120 research outputs found

    Peluang Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Produk Mentha Spp. Di Indonesia

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    Opportunity to Fulfil Mint Products in IndonesiaMentha spp. belongs to Labiatae family, Based on its active ingredients, aroma and utilization, there are several high economical values of mint species. Three species of mint such as Mentha arvensis, produces menthol oil and raw mint oil/Japanese mint, Mentha piperita produces peppermint oil or true mint, and Mentha spicata produces spearmint oil, which respectively share 75, 18, and 7% of the total world mint market. Since Indonesia is not able to fulfill the local need of mint oil, the country imports the oil accordingly, this in 2006 reached U.S. $ 3.78 millions equivalent to 34 billion rupiahs. M. Arvensis producing high menthol has the greatest demand for local industry and as one of most suitable varieties cultivates in Indonesia. The average imported mint volume reaches 76.10 tons/year, equivalent to 63 % of the total need of domestic industries. Opportunities to fulfill this local need of mint may be achieved by reducing production costs, so that price of the domestic mint oil is competitive compared to imported mint or synthetic products. The strategy may be achieved by optimizing herb, oil and menthol productions via current breeding technique i.e. through intra and inter-specific hybridization, mutagenesis induction and somaclonal variation through tissue culture of Ryokubi variety with high herb yield mint, with Tempaku, which has high menthol level and Mear 0012 containing high oil content, complemented with cultivation techniques using tablet or granular fertilizers coated with botanical pesticides. Those cultivation technologies are expected to increase 43 % of menthol production i.e. from 59.27 kg/ha to 84.72 kg/ha. This production level combined with expansion of 898 hectares of mint plantation areas is expected able to fulfill the need of domestic industries amounted to 76.10 tones/year.Keywords : Mentha spp., chance, fulfilments, Indonesi

    Karakterisasi Antibodi Poliklonal Terhadap Aflatoksin M1

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    The aim of the research was characterized the polyclonal antibody at AFM for diagnostic reagens on track 1 and measure the levels of AFM in milk. The series of experiments are given a polyclonal antibody testing 1 dimetilaminobenzidin (DAB) by dot blot immunoassay (DBIA) so it will look brown color display on the positive control sample; purification and estimation antibody of AFM concentration with ammonium sulfate; 1 dialysis; fractionation using HiTrap Protein A HP column, measured using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 280 nm; and characterized of IgG using SDS-PAGE. DBIA test results showed a typical reaction betweenantigen AFM1-BSA with AFM1-BSA antibody to rabbit serum in the form of brown dots after addition of DAB substrate. The results of spectrophotometric against rabbit serum fractionation showed the type of IgG heavy chain

    The Effects of Environmental Factors on the Dynamic Growth Pattern of Mangrove Avicennia Marina

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    Avicennia marina is a species of mangrove tree occurs in the intertidal zones of estuarine areas in Asia, including Indonesia. Mangrove within the genus member of Avicennia have long dominated many coastal areas along Semarang and Demak coasts. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect pattern of several environment parameters to Avicennia seedling growth rate. Observation was held by setting 8 stations with 3 transects, each including mangrove survey and environment parameter measurements. Mangrove survey including seedling and sapling stage occupying 1 x 1 m and 5 x 5 m transect plot respectively. While environmental factor measurements including on site measurement for temperature, salinity, pH and DO and laboratory analysis for organic matter, nutrient (N,P,K) and sediment structure. The results showed there were 2 effect pattern for environmental parameters observed including polynomial quadratic and logarithmic patterns. Parameters which had polynomial quadratic pattern including salinity, DO, P, sand and silt, while parameters which had logarithmic pattern were temperature, pH, organic matter and N

    Pengobatan Artesunat pada Penderita Malaria Falsiparum tanpa Komplikasi di Daerah Resisten Multidrug

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    A treatment trial of artesunate for uncomplicated falciparum malaria cases was conducted at ITCI Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in November 1992 - Januari 1993. The objectives of this study were to assess the efficacy and safety of artesunate. Thirty eight falcipamm malaria patients who had been selected according to criteria for the in vivo sensitivity test were treated orally with 100 mg artesunate 12 hourly on DO and followed 50 mg 12 hourly on Dl-4. All patients were hospitalized until declared cured clinically and parasitologicalty. The most prevalent clinical symptoms of these malaria patients were fever (84,2%), headache (81,6%), nausea (73,7%) and splenomegaly (71,0%o). The cure rates of artesunate were 100% (38/38 and 28/28) on D7 and D14, but on D21 and D28 there were 88,2% (15/17) and 75% (6/8) because of the presence of late Rl cases. The mean fever clearance time (FCT) and parasite clearance time (PCT) were as follows 15,1 1,8 h and 32,1 3,0 h (D7), 14,1 2,2 h and 33,3 3,8 h (D14), 15,7 3,0 h and 37,6 5,6 h (D21), 14,0 4,6 h and 32,0 5,9 h (D28) respectively. No side effect was found clinically and on laboratory examinations. Artesunate is effective and safe for treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria until D14 in a multidrug resistant area. A sequential combination of artesunate and other antimalarial drugs should be studied to achieve a radical cure


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    Hutan tropika Indonesia kaya keane-karagaman species tumbuhan, sedikitnya ter-dapat 40.000 jenis termasuk yang berkhasiat obat. Disamping itu, keberadaan 370 suku asli dengan keanekaragaman adat dan budayanya, turut memberikan keuntungan sendiri bagi kha-sanah etnomedisin dan budaya bangsa. Proses pewarisan IPTEK etnomedisin umumnya dila-kukan secara oral. Kondisi yang demikian akan mendorong terjadinya erosi IPTEK tersebut, disamping karena masuknya budaya modern. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penggalian dan pengembangan IPTEK etnomedisin. Kegiatan pengkajian ini telah dilaksanakan di kawasan Taman Nasional gunung Gede Pangrango pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2001. Survey dilakukan di 6 lokasi (gunung Gede Pangrango), mencakup 2 kabupaten (Sukabumi dan Cianjur). Penentuan lokasi dilakukan se-cara sengaja, dengan memperhitungkan kemu-dahan untuk mencapai lokasi. Narasumber yang diwawancarai juga ditetapkan secara se-ngaja. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan etnomedisin di kawasan gunung Gede Pangrango, terbatas pada dukun beranak. Kawasan gunung Gede Pang-rango, telah diin-ventarisasi sebanyak 23 jenis penyakit dengan 72 resep yang menggunakan 80 jenis tumbuhan obat. Hasil analisis mutu beberapa jenis sim-plisia dari lokasi survey memenuhi standar mutu yang ditetapkan MMI (Materia Medika Indonesia), sehingga memiliki prospek untuk produksi bahan baku industri obat tradisional, kosmetika dan lainnya.

    Pengobatan Malaria Falsiparum tanpa Komplikasi dengan Halofantrin di Daerah Resisten Klorokuin

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    Treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria with halofantrine was carried out at ITCI Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia in 1990/1991. This study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of halofantrine. Eighty out of 96 malaria falciparum patients who had been selected according to WHO criteria for the in-vivo sensitivity test were treated with 500 mg halofantrine 6 hourly for three doses orally. The other 16 patients were treated with mefloquine 750 mg single dose orally as a control group. All patients were hospitalized for 3-5 days and followed up on day 7, 14, 21 and 28. The cure rate of halofantrine was 98.4% (62/63) and relapse rate was 1.6% (1/63) as a late RI. The mean fever clearance time (FCT) and parasite clearance time (PCT) were 22.4 ± 2.7 h and 58.3 ± 5.2 h respectively. Tlte FCT was significantly different compared to that of mefloquine (9.3 ± 2.4 h). Some haematological abnormalities appeared to be associated with malaria but no biochemical abnormalities were found. Mild diarrhoea (11.5%), nausea (6.4%), palpitation (2.6%) and dizziness (1.3%) were observed as side effects of halofantrine but disappeared without treatment.This study showed that halofantrine is effective and safe for the treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in a chloroquine resistant area

    Pengobatan Penderita Malaria Falsiparum tanpa Komplikasi dengan Meflokuin di Daerah Resisten Klorokuin

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    Treatment with mefloquine of uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients was undertaken in ITCI Hospital, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia in 1991. This study was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of mefloquine, and to assess in vitro sensitivity of P. falciparum to other antimalarials currently in use. A total of 16 falciparum malaria patients who had been selected according to WHO criteria for the drug sensitivity test were treated with 750 mg mefloquine single dose orally. All patients were hospitalized for 3-5 days and followed up on day 7, 14, 21 and 28. Clinical and parasitological examinations were carried out during the study, haematological and biochemical examinations were also performed before drug administration and when the patient was discharged from the hospital. The main presenting symptoms were chills, headache and fever. Cure rate was 100% with the mean fever clearance time and parasite clearance time was 9.3 ±_ 2.4 hours and 47.1 +_ 3.7 hours respectively. No significant drug-related changes were noted in hematological or biochemical parameters. Only nausea was observed as a side effect of mefloquine which was mild and disappeared without treatment. ITCI Hospital area is a highly chloroquine resistant area (90,9%) and also as a multidrug resistant area (50%). This study shows that mefloquine is effective and safe for the treatment of uncomplicated falcipamm malaria resistant to chloroquine as well as for multidrug resistant cases

    Health sector spending and spending on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and development assistance for health: progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 3

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    Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3 aims to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. While a substantial effort has been made to quantify progress towards SDG3, less research has focused on tracking spending towards this goal. We used spending estimates to measure progress in financing the priority areas of SDG3, examine the association between outcomes and financing, and identify where resource gains are most needed to achieve the SDG3 indicators for which data are available