535 research outputs found

    Stimulus Complexity and Mouse Strain Drive Escalation of Operant Sensation Seeking Within and Across Sessions in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J Mice.

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    Sensation seeking is a heritable trait that is genetically correlated with substance use; the shared genetic mechanisms underlying these traits are largely unknown. The relationship of sensation seeking and substance use has practical importance because discovering genes that drive sensation seeking can reveal genes driving substance use, and quantification of sensation seeking in mice is higher throughput and less technically challenging than quantification of volitional drug use. In order to fully understand the genetic mechanisms driving sensation seeking, it is critical to first understand the nongenetic factors driving sensation seeking. In the present study, we used the operant sensation seeking paradigm to assess the effects of stimulus complexity on sensation seeking in C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice. These strains are the founders of the BXD recombinant inbred mouse panel which enables the discovery of genes driving phenotypic variation. This study led to four principal conclusions. First, all sensory stimuli used in the study, regardless of complexity or number of stimulus modalities, served as reinforcers for C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice. Second, for both C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice, sensation seeking for a high complexity sensory stimulus was significantly greater than sensation seeking for a low complexity sensory stimulus. Third, for both C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice, sensation seeking escalated significantly within-session when a multimodal sensory stimulus of medium or high complexity was used but not when a unimodal sensory stimulus of low complexity was used. Finally, both the magnitude of sensation seeking and the magnitude of within-session escalation of sensation seeking were significantly greater in mice from the DBA/2J strain relative to mice from the C57BL/6J strain. Collectively, these findings indicate that stimulus complexity and genetic background drive escalation of operant sensation seeking within and across sessions, and that the BXD recombinant inbred mouse panel can be used to discover the genetic mechanisms underlying these phenomena

    Visual Discrimination, Serial Reversal, and Extinction Learning in the

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common form of muscular dystrophy and the most common neuromuscular disorder. In addition to neuromuscular consequences, some individuals with DMD experience global intellectual dysfunction and executive dysfunction of unknown mechanistic origin. The cognitive profile of the mdx mouse, the most commonly used mouse model of DMD, has been incompletely characterized and has never been assessed using the touchscreen operant conditioning paradigm. The touchscreen paradigm allows the use of protocols that are virtually identical to those used in human cognitive testing and may, therefore, provide the most translational paradigm for quantifying mouse cognitive function. In the present study, we used the touchscreen paradigm to assess the effects of the mdx mutation on visual discrimination learning, serial reversal learning, and extinction learning. To enable measuring task-dependent learning and memory processes while holding demands on sensory-driven information processing constant, we developed equally salient visual stimuli and used them on all experimental stages. Acquisition of the initial pairwise visual discrimination was facilitated in mdx mice relative to wildtype littermates; this effect was not explained by genotypic differences in impulsivity, motivation, or motor deficits. The mdx mutation had no effect on serial reversal or extinction learning. Together, findings from this study and previous studies suggest that mdx effects on cognitive function are task-specific and may be influenced by discrimination type (spatial, visual), reward type (food, escape from a non-preferred environment), sex, and genetic background

    Discovery of a Role for Rab3b in Habituation and Cocaine Induced Locomotor Activation in Mice Using Heterogeneous Functional Genomic Analysis

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    Substance use disorders are prevalent and present a tremendous societal cost but the mechanisms underlying addiction behavior are poorly understood and few biological treatments exist. One strategy to identify novel molecular mechanisms of addiction is through functional genomic experimentation. However, results from individual experiments are often noisy. To address this problem, the convergent analysis of multiple genomic experiments can discern signal from these studies. In the present study, we examine genetic loci that modulate the locomotor response to cocaine identified in the recombinant inbred (BXD RI) genetic reference population. We then applied the GeneWeaver software system for heterogeneous functional genomic analysis to integrate and aggregate multiple studies of addiction genomics, resulting in the identification o

    Systems genetics of sensation seeking.

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    Sensation seeking is a multifaceted, heritable trait which predicts the development of substance use and abuse in humans; similar phenomena have been observed in rodents. Genetic correlations among sensation seeking and substance use indicate shared biological mechanisms, but the genes and networks underlying these relationships remain elusive. Here, we used a systems genetics approach in the BXD recombinant inbred mouse panel to identify shared genetic mechanisms underlying substance use and preference for sensory stimuli, an intermediate phenotype of sensation seeking. Using the operant sensation seeking (OSS) paradigm, we quantified preference for sensory stimuli in 120 male and 127 female mice from 62 BXD strains and the C57BL/6J and DBA/2J founder strains. We used relative preference for the active and inactive levers to dissociate preference for sensory stimuli from locomotion and exploration phenotypes. We identified genomic regions on chromosome 4 (155.236-155.742 Mb) and chromosome 13 (72.969-89.423 Mb) associated with distinct behavioral components of OSS. Using publicly available behavioral data and mRNA expression data from brain regions involved in reward processing, we identified (a) genes within these behavioral QTL exhibiting genome-wide significant cis-eQTL and (b) genetic correlations among OSS phenotypes, ethanol phenotypes and mRNA expression. From these analyses, we nominated positional candidates for behavioral QTL associated with distinct OSS phenotypes including Gnb1 and Mef2c. Genetic covariation of Gnb1 expression, preference for sensory stimuli and multiple ethanol phenotypes suggest that heritable variation in Gnb1 expression in reward circuitry partially underlies the widely reported relationship between sensation seeking and substance use

    Identifying influential regions in extremely rare variants using a fixed-bin approach

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    In this study, we analyze the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data to identify regions of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that exhibit a significant influence on response rate (proportion of subjects with an affirmative affected status), called the affected ratio, among rare variants. Under the null hypothesis, the distribution of rare variants is assumed to be uniform over case (affected) and control (unaffected) subjects. We attempt to pinpoint regions where the composition is significantly different between case and control events, specifically where there are unusually high numbers of rare variants among affected subjects. We focus on private variants, which require a degree of “collapsing” to combine information over several SNPs, to obtain meaningful results. Instead of implementing a gene-based approach, where regions would vary in size and sometimes be too small to achieve a strong enough signal, we implement a fixed-bin approach, with a preset number of SNPs per region, relying on the assumption that proximity and similarity go hand in hand. Through application of 100-SNP and 30-SNP fixed bins, we identify several most influential regions, which later are seen to contain some of the causal SNPs. The 100- and 30-SNP approaches detected seven and three causal SNPs among the most significant regions, respectively, with two overlapping SNPs located in the ELAVL4 gene, reported by both procedures

    Microbial glutamate metabolism predicts intravenous cocaine self-administration in diversity outbred mice.

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    The gut microbiome is thought to play a critical role in the onset and development of psychiatric disorders, including depression and substance use disorder (SUD). To test the hypothesis that the microbiome affects addiction predisposing behaviors and cocaine intravenous self-administration (IVSA) and to identify specific microbes involved in the relationship, we performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing on feces from 228 diversity outbred mice. Twelve open field measures, two light-dark assay measures, one hole board and novelty place preference measure significantly differed between mice that acquired cocaine IVSA (ACQ) and those that failed to acquire IVSA (FACQ). We found that ACQ mice are more active and exploratory and display decreased fear than FACQ mice. The microbial abundances that differentiated ACQ from FACQ mice were an increased abundance of Barnesiella, Ruminococcus, and Robinsoniella and decreased Clostridium IV in ACQ mice. There was a sex-specific correlation between ACQ and microbial abundance, a reduced Lactobacillus abundance in ACQ male mice, and a decreased Blautia abundance in female ACQ mice. The abundance of Robinsoniella was correlated, and Clostridium IV inversely correlated with the number of doses of cocaine self-administered during acquisition. Functional analysis of the microbiome composition of a subset of mice suggested that gut-brain modules encoding glutamate metabolism genes are associated with the propensity to self-administer cocaine. These findings establish associations between the microbiome composition and glutamate metabolic potential and the ability to acquire cocaine IVSA thus indicating the potential translational impact of targeting the gut microbiome or microbial metabolites for treatment of SUD. This article is part of the Special Issue on Microbiome & the Brain: Mechanisms & Maladies

    Capecitabine and mitomycin C as third-line therapy for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer resistant to fluorouracil and irinotecan

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    Protracted venous infusion 5-fluorouracil (5FU) combined with mitomycin C (MMC) has demonstrated significant activity against metastatic colorectal cancer. Owing to potential synergy based upon upregulation of thymidine phosphorylase by MMC, the combination of capecitabine and MMC may improve outcomes in irinotecan-refractory disease. Eligible patients with progressive disease during or within 6 months of second-line chemotherapy were treated with capecitabine (1250 mg m−2 twice daily) days 1–14 every 3 weeks and MMC (7 mg m−2 IV bolus) once every 6 weeks. A total of 36 patients were recruited, with a median age of 64 years (range 40–77), and 23 patients (78%) were performance status 0–1. The objective response rate was 15.2%. In all, 48.5% of patients had stable disease. Median failure-free survival was 5.4 months (95% CI 4.6–6.2). Median overall survival was 9.3 months (95% CI: 6.9–11.7). Grade 3 toxicities were palmar-plantar erythema 16.7%, vomiting 8.3%, diarrhoea 2.8%, anaemia 8.3%, and neutropenia 2.8%. No patients developed haemolytic uraemic syndrome. Symptomatic improvement occurred for pain, bowel symptoms, and dyspnoea. Capecitabine in combination with MMC is an effective regimen for metastatic colorectal cancer resistant to 5FU and irinotecan with an acceptable toxicity profile and a convenient administration schedule

    Political Regimes and Sovereign Credit Risk in Europe, 1750-1913

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    This article uses a new panel data set to perform a statistical analysis of political regimes and sovereign credit risk in Europe from 1750 to 1913. Old Regime polities typically suffered from fiscal fragmentation and absolutist rule. By the start of World War I, however, many such countries had centralized institutions and limited government. Panel regressions indicate that centralized and?or limited regimes were associated with significant improvements in credit risk relative to fragmented and absolutist ones. Structural break tests also reveal close relationships between major turning points in yield series and political transformations

    FAK acts as a suppressor of RTK-MAP kinase signalling in Drosophila melanogaster epithelia and human cancer cells

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    Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTKs) and Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) regulate multiple signalling pathways, including mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. FAK interacts with several RTKs but little is known about how FAK regulates their downstream signalling. Here we investigated how FAK regulates signalling resulting from the overexpression of the RTKs RET and EGFR. FAK suppressed RTKs signalling in Drosophila melanogaster epithelia by impairing MAPK pathway. This regulation was also observed in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells, suggesting it is a conserved phenomenon in humans. Mechanistically, FAK reduced receptor recycling into the plasma membrane, which resulted in lower MAPK activation. Conversely, increasing the membrane pool of the receptor increased MAPK pathway signalling. FAK is widely considered as a therapeutic target in cancer biology; however, it also has tumour suppressor properties in some contexts. Therefore, the FAK-mediated negative regulation of RTK/MAPK signalling described here may have potential implications in the designing of therapy strategies for RTK-driven tumours

    Gender and sexual orientation differences in cognition across adulthood : age is kinder to women than to men regardless of sexual orientation

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    Despite some evidence of greater age-related deterioration of the brain in males than in females, gender differences in rates of cognitive aging have proved inconsistent. The present study employed web-based methodology to collect data from people aged 20-65 years (109,612 men; 88,509 women). As expected, men outperformed women on tests of mental rotation and line angle judgment, whereas women outperformed men on tests of category fluency and object location memory. Performance on all tests declined with age but significantly more so for men than for women. Heterosexuals of each gender generally outperformed bisexuals and homosexuals on tests where that gender was superior; however, there were no clear interactions between age and sexual orientation for either gender. At least for these particular tests from young adulthood to retirement, age is kinder to women than to men, but treats heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals just the same