3,022 research outputs found


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    Artykuł prezentuje model kompetencji tłumacza prawnego, zbudowany na wcześniejszych holistycznych i wieloskładnikowych paradygmatach makrokompetencji tłumaczeniowej. Obok opisu kompozycyjnego artykuł wskazują także na potrzebę w zintegrowanym rozwoju kompetencji tłumacza prawnego określonej metodologii interdyscyplinarnej służącej rozwiązywaniu problemów w praktyce. Podejście scalające proponowane w tekście skupia się na procesie i na tłumaczeniu prawnym i prawniczym. Wiedza i przekład prawny i prawniczy łączą i przeplatają się w procesie przekładu, począwszy od wstępnej analizy skoposu i makrokontekstualizacji prawnej aż do ostatniego etapu korekty. Building on previous holistic multicomponent paradigms of translation macrocompetence, a legal translation competence model is presented which avoids certain conceptual duplications in the light of professional practice, and incorporates distinctive legal thematic elements. Beyond component description, it is argued that the integral development of legal translation competence requires specific interdisciplinary methodologies for practical problem solving. The integrative approach proposed in this paper is process-oriented, and focuses on the legal translation-specific know-how within the key methodological or strategic subcompetence controlling all other subcompetences. Translation and legal knowledge are inextricably linked throughout the translation process, from the initial skopos analysis and legal macro-contextualization until the final revision stage. This approach, intended as a meta-reflection continuum between competence acquisition and reinforcement, and between formal training and professional practice, has proved effective for the systematization of problem-identification, problem-categorization and problem-solving patterns. Finally, some implications for legal translation training are outlined by way of conclusion.Partiendo de anteriores paradigmas multicomponenciales holísticos de macrocompetencia traductora, se presenta un modelo de competencia en traducción jurídica que evita ciertas duplicaciones conceptuales en vista de la práctica profesional, e incorpora elementos de temática jurídica distintivos. Más allá de la descripción de componentes, se argumenta que el desarrollo integral de la competencia en traducción jurídica exige metodologías interdisciplinares específicas para la resolución de problemas prácticos. El enfoque integrador que se propone en el presente artículo está orientado al proceso y hace hincapié en los conocimientos especializados propios de la traducción jurídica incluidos en la subcompetencia metodológica o estratégica, subcompetencia clave que controla las demás. Los conocimientos traductológicos y jurídicos se entrelazan inextricablemente a lo largo del proceso traductor, desde el análisis del skopos y la macrocontextualización jurídica iniciales hasta la fase final de revisión. Este enfoque, concebido como un continuo metarreflexivo entre la adquisición y el fortalecimiento de competencias y entre la capacitación formal y la práctica profesional, ha resultado eficaz para sistematizar pautas de detección, categorización y resolución de problemas. Por último, a modo de conclusión, se esbozan algunas consideraciones sobre la formación en traducción jurídica

    Chapter 7 Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy of Legal Terms in Institutional Translation

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    Terminological consistency and accuracy are key indicators of institutional translation quality and a condition for semantic univocity and certainty with regard to legal terms translated at international organizations. They are accordingly important guiding principles in institutional terminology management. This chapter examines variations of consistency and accuracy levels in the translations of three selected terms that are representative of different degrees of legal asymmetry in English-Spanish translation, as well as the congruity of these translations with the recommendations found in the corresponding institutional terminological resources in three settings: the European Union, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. The corpora compiled for diachronic comparison include all occurrences of the selected terms (“prima facie evidence,” “tort” and “magistrates’ court”) in two periods: 2005–2015 and 2016–2019. The findings suggest significant correlations between legal asymmetry and translation accuracy levels, and between intertextual consistency and accuracy fluctuations. They also reveal low adherence to the (limited) guidance of institutional terminological resources on legal system-specific terms. Additional qualitative insights are offered regarding the most significant cases of terminological harmonization and on the determining role of translation precedents

    La Concentración Parcelaria en la Provincia de Zamora

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201

    Chapter 7 Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy of Legal Terms in Institutional Translation

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    Terminological consistency and accuracy are key indicators of institutional translation quality and a condition for semantic univocity and certainty with regard to legal terms translated at international organizations. They are accordingly important guiding principles in institutional terminology management. This chapter examines variations of consistency and accuracy levels in the translations of three selected terms that are representative of different degrees of legal asymmetry in English-Spanish translation, as well as the congruity of these translations with the recommendations found in the corresponding institutional terminological resources in three settings: the European Union, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization. The corpora compiled for diachronic comparison include all occurrences of the selected terms (“prima facie evidence,” “tort” and “magistrates’ court”) in two periods: 2005–2015 and 2016–2019. The findings suggest significant correlations between legal asymmetry and translation accuracy levels, and between intertextual consistency and accuracy fluctuations. They also reveal low adherence to the (limited) guidance of institutional terminological resources on legal system-specific terms. Additional qualitative insights are offered regarding the most significant cases of terminological harmonization and on the determining role of translation precedents

    Generalized Schr\"odinger cat states and their classical emulation

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    We demonstrate that superpositions of coherent and displaced Fock states, also referred to as generalized Schr\"odinger cats cats, can be created by application of a nonlinear displacement operator which is a deformed version of the Glauber displacement operator. Consequently, such generalized cat states can be formally considered as nonlinear coherent states. We then show that Glauber-Fock photonic lattices endowed with alternating positive and negative coupling coefficients give rise to classical analogs of such cat states. In addition, it is pointed out that the analytic propagator of these deformed Glauber-Fock arrays explicitly contains the Wigner operator opening the possibility to observe Wigner functions of the quantum harmonic oscillator in the classical domain.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure