11,493 research outputs found

    Liquid compressibility effects during the collapse of a single cavitating bubble

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    The effect of liquid compressibility on the dynamics of a single, spherical cavitating bubble is studied. While it is known that compressibility damps the amplitude of bubble rebounds, the extent to which this effect is accurately captured by weakly compressible versions of the Rayleigh–Plesset equation is unclear. To clarify this issue, partial differential equations governing conservation of mass, momentum, and energy are numerically solved both inside the bubble and in the surrounding compressible liquid. Radiated pressure waves originating at the unsteady bubble interface are directly captured. Results obtained with Rayleigh–Plesset type equations accounting for compressibility effects, proposed by Keller and Miksis [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 68, 628–633 (1980)], Gilmore, and Tomita and Shima [Bull. JSME 20, 1453–1460 (1977)], are compared with those resulting from the full model. For strong collapses, the solution of the latter reveals that an important part of the energy concentrated during the collapse is used to generate an outgoing pressure wave. For the examples considered in this research, peak pressures are larger than those predicted by Rayleigh–Plesset type equations, whereas the amplitudes of the rebounds are smaller

    Simulation of complete many-body quantum dynamics using controlled quantum-semiclassical hybrids

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    A controlled hybridization between full quantum dynamics and semiclassical approaches (mean-field and truncated Wigner) is implemented for interacting many-boson systems. It is then demonstrated how simulating the resulting hybrid evolution equations allows one to obtain the full quantum dynamics for much longer times than is possible using an exact treatment directly. A collision of sodium BECs with 1.x10^5 atoms is simulated, in a regime that is difficult to describe semiclassically. The uncertainty of physical quantities depends on the statistics of the full quantum prediction. Cutoffs are minimised to a discretization of the Hamiltonian. The technique presented is quite general and extension to other systems is considered.Comment: Published version. Broader background and discussion, slightly shortened, less figures in epaps. Research part unchanged. Article + epaps (4+4 pages), 8 figure

    Scalar radiation from Chameleon-shielded regions

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    I study the profile of the Chameleon field around a radially pulsating mass. Focusing on the case in which the background (static) Chameleon profile exhibits a thin-shell, I add small perturbations to the source in the form of time-dependent radial pulsations. It is found that the Chameleon field inherits a time-dependence, there is a resultant scalar radiation from the region of the source and the metric outside the spherically symmetric mass is not static. This has several interesting and potentially testable consequences.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, slightly edited version matching the journal versio

    Bubble statistics and positioning in superhelically stressed DNA

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    We present a general framework to study the thermodynamic denaturation of double-stranded DNA under superhelical stress. We report calculations of position- and size-dependent opening probabilities for bubbles along the sequence. Our results are obtained from transfer-matrix solutions of the Zimm-Bragg model for unconstrained DNA and of a self-consistent linearization of the Benham model for superhelical DNA. The numerical efficiency of our method allows for the analysis of entire genomes and of random sequences of corresponding length (10610910^6-10^9 base pairs). We show that, at physiological conditions, opening in superhelical DNA is strongly cooperative with average bubble sizes of 10210310^2-10^3 base pairs (bp), and orders of magnitude higher than in unconstrained DNA. In heterogeneous sequences, the average degree of base-pair opening is self-averaging, while bubble localization and statistics are dominated by sequence disorder. Compared to random sequences with identical GC-content, genomic DNA has a significantly increased probability to open large bubbles under superhelical stress. These bubbles are frequently located directly upstream of transcription start sites.Comment: to be appeared in Physical Review

    Evaporation of a Kerr black hole by emission of scalar and higher spin particles

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    We study the evolution of an evaporating rotating black hole, described by the Kerr metric, which is emitting either solely massless scalar particles or a mixture of massless scalar and nonzero spin particles. Allowing the hole to radiate scalar particles increases the mass loss rate and decreases the angular momentum loss rate relative to a black hole which is radiating nonzero spin particles. The presence of scalar radiation can cause the evaporating hole to asymptotically approach a state which is described by a nonzero value of aa/Ma_* \equiv a / M. This is contrary to the conventional view of black hole evaporation, wherein all black holes spin down more rapidly than they lose mass. A hole emitting solely scalar radiation will approach a final asymptotic state described by a0.555a_* \simeq 0.555. A black hole that is emitting scalar particles and a canonical set of nonzero spin particles (3 species of neutrinos, a single photon species, and a single graviton species) will asymptotically approach a nonzero value of aa_* only if there are at least 32 massless scalar fields. We also calculate the lifetime of a primordial black hole that formed with a value of the rotation parameter aa_{*}, the minimum initial mass of a primordial black hole that is seen today with a rotation parameter aa_{*}, and the entropy of a black hole that is emitting scalar or higher spin particles.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, RevTeX format; added clearer descriptions for variables, added journal referenc

    Solar Coronal Structures and Stray Light in TRACE

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    Using the 2004 Venus transit of the Sun to constrain a semi-empirical point-spread function for the TRACE EUV solar telescope, we have measured the effect of stray light in that telescope. We find that 43% of 171A EUV light that enters TRACE is scattered, either through diffraction off the entrance filter grid or through other nonspecular effects. We carry this result forward, via known-PSF deconvolution of TRACE images, to identify its effect on analysis of TRACE data. Known-PSF deconvolution by this derived PSF greatly reduces the effect of visible haze in the TRACE 171A images, enhances bright features, and reveals that the smooth background component of the corona is considerably less bright (and hence much more rarefied) than commonly supposed. Deconvolution reveals that some prior conlclusions about the Sun appear to have been based on stray light in the images. In particular, the diffuse background "quiet corona" becomes consistent with hydrostatic support of the coronal plasma; feature contrast is greatly increased, possibly affecting derived parameters such as the form of the coronal heating function; and essentially all existing differential emission measure studies of small features appear to be affected by contamination from nearby features. We speculate on further implications of stray light for interpretation of EUV images from TRACE and similar instruments, and advocate deconvolution as a standard tool for image analysis with future instruments such as SDO/AIA.Comment: Accepted by APJ; v2 reformatted to single-column format for online readabilit

    Actively stressed marginal networks

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    We study the effects of motor-generated stresses in disordered three dimensional fiber networks using a combination of a mean-field, effective medium theory, scaling analysis and a computational model. We find that motor activity controls the elasticity in an anomalous fashion close to the point of marginal stability by coupling to critical network fluctuations. We also show that motor stresses can stabilize initially floppy networks, extending the range of critical behavior to a broad regime of network connectivities below the marginal point. Away from this regime, or at high stress, motors give rise to a linear increase in stiffness with stress. Finally, we demonstrate that our results are captured by a simple, constitutive scaling relation highlighting the important role of non-affine strain fluctuations as a susceptibility to motor stress.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Model-Independent Distance Measurements from Gamma-Ray Bursts and Constraints on Dark Energy

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    Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRB) are the most energetic events in the Universe, and provide a complementary probe of dark energy by allowing the measurement of cosmic expansion history that extends to redshifts greater than 6. Unlike Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), GRBs must be calibrated for each cosmological model considered, because of the lack of a nearby sample of GRBs for model-independent calibration. For a flat Universe with a cosmological constant, we find Omega_m=0.25^{+0.12}_{-0.11} from 69 GRBs alone. We show that the current GRB data can be summarized by a set of model-independent distance measurements, with negligible loss of information. We constrain a dark energy equation of state linear in the cosmic scale factor using these distance measurements from GRBs, together with the "Union" compilation of SNe Ia, WMAP five year observations, and the SDSS baryon acoustic oscillation scale measurement. We find that a cosmological constant is consistent with current data at 68% confidence level for a flat Universe. Our results provide a simple and robust method to incorporate GRB data in a joint analysis of cosmological data to constrain dark energy.Comment: 8 pages, 5 color figures. Version expanded and revised for clarification, and typo in Eqs.(3)(4)(12) corrected. PRD, in pres

    Phase Behavior of Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Complexes at Planar Surfaces

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    We investigate theoretically the phase diagram of an insoluble charged surfactant monolayer in contact with a semi-dilute polyelectrolyte solution (of opposite charge). The polyelectrolytes are assumed to have long-range and attractive (electrostatic) interaction with the surfactant molecules. In addition, we introduce a short-range (chemical) interaction which is either attractive or repulsive. The surfactant monolayer can have a lateral phase separation between dilute and condensed phases. Three different regimes of the coupled system are investigated depending on system parameters. A regime where the polyelectrolyte is depleted due to short range repulsion from the surface, and two adsorption regimes, one being dominated by electrostatics, whereas the other by short range chemical attraction (similar to neutral polymers). When the polyelectrolyte is more attracted (or at least less repelled) by the surfactant molecules as compared with the bare water/air interface, it will shift upwards the surfactant critical temperature. For repulsive short-range interactions the effect is opposite. Finally, the addition of salt to the solution is found to increase the critical temperature for attractive surfaces, but does not show any significant effect for repulsive surfaces.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    Nonuniqueness in spin-density-functional theory on lattices

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    In electronic many-particle systems, the mapping between densities and spin magnetizations, {n(r), m(r)}, and potentials and magnetic fields, {v(r), B(r)}, is known to be nonunique, which has fundamental and practical implications for spin-density-functional theory (SDFT). This paper studies the nonuniqueness (NU) in SDFT on arbitrary lattices. Two new, non-trivial cases are discovered, here called local saturation and global noncollinear NU, and their properties are discussed and illustrated. In the continuum limit, only some well-known special cases of NU survive.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur