no se incluyen fácilmente en los modelos de equilibrio general computable. Un examen más detenido de estas cuestiones adicionales podría ayudar a explicar el hecho de que algunos países y algunos grupos de interés se opongan con tanta energía al tratado. Alternativamente, el papel de abogado del diablo podría ayudar a despejar algunas de las preocupaciones expresadas por quienes se oponen al TLC. En mis comentarios resumiré brevemente las conclusiones principales del ensayo y luego pasaré a un análisis más especulativo de algunas de estas cuestiones omitidas.

    Protection and trade in services : a survey

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    Until recently, trade in services was mostly ignored by iinternational economists, reflecting a perception that services were nontradable. This has never been true. Transportation and travel, for example, have always been important economic activities. In 1995, services trade climbed to a 20-percent share of global trade -no doubt an underestimate, as the most dynamic component of trade in services is telecommunications, which is not being properly captured in conventional balance of payment statistics. The authors survey the literature on trade in services, focusing on thepolicies used to restrict such trade, the gains from liberalization, and the institutional mechanisms adopted in pursuit of liberalization. They argue that technological progress (which makes services more tradable) and iinternational trade negotiations are likely to keep liberalization of trade in services a high-profile policy issue. They suggest that research focus on developing better estimates of the welfare costs of protectionism in the service sector. This will require quantifying barriers to the international exchange of services.Environmental Economics&Policies,Health Economics&Finance,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Economic Theory&Research,Decentralization,Health Economics&Finance,ICT Policy and Strategies,Knowledge Economy,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research

    Brazilian frozen concentrated orange juice : the folly of unfair trade cases

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    Brazil dominates the international market for frozen concentrated orange juice. By the mid 1980s, Brazil accounted for about 80 percent of world exports of the product. Brazilian producers supplied more than 94 percent of U.S. imports of the product in the 1980s and accounted for 50 percent of sales in the U.S. market. The dynamism of the Brazilian industry is attributable to Brazil's comparative advantage and to the series of climate shocks to Florida's orange groves. In Brazil, the industry is largely in the hands of four large firms, who sell 80 percent of their products to a few large U.S. firms, at significant price rebates. Florida orange growers, beset by import competition and climate shocks, turned to unfair trade laws for protection in the early 1980s, relying on them increasingly as a substitute for safeguard actions. Because of Brazil's interventionist trade policies, the prevailing U.S. belief was that any Brazilian industry was guilty of unfair trade practices until proven innocent. Unfair trade actions have had a particularly negative impact on their supposed beneficiary, the U.S. citrus industry. The antidumping cases were used to protect orange growers at the expense of U.S. juice processors. Their effect has been to strengthen the oligopoly-oligopsony relationship between Brazilian producers and their U.S. partners, further hindering the competition prospects in the world market for frozen concentrated orange juice.Water and Industry,Environmental Economics&Policies,Access to Markets,Markets and Market Access,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT

    Tropical timber trade policies : what impact will eco-labeling have?

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    About 20 percent of the total production of tropical timber is traded internationally. But for Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and some countries in West-Central Africa, tropical timber trade accounts for more than 50 percent of production. Although the tropical timber trade has often been blamed for deforestation, the authors find that it contributes much less to deforestation than do poor policies for the production of tropical timber. Lack of tenure rights, short and uncertain logging concessions, low stumpage values, and inadequate monitoring of logging activities are among the major policy failures that help deplete the tropical forests. Trade policies, often identified as an instrument for enforcing environmental objectives internationally, are inefficient instruments for correcting domestic distortions, and in the case of tropical timber trade, may affect the environment perversely. Export and import restrictions ultimately depress the value of an already underpriced resource - the forest. Restrictions on log exports, for example, encourage wasteful processing of logs. Unless sound forest management policies are enforced domestically, the net effect could even be an increase in the rate of deforestation. Import restrictions may have a marginal impact, since trade accounts for less than 20 percent of production and most of the tropical timber is imported in Asia, where such restrictions currently do not exist. Even if import restrictions had a significant impact, it would be in a reduction in value of tropical logs that would make alternative uses of the forest lands more profitable - so the rate of deforestation might not be reduced. Eco-labeling's main strength is its capacity to discriminate (through market signals) in favor of timber produced under sound environmental practices. By contrast, bans and boycotts have an indiscriminate, perverse impact. But if eco-labeling is imposed unilaterally by a subset of countries, its effectiveness will be doubtful. It will lead to trade diversion and potentially perverse environmental results, not to mention an increase in GATT trade disputes. Even if eco-labeling is adopted by all importing countries, there could still be trade diversion in tropical timber products because some consumers may not prefer certified timber, given its higher price. Eco-labeling programs should be designed so that producers see them not as a nontariff barrier but as an instrument for capturing the rents associated with prevailing environmental concerns in the developed world. Consumer education is important to the success of such programs, and eco-labeling programs should be designed accordingly.Environmental Economics&Policies,Forestry,Silviculture,Forests and Forestry,Economic Theory&Research

    Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Review

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    The chapter discusses, from a developing country's perspective, the impact and implications of the Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights of the World Trade Organization (WTO). It does so by putting them into the context of relevant trends of globalization and assessing the political and institutional setting within the WTO framework. The paper thereby provides comprehensive background information on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs) and the resulting international intellectual property regime, including its characteristics, preconditions, the actors and interests involved, and it provides an institutional analysis.Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights, TRIPs, WTO, developing countries

    Is TRIPS suffering from Big Giant’s Syndrome: Good Economics versus Self Interest?

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    The paper discusses TRIPS as a protection measure on knowledge and new technologies through property rights and analyses the Southern concern if protection of new technologies by means of TRIPS may mean that South can no longer imitate the North in implementing emerging technologies and concepts as was the case with Newly Industrialized Countries of Asia in 1980s. The paper shows that trade and research and development trends are highly skewed in favor of the North and this means that in any such international economic landscape, TRIPS may advantage the North and restrict the South from trading under a technologically aligned level playing field

    How stronger protection of intellectual property rights affects international trade flows

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    Intellectual property rights affect international trade flows when protected goods move across national boundaries. And intellectual property rights have grown in importance as the share of knowledge-intensive or high-technology products in international trade has doubled (from 12 percent in 1980 to 24 percent in 1994). The authors report new evidence about how protecting intellectual property rights affects international trade flows of nonfuel trade products. Employing a gravity model of bilateral trade, they estimate the effects of increased protection on a cross-section of 89 x 88 countries. To address estimation problems associated with zero trade flows between countries, they adopt a bivariate distributed probit regression mode. Their results confirm previous findings: stronger protection of intellectual property rights increase bilateral trade flows of manufactured nonfuel imports. But the results do not hold for trade flows in high technology, where the effect of protection intellectual property rights was found to be insignificant.Rules of Origin,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Policy,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,TF054105-DONOR FUNDED OPERATION ADMINISTRATION FEE INCOME AND EXPENSE ACCOUNT,Economic Theory&Research,Trade and Regional Integration,Rules of Origin,Environmental Economics&Policies
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