23 research outputs found

    Funkcije LR gena osim redukcije Puccinia triticina

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    Wheat leaf rust race specific resistance controlling genes (Lr) caused 0.01-0.03 decrease of SAGR = divided first two internodes with stem length. In addition, nitrogen transport in upper parts by those genes was 3-19% higher in comparison to near isogenic lines with nonspecific Lr 22a and Lr 22b genes. RAR (divided root nitrogen content with sum of up ground and root ones) values of Lr16, Lr29 and Lr37 between Lr1, Lr15 or Lr19 and nonspecific genes were explained by hydrolytic stability of endo-proteases responsible for cleaving of glutens disulphide bridges. According to RAR, Lr 34 seemed to be specific Lr gene but increased SAGR as was by nonspecific Lr genes focused SUTs as adequate for its conformity. Two different drought and heat stress respond systems were linked to Lr genes; one based on gluten degradation consequential through photosynthesis decrease and another on accelerated transfer of starch products and water in stem.Geni za specifičnu otpornost prema prouzrokovaču lisne rđe pÅ”enice (Lr) smanjivali su rast sledećih delova stabla (SAGR) za 0,01-0,03 u poređenju sa osnovnom sortom Tačer ili Lr 22b linijom. RAR, odnosno podeljen sadržaj azota u korenu sa zbirom navedene vrednosti i one u nadzemnom delu u stadijumu sejanaca, bio je umanjen u odnosu na poslednje pomenute genotipove. Ubrzanje transporta proteina u nadzemne delove preko gena za specifičnu otpornost je bilo 3-19%. Enzimi za specifičnu otpornost su svrstani u glutenaze, odnosno endoproteaze, odgovorne za oslobađanje sumpora iz disulfidnih mostova pri prolasku proteina kroz klicu. Razlike po RAR-u između Lr 1, Lr 15, Lr 19 sa istim vrednostima i neÅ”to različitih Lr 16, Lr 29 i Lr 37 od Lr 22b i Lr 38 linija nosilaca nespecifičnih Lr gena bilo je objaÅ”njeno različitom hidrolitičkom stabilnoŔću. Lr 34 je po RAR-u bio sličan grupi specifičnih gena, ali poviÅ”en SAGR u odnosu na Tačer i produžen LP ukazivali su na enzimatsku familiju transportera Å”ećera pre nego ABC transportere. Dva različita sistema za tolerantnost prema suÅ”i odnosno stresu usled visokih temperatura vazduha povezana su sa genima za otpornost prema Puccinia triticina. Rasno specifični geni su umanjivali fotosintezu preko produkata degradacije glutena u listu, ujedno poviÅ”ujući LGR i snižavajući SAGR, dok su nespecifični delovali obrnuto i stoga povezani sa degradacijom skroba. Kod linija sa poslednje pomenutim genima primećeno je ranije gubljenje fotosintetičke aktivnosti postojećih organa i brži rast sledećih na uÅ”trb prethodno formiranih

    Interaction of Two Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Lr Genes Focusing Wheat Growth and Residues

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    Seedlings of ten Lr near-isogenic lines (NIL) and four wheat lines with enhanced resistance to Puccinia triticina were treated with overdosed neonicotinoid insecticides. The enzyme of Lr 20 gene accelerated thiacloprid degradation while Lr 29 gene accelerated thiamethoxam degradation according to NILs upper plant parts lengths reduction by 6% or 10% six days after the last of three daily treatments. Lr 27 and Lr 33 effects were intermediate on thiamethoxam but only in the driest conditions. Among other NILs the growth was increased 1-5% by N faster release of S or Cl. The accumulation of Lr 20 and Lr 9 facilitated treatment in the late grain filling period when the amount of their circled residues in seed was permissible. In semiarid regions, when thiamethoxam was applied before June, respecting the adequate leaf area duration of prevalent varieties, interaction with Lr 29 could be also practical through simultaneous release of fungi reducing elements

    Tolerantnost sejanaca sorti pŔenice preko ubrzane degradacije glifosata

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    Lengths of seedlings aboveground parts of nine wheat varieties grown in greenhouse were reduced by 4-20%. They were tested during April at around 20oC after twice daily treatments with glyphosate based herbicide (0.5 ml in 1l water solution, 0.5 dl on 0.5 m2). When results of permanent artificially and daily lighted trials were compared, four groups of varieties were recognized same as was when near isogenic lines containing different leaf rust resistance genes (Lr NILs) were focused in winter. Growth of variety Pobeda decreased more when seedlings were not permanent lighted which confirmed the common herbicide effect. Tolerance of other varieties was again explained by enzymatic degradation of glyphosate and chlorophyll inhibition by consequential phosphorus acids. Varieties Simonida, Tavita and Rapsodia were similar by reaction to glyphosate as Lr 1 and Lr 21 NILs. NS 40S contained Lr 3a with increased hydrolytic stability compared to Lr 24 but able to cleave external single phosphorus for the difference of Lr 19 or Lr 29. Their final effect was similar to previous stated of Lr 15 NIL during the winter. Varieties Gora and Metka had gene Lr 19, Enigma Lr 29 while Ilina Lr 24. Focusing herbicide residua transfer in seed probability, accounting optimal time for recovering ability of chlorophyll and temporary higher temperatures necessary for Lr genes even parasite free activity the varieties Gora, Metka and Enigma appeared to be possible solution for glyphosate apply near wheat heading in semiarid regions.Dužine nadzemnih delova sejanaca devet sorti pÅ”enice gajenih u staklari bile su redukovane 4-20%. Testirane su pri temperaturama oko 20oC tokom proleća posle dva dnevno uzastopna tretmana herbicidom na bazi glifosata (0,5 ml u 1l vodenog rastvora, 0,5 dl na 0,5 m2). Na osnovu razlika između stalno veÅ”tački i dnevno osvetljenog ponavljanja prepoznate su četiri grupe sorti, Å”to je potvrdilo rezultate dobijene kod izogenih linije različitih gena otpornosti prema prouzrokovaču lisne rđe (NIL) testiranih tokom zime. Rast sorte Pobeda bio je usporeniji kada nije bila permanentno osvetljena te je prepoznat uobičajen efekat herbicida. Tolerantnost drugih sorti je bila povezana sa ubrzanom degradacijom glifosata te uticajem posledične fosforne kiseline na inhibiciju hlorofila. Sorte Rapsodija, Simonida i Tavita su po reakciji prema herbicidu bile slične Lr 1 i Lr 21 liniji. Ubrzano žućenje lista NS 40S bilo je zavisno od gena Lr 3a neuticajnog na poslednje fosforne residue nakon otpuÅ”tanja kiseonika, dok je sličan efekat hidrolitički najstabilnijeg Lr 15 u NIL isključen na osnovu analiza uticaja na degradaciju glutena. Na osnovu pomenutih kriterijuma, sorte Gora i Metka su sadržale Lr 19, Enigma Lr 29 a Ilina Lr 24. PoÅ”tujući pre svega viÅ”e vremena za eliminaciju originalnih rezidua herbicida blizu klasanja, česte temperature uslove povoljne za aktivnost Lr gena, posledice na rast te brži oporavak hlorofila, za tretman u to doba u semiaridnim regionima, sorte s Lr genima kao Gora, Metka i Enigma su prepoznate kao moguće praktično reÅ”enje. Tretman sorte Ilina je rizičan usled očekivanog izostanka efekta a ostalih usled rezidua

    Integralna zaŔtita od prevalentnih parazita pŔenice u semiaridnom regionu

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    This paper is aimed at presenting contemporary knowledge in the field of integral wheat protection against parasites, i.e. the use of cultural measures and genetic analyses directed at adequate use of breeding results, monitoring and forecasting of prevalent parasite growth and development with the aim of rational fungicide application. In addition, the paper suggests the proper use of biological measures through artificial infection with Pyrenophora tritici repentis (Ptr) in years not favourable for facultative parasite development. Growing of the varieties not lower than 85 cm with optimal stem growth ratio in regions with 550-650 mm precipitation, deep and complete soil cultivation plus nutrition before sowing in late October reduced the risk of facultative parasite appearance on lower and middle leaves by over 15%, which was considered useful because of the antagonism to obligate parasites. Severity of Puccinia triticina on last two leaves when facultative parasites were absent was increased at 60-70% as maximal level according to suggested SAGR. Nevertheless, we suggest growing of varieties with prolonged latency period resistant to Puccinia triticina. The aim is to avoid overaccumulation of resistance genes consequential through the decrease of wheat grain yielding potential. Genes facilitating toxin from Ptr spreading have to be excluded because of necessary antagonistic effect from the middle leaves. This implies gene for the obligate parasite specific resistance diversity of varieties in order to reduce the probability of simultaneous overcoming of resistance and avoid insurmountable changes in seed production. The final result of the proposed system should be the last two leaves with mostly minimal parasite appearance and the possibility of economical and efficient single curative treatment application once in ten years when facultative parasites are absent in spring or after the resistance of variety is overcome in standard conditions. The practical aim was also dependent on leaf rust development and green leaf area dissapearence forecasting models as well as balance between the size of the farm and equipment due to short deadlines.Savremena saznanja iz oblasti integralne zaÅ”tite pÅ”enice u semiaridnim regionima, odnosno primena agrotehničkih mera i genetičkih analiza u smeru adekvatnog koriŔćenja rezultata oplemenjivanja te praćenja i prognoze rasta i razvoja prevalentnih parazita radi racionalne upotrebe fungicida uz predlog bioloÅ”ke mere, tj. veÅ”tačke infekcije s Pyrenophora tritici repentis (Ptr) u godinama nepovoljnim za razvoj fakultativnih parazita su prikazana u radu. Gajenjem sorti ne nižih od 85 cm optimalnog rasta delova stabla, primenom pune agrotehnike, ishrane i kasnijom setvom smanjena je opasnost od infekcija fakultativnih parazita na donjem i srednjem liŔću preko 15% koja je smatrana korisnom usled antagonizma s obligatnim parazitima a povećan je maksimalni mogući intenzitet obligatnih parazita na 60-70% zahvaćenosti gornjih listova. Sugerisano je gajenje sorti s produženim latentnim periodom umesto kompletno otpornih prema prouzrokovaču lisne rđe radi izbegavanja Å”tetnih efekata preakumuliranih gena za specifičnu otpornost na prinos zrna. Sorte efikasne prema Å”irenju toksina Ptr je potrebno isključiti usled obezbeđenosti dovoljnog antagonističkog efekta sa srednjeg liŔća. Predloženo podrazumeva različitost gena za navedenu specifičnu otpornost sorti kako bi bila smanjena verovatnoća istovremenog prevazilaženja otpornosti te izbegnute nesavladive promene u semenarstvu. Krajnji rezultat predloženog sistema su dva gornja lista bez parazita i mogućnost ekonomične i efikasne jednokratne kurativne zaÅ”tite jednom u deset godina kada fakultativni paraziti izostanu ili nakon prevaziđene otpornosti sorte u standardnim uslovima. Praktična primena predloženih reÅ”enja takođe je zavisna od prognoznih modela razvoja lisne rđe i nestanka zelene lisne povrÅ”ine i usklađenosti veličine i opremljenosti poljoprivrednih gazdinstava usled kratkih rokova

    Root system development in maize: optimizing nitrogen use efficiency

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    Povećanje efikasnosti usvajanja mineralnih materija, posebno azota dovodi do uÅ”tede u potroÅ”nji mineralnih đubriva, kao i smanjenja zagađenja životne sredine. Stvaranje genotipova kukuruza sa bolje razvijenim korenovim sistemom je od posebne važnosti, jer dovodi do povećanja sposobnosti usvajanja hranljivih materija, kao i povećane tolerantnosti na suÅ”u, a time i na povećanje i stabilnost prinosa. DosadaÅ”nje studije pokazuju da arhitektura korenovog sistema kukuruza, broj i dužina korenova, ugao grananja lateralnih korenova, kao i gustina i dužina korenskih dlačica u ukupnoj masi korena imaju ključnu ulogu u stepenu efikasnosti usvajanja azota.The maize nodal root system plays a crucial role in the development of the aboveground plant and determines the yield via the uptake of water and nutrients in the field. Selection of genotypes with a better developed root system is of particular importance, because it leads to an increase in the ability to adopt nutrients, as well as increased tolerance to drought, and thus to increase the yield and its stability. Previous studies show that the architecture of the root system of maize, the number and length of the roots, the angle of branching the lateral roots, and the density and length of the root hairs in the total mass of the root show a positive correlation for the adoption of nitrogen

    In vitro procena antioksidativne aktivnosti ekstrakta latica Paeonia lactiflora i Calendula officinalis ugrađenih u nove forme nosača na biobazi

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    U ovom radu prikazana je ekstrakcija latica hibrida Paeonia lactiflora "Činija lepote" i Calendula officinalis L. pomoću mikrotalasnog reaktora i ultarazvuka u sistemu etanol-voda, kao i izolacija etarskog ulja latica Calendula officinalis L. hidrodestilacijom. Određen je ukupan sadržaj fenola i flavonoida u ekstraktima i ulju, i procenjena je antioksidativna aktivnost. Antioksidativna aktivnost je određena koriŔćenjem standardnih, antioksidativnih in vitro DPPH ā€¢ i ABTS ā€¢+ testova. Najveći ukupni sadržaj fenola utvrđen je kod ekstrakata P. lactiflora i C. officinalis L. dobijenih ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom (83,16 i 114,47 mg GA/g, redom), dok je najveći sadržaj flavonoida dobijen ekstrakcijom uz pomoć mikrotalasnog reaktora (123,48 i 65,29 mg QE/g, redom). Najveća antioksidativna aktivnost za ekstrakt hibrida Paeonia lactiflora "Činija lepote" dobijena je mikrotalasnom ekstrakcijom (79% i 83%), dok je za ekstrakt Calendula officinalis L. dobijena ultrazvučnom ekstrakcijom (45% i 49%) u DPPH ā€¢ i ABTS ā€¢+ , redom. U cilju poboljÅ”anja antioksidativne aktivnosti oba tipa ispitivanih analita (ekstrakta i etarskog ulja), pektinski biopolimerni film, (u formi nosača), u procesu enzimski potpomognute katalize, je pripremljen. Za karakterizaciju dobijenih filmova koriŔćena je optička mikroskopija i FTIR spektroskopija. Filmovi sa esencijalnim uljem C. officinalis L. i galnom kiselinom, pokazali su značajno povećan procenat inhibicije u DPPH ā€¢ i ABTS ā€¢+ testu (91% i 95%, redom) nakon 10 minuta. Rezultati su, takođe, pokazali da se sve formulacije pektinskog biopolimernog filma, modifikovanog galnom kiselinom, mogu uspeÅ”no primenjivati kao nosač za oba tipa ingredijenata.In this study, the petals collected from peony hybrid Paeonia lactiflora "Bowl of Beauty" and Calendula officinalis L. were extracted using an ethanol-water mixture assisted with microwave and ultrasonic treatment. The isolation of Calendula officinalis L. essential oil was done by hydrodistillation as well. The total phenolic and flavonoids content in the extracts and oil were determined and their antioxidant activity was evaluated. The highest total phenolic content was found for the extracts of hybrid Paeonia lactiflora and Calendula officinalis L. obtained by ultrasound extraction (83.16 and 114.47 mg GA/g, respectively), while the flavonoid content obtained by microwave-assisted extraction was relatively high (123.48 and 65.29 mg QE/g, respectively). The highest antioxidant activity was obtained in DPPH ā€¢ and ABTS ā€¢+ assay for the microwave-assisted extraction of hybrid P. lactiflora (79% and 83%) and ultrasound-assisted extraction of C. officinalis L. (45% and 49%), respectively. To improve antioxidant activity of both types of examined analytes (extracts and essential oil), the pectin biopolymer film (as a carrier) was prepared in the process of enzymatically assisted catalysis. Optical microscopy and FTIR spectroscopy were used for the characterization of obtained materials. The films, with essential oil of C. officinalis L. and gallic acid, showed significantly increased percentage inhibition in DPPH ā€¢ and ABTS ā€¢+ test (91% and 95%, respectively) after 10 minutes. The results, also, showed that all formulations of pectin biopolymer film, modified with gallic acid, can be successfully applied as a carrier for both types of ingredients

    Influence of bio-preparations on energy germination, total germination and protection of dill seeds

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    Mirođija (Anethum graveolens L.) je jednogodiÅ”nja začinska i lekovita biljka iz familije Apiaceae. Visoka energija klijanja i procenat klijavosti su potrebni za postizanje visokog prinosa. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrđivanje najefikasnijeg biopreparata sa blagotvornim dejstvom na energiju klijanja, ukupnu klijavost i zdravstveno stanje semena mirođije. Ispitivanja su sprovedena sa dva sredstva za zaÅ”titu bilja, dozvoljena u organskoj proizvodnji (ā€ŸExtrasol Fā€ i ā€ŸPolyversumā€) i tri biljna preparata (ā€ŸFermentisani ekstrakt hajdučke traveā€, ā€ŸFermentisani ekstrakt čičkaā€ i ā€ŸFermentisana meÅ”avina LAB mixā€). Klijavost semena je povećana u svim tretmanima u odnosu na kontrolu. Tretmani preparatom ā€ŸFermentisana meÅ”avina LAB mixā€ ispoljili su najveći uticaj na energiju klijanja i ukupnu klijavost semena. Na osnovu simptoma i znakova bolesti, prisustvo Alternaria sp. je potvrđeno na povrÅ”ini semena mirođije. U poređenju sa kontrolom, zaraza semena je smanjena u tretmanima sa preparatima ā€ŸFermentisana meÅ”avina LAB mixā€ i ā€ŸFermentisani ekstrakt čičkaā€.Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) is an annual herb and medicinal plant from the Apiaceae family. High energy germination and germination percentage are required to achieve high yield. The aim of the study was to discover the most efficient biopreparations with a beneficial effect on dill seed energy germination, total germination and seed health. Testing was conducted with two plant protection products, permitted in organic production (ā€ŸExtrasol Fā€ and ā€ŸPolyversumā€), and three herbal preparations (ā€ŸFermented extract of yarrowā€, ā€ŸFermented burdock extractā€ and ā€ŸFermented LAB mixā€). The seed germination was increased in all treatments, in comparison to control. The treatments with the preparation ā€ŸFermented LAB mixā€ manifested the greatest influence on energy germination and total seed germination. Based on the symptoms and signs of the disease, the presence of Alternaria sp. was confirmed on the surface of dill seeds. The seed infection was reduced in treatments with ā€ŸFermented LAB mixā€ and ā€ŸFermented Burdock Extractā€ compared to the control treatment

    Assessing ecological risks and benefits of genetically modified crops 99

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    Abstract: Genetically modified (GM) crops and biotechnology are providing new opportunities for increasing crop productivity and tackling agriculture problems, such as diseases, pests and weeds, abiotic stress and nutritional limitations of staple food crops. As GM crops are being adopted in various locations with different ecosystems, a scientifically based understanding of the environmental effects of cultivations of GM crops would assist decision makers worldwide in ensuring environmental safety and sustainability. In this paper are discussed some of the most important problems related to the GM crops into the environment such as: plant protection, hybridisation, ecological effects of HRCs, gene flow, biodiversity, stress, ecological risks (ERA), effects on the soil ecosystem etc


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    The research was conducted at the end of February 2021 in the Institute for Medicinal Plant Research "Dr Josif Pančić" in Belgrade, with the aim of analyzing the impact of growth bioregulators on the seed germination potential of some medicinal and aromatic plant species. Germination potential of Ocimum basilicum, Levisticum officinale, Calendula officinalis and Coriandrum sativum were analyzed following the ISTA guidelines. The seeds were treated with liquid growth bioregulators Ekobuster 1 and Slavol S for 10 minutes, while seeds in the control were treated with distilled water. Seeds of Ocimum basilicum, Levisticum officinale, Calendula officinalis and Coriandrum sativum treated with three different treatments: Ekobuster1, SlavolS and distilled water, were sown in three different containers. The seeds were sown in styrofoam containers with 160 cells with a mixture of peat moss substrate. The experiment was performed in the laboratory conditions. Containers were placed inside a polythene tent for plant propagation under artificial lighting and kept under air temperature of 23 oC with occasional wetting of the substrate. During the experiment, seedling emergence and development control as well as their pathogenicity control were performed every seven days. There was no occurrence pathogenicity on the examined plants.Based on the obtained results, germination of Coriandrum sativum seeds treated with Ecobuster 1 was 85%, while in seeds of Ocimum basilicum, Levisticum officinale and Calendula officinalis the highest germination was recorded with the use of Slavol S 82.5%, 90% and 82%, respectively; in relation to control treatmen

    Influence of water stress prior to harvest on yield and essential oil content of pot grown lemon balm

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    Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant widely used in modern and traditional medicine. The aboveground part, particularly the leaves, has many benefits; in traditional medicine, it is used for the preparation of various teas and tea blends, while in modern medicine to obtain essential oil as it is considered a precious product. Nowadays, the needs for lemon balm are mostly met by growing it in the open field. The quality of its leaves as well as the content of its essential oil mostly depend on the way the plant is grown. In stress conditions, medicinal plants use to increase the content of their secondary metabolites. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether water deficit has an impact on the content of essential oil in lemon balm grown as a pot culture. The experiment was conceived in such a way that at the beginning of the flowering phase, cultivated plants were given different treatments. Treatment A represented plants that were not subjected to water stress, while in treatments B and C, prior to harvesting the plants have been subjected to water stress for 7 and 14 days, respectively. By the end of the experiment, the morphological parameters per plant were measured and the contents of essential oil per treatment determined, all in triplicates. The obtained results indicate that water stress had a great impact on the yield of the aboveground biomass of lemon balm plants as well as on the content of essential oil in their leaves. The highest average yield of the aboveground biomass was obtained in treatment A (1204.0 g) while the highest average yield of the essential oil in treatment C (0.59 g). In short, an increase in water stress increased its positive effects on lemon balm grown as pot culture