19 research outputs found
Kuptueshmëria e të folurit në gjuhën shqipe në përdorimin e aplikacioneve multimediale Skype dhe Viber
Ky punim ka për qëllim të analizojë matjet subjektive të kuptueshmërisë së të folurit në gjuhën shqipe, gjatë bisedës në mes të dy personave, duke përdorur aplikacione, të cilat në ditët e sotme janë shumë të përdorura për komunikim, siç janë Skype dhe Viber.
Kuptueshmëria e të folurit ka të bëjë me qartësinë e të folurit që dëgjohet, dmth në hyrje të sistemit kemi fjalët pa kuptim, kurse në dalje kemi atë që dëgjohet. Kuptueshmëria e të folurit paraqet përqindjen e fjalëve të pranuara saktë ndaj numrit të fjalëve të shqiptuara në hyrje. Matja bëhet në këtë mënyrë: në pjesën hyrëse të sistemit të transmetimit fliten fjalë ose fjali apo vetëm rrokje, ndërsa në anën pranuese regjistrohet ajo që dëgjohet. Përqindja e fjalëve, fjalive apo rrokjeve të pranuara saktë, në raport me numrin e atyre të shqiptuara në hyrje të sistemit, jep përqindjen e kuptueshmërisë.
Një shembull konkret, sepse nevojitet digjitalizimi i gjuhës shqipe dhe pse duhet të dizajnohen modele dhe algoritme për këtë, është rasti te Google, Search by Voice, ku edhe nëse flitet ndonjë fjalë jo qartë në gjuhën angleze, sistemi e gjen vetë fjalën më të afërt të mundshme dhe e gjeneron atë.
Metodat e matjeve bëhen me shpejtësi të ndryshme të internetit të realizuara në ambiente pa zhurmë dhe ato me zhurmë, me qëllim për të parë ndikimin në kuptueshmëri të të folurit me parametra të ndryshëm objektiv
Intelligibility of spoken Albanian language by using multimedia applications like skype and viber
This paper intends to analyze subjective measurements of intelligibility of speech in Albanian language during the conversation between two people using applications which today is very used for communication such as Skype and Viber
Intelligibility of speech has to do with the clarity of speech that is heard, meaning of the entry of the system we have words without meaning while to the exit we mark what is heard. Speech intelligibility represents the percentage of correctly recognized words to the number of words uttered at the entrance. The measurement is done as follows: on the entry part of the transmission system sentences or words are spoken or just syllables while on receiving part is recorded what is heard; the percentage of words, sentences or syllables correctly received, on proportion to those imposed on the entry of the system, provides the percentage of intelligibility (the words, sentences or syllables).
A concrete example of why is needed digitalization of the Albanian language and why should we design models and algorithms for this is the case of Google Search by Voice, where even if you speak a word that is not clear in English language, the system finds the closest potential word and generates it.
Methods of measurements are made at different speed of the Internet, in an environment without noise and with noise, in order to see the impact on understanding of the speech with different target parameters
The Effect of Bandwidth on Speech Intelligibility in Albanian Language by Using Multimedia Applications like Skype and Viber
This paper intends to analyze subjective measurements of intelligibility of speech on Albanian language during the conversation between two people using applications which today are very used for communication such as Skype and Viber. The measurement is done as follows: on the entry part of the transmission system sentences or words are spoken or just syllables while on receiving part is recorded what is heard; the percentage of words, sentences or syllables correctly received, on proportion to those imposed on the entry of the system, providing the percentage of intelligibility (the words, sentences or syllables). Methods of measurements are made at different speed of the Internet, in an environment without noise and with noise, in order to see the impact on understanding of the speech with different target parameters
Flipped Learning in Engineering Education
Flipped learning is a developing concept in higher education and a new methodology ready for exploration. It is a new educational strategy that changes the traditional lecturing by flipping the classroom in the sense of listening the lectures at home and doing dynamic, group-based problem-solving activities in the classroom. This will engage the students in active learning, critical thinking and developing new studying skills.
This paper will address the current state of knowledge and practice in the flipped learning approach in engineering education by critically evaluating the existing researches and summarizing the findings. The search for empirical articles included electronic databases for engineering education in the Web of Science. Most studies reported high student satisfaction and increased performance in a flipped classroom environment. This paper will also serve as a guide for future studies and reflect the major achievements of flipped learning models over the traditional lecture-exercises model in engineering education to support and advance the student learning process