30 research outputs found

    Imatges clàssiques a l'obra de Marguerite Yourcenar

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    Thermal energy storage implementation using phase change materials for solar cooling and refrigeration applications

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    The final goal of this study is to implement and to test a thermal energy storage (TES) system using different phase change materials (PCM) for solar cooling and refrigeration applications. A high temperature pilot plant able to test different types of TES systems and materials was designed and built at the University of Lleida (Spain). This pilot plant is composed mainly by three parts: heating system, cooling system, and different storage tanks. The pilot plant uses synthetic thermal oil as heat transfer fluid (HTF) and has a working temperature range from 100 ºC to 400 ºC. Two different PCM were selected after a deep study of the requirements of a real solar cooling plant and the available materials in the market, finally d-mannitol with phase change temperature of 167 ºC and hydroquinone which has a melting temperature of 172.2 ºC were used.The work is partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2011-22722). The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group GREA (2009 SGR 534). Antoni Gil would like to thank the Col·legid’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya for his research appointment. Eduard Oró would like to thank the University of Lleida for his research fellowship

    The Forward Physics Facility at the High-Luminosity LHC

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    El elefante y otros grandes animales

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    Ensino Fundamental::Séries Iniciais::AlfabetizaçãoL'objecte de trabalaha l'educació sobre els animals, amb activitats com ara trencaclosques, la identificació de parts del cos, entre d'altresEducação Infantil::Natureza e sociedadeEducação Infantil::Linguagem oral e escrit

    El elefante y otros grandes animales

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    El objeto educativo trabaja a respecto de los animales con actividades como rompe – cabeza, identificación de las partes del cuerpo, y otrosEnsino Fundamental::Séries Iniciais::AlfabetizaçãoEducação Infantil::Natureza e sociedadeEducação Infantil::Linguagem oral e escrit

    El elefante y otros grandes animales

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    Ensino Fundamental::Séries Iniciais::AlfabetizaçãoL'objecte de trabalaha l'educació sobre els animals, amb activitats com ara trencaclosques, la identificació de parts del cos, entre d'altresEducação Infantil::Natureza e sociedadeEducação Infantil::Linguagem oral e escrit

    Iniciació a la lectura

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    Actividades para ser trabajadas con el programa Clic de Windows que ofrece el mismo CD-ROM. Se trabajan ejercicios de lectura con el abecedario, los sonidos vocálicos e iniciación a la lectura silábica. Se puede obtener la versión con sonido incorporado o sin. Permite instalar el programa directamente, copiarlo en un disquette y obtener una copia del manual de uso.CataluñaES