446 research outputs found


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    Objective: Growing resistance of microorganisms to potent antibiotics has renewed a great interest towards investigating bactericidal properties of nanoparticles and their nanocomposites as an alternative. Therefore, the present study has been carried out to investigate and compare the antibacterial properties of copper (Cu) and zerovalent iron (Feo) nanoparticles. Methods: Nanoparticles were synthesized by reducing aqueous solution of respective salt solution with sodium borohydride. The synthesized particles were further characterized by X-Ray Diffractogram (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) techniques to analyze size and morphology respectively. Antibacterial efficacy of metal nanoparticles was evaluated by agar well diffusion method. Results: Average size of the particles was found to be 17.25 nm (Cu) and 44.87 nm (Feo). Energy-dispersive spectrum (EDS) of the nanoparticles dispersion confirmed the presence of elemental metals. The mechanism of microorganism inactivation is considered species-dependent. Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibited highest antibacterial sensitivity (26.00 ├В┬▒ 0.41 mm) to copper nanoparticles whereas Bacillus cereus offered maximum zone of inhibition (23.33 ├В┬▒ 0.89 mm) to Feo nanoparticles. Conclusion: Results from this study signify that the Cu and Feo nanoparticles potentiate the antibacterial action of both gram positive and gram negative bacteria

    Komodifikasi Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna Upacara Piodalan (Studi Deskripsi Kualitatif Pada Umat Hindu di Pura Bhuwana Agung Saraswati Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran yang jelas tentang komodifikasi bentuk, fungsi, dan maknaUpacara Piodalan yang dilaksanakan di Pura Bhuwana Agung Saraswati Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Struktural Fungsional yang dikemukakan oleh Talcott Parsons dan teori interaksionisme simbolik dari George Herbert Mead. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, data yang diambil dengan teknik wawancara, dokumentasi. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Untuk menjamin validitas data digunakan triangulasi sumber data, sedangkan analisis data yang digunakan adalah model interaktif. Salah satu budaya tradisional yaitu Upacara Piodalan pada masyarakat Hindu Surakarta yang tampaknya mengalami perubahan bentuk setelah terjadinya perubahan cara hidup yang praktis disebabkan oleh globalisasi. Seiring dengan perkembangan masyarakat Surakarta sekarang ini Upacara Piodalan yaitu upacara peringatan berdirinya Pura Bhuwana Agung Saraswati dilestarikan sebagai sarana kerukunan interen umat Hindu di Kota Surakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk Upacara Piodalan dilaksanakan dengan upakara atau sesaji yang cukup besar tapi tidak yang paling mewah (madya). Fungsi upacara piodalan ialah fungsi pelayanan kepada Tuhan, fungsi sosial ekonomi, fungsi budaya dan seni, dan fungsi edukatif. Sedangkan makna upacara piodalan yaitu makna religius, makna ungkapan rasa syukur, makna sosial kemasyarakatan, makna budaya dan seni. Terdapat dimensi internal dan eksternal yang menyebabkan terjadinya komodifikasi dalam Upacara Piodalan.Upacara Piodalan dalam agama Hindu mengandung banyak simbol, memberikan pengetahuan bahwa terdapat kompleksitas pemikiran umat Hindu, yang menyangkut interaksi sosial yang bertujuan terjadinya integrasi sosial. Upacara Piodalan ternyata memiliki nilai-nilai budaya yang sangat tinggi menjadi penting untuk dikaji keberadaannya. Kata kunci : Komodifikasi, Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna Upacara Piodala

    The Indian Ocean tsunami: economic impact, disaster management and lessons

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    The purpose of this paper is to document and analyze the immediate economic impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami generated by the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake of 26 December 2004 and the disaster management process in the immediate aftermath of the disaster with a focus on the two worst affected countries тАУ Indonesia (Aceh province) and Sri Lanka. The 26 December Tsunami is unique among large disasters in recorded human history, not only because of the sheer number of causalities and massive displacement of people, but also because of the unprecedented international donor response and the logistic challenges faced by international organizations and aid agencies in organizing and coordinating relief efforts. Our preliminary findings points to the importance of educating the public about simple precautions in the event of a disaster and enforcement of coastal environmental regulations as disaster prevention policies. The findings also makes a strong case for designing policies and programs, as an integral part of national development strategy, for mitigating the impact of natural disasters on the poor and highlights the need for combining international aid commitments with innovative approaches to redressing problems of limited aid absorptive capacity in disaster affected countries

    Phytochemical constituents of Cadaba Trifoliata Roxb. root extract

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    Cadaba trifoliata Roxb is belongs to the family Capparaceae, important medicinal plant of Indian medicinal plants. The methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts along with dry powder of root were screened for the presence of phytochemicals. The phytochemical constituents were analyzed by qualitative and GC-MS method. Preliminary studies showed that the presence of Tannins, Steroids, Alkaloids, Glycosides, Flavonoids and Phenolic compounds. In the GC-MS analysis, 17 bioactive phytochemical compounds were identified in the alcoholic extract. The identification of phytochemical compounds in very high peak area, 1, 2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diisooctyl ester (C24H38O4) with RT 24.95 has peak area 51.86% and 1-Methyl-pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid (C6H11NO2) with RT 6.89 has peak area 20.58%. The main important compound phytol (C20H40O) with RT 18.95 ranks with peak area 1.21%. A nature compound contains diterpene activity anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant activity and antimicrobial activity.Keywords:- Cadaba trifoliata, phytochemical constituents, alcoholic root extracts

    A study on maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnancy with oligohydramnios: study from a tertiary care hospital, Karnataka, India

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    Background: Oligohydramnios is described as a condition with decreased amniotic fluid volume relative to gestational age. It is a severe and common complication of pregnancy which is associated with increased maternal morbidity and adverse perinatal outcomes. This study was conducted to find out the significance of oligohydramnios in determining the maternal and perinatal outcome in pregnant women with oligohydramnios.Methods: The present study is a hospital-based study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynecology, of SSIMS and RC Davanagere, during the period between August 2018 to April 2019. Detailed clinical history was taken, AFI was measured using PhelanтАЩs four quadrant ultrasound technique. All the information was entered in the proforma and analyzed.Results: The mean age group of the study participants was 26.36┬▒4.46 years. Majority (51.9%) of them were primigravida. Gestational age, birth weight and abnormal Doppler study were found to have an association with the perinatal outcome. Perinatal mortality in the present study was 4%.Conclusions: Oligohydramnios is a frequent occurrence in obstetrics and this condition requires intensive surveillance and proper antenatal care

    Training manual on phytoplankton identification/taxonomy

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    The term 'plankton' was coined by Victor Hensen in 1887, denotes collectively all free floating and suspended bodies, both plants and animals, living or dead, that essentially move passively in a body of water. The phytoplankters are the microscopic plant life of the sea, which constitute the primary producers synthesizing the basic food. It belongs to the class Algae, which besides chlorophylls posses other characteristic pigments. The important components of phytoplankton are Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae), Dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae), Blue-green algae (Cyanophyceae), Phytoflagellates (Xanthophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Haptophyceae, Cryptophyceae) and Nannoplankters (Chlorella, Nannochloropsis etc.). In addition to these, two other Classes namely Silicoflagellates and Coccolithophores also belong to the category of phytoplankton

    Bibliography: Diseases, Parasites and Toxicology of Perna viridis,Crassostrea madrasensis and Villorita cyprinoids (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of India

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    A proper understanding of the hazards associated with the fishery products on national basis has been the primary objective of the AP Cess Funded National Network Project on National Risk Assessment Programme for Fish and Fish Products for Domestic and International Markets. In this connection, the bibliography is prepared with the sole aim to compile all the available literature on this subject to produce a ready source of reference material for future investigators. In spite of the meticulous task and completeness, the authors express their regrets for any errors or omissions

    A prospective study on abnormal uterine bleeding with sonological and histopathological correlation in women attending tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common problem among women in the reproductive age group, with reported prevalence in India being 17.9%, AUB has a substantial effect on health-related quality of life and morbidity related if requiring surgeries. The objective of this study was to evaluate various histopathological features in endometrial curetting and co-relate them with transvaginal ultrasonographic findings.Methods: The study consisted of 500 cases who presented to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology with complaints of abnormal uterine bleeding. Relevant history was elicited from all cases and a clinical examination was done. All cases underwent endometrial biopsy followed by transvaginal ultrasonography before surgery and the results were compared with the histopathological study of the specimen.Results: 16.7% of patients diagnosed with AUB had severe anemia requiring transfusion of blood. 4.2% of subjects in the study were nulliparous. 59.7% of subjects had an endometrial thickness ranging from 10mm to 14.9 mm in the transvaginal ultrasonographic study. Endometrial carcinoma accounted for 1.4% of the study population. Normal USG findings were seen in 18.1% of patients.Conclusions: In conclusion, a significant association was found between ultrasound and histopathological findings

    Sediment analysis

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    Air dry soil should be ground to pass through a 0.5 mm sieve. A 2.5 g soil sample is suspended in 50 ml of NaHCO3 solution of pH 8.5 along with 1 teaspoon of carbon black. Fine suspension is shaken for a period of 30 minutes. The solution is filtered through a Whatman No.40 or other suitable filter paper. A 5 ml aliquot of clear filtrate is pipetted in to 25 ml vol. flask. A volume of 5ml acid molybdate is added and the flask is allowed to stand for the generation of CO2. After that add 10 ml distilled water, then 1 ml stannous chloride (working solution), by immediate shaking and make up the volume to 25 ml and mix thoroughly. Prepare a blank as above and read the intensity of colour developed, at 660 nm, after 10 minutes and within 20 minutes
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