8 research outputs found

    Analisis Budaya Organisasi Pegawai Di Kantor Camat Rumbai Pesisir Kota Pekanbaru

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    The problems arising from the transfer of the office is the lack of innovation that made the apparatus districts in managing facilities and infrastructure, such as has not been doing renovations / office layout both internal and external. Then less stable governance for not referring to the spatial plan. The objectives to be achieved is to analyze how the organizational culture at the Head Office of Coastal Rumbai Pekanbaru and analyze barriers in organizational culture Rumbai Coastal District Office of Pekanbaru. Research done at the District Office Rumbai coastal city of Pekanbaru. The population in this study is the apparatus of the district office. They were selected because it was affordable. Camat serve as Key Informants. The sampling technique used is the census. Sources and types of data in this study are primary and secondary. In order to gather the necessary data, then used observation, interview and questionnaire. Data was analyzed by qualitative deskriftip. Of the research activities conducted in the organizational culture known Rumbai Coastal District Office has been running pretty well. Because in general, spilil state apparatus (ASN) in the District Rumbai Coastal already memahmi understanding organizational culture. Namely, a characteristic which is upheld by the organization and being a role model organization as a differentiator between one organization to another or organizational culture is also defined as the values and norms of behavior accepted and understood jointly by members of the organization as a basis in the rules of conduct contained within the organization

    Pengaruh Pengawasan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Disperindag Sub Bidang Pengawasan Barang Dan Jasa Provinsi Riau

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of supervision on the performance of employees of industry and trade sub division of supervision of goods and services Riau Province and its inhibiting factors. The type of research used is survey research,primary data source is all employees of Industry and Trade Sub Division of Supervision of goods and services Riau Province amounting to 85 people.Sampling technique by probability with census / saturated sampling technique is the sample taken based on the total population.Data analysis is done descriptively quantitative.The result of the research shows that supervision has positive and significant effect on employee performance with coefficient of determination (r2) value is 0,932,Meaning that 93.2% of employee performance is influenced by supervision.The inhibiting factor in supervision is that the leadership has not conducted regular and structured supervision.In addition there are difficulties in the supervision of goods and services in circulation because many new products and not in accordance with the standards

    Penerapan Unsur-unsur Perbuatan Melawan Hukum Terhadap Kreditur Yang Tidak Mendaftarkan Jaminan Fiducia

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    Fiduciary transfer of ownership is done through constitutum possessorium which means that the transfer is followed by an object control. The object of fiduciary assurance consists of chattels or moving objects and immovable objects which cannot be loaded with mortages, the transfer of chattels with real submission. As an effort to give a legal policy to the fiduciary assignor (creditor) and to fulfill the publicity principles, Government through the UUJF requires the creditor to register the fiduciary assurance in the Fiduciary Registration Office. That regulation is stated in the article 11 of UUJF. This study is a normative legal research with the research question as follow, “Can the elements of torts be implemented to the creditor or fiduciary assignee so that the creditoris considered doing the unlawful act?” The primary data are used in the study. The analysis results show that the elements of tort cannot be implemented to the creditor who does not register the fiduciary assurance in the Fiduciary Registration Office. Therefore, he is not considered doing the unlawful act

    Perlindungan Hakim Terhadap Hak-hak Isteri Dalam Hal Suami Berpoligami Di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang perlindungan hak- hak isteri yang diberikan oleh hakim dalam mengabulkan ijin poligami suami dan upaya yang dilakukan isteri dalam hal tidak dipenuhi hak-haknya oleh suami yang berpoligami. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang mengkaji bahan-bahan hukum dengan cara studi pustaka. Sumber hukum otoritatifnya yaitu Al-Qur'an dan Hadits. Narasumbernya adalah Hakim Pengadilan Agama. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan hakim untuk melindungi hak isteri dalam hal suaminya akan berpoligami, yaitu: (a) Hakim memanggil isteri maupun calon isteri untuk dimintai pernyataan tentang kesediaannya untuk dimadu dan memberi penjelasan mengenai risiko suami berpoligami, selanjutnya pernyataan tersebut dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis; (b) Hakim akan meminta saudara kandung isteri yang akan dimadu agar hadir di persidangan untuk memberikan keterangan dalam hal isteri sakit ingatan dan tidak dapat hadir di persidangan; (c) Hakim meminta suami membuat pernyataan secara tertulis yang isinya menyatakan kesediannya akan berlaku adil dan mampu menjamin kehidupan isteri-isteri dan anak-anaknya. (2) Upaya isteri untuk mempertahankan hak-haknya yang tidak dipenuhi oleh suaminya yang berpoligami adalah isteri dapat mengajukan tuntutan hak ke pengadilan agama jika para pihak beragama Islam, dan ke pengadilan negeri jika para pihak non muslim.Kata kunci: Hak Isteri, Perlindungan, Hakim

    Fungsi Bhp sebagai Wali Pengawas terhadap Anak di Bawah Perwalian dalam Rangka Perlindungan Anak (Studi Kasus di Bhp Semarang)

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    According to Article 45 paragraph (1) Regulations No 1 1974 about marriage, both of the parents have obligation to take care and educate their children as well as possible. But in fact, many events can be watched on parents who do not do their duties as parents. Children who are not in the authority of their parents, will be placed under the guardianship. According to Article 306 of the book of the civil law act in guardianship there should be a guardian which is run by the Heritage Hall. The problem rises is the existence of the Heritage Hall as the guardian watch in guardianship that can give protection to the children under the guardianship and how are the efforts to optimize the function of the Heritage Hall as the guardian watch to the children under the guardianship. This research is a normative and an empirical law research. The conclusion of this research is that the guardian's obligations and the obligations of the Heritage Hall as the guardian watch if it is executed to provide protection to the children, both the personality and the treasure. Thus, the position of Heritage Hall as the guardian watch needs to be maintained. The efforts of Heritage Hall to optimize the function of the Heritage Hall as the guardian watch can be reached by the bill of draft legislation about Heritage Hall. By maintaining the provisions of the book of civil law act or S 1872 No 166 on the instruction of Heritage Hall, which are still needed by the Heritage Hall in doing the duties