20 research outputs found

    Diversity and structure of bee pollination system in different satoyama habitats

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    Efektifitas Empat Perangkap Serangga dengan Tiga Jenis Atraktan di Perkebunan Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt)

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    The use of traps for insect surveilance on nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt) plantation is one of the earliest steps in this study since the information of nutmeg pest is barely available. In this study, four traps were used, namely Brown-Black Sticky Trap (BBST), Yellow Sticky Trap (YST), Glass Ambrosia Beetle Trap (GABT), and Plastic Pannel Trap (PPT) placed at 1,5 m high on nutmeg plants around Paya Teuk village (South Aceh). Those traps were accompanied by 35%-ethanol, nutmeg oil, and 35%-ethanol mixed with nutmeg oil as attractans. The observation with 4 types of trap with 3 different attractans and water as control have captured 10 orders, 51 families, 124 morphospecies, and 1027 individuals. Five families with the most numerous individuals were Nitidulidae, Tephritidae, Cicadellidae, Formicidae and Scolitidae. Individuals from Scolitidae and Nitidulidae family were mostly captured by BBST with 35% ethanol, and significantly different with the other traps (two way annova, P<0,05). The number of individuals from Tephritidae were mostly caught by YST using nutmeg oil as an attractan (two way Annova, P<0,05). Each type of trap with a spesific attractan effectively catch a different kind of insect family.

    The Diversity of Scarabaeid Beetles (Scarabaeidae: Coleoptera) in The Lowland Rainforest Ecosystem of Sorong Nature Tourism Park, West Papua, Indonesia

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    Scarabaeid beetles have an essential role in forest ecosystems, such as nutrient recycling, seed dispersal, forest regeneration, controlling parasite, and reducing carbon emissions. Until now, there has been no publication on scarabaeid beetle diversity in the lowland rainforest ecosystem of Papua, Indonesia. This study aims to measure the diversity of scarabaeid beetles in the lowland rainforest ecosystem of Sorong Nature Tourisme Park (SNTP), West Papua, Indonesia. Determination of study sites used in this study was using the purposive sampling method in three habitat types i.e., rehabilitation zone, conservation zone, and protection zone using baited dung traps (type A, B, and C dung traps), light trap, and active sampling. The fresh cow and human feces baits were used for dung traps that was replaced every 24 hours (68 repetitions for 68 days) in each habitat. Results showed a total of 30 individuals belonging to 13 species of scarabaeid beetles were collected. Onthophagus has the highest species richness (5 species) and the low species richness were Aphodius sp., Anomala sp., and Adoretus sp. (1 species). The protection zone has the highest diversity index (H’=2.09), followed by the conservation zone (H’=2), and rehabilitation zone (H’=0.5). Based on trap type, dung trap collected the most beetle species (9 species), followed by light trap (6 species), and active sampling (2 species). Based on Pearson correlation, soil pH significantly correlated with beetle abundance. This study was the first report of scarabaeid beetles in the West Papua, Indonesia

    The Toxicity Test of Synthetic Insecticides on Tetragonula laeviceps (Apidae: Meliponini)

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    Intense insecticide application is thought to cause a decline in bee colonies worldwide. Bees are effective pollinators in increasing the production of agricultural commodities. The stingless bee Tetragonula laeviceps (Apidae: Meliponini) is widely cultivated and found around plantations. The insecticides used in the toxicity test were imidacloprid 200 g/L, fipronil 50 g/L, lambda-cyhalothrin 25 g/L, profenofos 500 g/L, and chlorantraniliprole 50 g/L followed by a semi-field test using imidacloprid, fipronil, and profenofos insecticides on the cucumber plant. The LC50 value showed that exposure to imidacloprid, fipronil, and profenofos insecticides caused toxic effects on T. laeviceps by contact and orally. Lambda-cyhalothrin was found harmful on contact exposure, in contrast, chlorantraniliprole was harmful through oral. Classification of insecticide toxicity based on LD50 contact for imidacloprid, fipronil, lambda-cyhalothrin, and profenofos were very toxic and needed a risk assessment. However, chlorantraniliprole was classified as moderately toxic and low risk. In semi-field test results, imidacloprid and fipronil insecticides caused a significant decrease in the leave-return and bee-visiting activity on cucumber flowers. These insecticides also produced a low average yield of fruit weight. Insecticide application can affect the role of T. laeviceps as the pollinator which impacts the production of agricultural commodities

    Diversitas Serangga yang Berasosiasi dengan Tanaman Jeruk Pamelo (Citrus maxima) : The Diversity of Insect Assemblages on Pummelo (Citrus maxima)

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    Pummelo (Citrus maxima) is a species that has a high economic value and several cultivars are found in Indonesia. These plants interact with many species of insects, either as predators, parasitoids, or pollinators. This study aimed to measure the diversity of insects associated with pummelo and its environmental factors. Observation of insect diversity used scan sampling method in thirty plants on sunny days. Results showed that a totally of 1,388 individual insects belonging to 17 species in 11 families and 5 orders were found, i.e., Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, and Lepidoptera. The dominant insect species found were Camponotus sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Tetragonula laeviceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae), and Chrysolina sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). The number of individual insects was high in the morning (07.00-08.00), while the number of species was high in the noon.Jeruk pamelo (Citrus maxima) yang sering disebut jeruk bali merupakan spesies yang bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Di Indonesia, spesies ini memiliki beberapa kultivar. Tanaman ini berinterksi dengan banyak spesies serangga, baik sebagai predator, parasitoid, atau penyerbuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur keanekaragaman serangga yang berasosiasi dengan tanaman jeruk pamelo dan hubungannya dengan faktor lingkungan. Pengamatan keanekaragaman serangga menggunakan metode scan sampling pada 30 tanaman jeruk pamelo. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sebanyak 1.388 individu serangga yang termasuk dalam 17 spesies dalam 11 famili dan 5 ordo, yaitu Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, dan Lepidoptera. Spesies serangga yang dominan ditemukan adalah Camponathus sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Tetragonula laeviceps (Hymenoptera: Apidae), dan Chrysolina sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Jumlah individu  serangga tinggi di pagi hari (pukul 07.00-08.00), sedangkan jumlah spesies tinggi pada pengamatan siang hari.&nbsp

    Keanekaragaman dan Distribusi Gastropoda Air Tawar di Sungai Ciapus, Jawa Barat, Indonesia: Diversity and Distribution of Freshwater Gastropods in Ciapus River, West Java, Indonesia

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    Despite being part of food web and bioindicator in freshwater ecosystems, gastropods are globally jeopardized. Therefore, the occurence of freshwater gastropods need to be assessed. This research aimed to examine diversity and distribution of freshwater gastropods along the Ciapus River in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. The research was conducted from February to May 2020. Sampling was carried out within limited 15 minutes time period using five 1 × 1 m plots established at each of four survey stations. Gastropods were collected from the bottom of river, rock surface and riverbanks within 15-100 cm of water depth. Environmental parameters were recorded. Data was analyzed using biodiversity index parameters and diversity t-test. The survey collected a total 587 individuals from 7 species of freshwater gastropods. The abundance, species richness and diversity of gastropods in the Ciapus river were different between upstream and downstream, location with high altitude tend to have low number of species. Glyptophysa stagnalis became the only species recorded from upstream area. Meanwhile, there were 4 species, which were collected in other three stations and 2 species that recorded from two stations.  In three stations, Tarebia granifera was the most dominant species

    Tropical lowland rainforest conversion to rubber monoculture affects flight activity and pollen resources of the stingless bees Tetragonula laeviceps

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    Tropical lowland rainforest conversion leads to decreases diversity and population in insect pollinators, including stingless bees. However, how stingless bees respond to this conversion is still being studied. In this study we observed the number of flight activities of the Tetragonula laeviceps (Smith) in three converted land types in Jambi, Sumatra; identified the pollen resources of T. laeviceps from the collected pollen in the hind tibia; and exploring the flowering plants surrounding the T. laeviceps nests. Four flight activities were observed, i.e., flying out of the nest, returning with pollen, returning without pollen, and returning with resin. In addition to the flight activity, we observed flight direction and environmental factors and identified pollen composition from the hind tibia of stingless bees. This study showed that forest fragments had the highest number of bees flying out of the nest. Bees returning with or without pollen in the fragmented forest with high coverage were higher than in other habitats. The highest number of bees returning with resin was found in the rubber plantation with high coverage, while the lowest number of all flight activities were observed in the shrub with low coverage. The stingless bees mainly collected pollen from rubber flowers supported by their flight directions leading to blooming rubber trees. Our study showed that the conversion of tropical lowland rainforests in this case rubber plantation affects on decreasing the flight activities and pollen collecting of stingless bees, which may have a significant impact on the resources needed by the bees


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    Intra- and Interspecies Wing Venation Variations of Apis cerana and Apis nigrocincta Species in Indonesia

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    Apis cerana has a wide distribution in Asia, including Sundaland, and is currently found in Wallacea, while the sister species, A. nigrocincta, is native in Sulawesi. The wide geographic distribution and the island isolation led to form morphological differences in the bees. The morph and wing venations are known to have a high genetic inheritance. Therefore, this research aimed to (1) analyze the landmark variation of wing venations of A. cerana from Sundaland and Wallacea, and A. nigrocincta from Sulawesi, (2) determine the relationship between these two bee species. The research was conducted by digitizing 550 wing venations based on nineteen landmarks. Our study on intraspecies showed that A. cerana Sumatra revealed a high variation in bending energy. Overall, the deformation grid of A. cerana from Sundaland has higher displacement than those from Wallacea, meaning higher variations of the Sundaland A. cerana. We found geometric morphometric markers of landmarks 16 and 17 in intraspecies and interspecies bees. Thus, these landmarks known as a cubital index can be used for species identification. The differentiation of interspecies has been shown in the PCA. Apis nigrocincta was separated from the single group of the centroid A. cerana and was supported by the Neighbor-Joining tree