354 research outputs found

    Crescita economica e reti regionali: spunti di riflessione dalla XXXIV edizione della conferenza AISRe

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    La Conferenza Italiana di Scienze Regionali è un congresso annuale, itinerante, dell’Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali- Sezione Italiana della Regional Science Association International (AISRe) - la cui ultima edizione si è svolta a Palermo nei giorni 2 e 3 settembre 2013. Come negli anni precedenti, il congresso mira a discutere contributi scientifici sui problemi, sulle politiche regionali e territoriali , distinguendosi per il carattere interdisciplinare delle sessioni concernenti il ruolo dello spazio nelle trasformazioni economiche, sociali, territoriali e istituzionali. I temi inseriti nel programma di questa edizione “coprono” tutti i diversi settori d’intervento delle politiche regionali e territoriali. Dagli studi presentati e dal dibattito tra i relatori e i partecipanti, sono emerse proposte di idee e di progetti, che rappresentano un contributo molto importante ed anche impegnativo in termini di risorse dedicate che la comunità scientifica offre alle diverse istituzioni pubbliche, organizzazioni e imprese che sono interessate alle politiche regionali e territoriali. È fondamentale che le istituzioni pubbliche indirizzino strategie di sviluppo di medio e lungo periodo e che, alla base di qualsiasi programma di ricostruzione dell’economia italiana, debbano esserci le città e i cittadini

    Il linguaggio dello spazio pubblico: brevi riflessioni

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    Accanto ai linguaggi che raccontano la città, esiste un linguaggio proprio della città costituito da elementi spaziali che la definiscono, tra gli altri, gli edifici, le strade, gli arredi urbani e gli spazi pubblici. Questi ultimi, in particolare, forse più di altri elementi, tradiscono i cambiamenti che la storia ha imposto alla città. Lo spazio pubblico urbano può declinarsi su diversi piani, forse riconducibili alla comune origine di spazio delimitato e riconosciuto dalla collettività in quanto “pubblico”, cioè idealmente aperto a tutti. Gli spazi pubblici di una città sono certamente rappresentazioni (egemoni) dello spazio, legate ai rapporti di potere, all’ordine che essi impongono e, da qui, a delle conoscenze, a dei segni e a dei codici che ne permettono l’interpretazione

    The Future of Construction as it Applies to the Colonization of the Moon and Mars

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    The goals of this research are: 1. To compile a comprehensive list of all the viable known solutions (and early stage potential solutions) to the issues related to constructing permanent, sustainable, and safe structures for human colonies on our moon and Mars, 2. Determine the most effective potential solutions, and 3. Further develop these ideas as to assist in further space endeavors. This proposed paper will assist space experts in determining the best next steps in the development of deep-space travel and colonization technologies. Preliminary research has identified several key problems associated with establishing space colonies. They are as follows: (1) damaging effects of cosmic radiation, (2) the need to generate and maintain a breathable atmosphere, (3) the time it takes to reach other celestial bodies, and (4) scarcity of conventional construction materials and life-supporting supplies/systems. Each of these four problems has many components that must be solved for humans to successfully colonize our planetary neighbors. Many promising construction technologies are being developed and used by several large-scale space operation organizations. Some of these solutions are being used to directly solve the problems while others are smaller parts of a larger solution. For example, there have been recent material advancements with respect to 3D printing; sintering technology may also prove to be a viable solution for construction materials. Some current solutions from NASA involve modularized space station units. The findings summarized in this paper incorporate several cutting-edge and innovative technologies related to constructing an extraterrestrial base for humans. There are several proposed solutions for overcoming the four primary issues, though a few solutions demand the attention of further development as they are more feasible than others. When overcoming cosmic radiation, the most feasible solution is the use of Hydrogenated Boron Nitride Nanotubes which are able to block both primary and secondary radiation particles making it an ideal shielding material. In order to overcome the lack of an atmosphere on the moon or Mars, a technology called MOXIE, developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is able to develop and harvest breathable oxygen with the assistance of microbial life. Overcoming the issues related to time can be the most difficult as no current technology exists that speeds up time or reduces trip duration between worlds. However, preliminary developments in hibernation technologies may very well be the future of long-term interstellar missions. Finally, when overcoming material-related problems on other planets, the advanced applications of additive manufacturing processes appear to be the solution for building habitats as well as creating tools, spare parts, and inadvertently solving some of the other problems. These solutions and more will be discussed in greater detail throughout the solutions and results portion of this paper

    An ill-timed conservatism : tactical instruction at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, 1874-1914

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    From a military and strategic standpoint, the First World War was, for the British and most other belligerents, a disaster: economies were pressured to their limits and few events exemplified tactical, operational, and ¡strategic futility more than the Western Front. Since 1918, politicians, journalists, and historians alike have endeavored to assess the reasons for the catastrophe that was the Great War and to place blame on anyone\u27s shoulders but their own. Although the British government made an inquiry into the adequacy of training at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, shortly after the war, historians have largely forgotten military education as an important element of the Crown\u27s strategic position.2 The failure of historians to examine the intellectual preparation of the British military leadership is peculiar, especially as writers have often addressed the incompetence of the officer class. What was taught at Sandhurst influenced the way military leaders thought, especially in matters of artillery preparation, rapid tactical deployment, and unit mobility. In these and other matters, the professors, by way of the curriculum, established a series of pseudo-scientific military laws and proved their validity through the use of historical examples. The importance of the Royal Military College and its curriculum grew tremendously in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. In many ways, Sandhurst was more important to the British army at the turn of the twentieth century than at any other time since its founding

    The use of sublingual fentanyl for breakthrough pain by using doses proportional to opioid basal regimen.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to prospectively assess the efficacy and safety of sublingual fentanyl (SLF) in doses proportional to opioid doses used for background analgesia for the treatment of BTP of cancer patients. METHODS: A sample of patients admitted to an acute palliative care unit, presenting breakthrough pain (BTP) episodes and receiving stable doses of opioids for background pain was selected to assess the efficacy and safety of SLF used in doses proportional to the basal opioid regimen used for the management of BTP. For each patient, data from four consecutive episodes were collected. For each episode, nurses collected changes in pain intensity and adverse effects when pain got severe (T0), and 5, 10, and 15 minutes after SLF was given (T15). RESULTS: Seventy patients were recruited for the study. The mean age was 61.7 (\ub111.5). Forty-one patients were males. A total of 173 episodes of BTP were recorded (mean 2.5 episodes/patient). In 19 events, documentation regarding changes in pain intensity was incomplete. Of the 154 evaluable episodes, 143 were successfully treated (92%). Mean doses of SLF were 637 \ub5g (SD 786), and 51 patients (72.8%) received SLF doses 65800 \ub5g. When compared to younger adult patients, older patients received significantly lower doses of SLF (p < 0.0005) [DOSAGE ERROR CORRECTED], similarly to their lower basal opioid regimen. Pain intensity significantly decreased at T5, 10 and T15 (p < 0.0005). The number of patients with a pain reduction of more than 33% at T5, T10, and T15 were 11, 79, and 137, respectively, and the number of patients with a reduction in pain intensity of more than 50% were 1, 21, 114 at the same intervals, respectively. No differences in changes in pain intensity for gender (p < 0.9) or age (p < 0.85) were observed. No significant changes in the number of patients reporting adverse effects of mild-moderate intensity were reported after SLF administration in comparison with baseline, and no adverse effects severe enough in intensity to require medical intervention were observed. Limitations of this study are represented by the uncontrolled design. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that SLF given in doses proportional to the basal opioid regimen for the management of BTP is safe and effective in clinical practice

    Changes of QTc interval after opioid switching to oral methadone.

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    Abstract A consecutive sample of patients who were switched from strong opioids to methadone in a period of 1 year was surveyed. QTc was assessed before switching (T0) and after achieving adequate analgesia and an acceptable level of adverse effects (Ts). Twenty-eight of 33 patients were switched to methadone successfully. The mean initial methadone doses at T0 were 67.1 mg/day (SD \ub180.2, range 12-390). The mean QTc interval at T0 was 400 ms (SD \ub130, range 330-450). The mean QTc interval at Ts (median 5 days) was 430 ms (SD \ub126, range 390-500). The difference (7.7 %) was significant (p\u2009<\u20090.0005). Only two patients had a QTc of 500 ms. No serious arrhythmia was observed. At the linear regression analysis, there was no significant association between mean opioid doses expressed as oral morphine equivalents and QTc at T0 (p\u2009=\u20090.428), nor between mean methadone doses and QTc at Ts (p\u2009=\u20090.315). No age differences were found with previous opioid doses (p\u2009=\u20090.917), methadone doses (p\u2009=\u20090.613), QTc at T0 (p\u2009=\u20090.173), QTc at Ts (p\u2009=\u20090.297), and final opioid-methadone conversion ratio (p\u2009=\u20090.064). While methadone used for opioids switching seems to be an optimal choice to improve the opioid response in patients poorly responsive to the previous opioid, the possible QTc prolongation should be of concern despite not producing clinical consequences in this group of patients. A larger number of patients should be assessed to quantify the risk of serious arrhythmia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan unsur penokohan dan alur di antara dongeng “Aschenputtel” karya Brüder Grimm dan dongeng “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”. Penelitian ini merupakan kajian sastra bandingan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data pada penelitian ini ialah dongeng “Aschenputtel” yang berasal dari kumpulan dongeng klasik karya Brüder Grimm dan dongeng Nusantara yang berjudul “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa rangkaian kalimat dalam situasi cerita, dialog, maupun monolog yang mengandung unsur penokohan dan alur pada kedua dongeng tersebut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat persamaan watak pada tokoh Aschenputtel dan Bawang Putih, yaitu watak emotional; (2) Persamaan watak pada tokoh Die zwei Stiefschwestern dan Bawang Merah, yaitu watak unpersönlich, egozentrisch, dan irrational; (3) Persamaan watak pada tokoh Die Stiefmutter dan Ibu Tiri, yaitu watak unpersönlich, irrational, dan aggressiv; (4) Sedangkan perbedaan watak pada para tokoh tersebut, yaitu watak irrational dan schüchtern yang dimiliki oleh Aschenputtel, serta watak ӓngstlich dan niedergeschlagen yang dimiliki oleh Bawang Putih; (5) Perbedaan watak gefühllos yang dimiliki oleh Die zwei Stiefschwestern dan watak aggressiv yang dimiliki oleh Bawang Merah; (6) Perbedaan watak gefühllos yang dimiliki oleh Die Stiefmutter, serta watak dominant, impulsiv, dan lebhaft yang dimiliki oleh Ibu Tiri; (7) Unsur alur pada dongeng “Aschenputtel” menunjukkan 1 data situasi Exposition, 4 data situasi Komplikation, dan 1 data baik pada situasi Hӧhe- oder Wendepunkt maupun pada situasi Auflӧsung; dan (8) Alur pada dongeng “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih” menunjukkan 2 data situasi Exposition, 3 data situasi Komplikation, 2 data situasi Hӧhe- oder Wendepunkt, dan 1 data situasi Auflӧsung. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat persamaan dan perbedaan dalam watak para tokoh dan situasi alur dalam dongeng “Aschenputtel” karya Brüder Grimm dan dongeng “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”. Namun secara keseluruhan, dongeng “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih” memiliki lebih banyak data penokohan dan alur daripada dongeng “Aschenputtel”. **** The goal of this research is to describe the characterization and plot in “Aschenputtel” fairytale by Brüder Grimm and “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”. This research is a study of comparative literature which use a descriptive qualitative method. The data sources in this research are from a collection of classical fairytales by Brüder Grimm named “Aschenputtel” and an Indonesian fairytale named “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”. The datas in this research are taken from narration of situation, dialogues, and monologues which contain characterization and plot in both fairytales. The results of this research show that: (1) There is a similarity in emotional character between Aschenputtel and Bawang Putih; (2) The similarities in impersonal, egocentric, and irrational character between Die zwei Stiefschwestern and Bawang Merah; (3) The similarities in impersonal, irrational, and aggressive characters between Die Stiefmutter and Ibu Tiri; (4) The differences of the characters which show that Aschenputtel has irrational and shy characters, while Bawang Putih has anxious and depressed characters; (5) The differences of the characters show that Die zwei Stiefschwestern have unemphatic character, while Bawang Merah has aggressive character; (6) The differences of the characters show that Die Stiefmutter has unemphatic character, while Ibu Tiri has dominant, impulsive, and lively characters; (7) The plot in “Aschenputtel” fairytale shows 1 data of Exposition situation, 4 datas of Complication situation, and 1 data of Climax situation as well as in Resolution situation; (8) The plot in “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih” fairytale shows 2 datas of Exposition situation, 3 datas of Complication situation, 2 datas of Climax situation, and 1 data of Resolution situation. Based on the research, it can be concluded that there are similaties and differences in characters of the figures and also the plot in both “Aschenputtel” fairytale by Brüder Grimm and “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih”. But overall, “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih” has more datas of characterization and plot than “Aschenputtel” fairytale

    Cambiamento climatico e pianificazione urbanistica. La Strategia italiana e il Piano francese

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    L’ineludibilità dei cambiamenti climatici impone la necessità di avviare politiche di adattamento che agiscano per fronteggiare gli impatti degli avvenimenti estremi ed improvvisi e delle trasformazioni irreversibili causate dal clima. Parallelamente alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra, le autorità locali devono anche rafforzare la resilienza delle città al climate change, da qui, la Strategia Europea in materia di adattamento al cambiamento climatico (2013) e il Mayors Adapt (2014). Il presente contributo – a partire dalle riflessioni sul rapporto clima-città e dalle iniziative/incoraggiamenti dell’UE – pone l’attenzione sull’attuale situazione italiana e sull’esperienza francese dei piani clima (nazionali e locali). Nel 2014, l’Italia ha approvato la Strategia Nazionale all’Adattamento climatico che dovrebbe perseguire il dialogo con gli strumenti urbanistici, tuttavia manca un Piano nazionale che stimoli anche le realtà locali a munirsi di un piano di adattamento. La Francia, dicontro, oltre ad una strategia, ha approvato il Piano Nazionale di Adattamento al Cambiamento Climatico declinando il clima nei nuovi piani territoriali clima-energia locali (PCET) e imponendo la prise en compte degli stessi da parte degli strumenti urbanistici vigent
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