66 research outputs found

    Estimasi Lokasi Relatif Sensor pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel Menggunakan Metode Maximum Likelihood Estimation dan Cramer-Rao Bound

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    Pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel, lokasi sensor yang tidak diketahui keberadaanya dapat diestimasi dengan pengukuran jarak relatif terhadap sensor anchor-nya. Teknik lokalisasi sensor ini didasarkan pada perkiraan jarak berbasis kuat sinyal yang diterima (RSS) atau waktu kedatangan sinyal (TOA). Hasil perkiraan ini akan menghasilkan error yang tidak bisa dihindari. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan estimasi kesalahan posisi masing-masing sensor. Metode Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) menyeleksi nilai-nilai dari parameter-parameter model, dan memaksimalkan fungsi likelihood-nya, sedangkan metode Cramer_Rao bound digunakan untuk mengestimasi lower bound dari sebuah obyek yang dicari. Dari implementasi algoritma penghitungan kesalahan posisi sensor untuk dua jenis perkiraan jarak dapat ditunjukkan bahwa semakin banyak sensor yang tidak dikenal disebar pada sebuah lokasi, semakin sempit jarak antar mereka, maka semakin mengecil lower bound yang dihasilkan dengan CRB, namun nilai estimasi kesalahan dengan MLE meningkat. Kenaikan koefisien path loss pada RSS menyebabkan penyempitan lower bound CRB sehingga mempersulit penentuan lokasi relatif

    An Adaptive Connectivity-based Centroid Algorithm for Node Positioning in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In wireless sensor network applications, the position of nodes is randomly distributed following the contour of the observation area. A simple solution without any measurement tools is provided by range-free method. However, this method yields the coarse estimating position of the nodes. In this paper, we propose Adaptive Connectivity-based (ACC) algorithm. This algorithm is a combination of Centroid as range-free based algorithm, and hop-based connectivity algorithm. Nodes have a possibility to estimate their own position based on the connectivity level between them and their reference nodes. Each node divides its communication range into several regions where each of them has a certain weight depends on the received signal strength. The weighted value is used to obtain the estimated position of nodes. Simulation result shows that the proposed algorithm has up to 3 meter error of estimated position on 100x100 square meter observation area, and up to 3 hop counts for 80 meters' communication range. The proposed algorithm performs an average error positioning up to 10 meters better than Weighted Centroid algorithm.Keywords: adaptive, connectivity, centroid, range-free

    Sistem Monitoring Qos Akses Data Network EDGE dan UMTS Saat Handover

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    Currently state of the customer who no longer occupies a site, but always changing in accordance with the many activities that must be undertaken so as to cause a displacement (handover).. So we need a proof that in accordance with the theory that has been systematically standart and simple that can be directly seen in reality, where EDGE is the value of the maximum throughput capacity of 384 Kbps and UMTS at 2 Mbps. With the measurement system, direct data access "in a live network" that produces the data throughput value is still far below the standard value, delay EDGE which is always higher than UMTS, and the handover, which obviously affects the process of data access due to the development of user communication channels. From the measurements can be made a prediction when the network declined QoS and system improvement recommendations, as well as from the second generation of alternative cellular alongside each other. Keywords: EDGE (Enhanced Data-Rates for Global Evolution), UMTS (Universal Mobile tellecomunication system), QoS (Quality of Service), Handover

    Pemodelan Sebaran Api Kebakaran Hutan Berdasarkan Jenis dan Lokasi Bahan Pembakar

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    Populasi hutan di dunia semakin menurun. Hal ini disebabkan semakin meningkatnya kerusakan hutan dan perubahan iklim di dunia. Sebagian besar kerusakan hutan disebabkan oleh kebakaran hutan, terutama di Indonesia. Untuk itu, dirancanglah sebuah sistem WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) guna memantau terjadinya kebakaran hutan secara nirkabel. Sensor-sensor disebar sesuai dengan kondisi hutan. Jika ada sumber api yang muncul maka sensor yang paling dekat dengan sumber api tersebut akan mengirimkan data secara nirkabel menuju server. Untuk efisiensi biaya dan energy, penempatan sensor sebaiknya mengikuti model sebaran api yang dihasilkan oleh pembakar berdasarkan klasifikasi bahan pembakar di hutan. Dengan asumsi bahwa kebakaran terjadi di hutan tropis Indonesia dimana parameter bahannya adalah jenis pepohonan hutan tropis dan bahan lain penyebab kebakaran, pada penelitian ini dibuat estimasi karakteristik sebaran api kebakaran hutan tropis. Estimasi meliputi penghitungan ROS dan flame length dari bahan penyebab kebakaran hutan. Pemodelan dengan regresi linier dipilih sesuai dengan karakteristik data yang didapat dari simulasi kebakaran bahan pembakar. Analisa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan pemodelan ROS dan flame length, dihasilkan data dengan tingkat kesalahan < 15% dari nilai ROS sesungguhnya. Melalui hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi kepada instansi yang berhubungan dengan penanggulangan bencana, khususnya kebakaran untuk dapat memperkirakan dampak kebakaran dan melakukan evakuasi secepat mungkin untuk menghindari dampak yang meluas


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    Emergency call service is very important in the community during an emergency such as when there is an event of an emergency nature such fires, traffic accidents, cases and other criminality. This because event handler that requires quick and precise target pad. This paper has been fabricated based VoIP applications accessing Emergency-Call IVR. In this application, the client can access the emergency call service by dialing a specific extension number via analog phone. Then the client will be confronted with the IVR application which will provide questions about the needs of the client. VoIP server will do routing to the nearest agency required by the client. The results in this paper is still the result of temporary (not final), which this program sounds an IVR machine and can do routing to the nearest institution with the shortest distance method. Keyword : VoIP(voice over IP),Emergency call, IVR,Huntin

    Analisa dan Implementasi VoIP SIP pada Mobile Phone di Jaringan Bluetooth

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi VoIP yang ada, berbagai macam media komunikasi ikut berkembang, salah satunya bluetooth. Adanya teknologi Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol (BNEP) membuat buetooth bekerja selayaknya perangkat yang berada pada jaringan Internet Protocol (IP). Teknologi VoIP merupakan teknologi yang menggunakan IP untuk membawa suara menjadi paket data.Sedangkan Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) merupakan protokol VoIP berbasis text yang dibangun secara IP-based. Pada penelitian ini akan dibangun sebuah VoIP SIP server dan menambahkan bluetooth dongle pada server tersebut. Bluetooth akan digunakan sebagai access point yang memberikan IP-BNEP pada setiap klien secara dinamis. Setelah itu akan dibuat program otomasi sistem access point yang diintegrasikan dengan jaringan LAN menggunakan bahasa pemrograman shell. Program otomasi sistem tersebut dijalankan secara otomatis ketika komputer server start-up. Server ini dapat diakses oleh setiap klien bluetooth dan juga klien yang berada di jaringan LAN dengan menggunakan softphone. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa registrasi SIP bluetooth klien dapat menjangkau maksimal 20 meter dari server VoIP SIP dengan nilai throughput 1,68kbps. Rata-rata QoS dari komunikasi antar PDA bluetooth menghasilkan delay sebesar 30ms dan packet loss sebesar 3,77%


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    Long distance housewares control application using speech recognition as input, will be processed into speech-to-text, changed into binary code and sending message to microcontroller through serial port. This final project was done for making speech recognition application using Delphi programming language. SpeechAPI using ISpRecoContext for interfacing between application, so it�s need CLSID_SpSharedRecoContext component. Then notification arrangement for needed events is using ISpNotifySource. Last is loading grammar from outside file that have been make and activated using ISpRecoGrammar for recognizing different words. Result in this final project are about the quality of application based on gender, age, indoor condition and outdoor condition. A good quality for application has been achieved if the value of varians coefficient greater than 0 and less than 1. Then, the application integrated to microcontroller through serial port for housewares controlling. Key words: SAPI 5.1, Speech Recognition, Grammar XM

    Implementasi Smart Agent IP PBX pada Perusahaan Kelas SOHO

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    Smart Agent System which is a system that is needed in every company in memajukkan productivity. With the support of the system is then an employee can manage and improve their performance. Advancements in the field of economic development of areas affected by today's technology, comes a lot of online stores that sell a variety of goods on the internet. Most existing online store today is an enterprise-class SOHO (small office Home office) where by using his home as a residence and place of work. And in the implementation the company has few employees with some parts but have the same sales system with large-scale enterprise. In this final project implements a smart agent system by using an IP PBX Asterisk based on SOHO-class companies. IP PBX that the intent is a PC that serves as a mini server or IP-based PBX. While Asterisk is one of the server software VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) which can be used to build an IP PBX. In this final project has taken features of asterisk such as call forward, call pickup, conference calling, call parked, mailbox, followme, blacklist, call transfer, musiconhold, time base context and dial plan security. Results obtained in this final project of a smart agent system-based IP PBX Asterisk on SOHO-class company that has the features that support the communication agent. In testing this system obtained MOS values by 4.68 to *. wav file which is the default of asterisk 16bit PCM with sampling frequency of 8KHz. And the result is a qualitative test involves the full-featured IP PBX opinion as much as 97%, opinions need additional features as much as 3% and opinions of the most useful feature as much as 100% for IVR (Interactive Voice Response) of respondents who are perpetrators of SOHO and SOHO users. Keywords: SOHO, Smart Agent, Features, MOS (Mean Opinion Score), Qualitative testing

    Improve the Robustness of Range-Free Localization Methods on Wireless Sensor Networks using Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm

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    The position of a sensor node at wireless sensor networks determines the received data sensing accuracy. By the knowledge of sensor positioning, the location of target sensed can be estimated. Localization techniques used to find out the position of sensor node by considering the distance of this sensor from the vicinity reference nodes.  Centroid Algorithm is a robust, simple and low cost localization technique without dependence on hardware requirement. We propose Recursive Position Estimation Algorithm to obtain the more accurate node positioning on range-free localization technique. The simulation result shows that this algorithm has the ability on increasing position accuracy up to 50%.  The trade off factor shows the smaller the number of reference nodes the higher the computational time required. The new method on the availability on sensor power controlled is proposed to optimize the estimated position

    Pembuatan Sistem E-learning Berbasis Content Management Sistem (Study Kasus : SMPN 1 Wlingi)

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    As long as development of Information Technology is growing rapidly, the need for the concept and mechanism for information technology-based teaching and learning can not be denied again. Concept that became known as e-learning is now widely accepted by the world community, as evidenced by the number of the implementation of e-learning in various educational institutions both in formal education (schools and universities) as well as in informal education (training, etc.). At this final project created an e-learning website using a CMS (Content Management System). In this case use CMS used is Atutor and analyzed using the users level kepusan SMPN1 penggunannya Wlingi as objects. From the test results can be concluded that according to respondents from the students of SMP Negeri 1 Wlingi facilities for the provision of material by way of uploading and downloading by making the material most easily assessed than the task of collecting facilities as well as online exams. Keyword: e-learning, web, CM