457 research outputs found

    Simulation for the rating and design of a process for the concentration of protein hydrolysates at SICIT (Chiampo, VI)

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    Questa tesi svolta in azienda, confronta tramite simulazione le prestazioni di due impianti di concentrazione a multiplo effetto con termocompressione, rispettivamente l'impianto in funzione di tipo falling-film ed un un impianto in fase di progetto di tipo rising-film a piastre, tramite lo sviluppo di due modelli si simulano i funzionamenti, in cui il primo eĢ€ basato sul funzionamento monitorato, il secondo dai dati di progetto, analizzando le performance, consumi e costi operativi.ope

    On the interplay between disease and awareness spreading in multiplex networks

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    Here itā€™s presented a model with the aim of integrating, using the multiplex networks environment, the behavior of individuals in case of an emergence of an infectious disease within a population. Aware people are assumed to do as lower contacts between each others as possible, so that they decrease their probability of getting infected. The position of the critical point is investigated both theoretically and numerically using mean-field approximations and Monte Carlo simulations.ope

    Italian tax incentives for film industry: the impact on the domestic sector and on the State

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    The national approach to public funding of the film industry has been subject to a shift in recent years, at an international level, moving from a grant and subsidy scheme towards more automatic form of supports, including tax incentives. The paper aims at analysing the impact of the new tax credit measures for the Italian film industry, introduced in 2008, within the framework of the 2007 financial law, and in force since the third quarter of 2009. The impact is evaluated on both the domestic film production companies and on the State accounts level. The measure of tax credit for film with cultural requirements provides the film production company with the possibility of offsetting its tax debt (national and regional income tax, VAT, social contribution and costs) during the production, within a cap of 15% of total eligible costs. Starting from the data collected and processed by the Ministry of Culture since the beginning of the implementation phase, the paper aims at demonstrating the positive balance for the State determined by the increase of private investments on film with cultural requirements and, consequently, of the induced direct and indirect tax return. A brief description of the measure will be followed by a comparison of the incremental value produced by the film sector throughout the year following the enforcement of the tax credit measures.The national approach to public funding of the film industry has been subject to a shift in recent years, at an international level, moving from a grant and subsidy scheme towards more automatic form of supports, including tax incentives. The paper aims at analysing the impact of the new tax credit measures for the Italian film industry, introduced in 2008, within the framework of the 2007 financial law, and in force since the third quarter of 2009. The impact is evaluated on both the domestic film production companies and on the State accounts level. The measure of tax credit for film with cultural requirements provides the film production company with the possibility of offsetting its tax debt (national and regional income tax, VAT, social contribution and costs) during the production, within a cap of 15% of total eligible costs. Starting from the data collected and processed by the Ministry of Culture since the beginning of the implementation phase, the paper aims at demonstrating the positive balance for the State determined by the increase of private investments on film with cultural requirements and, consequently, of the induced direct and indirect tax return. A brief description of the measure will be followed by a comparison of the incremental value produced by the film sector throughout the year following the enforcement of the tax credit measures.Invited Submission

    Povijest emocija i smrt. Primjeri iz talijanske historiografije

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    Caspase-independent programmed cell death triggers Ca2PO4 deposition in an in vitro model of nephrocalcinosis

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    We provide evidence of caspase-independent cell death triggering the calcification process in GDNF-silenced HK-2 cells

    The Unionism of Bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer and Barnabite Cesare Tondini de'Quarenghi: the Case of the Catholic Mission in Serbia (1883-1885)

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    U povijesti odnosa između Katoličke i Pravoslavne crkve u 19. stoljeću ističu se Strossmayerova i uloga Cesarea Tondinija deā€™Quarenghija. Potaknuta događajima vezanima uz razvoj "istočnoga pitanja", u koje su bile upletene velike europske sile, i Katolička je crkva polako započela procese koji bi doveli do ponovnog ujedinjenja. Strossmayerova i Tondinijeva djelatnost, zahvaljujući njihovu kozmopolitskom obrazovanju i vezama s osobama bliskim ćirilometodskoj viziji, obilježena je idejom razvoja znanja i prevladavanja uzajamnih razlika među crkvama kao temeljnog puta k ujedinjenju. Strossmayerovo je djelovanje primjer postizanja dogovora u sklopu unionizma, ne samo s drugim krŔćanskim crkvama nego i s modernim druÅ”tvom. Tondinijeva biografija i studije predstavljaju pregled reformiranog unionizma u Europi u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Godine 1883. Strossmayer je zadužio Tondinija da se uputi u Srbiju i izvidi uvjete vjerskoga života tamoÅ”njih katolika. Tako nastaje slučaj "misije u Srbiji" kojoj se Tondini posvetio od 1883. do 1885., kada je Sveta Stolica zatražila njegov povratak. Rad pokazuje Strossmayerovu i Tondinijevu djelatnost u novom "pred-ekumenskom" svjetlu. Takav doprinos važan je za novu interpretaciju povijesti međukonfesionalnih pokreta i za revidirano razumijevanje njihovih aktera. Nadalje, pokazuje se način na koji se u njihovoj misli rastapa antagonizam nekih elemenata karakterističnih za laičku i religijsku kulturu 19. stoljeća, kao Å”to su primjerice liberalizam, ćirilometodske ideje, njemački romantizam, marijinski kult.Appearing alongside Strossmayer, Cesare Tondini de\' Quarenghi was of great significance in the context of the relations between the Catholic and the Orthodox churches during the 19th century. As the great powers of Europe started involving in the events and the development of the \'\'Eastern question\'\', the Catholic Church too took its first steps towards reunion with the Orthodox world. Due to their cosmopolitism and connections with people akin to the vision of Cyril and Methodius, Strossmayer\'s and Tondini\'s activity was marked by an idea of knowledge development and the overcoming of mutual differences between the Churches that was, as such, considered to be a pathway towards reunion. Strossmayerā€™s activity is an example of how it was possible, within unionism, to reach agreement not just between the Christian Churches, but with modern society. Tondiniā€™s biography and opus, on the other hand, represent an overview of reformed unionism in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. In the year 1883, Strossmayer sent Tondini to Serbia with a task of getting insight into the religious life of Catholics in that country. This is the context in which the case of \'\'the mission in Serbia\'\' emerges. Tondini concentrated entirely on this mission during the period from 1883 to 1885 when the Holy See, due to the Austrian political pressure on the Serbian and Vatican governments, gave orders for his return

    Narration of the Nation in Mirko Bogovićā€™s Historical Tragedies

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    Tijekom devetnaestoga stoljeća unutar preporodnih pokreta razvija se novi narativni politički stil, udaljen od ranijih zamrÅ”enih filozofsko-teorijskih traktata. U prvi plan dolazi politički stil emocija, a ne viÅ”e toliko racionalnosti. To je stil mitografske sugestije, simbola, pripovijesti, alegorija. Iz analize zapleta književnih tekstova (poezije, tragedija, romana, kazaliÅ”nih komada, opernih libreta) proistječe da se učestalo pojavljuju određeni simboli i narativne figure kojima se nastoji ostvariti snažnu privrženost novim domoljubnim idejama. U konkretnom slučaju analizirat ću tri drame Mirka Bogovića: Frankopan (1856.), Stjepan posljednji kralj bosanski (1858.) i Matija Gubec, kralj seljački (1859.). Bogović u te drame unosi ideale i vrijednosti povezane s prikazom nacionalne zajednice, te ih ostvaruje na posebno prihvatljiv način zahvaljujući pripovjednom zapletu i povijesnom ambijentu u koje ih smjeÅ”ta. Tako da se može zaključiti da Bogović, kao i drugi hrvatski i europski intelektualci toga razdoblja, izborom povijesne tematike u pozadini svojih djela pronalazi način na koji se može polemički pratiti usud vlastite zemlje i iznijeti vlastiti stav prema onovremenim hrvatskim druÅ”tvenim i političkim pitanjima.A new narrative political style developed within revival movements during the 19th century, which differed from preceding complex philosophical and theoretical tractates. A political style based on emotions, rather than rationality as was the case before, came to the fore. This is a style of mythographic suggestion, symbols, stories and allegories. Literary text plot analysis (poetry, tragedies, novels, theater plays, libretti intended for operas) shows the frequent incidence of certain symbols and narrative figures used to create strong allegiance to new patriotic ideas. An analysis of three Mirko Bogovićā€™s dramatic pieces: Frankopan (1856), Stjepan, posljednji bosanski kralj (Stephen, the Last King of Bosnia) (1858) and Matija Gubec, kralj seljački (Matija Gubec, the Peasant King) (1859) is presented in the paper. Bogović introduces ideals and values connected to national community representation into these dramatic pieces bringing them about in an especially acceptable way due to the storyline and historical ambient in which he places them. Thus, it can be concluded that Bogović, together with other Croatian and European intellectuals of that period, found a way to polemically follow the destiny of his own country and express his attitude towards Croatian social and political issues of that time by choosing a historical subject matter for the backdrop of his pieces

    Amila Buturović, Carved in Stone, Etched in Memory. Death, Tombstones and Commemoration in Bosnian Islam since c.1500

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    La monografia di Amila Buturović approfondisce le tradizioni commemorative e i monumenti funebri Islamici in Bosnia dal 1500. Il processo di transizione tra il pre-Ottomano, sotto lā€™autoritĆ  Cristiana, al sistema culturale nellā€™impero Ottomano-islamico portĆ² ad una confluenza di differenti stili funerari che riflettevano la situazione creatasi tra un numero sempre crescente di conversioni e una nuova sensibilitĆ  escatologica. In questo periodo di trasformazioni, avvenute dopo lā€™incorporazione..

    Albumin uptake in human podocytes: a possible role for the cubilin-amnionless (CUBAM) complex

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    Abstract Albumin re-uptake is a receptor-mediated pathway located in renal proximal tubuli. There is increasing evidence of glomerular protein handling by podocytes, but little is known about the mechanism behind this process. In this study, we found that human podocytes in vitro are committed to internalizing albumin through a receptor-mediated mechanism even after exposure to low doses of albumin. We show that these cells express cubilin, megalin, ClC-5, amnionless and Dab2, which are partners in the tubular machinery. Exposing human podocytes to albumin overload prompted an increase in CUBILIN, AMNIONLESS and CLCN5 gene expression. Inhibiting cubilin led to a reduction in albumin uptake, highlighting its importance in this mechanism. We demonstrated that human podocytes are committed to performing endocytosis via a receptor-mediated mechanism even in the presence of low doses of albumin. We also disclosed that protein overload first acts on the expression of the cubilin-amnionless (CUBAM) complex in these cells, then involves the ClC-5 channel, providing the first evidence for a possible role of the CUBAM complex in albumin endocytosis in human podocytes
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