1,667 research outputs found

    The Poetry of Walter de la Mare

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    Further model study of the radiation of elastic waves from a dipole source

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    Earthquake-generated compressional and shear waves have been used extensively in recent years for studying the mechanism at the focus? In general the procedure is to compare the radiation pattern of these waves with the theoretical pattern derived from simple sources such as singlets, dipoles, quadrupoles, etc. The importance of these investigations to our understanding of tectonic processes makes it desirable to examine the methods with a view toward placing them on a firm theoretical and experimental foundation. One approach is to use the methods of ultrasonic-model seismology to determine whether or not the radiation pattern postulated for certain sources is actually observed. The effects of various perturbations such as finite fault length and elastic heterogeneity near the focus can be conveniently examined

    Two-dimensional seismic models with continuously variable velocity depth and density functions

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    A method for fabricating 2-dimensional ultrasonic seismic models with variable velocity and density is described. The method is justified theoretically. It is tested by comparing the experimental and theoretical dispersion of Rayleigh waves in a model of a 2-layered earth crust

    The efficacy of Similasan #2 eyedrops for the relief of simple allergic conjunctivitis

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    Seasonal allergy sufferers have a wide choice of over the counter products to choose to alleviate their symptoms. Similasan #2 is a homeopathic over the counter product marketed to alleviate allergy symptoms. Homeopathy is the belief that like cures like. Antigens, if taken in minute doses, will stimulate the bodies immune system. This double blind, matched group, clinical study compares the efficacy of Similasan #2, Visine AC, and sterile saline to alleviate various ocular signs and symptoms caused by seasonal allergies. Subjective and objective measurements were taken. The results showed that Visine AC, objectively, reduced conjunctival injection at a statistically significant level. Similasan #2 for allergies do demonstrate a reduction in allergic symptoms but not at any statistically significant levels. No other signs nor symptoms showed statistical significance

    Phase transition of a one-dimensional Ising model with distance-dependent connections

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    The critical behavior of Ising model on a one-dimensional network, which has long-range connections at distances l>1l>1 with the probability Θ(l)∼l−m\Theta(l)\sim l^{-m}, is studied by using Monte Carlo simulations. Through studying the Ising model on networks with different mm values, this paper discusses the impact of the global correlation, which decays with the increase of mm, on the phase transition of the Ising model. Adding the analysis of the finite-size scaling of the order parameter [][], it is observed that in the whole range of 0<m<20<m<2, a finite-temperature transition exists, and the critical exponents show consistence with mean-field values, which indicates a mean-field nature of the phase transition.Comment: 5 pages,8 figure

    Hemiparasitic plant impacts animal and plant communities across four trophic levels

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    1.Understanding the impact of species on community structure is a fundamental question in ecology. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that both sub-dominant species and parasites can have a disproportionately large impact. 2.Here we report the impacts of an organism that is both subdominant and parasitic, the hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor. Whilst the impact of parasitic angiosperms on their hosts and, to a lesser degree, co-existing plant species, have been well characterized, much less is known about their impacts on higher trophic levels. 3.We experimentally manipulated field densities of the hemiparasite Rhinanthus minor in a species rich grassland, comparing the plant and invertebrate communities in plots where it was removed, at natural densities or at enhanced densities. 4.Plots with natural and enhanced densities of R. minor had lower plant biomass than plots without the hemiparasite, but enhanced densities almost doubled the abundance of invertebrates within the plots across all trophic levels, with effects evident in herbivores, predators and detritivores. 5.The hemiparasite R. minor, despite being a sub-dominant and transient component within plant communities that it inhabits, has profound effects on four different trophic levels. These effects persist beyond the life of the hemiparasite, emphasizing its role as a keystone species in grassland communitie
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