121 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a spatial SPICE model of a wireless sensor network node that enables simulation of performances in the steady-state and time-domain. The model includes constructive non-electrical parts of the node and a thermoelectric generator employing the thermoelectric effects. The simulation results are compared with the experiment to validate the proposed model. It enabled the characterization of WSN nodes comprising different thermoelectric generators and heatsinks in terms of energy conversion efficiency

    Safe Wheat Protection by Obligate Presence of Lr 29 Gene

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    Product of Lr 29 gene was still founded to be only one that accelerated degraded all of applied pesticides based on dithiocarbamate, phtalamide, neonicotnoide, glyphosate and bentazone containing sulfur or phosphorus. Shortened currency time facilitated their application in optimal time for targets reduction and safe wheat production in regions with short grain filling periods. Suggestion for its obligate presence in assortment there supported even lowest founded number of Lr genes groups enough for durable resistance to leaf rust cause handling as well as decreased amount of sulfur in gluten

    Ensino do português como língua estrangeira na Sérvia: contributo para uma reflexão sobre o ensino-aprendizagem do português como LE no ensino superior

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    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do Português Como Língua Segunda e EstrangeiraNeste estudo descritivo apresentamos uma análise do ensino da Língua Portuguesa como Língua Estrangeira no sistema de Ensino Superior, na Faculdade de Filologia, Universidade de Belgrado: numa perspectiva da política de língua e da planificação linguística. Embora a popularidade da Língua Portuguesa como língua estrangeira tenha crescido imenso nos últimos cinco anos, em Belgrado, na Sérvia, pouca atenção tem sido dada ao Leitorado de Português e às atitudes dos professores de Português e às suas contribuições para a promoção de língua e cultura portuguesa na Sérvia. Foi realizada uma investigação no que diz respeito às suas atitudes sobre a língua, o ensino e a aprendizagem do Português como Língua Estrangeira, o currículo, os materiais e os métodos de ensino. Os resultados indicam que os professores de Português, em Belgrado, têm visões modernas relativamente ao processo de ensino da língua, no âmbito do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para sa Línguas: Aprendizagem, ensino, avaliação (2001), que podem favorecer o plurilinguismo e o multiculturalismo em países em transição como a Sérvia, onde o conceito de plurilinguismo na educação e na comunicação continua a ser uma construção em curso, apesar de ter sido implementada uma reforma completa do currículo da língua (L1, L2), de acordo com as teorias actuais de aprendizagem da língua segunda e os documentos específicos do Conselho da Europa

    Fluorescence: A Novel Method for Determining Manuka Honey Floral Purity

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    Manuka honey, harvested from Leptospermum scoparium, is New Zealand\u27s most recognised honey type and commands a premium due to health‐related benefits. However, the plant\u27s distribution, relative to other species flowering simultaneously, allows honeybees to incorporate alternative nectars into the honey. Melissopalynological analysis in New Zealand is often unrepresentative due to the presence of many pollen‐bearing sources; consequently, alternative means of categorising manuka honey were examined. RP‐HPLC revealed that manuka honey contains distinct compounds, of which were relatively enriched and not present in the other New Zealand monofloral honeys. These main candidate compounds were isolated and have been described by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance, synthesised to confirm structure, and as standards. These compounds, Leptosperin and Lepteridine, are a methyl syringate glycoside and pteridine derivative, respectively. Examination of these compounds revealed unique fluorescence signatures, this fluorescence could be detected in manuka honey samples the signal used to confirm that a honey was solely or predominantly consisted of L. scoparium nectar. Commercial manuka honeys were assessed by traditional analytical techniques, and comparisons were made with fluorescence signature; the fluorescence technique determined the authenticity of the honeys accurately

    Increased Cellular Uptake of Biocompatible Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles into Malignant Cells by an External Magnetic Field

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    Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are used as delivery systems for different therapeutics including nucleic acids for magnetofection-mediated gene therapy. The aim of our study was to evaluate physicochemical properties, biocompatibility, cellular uptake and trafficking pathways of the custom-synthesized SPIONs for their potential use in magnetofection. Custom-synthesized SPIONs were tested for size, shape, crystalline composition and magnetic behavior using a transmission electron microscope, X-ray diffractometer and magnetometer. SPIONs were dispersed in different aqueous media to obtain ferrofluids, which were tested for pH and stability using a pH meter and zetameter. Cytotoxicity was determined using the MTS and clonogenic assays. Cellular uptake and trafficking pathways were qualitatively evaluated by transmission electron microscopy and quantitatively by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. SPIONs were composed of an iron oxide core with a diameter of 8–9 nm, coated with a 2-nm-thick layer of silica. SPIONs, dispersed in 0.9% NaCl solution, resulted in a stable ferrofluid at physiological pH for several months. SPIONs were not cytotoxic in a broad range of concentrations and were readily internalized into different cells by endocytosis. Exposure to neodymium-iron-boron magnets significantly increased the cellular uptake of SPIONs, predominantly into malignant cells. The prepared SPIONs displayed adequate physicochemical and biomedical properties for potential use in magnetofection. Their cellular uptake was dependent on the cell type, and their accumulation within the cells was dependent on the duration of exposure to an external magnetic field

    Karakterizacija korenovog sistema biljaka primenom savremenih metoda fenotipizacije

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    The traits of the root system enable the plant to react, adapt and develop in different environmental conditions. The architecture of the root system is a basic component of the productivity of plants and involves morphological, anatomical and physiological characteristics of root. The studies of the architecture of the root system (RSA) and its modelling is in progress. The paper points to the importance and strategies of developing plant phenotyping, their advantages and limitations as well as possibilities of practical application to plant breeding and production technology. Also, a semi-hydroponic platform for phenotyping of the root system is shown, accompanied by developed models for the construction of the architecture of the underground part of the plant under certain environmental conditions that allow the simulation of biological, physical and chemical processes in the soil. Different models that follow the development of the root system are most often the result of the analysis of morphological and physiological characteristics while their empirical approach has so far been tested on a large number of plant species.Osobine korenovog sistema omogućuju biljkama da reaguju, prilagode se i razvijaju u različitim uslovima spoljašnje sredine. Arhitektura korenovog sistema je jedna od osnovnih komponenti produktivnosti biljaka i podrazumeva morfološke, anatomske i fiziološke osobine korena. Danas se sve više istražuje arhitektura korenovog sistema (Root system architecture, RSA), kao i njegovo modeliranje (modelling plant root system). U radu se ukazuje na značaj i strategije razvoja fenotipizacije biljaka, njihove prednosti i ograničenja, kao i mogućnosti praktične primene u oplemenjivanju biljaka i tehnologiji proizvodnje. Takođe prikazana je i polu–hidroponska platforma za fenotipizaciju korenovog sistema, kao i razvijeni modeli za konstrukciju arhitekture podzemnog dela biljke u određenim uslovima sredine koji omogućuju simuliranje bioloških, fizičkih i hemijskih procesa u zemljištu. Različiti modeli koji prate razvoj korenovog sistema najčešće su rezultat analize važnijih morfoloških i fizioloških osobina, a njihova empirijska primena je do sada testirana na većem broju biljnih vrsta u svetu

    Lipid profile and left ventricular geometry pattern in obese children

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    Background: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Previous studies reported conflicting results concerning the relationship between serum lipid levels and left ventricular geometry pattern. We sought to explore the relationship between standard serum lipid profile measures with left ventricular geometry pattern in obese children. Patients and methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 70 obese children were examined. Fasting blood samples were taken to measure total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides (TGs), glucose, and insulin. Based on these values TG/HDL ratio, BMI and HOMA index were calculated. We also measured the average 24-h ambulatory systolic blood pressure (SBP) and two-dimensional (2/D) transthoracic echocardiography was performed to determine left ventricular mass index (LVMI) and relative wall thickness (RWT). Multiple regression analyses were conducted to explore relationships between study variables and the LVMI or RWT as outcome variables. The final model with LVMI included TG/HDL ratio, BMI, 24 h-average SBP, age and sex, while for the RWT we included BMI, insulin, age and sex. Results: Our study included 70 children (65.71% boys and 34.29% girls) median age (14 years, IQR = 12-16)." We demonstrated independent and positive association of TG/HDL ratio, BMI and 24 h-average SBP with LVMI (effect = 3.65, SE = 1.32, p < 0.01; effect = 34.90, SE = 6.84, p < 0.01; effect = 0.32, SE = 0.12, p < 0.01, respectively). On the other hand, in model with RWT as outcome variable, only BMI and insulin were significantly linked (BMI: effect = 13.07, SE = 5.02, p = 0.01 Insulin: effect = 2.80, SE = 0.97). Conclusion: Increased TG/HDL ratio in obese children is associated with the development of eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy while increased BMI and insulin were associated with concentric left ventricular hypertophy

    Arhitektura korenovog sistema kukuruza za efikasnije usvajanje fosfora: novija saznanja

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    Phosphorus (P) is one of the most deficient and readily available element in the soil. Lower ability of roots to uptake P from soil with a low P content is the main obstacle to increase its utilization. The architecture of the root system depends on the distribution of phosphorus in soil profile in relation to tillage systems, rhizosphere pH, water content in the soil, as well as the type and time of application of mineral fertilizers. The differences of species (or genotype) in the root system design and their adsorption ability, size of root hairs etc., are responsible for the difference in uptake and movement of P in the soil. For maize, the differences between certain genotypes occur in the length of the primary root, root branching corner, the number and length of lateral roots and root hair elongation which gives the possibility of selecting the root to obtain hybrids with increased effect on phosphorus absorption as well as on other nutrients and water.Fosfor (P) je često jedan od deficitarnijih i nepristupačnijih elemenata u zemljištu. Slabija sposobnost korena da usvaja P iz zemljišta sa niskom koncentracijom ovog elementa je glavna prepreka za povećanje njegove iskorišćenosti. Arhitektura korenovog sistema zavisi od distribucije hraniva po profilu zemljišta, što je uslovljeno vrstom obrade tla, pH vrednošću rizosfere, sadržajem vode u zemljištu, kao i načinom i vremenom primene mineralnih đubriva. Razlike u korenovom sistemu pojedinih vrsta (ili genotipova), njihova sposobnost usvajanja, veličina i raspored korenskih dlačica i dr. odgovorni su za različitost usvajanja P u tlu. Kod kukuruza, razlike između pojedinih genotipova javljaju se u dužini primarnog korena, uglu grananja, broju i dužini lateralnih korenova, kao i izduživanju korenskih dlačica što pruža mogućnost za stvaranje hibrida sa poboljšanim korenovim sistemom za efikasnije usvajanje vode i mineralnih materija