148 research outputs found

    Notes on Evanescent Wave Bragg-Reflection Waveguides

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    We investigate an extended version of the Bragg reflection waveguide (BRW) with air gaps as one of the layers. This design has the potential of drastically simplifying the epitaxial structure for integrated nonlinear optical elements at the expense of more complicated structuring. This approach would afford much more flexibility for designing and varying BRW structures. Here, we discuss an extension of the established theory for BRW slabs and report our results of applying Marcatili's method for rectangular waveguides to the BRW case. With this analytic approach we can estimate the effective index of the modes orders of magnitudes faster than with full numerical techniques such as finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) or finite elements. Initial results are mixed; while phase-matched designs have been found, they currently have no significant advantage over other schemes.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Testing Born's Rule in Quantum Mechanics for Three Mutually Exclusive Events

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    We present a new experimental approach using a three-path interferometer and find a tighter empirical upper bound on possible violations of Born's Rule. A deviation from Born's rule would result in multi-order interference. Among the potential systematic errors that could lead to an apparent violation we specifically study the nonlinear response of our detectors and present ways to calibrate this error in order to obtain an even better bound.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Found. Phy

    Modally Resolved Fabry-Perot Experiment with Semiconductor Waveguides

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    Based on the interaction between different spatial modes, semiconductor Bragg-reflection waveguides provide a highly functional platform for non-linear optics. Therefore, the control and engineering of the properties of each spatial mode is essential. Despite the multimodeness of our waveguide, the well-established Fabry-Perot technique for recording fringes in the optical transmission spectrum can successfully be employed for a detailed linear optical characterization when combined with Fourier analysis. A prerequisite for the modal sensitivity is a finely resolved transmission spectrum that is recorded over a broad frequency band. Our results highlight how the features of different spatial modes, such as their loss characteristics and dispersion properties, can be separated from each other allowing their comparison. The mode-resolved measurements are important for optimizing the performance of such multimode waveguides by tailoring the properties of their spatial modes.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Zum politischen Rollenverständnis von Frauenhausmitarbeiterinnen im Kontext der österreichischen Gewaltschutzpolitik

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    Die österreichische Frauen(haus)bewegung hat den Enttabuisierungsprozess von häuslicher Gewalt in Gang gesetzt und war maßgeblich an der Ausformulierung des Bundesgesetzes zum Schutz vor Gewalt in der Familie beteiligt. Diese Diplomarbeit stellt die Akteursgruppe der Frauenhausmitarbeiterinnen ins Zentrum des Forschungsinteresses. Sie ist in der qualitativen Sozialforschung verortet, arbeitet mit dem Rollenkonzept und orientiert sich nach der Theorie symbolischer Interaktion. Den Schwerpunkt der Arbeit bildet die Durchführung und Auswertung problemzentrierter Interviews. Ich will mich der subjektiven Sichtweise einzelner Frauenhausmitarbeiterinnen auf die Entwicklungsprozesse innerhalb der österreichischen Gewaltschutzpolitik annähern. Es sollen ihre Wahrnehmung von gegenwärtig umgesetzten Gewaltbewältigungsmaßnahmen und ihre daraus resultierenden Handlungs- und Denkweisen rekonstruiert werden. Die Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, anhand der erhobenen Themen zu einer Weiterentwicklung feministischer Theorie beizutragen

    Multi-dimensional laser spectroscopy of exciton-polaritons with spatial light modulators

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    We describe an experimental system that allows one to easily access the dispersion curve of exciton-polaritons in a microcavity. Our approach is based on two spatial light modulators (SLM), one for changing the excitation angles (momenta), and the other for tuning the excitation wavelength. We show that with this setup, an arbitrary number of states can be excited accurately and that re-configuration of the excitation scheme can be done at high speed.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure