945 research outputs found

    Lexi-Term : approches plurielles de la lexicographie spécialisée et de la terminologie/terminographie

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    Ce numéro de R.I.L.A. ‒ Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, sur Lexi-Term : approches plurielles de la lexicographie spécialisée et de la terminologie/terminographie, naît de l’intérêt que le Groupe de Recherche Modena Lexi-Term porte à la lexicographie spécialisée, à la terminologie et à la terminographie mono- et bilingues, ainsi qu’à l’étude du comportement des termes en contexte, étroitement liée à l’analyse de corpus de textes authentiques. aduzione giuridica

    La vulgarisation des termes juridiques et la construction d’un savoir (« que » faire) chez le grand public

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    Abstract The terms required for legal communication can only be considered as socio-cultural products, namely bound to the legal culture being disseminated/popularized. This could be true not only for the dissemination of knowledge which shapes itself through the acquisition of terms grafting on prior common knowledge, but also for the acquisition of awareness on how to behave towards the Law. Against this background, this paper aims at investigating the linguistic strategies used by the editor of a series of factsheets that the Ministry of Justice and Civil Liberties provides the French readership in order to popularize legal knowledge. In particular, the study analyses the role of paraphrase and of different reformulation strategies. Résumé Les termes nécessaires à la communication juridique ne peuvent qu’être considérés comme des produits socioculturels et culturellement spécifiques, dont les discours de vulgarisation juridique essaient de répandre la connaissance. Et cela non seulement pour la transmission d’un savoir qui se façonne à travers l’appropriation des termes et leur greffage sur des connaissances ordinaires préalables, mais aussi pour la construction d’un savoir faire qui signifie savoir quel comportement adopter face au Droit. Cette contribution se penche alors sur les stratégies employées par le rédacteur d’une série de fiches pratiques, que le Ministère de la Justice et des Libertés met à la disposition du lectorat français, afin de vulgariser les connaissances juridiques, notamment la paraphrase et les différentes stratégies de reformulation

    Dictionnaires Internet et vulgarisation des termes de la crise \ue9conomique et financi\ue8re

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    L\u2019\ue9conomie et la finance ont toujours r\ue9veill\ue9 un certain int\ue9r\ueat chez les profanes \ue0 cause, d\u2019une part, des rapports n\ue9cessaires et incontournables avec les banques et les imp\uf4ts et, de l\u2019autre, des reportages qui leur sont fr\ue9quemment consacr\ue9s par la presse de tout type. C\u2019est pourtant la crise \ue9conomique et financi\ue8re de 2008 qui donne l\u2019impulsion \ue0 une diffusion capillaire de ses termes sp\ue9cialis\ue9s, gr\ue2ce surtout aux ressources offertes par la Toile. La profondeur et la dur\ue9e de cette crise \ue9conomique ont influenc\ue9 le quotidien des citoyens qui doivent y faire face, qui en subissent les cons\ue9quences parfois d\ue9sastreuses, et suivent alors avec attention les discours de la presse. Ce qui a conduit, depuis 2008, \ue0 la r\ue9daction d\u2019un grand nombre d\u2019articles de presse (et de mini-dictionnaires d\u2019accompagnement) ayant le but d\ue9clar\ue9 d\u2019expliquer les mots de la crise au grand public, entra\ueenant un \uab pic de reformulation de la terminologie \ubb (Janot 2014 : 13). C\u2019est donc aux \uab glossaires \ubb et \uab lexiques \ubb de la crise \ue9conomique et financi\ue8re rep\ue9rables gratuitement en ligne que nous allons consacrer notre int\ue9r\ueat, puisqu\u2019il s\u2019av\ue8rent \ueatre un support \ue0 la transmission du savoir aussi bien qu\u2019\ue0 la \uab d\ue9terminologisation \ubb (Meyer, Mackintosh 2000) progressive des termes mis en jeu. Ainsi, nous analyserons les caract\ue9ristiques structurelles et l\u2019aspect qu\u2019une dizaine de dictionnaires Internet retenus montrent \ue0 l\u2019usager, ainsi que les marques linguistiques les rapprochant des discours plus traditionnellement consid\ue9r\ue9s comme vulgarisateurs. JANOT, P., 2014, Les discours de vulgarisation \ue9conomique \ue0 l'heure de la crise financi\ue8re internationale, Roma, Aracne. MEYER, I., MACKINTOSH, K., 2000, \uab L\u2019\u201c\ue9tirement\u201d du sens terminologique : aper\ue7u du ph\ue9nom\ue8ne de la d\ue9terminologisation \ubb, in BEJOINT H., THOIRON Ph. (\ue9ds.), Le sens en terminologie, Lyon, Presses Universitaires de Lyon

    Reacting to the politics and economy relation. The reasons for contemporary populism

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    This paper attempts to interpret the contemporary forms of populism, in the light of the political and economic debate about the function of the state and the market as relevant modern institutions. Considering different economic perspectives and analysing them from an historical point of view, the paper describes the evolution of contemporary society, and the changing relevance of the political and the economic systems. Against the theoretical background of Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory (1984), a critical assessment of different economic approaches is proposed: it is argued that none of them has been able to tackle the generalized increase of social, economic, and individual problems, and the growing social exclusion. In contemporary modernity, social systems are becoming more and more intransparent to one another, and apparently unable to solve the problems for which they functionally evolved. The paper proposes that populism may be intended as a reactive adaptation of the political system to its inability to solve social and economic questions and suggests the necessity of a new paradigm to understand the growing complexity and mutual intransparency of social systems

    Deep Question Answering: A New Teacher For DistilBERT

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    Durante questo lavoro di tesi sono stati sperimentati i benefici ottenibili dalle modifiche al solo livello di question answering del modello BERT e di un suo derivato, DistilBERT. Gli esperimenti sono stati condotti su due dataset differenti, SQuAD 2 e OLP (dataset sperimentale che ha richiesto un lungo lavoro di pre-processing perché fosse compatibile con il formato di SQuAD). Il preprocessing del dataset ha portato ad ottenere, appunto, la stessa struttura di SQuAD ed ha permesso di risparmiare tempo perché si è riusciti ad utilizzare lo stesso script di parsing utilizzato per SQuAD. L'idea di utilizzare una struttura a 4 livelli con uno step di skip per il livello di QA invece deriva da un lavoro di ricerca e testando diversi approcci fino a concludere che, quello utilizzato in questa tesi, permetteva di ottenere risultati migliori rispetto agli altri

    An automated system for lung nodule detection in low-dose computed tomography

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    A computer-aided detection (CAD) system for the identification of pulmonary nodules in low-dose multi-detector helical Computed Tomography (CT) images was developed in the framework of the MAGIC-5 Italian project. One of the main goals of this project is to build a distributed database of lung CT scans in order to enable automated image analysis through a data and cpu GRID infrastructure. The basic modules of our lung-CAD system, a dot-enhancement filter for nodule candidate selection and a neural classifier for false-positive finding reduction, are described. The system was designed and tested for both internal and sub-pleural nodules. The results obtained on the collected database of low-dose thin-slice CT scans are shown in terms of free response receiver operating characteristic (FROC) curves and discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; Proceedings of the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, 17-22 February 2007, San Diego, California, USA, Vol. 6514, 65143

    Pandemic and school management: challenges for future education

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