5 research outputs found

    Břeclav - Pohansko X. Sídelní areál na Severovýchodním předhradí : archeologické výzkumy v letech 2008-2016

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    Kniha je výsledkem mnohaletého výzkumu archeologů z Ústavu archeologie a muzeologie FF MU v prostoru Severovýchodního předhradí Pohanska u Břeclavi. Publikace přibližuje odborné veřejnosti sídlištní strukturu předhradí, nálezový fond i první interpretace archeologických pramenů získaných terénními výzkumy v letech 2008–2016. Monografie obsahuje kapitoly, ve kterých jsou analyzovány a interpretovány jak nemovité, tak movité archeologické prameny. Například, na základě prostorové distribuce keramiky, kuchyňského odpadu a mazanice se podařila jasná identifikace raně středověkých nadzemních staveb, které by za jiných podmínek nebylo možné odhalit. Studie obsahuje dílčí závěry a interpretace výsledků devítiletého archeologického výzkumu. Vše je doplněno podrobným textovým katalogem prozkoumaných terénních reliktů, doprovázeným bohatou obrazovou a plánovou přílohou.This book is the result of many years continual research of the archaeologists from Department of Archaeology and Museology FA MU in the area of the Northeast Suburb at Pohansko near Břeclav. Publication is aimed at archaeology professionals or students and describes in some detail the settlement structure of the suburb, the inventory of finds and the first interpretations of the archaeological sources gathered by excavations carried out in the 2008–2016 period. The monograph contains chapters in which immovable and movable archaeological sources are analysed and interpreted. For instance, the authors were successful of the functional interpretation of the individual excavated settlement sectors based on the using the spatial distribution of pottery, kitchen waste and daub. One of the important results of the method employed is the relatively unambiguous identification of early medieval above-ground buildings which could not have been revealed under different conditions. There is an additional detailed text catalogue of the investigated field relics accompanied by an extensive supplement with images and plans

    Mapování středověku : Obléhaný hrad Holoubek v prostředí ArcGIS

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    Článek prezentuje výsledky a možnosti vizualizace dat získaných na terénních prospekcích na na hradě Holoubek v prostředí programů ArcGIS. Jsou představeny výsledky geodetických měření a 3D fotogrammetrie. Příspěvek je výstupem z projektu NAKI.Article is presenting results and possibilities of visualisation of the castle Holoubek in the ArcGIS environment. Results of geodetical survey and 3D photogrammetry are presented. Article is the result of project NAKI

    Paleomeander at the Northern bailey of the archaeological site Pohansko near Břeclav

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    The site is situated in the bottomland near the confluence of Dyje and Morava rivers. The junction area is split by many sides and inactive channels. The human impact (settlement establishment, deforestation and landscape management) is also reflected in the bottomland development. Processes lead to erosion, accumulation of sediments in river beds and changes in vegetation. One of the peaks of the settlement of the studied area can be considered during existence of the Great Moravian Empire when the settlement agglomerations developed directly in the floodplain. The area has been intensively archaeologically studied for a long time. In the context of the ongoing climate change and increasing intensity of floods the relationship between climate, natural conditions and the functioning of the human settlements comes to the forefront of scientific interest. For the reconstruction of the complicated floodplain development a combination of different research methods was used. For direct determination of stratigraphy an excavated transect through the sediments connecting the edge of the settlement (in the area of the so called Northern bailey) on the sand elevation („hrúd“) and lower flood-plain step in the area of presumptive paleomeander has been studied. Direct field documentation and palynological and sedimentological studies and 14C dating method were utilized. These methods have been supplemented by remote sensing methods: Geophysics (ERT, DEMP), Lidar. On their basis a digital relief model (extend of measured area was 54 000 m2) was created as well as a map of conductivity anomalies. The study documented a sequence of extinct riverbeds (a series of fluvial point bars) of various ages at the northern edge of Pohansko. Their stratigraphic position proves the stage when the active channel was eroding the edge of the archaeological site. The sediments stored in previous periods were destroyed by erosion in this space. The aggradation of the floodplain occurred in 14th–16th century. Results of pollen analysis indicate the presence of a mosaic of forested and open landscape of mesophilous alluvial woodlands and open areas. The immediate vicinity of the sedimentary area was not too much affected by agricultural activity at that time. Compared to palynospectra from sediments of the Great Moravian settlement, the deforestation intensity and the proportion of anthropogenic indicators were noticeably lower.The site is situated in the bottomland near the confluence of Dyje and Morava rivers. The junction area is split by many sides and inactive channels. The human impact (settlement establishment, deforestation and landscape management) is also reflected in the bottomland development. Processes lead to erosion, accumulation of sediments in river beds and changes in vegetation. One of the peaks of the settlement of the studied area can be considered during existence of the Great Moravian Empire when the settlement agglomerations developed directly in the floodplain. The area has been intensively archaeologically studied for a long time. In the context of the ongoing climate change and increasing intensity of floods the relationship between climate, natural conditions and the functioning of the human settlements comes to the forefront of scientific interest. For the reconstruction of the complicated floodplain development a combination of different research methods was used. For direct determination of stratigraphy an excavated transect through the sediments connecting the edge of the settlement (in the area of the so called Northern bailey) on the sand elevation („hrúd“) and lower flood-plain step in the area of presumptive paleomeander has been studied. Direct field documentation and palynological and sedimentological studies and 14C dating method were utilized. These methods have been supplemented by remote sensing methods: Geophysics (ERT, DEMP), Lidar. On their basis a digital relief model (extend of measured area was 54 000 m2) was created as well as a map of conductivity anomalies. The study documented a sequence of extinct riverbeds (a series of fluvial point bars) of various ages at the northern edge of Pohansko. Their stratigraphic position proves the stage when the active channel was eroding the edge of the archaeological site. The sediments stored in previous periods were destroyed by erosion in this space. The aggradation of the floodplain occurred in 14th–16th century. Results of pollen analysis indicate the presence of a mosaic of forested and open landscape of mesophilous alluvial woodlands and open areas. The immediate vicinity of the sedimentary area was not too much affected by agricultural activity at that time. Compared to palynospectra from sediments of the Great Moravian settlement, the deforestation intensity and the proportion of anthropogenic indicators were noticeably lower

    Collector for ArcGIS a jeho využitie pri terénnej prospekcii

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    Poster prezentujúci možnosti využitia aplikácie Collector for ArcGIS. Stručne je prezentovaný workflow prípravy dát, príklady využitia v teréne, výhody a nevýhody aplikácie.Poster presents application of Collector for ArcGIS in archaeological survey and prospection. Main topics are: workflow of data preparation, examples of application in terrain and pros and cons of the application