257 research outputs found

    Community-based fish culture in seasonal floodplains

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    During the rainy season in extensive river floodplains and deltaic lowlands, floods render the land unavailable for crop production for several months each year. These waters are considerably underutilized in terms of managed aquatic productivity. This raises the opportunity to enclose parts of these floodwater areas to produce a crop of specifically stocked aquatic organisms aside from the naturally occurring ‘wild’ species that are traditionally fished and are not affected by the culture activity, resulting in more high-quality, nutrient-dense food production and enhanced farm income for all stakeholders, notably the poor. The WorldFish Center and its national partners recently tested the concurrent rice-fish culture in the shallower flooded areas and the alternating rice-fish culture in the deep-flooded areas of Bangladesh and Viet Nam through a community-based management system. Results indicate that community-based fish culture in rice fields can increase fish production by about 600 kg/ha/year in shallow flooded areas and up to 1.5 t/ha/year in deep-flooded areas, without a reduction in the rice yield or wild fish catch

    Multivariate methods in aquaculture research: case studies of tilapias in experimental and commercial systems

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    This volume documents the usefulness of multivariate methods û notably multiple regression, path analysis and canonical correlation û in the context of aquaculture, which has to date tended to neglect such methods, and hence to underutilize available data. All examples used here stem from experimental and/or commercial tilapia culture systems, and hence this book also represents an advance in the understanding of such systems.Aquaculture, Tilapia culture, Growth, Multivariate analysis Oreochromis

    Impact pathway analysis for research planning: the case of aquatic resources research in the WorldFish Center

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    In line with its mandate of poverty reduction and sustainable development, the WorldFish Center is orienting its research towards high impact scientific activity. Identifying such activities is the task of prospective impact assessment, in turn based on impact pathway analysis. The paper describes a framework for analyzing benefits from aquatic resources research, the relevant research categories, pathways to impact by category, and indicators along each pathway that can be estimated in order to quantify probable research impact

    Wastewater use in aquaculture: research in Peru

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    Use of wastewater is an issue gaining importance throughout the (developing) world, as water sources become scarcer and competition for them increases. In Peru, research has shown the technical, economic and social feasibility of growing fish in wastewater. Such fish farms could recover 100% of the wastewater treatment costs

    Aquaculture potential of seahorses and pipefishes

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    The characteristics, food and feeding, reproduction and breeding of sea horse and pipefishes (Synanthidae) are presented together with the aspects of syngnathid culture

    SUNLIGHT: a computer program for calculation of daily solar radiation

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    This paper presents an algorithm and software (available from ICLARM) for estimating the possible amount of sunlight that may fall on any location of the earth, any day of the year, as might be required for ecological modelling

    Osteoidosis leads to altered differentiation and function of osteoclasts

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    In patients with osteomalacia, a defect in bone mineralization leads to changed characteristics of the bone surface. Considering that the properties of the surrounding matrix influence function and differentiation of cells, we aimed to investigate the effect of osteoidosis on differentiation and function of osteoclasts. Based on osteomalacic bone biopsies, a model for osteoidosis in vitro (OIV) was established. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were differentiated to osteoclasts on mineralized surfaces (MS) as internal control and on OIV. We observed a significantly reduced number of osteoclasts and surface resorption on OIV. Atomic force microscopy revealed a significant effect of the altered degree of mineralization on surface mechanics and an unmasking of collagen fibres on the surface. Indeed, coating of MS with RGD peptides mimicked the resorption phenotype observed in OIV, suggesting that the altered differentiation of osteoclasts on OIV might be associated with an interaction of the cells with amino acid sequences of unmasked extracellular matrix proteins containing RGD sequences. Transcriptome analysis uncovered a strong significant up-regulation of transmembrane glycoprotein TROP2 in osteoclastic cultures on OIV. TROP2 expression on OIV was also confirmed on the protein level and found on the bone surface of patients with osteomalacia. Taken together, our results show a direct influence of the mineralization state of the extracellular matrix surface on differentiation and function of osteoclasts on this surface which may be important for the pathophysiology of osteomalacia and other bone disorders with changed ratio of osteoid to bone

    Seasonality, intensity, and duration of rainfall extremes change in a warmer climate

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    Precipitation extremes are expected to intensify under climate change with consequent impacts in flooding and ecosystem functioning. Here we use station data and high‐resolution simulations from the WRF convection permitting climate model (∼4 km, 1 h) over the US to assess future changes in hourly precipitation extremes. It is demonstrated that hourly precipitation extremes and storm depths are expected to intensify under climate change and what is now a 20‐year rainfall will become a 7‐year rainfall on average for ∼ 75% of gridpoints over the US. This intensification is mostly expressed as an increase in rainfall tail heaviness. Statistically significant changes in the seasonality and duration of rainfall extremes are also exhibited over ∼ 95% of the domain. Our results suggest more non‐linear future precipitation extremes with shorter spell duration that are distributed more uniformly throughout the year

    Simulating North American Weather Types With Regional Climate Models

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    Regional climate models (RCMs) are able to simulate small-scale processes that are missing in their coarser resolution driving data and thereby provide valuable climate information for climate impact assessments. Less attention has been paid to the ability of RCMs to capture large-scale weather types (WTs). An inaccurate representation of WTs can result in biases and uncertainties in current and future climate simulations that cannot be easily detected by standard model evaluation metrics. Here we define 12 hydrologically important WTs in the contiguous United States (CONUS). We test if RCMs from the North American CORDEX (NA-CORDEX) and the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model large physics ensembles (WRF36) can capture those WTs in the current climate and how they simulate changes in the future. Our results show that the NA-CORDEX RCMs are able to simulate WTs more accurately than members of the WRF36 ensemble. The much larger WRF36 domain in combination with not constraining large-scale conditions by spectral nudging results in lower WT skill. The selection of the driving global climate model (GCM) has a large effect on the skill of NA-CORDEX simulations but a smaller impact on the WRF36 runs. The formulation of the RCM is of minor importance except for capturing the variability within WTs. Changing the model physics or increasing the RCM horizontal grid spacing has little effect. These results highlight the importance of selecting GCMs with accurate synoptic-scale variability for downscaling and to find a balance between large domains that can result in biased WT representations and small domains that inhibit the realistic development of mesoscale processes. At the end of the century, monsoonal flow conditions increase systematically by up to 30% and a WT that is a significant source of moisture for the Northern Plains during the growing seasons decreases systematically up to –30%