2,931 research outputs found

    Nanometer-scale Tomographic Reconstruction of 3D Electrostatic Potentials in GaAs/AlGaAs Core-Shell Nanowires

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    We report on the development of Electron Holographic Tomography towards a versatile potential measurement technique, overcoming several limitations, such as a limited tilt range, previously hampering a reproducible and accurate electrostatic potential reconstruction in three dimensions. Most notably, tomographic reconstruction is performed on optimally sampled polar grids taking into account symmetry and other spatial constraints of the nanostructure. Furthermore, holographic tilt series acquisition and alignment have been automated and adapted to three dimensions. We demonstrate 6 nm spatial and 0.2 V signal resolution by reconstructing various, previously hidden, potential details of a GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowire. The improved tomographic reconstruction opens pathways towards the detection of minute potentials in nanostructures and an increase in speed and accuracy in related techniques such as X-ray tomography

    Sheet metal forming optimization methodology for servo press process control improvement

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    In sheet metal forming manufacturing operations the use of servo presses is gaining more interest due to the opportunity to improve process performance (quality, productivity, cost reduction, etc.). It is not yet clear how to proceed in the engineering process when this type of operating machine is used to achieve the maximum possible potential of this technology. Recently, several press builders have developed gap‐ and straight‐sided metal forming presses adopting the mechanical servo‐drive technology. The mechanical servo‐drive press offers the flexibility of a hydraulic press with the speed, accuracy and reliability of a mechanical press. Servo drive presses give the opportunity to improve the productivity of process conditions and improve the quality of stamped parts. Forming simulation and numerical optimization can be useful tools to define beforehand the optimal process parameter set‐up in terms of servo press downward curve properties. This is done by carrying out a sensitivity analysis of the forming parameters having influence on said curve. The authors have developed a numerical methodology able to analyze the influence factors, for comparison with the degrees of freedom made available by the usage of a servo press, in terms of stroke profile management, to obtain an optimized process parameters combination

    Optimization of Machining Fixture for Aeronautical Thin-walled Components☆

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    Abstract The aim of this work has been the optimization of the fixtures performance used in thin-walled workpiece machining depending on the local rigidity characteristics of the component to be machined. An extensive topology optimization activity has been performed both on fixture-workpiece systems modelled with shell elements and on fixture-workpiece systems modelled with solid elements, varying the topology design variables and/or optimization constraints for each optimization problem, in order to provide a new design of fixture. Finally, a new blended Solid-Lattice design of the fixture, starting by the design topologically optimized, has been created. In this way, it has been possible to identify void regions in the design space, where the material can be removed, regions where solid material is needed, and regions where lattice structure is required. This has allowed to generate the optimal hybrid or blended solid-lattice design based on desired functionality of the part having as natural consequence the definition of a new method for fixtures design

    Replica symmetric evaluation of the information transfer in a two-layer network in presence of continuous+discrete stimuli

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    In a previous report we have evaluated analytically the mutual information between the firing rates of N independent units and a set of multi-dimensional continuous+discrete stimuli, for a finite population size and in the limit of large noise. Here, we extend the analysis to the case of two interconnected populations, where input units activate output ones via gaussian weights and a threshold linear transfer function. We evaluate the information carried by a population of M output units, again about continuous+discrete correlates. The mutual information is evaluated solving saddle point equations under the assumption of replica symmetry, a method which, by taking into account only the term linear in N of the input information, is equivalent to assuming the noise to be large. Within this limitation, we analyze the dependence of the information on the ratio M/N, on the selectivity of the input units and on the level of the output noise. We show analytically, and confirm numerically, that in the limit of a linear transfer function and of a small ratio between output and input noise, the output information approaches asymptotically the information carried in input. Finally, we show that the information loss in output does not depend much on the structure of the stimulus, whether purely continuous, purely discrete or mixed, but only on the position of the threshold nonlinearity, and on the ratio between input and output noise.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    A device to characterize optical fibres

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    ATLAS is a general purpose experiment approved for the LHC collider at CERN. An important component of the detector is the central hadronic calorimeter; for its construction more than 600,000 Wave Length Shifting (WLS) fibres (corresponding to a total length of 1,120 Km) have been used. We have built and put into operation a dedicated instrument for the measurement of light yield and attenuation length over groups of 20 fibres at a time. The overall accuracy achieved in the measurement of light yield (attenuation length) is 1.5% (3%). We also report the results obtained using this method in the quality control of a large sample of fibres.Comment: 17 pages 20 figeres submitted to NIM journa

    Protonography, a new technique for the analysis of carbonic anhydrase activity.

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    All proteolytic enzymes, which are able to renature and reacquire the proteolytic activity on a copolymerized substrate, can be analyzed by zymography upon removal of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Protonography, the new technique described in this study, unlike zymography, allows the detection of a different protein, not a protease, i.e. of the carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC activity on a SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gel. CAs are zinc-containing enzymes that catalyze the reversible conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and protons. Hydrogen ions produced during the catalyzed reaction are responsible for the change of color that appears on the gel around the CA band. For this reason, we named the new technique "protonography". The following four salient features characterize this new technique: (a) on the basis of molecular weight markers, recombinant or native CAs with different molecular weights can be detected and quantified rapidly on a single gel; (b) the hydratase activity can be reversibly inhibited by SDS during electrophoresis and recovered by incubating the gel in aqueous Triton X-100; (c) it is possible to separate active oligomeric forms of CAs on the gel enabling their activities to be determined independently of one another. This feature is not possible when using solution assays; and (d) it can be a useful tool to establish if a putative or a newly identified CA in a genome is expressed and enzymatically active. This article outlines the general principles employed in protonography, providing an easy procedure to implement it in laboratories working with CAs. It also presents an overview of its development and current research applications through specific examples

    Exposure to antibiotics and neurodevelopmental disorders: could probiotics modulate the gut–brain axis?

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    In order to develop properly, the brain requires the intricate interconnection of genetic factors and pre-and postnatal environmental events. The gut–brain axis has recently raised considerable interest for its involvement in regulating the development and functioning of the brain. Consequently, alterations in the gut microbiota composition, due to antibiotic administration, could favor the onset of neurodevelopmental disorders. Literature data suggest that the modulation of gut microbiota is often altered in individuals affected by neurodevelopmental disorders. It has been shown in animal studies that metabolites released by an imbalanced gut–brain axis, leads to alterations in brain function and deficits in social behavior. Here, we report the potential effects of antibiotic administration, before and after birth, in relation to the risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders. We also review the potential role of probiotics in treating gastrointestinal disorders associated with gut dysbiosis after antibiotic administration, and their possible effect in ameliorating neurodevelopmental disorder symptoms

    Microstructural and morphological properties of homoepitaxial (001)ZnTe layers investigated by x-ray diffuse scattering

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    The microstructural and morphological properties of homoepitaxial (001)ZnTe layers are investigated by x-ray diffuse scattering. High resolution reciprocal space maps recorded close to the ZnTe (004) Bragg peak show different diffuse scattering features. One kind of cross-shaped diffuse scattering streaks along directions can be attributed to stacking faults within the epilayers. Another kind of cross-shaped streaks inclined at an angle of about 80deg with respect to the in-plane direction arises from the morphology of the epilayers. (abridged version

    A theoretical model of neuronal population coding of stimuli with both continuous and discrete dimensions

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    In a recent study the initial rise of the mutual information between the firing rates of N neurons and a set of p discrete stimuli has been analytically evaluated, under the assumption that neurons fire independently of one another to each stimulus and that each conditional distribution of firing rates is gaussian. Yet real stimuli or behavioural correlates are high-dimensional, with both discrete and continuously varying features.Moreover, the gaussian approximation implies negative firing rates, which is biologically implausible. Here, we generalize the analysis to the case where the stimulus or behavioural correlate has both a discrete and a continuous dimension. In the case of large noise we evaluate the mutual information up to the quadratic approximation as a function of population size. Then we consider a more realistic distribution of firing rates, truncated at zero, and we prove that the resulting correction, with respect to the gaussian firing rates, can be expressed simply as a renormalization of the noise parameter. Finally, we demonstrate the effect of averaging the distribution across the discrete dimension, evaluating the mutual information only with respect to the continuously varying correlate.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Occurrence of polychlorobiphenyls in buffalo mozzarella cheese from Campania (Italy)

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    Buffalo milk and mozzarella cheese produced in the Caserta and Salerno areas in Campania region have been investigated on the presence and the levels of polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs). Seven congeners, six non dioxin-like (NDL-PCBs nos. 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180) and one dioxin-like (DL-PCB n. 118), were detected. PCBs were found at detectable levels in the 83% of the buffalo milk and in the 100% of the mozzarella cheese samples from Caserta; in those from Salerno the prevalence of contamination was 77% for milk and 73% for mozzarellas, respectively. The NDL-PCB content of mozzarellas collected in Caserta was significantly higher than that found in those from Salerno. The more diffuse congeners were PCB 28, 138 and 153 both in milk and in mozzarella cheese; PCB 118 contributed to the total PCB content for the 7% in milk and 2-3% in mozzarella cheese. On the basis of the Italian annual average consumption the contribution of mozzarella to the daily dietary intake of NDL-PCB can vary between 0.41 and 21.33 ng kg-1 bw, median value of 3.66 ng kg-1 bw. The levels of contamination in milk and dairies analyzed are similar or quite lower than those found in other European countries
