77 research outputs found

    Primary Energy Factor for Electricity Mix: The Case of Slovenia

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    According to the European energy policy, the energy use of technical systems in buildings is given at the level of primary energy. This calculation requires knowledge of the primary energy conversion factors according to their source; however, there is currently no single European-wide recognized method for their determination. The aim of this study is to present and compare three methods for determining primary energy factors, namely the method of partial substitution, the physical energy method, and calculation according to EN 15603 standard. For the case study, the electricity factor for Slovenia was calculated according to the aforementioned methods. The results of this study showed that the methods differ in the evaluation of individual primary sources, which has a significant impact on the PEF value. We found that with the partial substitution method, we do not get representative results about the PEF. The method of physical energy defines the efficiency of production from renewable energy sources as 100%. The question arises if we can truly assume that the use of PE is equal to the actual production of electricity. In the third method, defined in the EN 15603 standard, which provides two PEFs, a certain measure of criticality of the assumed factors for the different sources of energy is used

    Energy Efficiency of Hydronic Heating System in Retrofitted Buildings

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    Since central-based heating systems with radiators are among the most widely used heating systems in Europe, retrofit measures should include heat distribution and heat emission elements. One of the most cost-effective measures for heating systems is the replacement of the heat generator and circulating pump while preserving the distribution system and heat emitters. Reducing the heating demand results in an oversized existing heating system and thus enables a reduction in flow rates and supply temperatures. These steps should be taken to enhance the efficiency of the heating system without affecting the level of thermal comfort. This chapter focuses on the issue of energy efficiency in retrofitted buildings by optimizing the existing heating systems. The heating equipment is considered as one system, and it is not intended to improve only individual component efficiency. The optimization goal is to achieve a recommended or prescribed thermal comfort level with minimal energy use

    Contractual litigation before the EU courts: the interplay between national and EU laws

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    Article 272 TFEU provides the General Court with the jurisdiction to hear contractual disputes between the EU and its counterparties. While largely ignored by academic literature, the litigation based on this provision nonetheless includes several interesting features, and notably the application by the EU Courts of the national law elected by the parties to govern their contractual relationships. Yet this adjudication based on national law takes place within the framework of the EU law that governs the jurisdiction of the EU Courts and the procedure before them. This contribution examines how national and EU laws interact in the course of this specific type of litigation

    Selection of procedures for air conditioning audit and definition of the associated training package

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    In the current transformation of the air conditioning (AC) market, important efforts should be achieved to improve the energy efficiency of these systems all along their life cycle. To detect and define the performance degradation of these facilities, a global approach has to be developed and the complexity of the systems implies the creation of reliable and efficient audit procedures and methods. In the AUDITAC project, we will describe the features of the two levels audit methods; pre-audit (or walk-through) and (detailed) audit. In order to support the harmonisation of the implementation of the AC systems inspection, starting from the inspection schemes already on the market, we assessed their effectiveness and establish a link with the operation and maintenance practices. The decision for renovation will be developed in its aspects of energy savings and economic feasibility. In order to disseminate and involve easily the AC actors in the audit methods, we have developed a basic training package (TP) about auditing AC facilities. This tool has been created to prepare and introduce air conditioning actors (energy managers, facilities owners, technicians related to AC etc…) to the compulsory inspection and to disseminate the advantages and opportunities that the subsequent audit can give. The audit approach is globally explained in the TP from cooling production to distribution, operation and maintenance and finally control strategies. Quantitative indicators for best practices and improvement examples are showed to support decision of renovation. Basically, the TP has been designed for a public with an educational level of post-high school and can be used in different scenarios (students with HVAC class, inspection technicians, energy managers’ information etc…)

    Zabavno izobraževanje

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    BETWEEN (Motion in multiplicity of time and space) / BETWEEN (Motion in multiplicity of time and space)

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    Magistrsko besedilo opredeljuje in povzema proces lastne umetniške produkcije v obdobju zadnjih treh let, ki je potekalo v času študija druge stopnje. Osnovna forma se drži kronološkega zaporedja izbranih del in projektov, znotraj katerih izvedem podrobnejšo raziskavo konceptualnih izhodišč ter vsebinskih sklopov. Posledično se besedilo v prvem delu osredotoča na slikarsko produkcijo ter raziskavo prvih zastavkov koncepta del »na prelomu«. Serijo slikarskih del analiziram in primerjalno definiram preko referenčnega opusa nemške sodobne slikarke Charline von Heyl ter koncepta slabega slikarstva. Abstraktna dela z vizualnim izhodiščem v arhitekturnih in lokacijsko specifičnih dražljajih določenega okolja vodijo k prostorsko bazirani umetnosti. V drugem delu besedila se fokus prevesi v medij instalacije ter novih medijev (video, interaktivna umetnost), kjer se osredotočim predvsem na razumevanje fenomenov, povezanih z odnosom med človekom in okoljem: gibanje, spomin, zgodovina, čas in časovnost. Gre torej za razumevanje koncepta prostor-čas kot nerazločljivega področja človeške akcije. V tem delu se srečamo z glavnimi misleci tega področja (med njimi Henry Bergson, Martin Heidegger, Gilles Deleuze, Edmund Husserl), fizikom Albertom Einsteinom ter referenčnimi umetniki, med njimi: Marcel Duchamp, Olafur Eliasson, Dan Graham in drugi.In my master’s thesis, I conduct the basic analysis of my artistic process and production which emerged during the last three years of my master’s study. The basic form of the following text is chronologically following my own projects through which I develop conceptual analysis, as well as include the main referential material as an extension to my own contextual research. Therefore, the text coherently follows the dialogue between theoretical and practical. It is roughly divided into two sections. With the initial chapters of each section, I present the base of inspirations within the philosophical and art historical references which are followed by the specific analysis of my own art practice. The first part is focused on my painting practice which is also the foundation of the conceptual field evident throughout the entire thesis. Abstract painting series is a basic starting point in terms of “breaking point” or “in-between” concept which I develop through contextualizing the oeuvre of German contemporary artist Charline von Heyl and the concept of Bad painting in the 20th century. The transition in the space-based art is manifested with the turn to sculpture and installation intertwined with new media (video and interactive art) in my practice. The second part, therefore, is focused mainly on the phenomena related to the relation between a subject and space. Here, I focus on the basic concepts of motion (as the basic interaction between being and space), memory and history, and time and temporality and its perception. The main topic of interest is the space-time as a platform of human action and perception through which understanding of the world emerges. In this research, I include the basic theories of well-known philosophers (i.e. Henry Bergson, Martin Heidegger, Gilles Deleuze, and Edmund Husserl), a physicist Albert Einstein, and several artists, among others Marcel Duchamp, Olafur Eliasson, and Dan Graham


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    Temo diplomske naloge prodaje maziv VALVOLINE na slovenskem tržišču smo si izbrali, ker so raziskava in njeni rezultati temelj za nadaljnje odločitve in usmeritev poslovanja podjetja. Podjetje ABL TEHNIKA D.O.O. je pooblaščeni distributer olj ter maziv za Slovenijo. Z vstopom Slovenije v Evropsko unijo ter zaradi centralne pozicije Slovenije v Evropi smo dočakali invazijo neznanih in cenenih motornih olj in sivega uvoza ali pa celo ponaredkov premium blagovnih znamk. Vsa podjetja, ki delujejo na tržišču prodaje motornih olj, morajo vedno znova iskati nove prodajne prijeme ali strategije prodaje, da bi prepričali nove stranke v nakup ali pa da vsaj zadržijo svoje obstoječe kupce.The topic of our thesis focusing on the sales of Valvoline lubricants was chosen because the thesis research and its results may form the basis for future decision-making and business direction of the company I run − ABL TEHNIKA D.O.O. The company is an authorised distributor of oils and lubricants for Slovenia. Due to Slovenia\u27s entry into the European Union as well as its central position in Europe, the country faced an invasion of unknown and cheap motor oils along with grey import, or even fake premium brands. All companies operating on the motor oil market need to constantly look for new sales methods and strategies in order to convince new customers to buy, or at least to keep the existing ones