15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penerapan Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Terhadap Pencegahan Paparan Covid-19 Pada Tenaga Kesehatan Di RSUD DR.Djasamen Saragih Kota Pematang Siantar

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    The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world is currently very aggressive, based on data from the WHO, there were 129 million cases of Covid-19 worldwide. In the critical period of the Covid-19 pandemic, health workers are professions who are at the forefront that play a direct role in preventing the spread of Covid-19, so the safety and security of health workers must always be considered. This study aims to determine how the application of K3 affects the prevention of exposure to Covid-19 in health workers. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with a cross sectional approach. This research was conducted at the dr. Djasamen Saragih, Pematangsiantar City from December 2020 to June 2021. The population of this study amounted to 230 with 70 research samples taken using simple random sampling technique. Data were analyzed using chi square test with = 0.05. The results of the bivariate analysis of all variables stated that there was an influence between the independent variables, namely: knowledge (P-value = 0.000), compliance with the use of PPE (P-value = 0.027), K3 regulations (P-value = 0.008), availability of PPE (P-value = 0.023) and the role of supervision ( Pvalue = 0.000) on the prevention of Covid-19 exposure to health workers. As an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19, especially in the hospital environment, occupational safety and health must be implemented as optimally as possible, this can be done by making policies, conducting socialization and setting sanctions for workers who violate policies so that the number of health workers exposed to COVID-19 can be minimize

    Hambatan dan Peluang dalam Pembuatan Hospital Disaster Plan: Studi Kasus dari Sumatera Utara

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    Obstacles and opportunities in making a hospital disaster plan: the case study from North SumateraPurposeThis study assessed Kabanjahe District hospital preparedness in coping with earthquake disaster, describes obstacles and opportunities in forming hospital disaster preparedness and availability of hospital disaster plan component.MethodsThis research used qualitative research method with case study research design. This study examines the contemporary phenomenon of Kabanjahe General Hospital preparedness in anticipating the earthquake disaster.ResultsKabanjahe General Hospital is not ready to anticipate earthquake disaster and not yet completed in making hospital disaster plan.ConclusionObstacles to establishing disaster prepared hospitals to include the unavailability of budget for disaster management, lack of hospital personnel who understand K3B, have not participated in training of hospital disaster plan preparation, disaster training and hospital have never conducted disaster simulation. While the opportunity is Kabanjahe General Hospital has been working with other agencies in the fulfillment of facilities and preparation of the plan. The availability of Kabanjahe General Hospital for policy components, disaster risk analysis, communications, financing and evaluation monitoring has not been in accordance with the standards. As for organizational components and facilities already available in quantity but not yet organized to anticipate disaster

    Hambatan dan Peluang dalam Pembuatan Hospital Disaster Plan: Studi Kasus dari Sumatera Utara

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    Obstacles and opportunities in making a hospital disaster plan: the case study from North SumateraPurposeThis study assessed Kabanjahe District hospital preparedness in coping with earthquake disaster, describes obstacles and opportunities in forming hospital disaster preparedness and availability of hospital disaster plan component.MethodsThis research used qualitative research method with case study research design. This study examines the contemporary phenomenon of Kabanjahe General Hospital preparedness in anticipating the earthquake disaster.ResultsKabanjahe General Hospital is not ready to anticipate earthquake disaster and not yet completed in making hospital disaster plan.ConclusionObstacles to establishing disaster prepared hospitals to include the unavailability of budget for disaster management, lack of hospital personnel who understand K3B, have not participated in training of hospital disaster plan preparation, disaster training and hospital have never conducted disaster simulation. While the opportunity is Kabanjahe General Hospital has been working with other agencies in the fulfillment of facilities and preparation of the plan. The availability of Kabanjahe General Hospital for policy components, disaster risk analysis, communications, financing and evaluation monitoring has not been in accordance with the standards. As for organizational components and facilities already available in quantity but not yet organized to anticipate disaster


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    This research was conducted on workers at the PCR Laboratory of Bunda Thamrin  in 2020-2021 to determine the relationship between work fatigue and work stress in workers. Work fatigue is a process of decreasing efficiency, work performance, and reduced endurance or physical strength of the body to continue the activities that must be done. Work stress is a pressure that cannot be tolerated by individuals both from within themselves and from outside themselves. This type of research was an analytic observational study with  cross sectional approach. The time of the study was carried out in December 2020-July 2021. The population in this study were all workers who worked at  PCR Laboratory of Bunda Thamrin, totaling 30 workers. Sampling was done by total sampling technique. Data collection methods were obtained from primary data and secondary data. The results of this study were processed by using Fisher's exact test. From the results of  chi-square test, the relationship between work fatigue and work stress in the workforce at  PCR Laboratory of Bunda Thamrin, it can be seen that  18 respondents who stated that they were tired, 13 of them had a level of work stress, stress (72,2%), while of the 12 respondents who said they were tired, 13 of them had work stress levels. stated that they are not tired 9 of them have work stress levels, not stress (75,0 %). With the P-value obtained from the output table, namely the Exact Fisher Test (P = 0,024), which is smaller than = 0,05. Based on these results, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between work fatigue and work stress on the workforce in the PCR Laboratory Bunda  Thamrin. There is a relationship between work fatigue and work stress at  PCR Laboratory of Bunda Thamrin  in 2023 with a P-value = 0,024 < = 0,05. It is expected that workers do not force themselves to do their work and stretch their muscles or take a short break if they feel tired

    Penyuluhan Tentang Turnover Perawat Covid 19 Dan Pemanfaatannya Dalam Pengambilan Kebijakan di Rumah Sakit Sembiring

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    Hospitals must have quality human resources to be able to improve the quality of health services. Human resources are assets in an agency or company and are always needed in the process of producing goods and services. Nurses play an important role in the process of providing services in hospitals because they are directly involved with patients for 24 hours Nurses in hospitals are also a determining factor for service quality and hospital image, therefore nurses are required to always be professional in carrying out their duties by fostering a sense of care and concern. Must have empathy for the patient. Therefore, hospital management must pay more attention to nurses as part of human capital and not merely consider nurses as assets. If the company pays less attention to the existence of its employees and only pays attention to company profits, it will cause high turnover. Nursing care is the duty and responsibility of nurses in carrying out their professionalism and obtaining service rewards for the nurses' efforts in carrying out their duties as regulated in Law Number 38 of 2014. In fact, the turnover rate in private hospitals is higher than in government hospitals and teaching hospitals as well as nurses who work at the Sembiring Hospital, this is much influenced by the current condition, which is called the COVID 19 pandemic period, many nurses in the hospital were laid off due to breaking the chain of transmission of COVID-19. In this case, it is hoped that Hospitals need to make policies in dealing with the problem of nurse turnover in hospitals


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    Analysis of Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction Eye Polyclinic Outpatient Hospital dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City in 2020. Thesis, Department of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Deli Husada Deli Tua Health Institute.            This study aims to analyze the relationship between patient satisfaction based on responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiable variables with the quality of service in the eye polyclinic, outpatient installation of dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City. The population of this study were the patients of the Eye Polyclinic, Outpatient Installation of RSUD dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City as many as 253 respondents. The method used in this study was analyzed by means of the Chi-Square correlation test. The results of the research on the responsiveness variable showed that the level of responsiveness of Human Resources was 99.6%. For the assurance variable obtained 98.0%. For the reliability variable obtained 98.0%. For the empathy variable, it was obtained 93.7%. For the tangiable variable, it was obtained 90.5%. Based on research conducted from all variables, the service results are very good with a satisfaction level of 88.9%. So it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the variable responsiveness, assurance, reliability, empathy and tangiability with patient satisfaction in the Eye Polyclinic Outpatient Hospital dr. Tengku Mansyur, Tanjungbalai City in 2020

    Hambatan dan peluang dalam pembuatan hospital disaster plan: studi kasus dari Sumatera Utara

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    Latar Belakang: Kabupaten Karo yang wilayahnya berada di dataran tinggi bukit barisan dinyatakan sebagai daerah yang berisiko tinggi ancaman gempa vulkanik maupun gempa tektonik. Fasilitas kesehatan  terutama rumah sakit memiliki peran vital ketika bencana terjadi, Sehingga Rumah Sakit Umum Kabanjahe sebagai rumah sakit terbesar dan rujukan dari daerah sekitaran Kabupaten Karo perlu dinilai kesiapannya dalam mengantisipasi bencana alam gempa bumi.Tujuan: Penelitian ini menilai kesiapsiagaan RSUD Kabanjahe dalam menanggulangi bencana alam gempa bumi, mendeskripsikan hambatan dan peluang dalam membentuk rumah sakit siaga bencana serta ketersediaan komponen hospital disaster plan.Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian studi kasus. Penelitian ini mengkaji fenomena kontemporer tentang kesiapsiagaan Rumah Sakit Umum Kabanjahe dalam mengantisipasi bencana alam gempa bumi.Hasil: RSU Kabanjahe belum siap untuk mengantisipasi bencana alam gempa bumi serta belum selesai dalam membuat hospital disaster plan.Kesimpulan: Hambatan untuk membentuk rumah sakit siaga bencana antara lain masih belum tersedianya anggaran untuk penanggulangan bencana, kurangnya personalia rumah sakit yang memahami K3B, belum mengikuti pelatihan penyusunan hospital disaster plan, pelatihan kebencanaan serta rumah sakit belum pernah melaksanakan simulasi kebencanaan. Sedangkan peluangnya adalah RSU Kabanjahe sudah bekerja sama dengan instansi lain dalam pemenuhan fasilitas dan penyusunan rencana. Ketersediaan RSU Kabanjahe untuk komponen kebijakan, analisa risiko bencana, komunikasi, pembiayaan serta monitoring evaluasi belum sesuai dengan standar. Sedangkan untuk komponen organisasi dan fasilitas sudah tersedia secara kuantitas namun belum diorganisir untuk mengantisipasi bencana.Obstacles and opportunities in making a hospital disaster plan: the case study from North SumateraPurposeThis study assessed Kabanjahe District hospital preparedness in coping with earthquake disaster, describes obstacles and opportunities in forming hospital disaster preparedness and availability of hospital disaster plan component.MethodsThis research used qualitative research method with case study research design. This study examines the contemporary phenomenon of Kabanjahe General Hospital preparedness in anticipating the earthquake disaster.ResultsKabanjahe General Hospital is not ready to anticipate earthquake disaster and not yet completed in making hospital disaster plan.ConclusionObstacles to establishing disaster prepared hospitals to include the unavailability of budget for disaster management, lack of hospital personnel who understand K3B, have not participated in training of hospital disaster plan preparation, disaster training and hospital have never conducted disaster simulation. While the opportunity is Kabanjahe General Hospital has been working with other agencies in the fulfillment of facilities and preparation of the plan. The availability of Kabanjahe General Hospital for policy components, disaster risk analysis, communications, financing and evaluation monitoring has not been in accordance with the standards. As for organizational components and facilities already available in quantity but not yet organized to anticipate disaster


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    Work weakness is portion of the common probelms that are regulary experienced within the work constrain, wearness can significantly affect the health of the workforce and can reduce productivity, including the nurse workforce. Fatigue is often caused by inappropriate working hours. Shift workers tend to be more prone to work burnout. Impactof work shift on nurse's work weakness in the unit covid-19 roomRSUD dr. Djasamen Saragih. The study used quantitative research with observational methods on 34 respondents. Univariat analysis showed that the majority of respondents experienced work fatigue, namely 20 people (58.8%) and not tired of work, namely 14 people (41.2%). From the results of the Bivariate analysis between work shifts and work weakness using the Chi-Square test, the p-value is 0.005. With p-value (0.005)<(0.05). This H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. There’s an effect of work shifts on the work fatigue of nurses in the Covid-19 Inpatient room at dr. Djasamen Saragih in 2021


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    Work weakness is portion of the common probelms that are regulary experienced within the work constrain, wearness can significantly affect the health of the workforce and can reduce productivity, including the nurse workforce. Fatigue is often caused by inappropriate working hours. Shift workers tend to be more prone to work burnout. Impactof work shift on nurse's work weakness in the unit covid-19 roomRSUD dr. Djasamen Saragih. The study used quantitative research with observational methods on 34 respondents. Univariat analysis showed that the majority of respondents experienced work fatigue, namely 20 people (58.8%) and not tired of work, namely 14 people (41.2%). From the results of the Bivariate analysis between work shifts and work weakness using the Chi-Square test, the p-value is 0.005. With p-value (0.005)<(0.05). This H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. There’s an effect of work shifts on the work fatigue of nurses in the Covid-19 Inpatient room at dr. Djasamen Saragih in 2021


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    Hospitals are one of the multi-storey buildings that have a risk of fire, which can come from various sources such as electricity, stoves, as well as storage of flammable materials, such as fuel and medical gas, and power generation facilities such as generators which can cause fires. The aim of this service program is to implement fire prevention measures at the Sembiring General Hospital by holding education sessions for nurses who work there about the use of APAR (Light Fire Extinguisher). Thus, it is hoped that the results of this counseling will be that nurses at Sembiring General Hospital can be effective in using APAR, prevent fires, and have a good understanding of how to save themselves and patients when a fire occurs