8 research outputs found

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    Novi stalni postav Pomorskog i povijesnog muzeja Hrvatskoga primorja u Rijeci; autorice koncepcije: Margita Cvjetinović Starac, Jasna Ujčić Grudenić; autorica postava: Nikolina Jelavić Mitrovi


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    U tekstu se raspravlja o drvenom raspelu iz katedrale sv. Vida u Rijeci. Raspelo pripada skupini raspela s bolnim Kristom, čiji se nastanak vezuje uz 13. stoljeće, a tipologija uz umjetnost srediÅ”nje i sjeverne Europe, odakle se krajem 13. stoljeća i u 14. stoljeću proÅ”irila cijelim europskim prostorom. Raspelo nosi apelativ ā€˜Äudotovornoā€™ i vezano je uz predaju koja ga povezuje s tzv. krvarećim raspelima (ili ā€˜slikamaā€™), koja bilježe snažno djelovanje unutar vjerničkih zajednica diljem krŔćanskoga svijeta. Tekst donosi nove spoznaje o razvoju ikonografske teme, kritičko čitanje povijesnih dokumenata i sekundarnih izvora te otvara pitanja o značenju raspela unutar zajednice, ali i o njegovoj vrijednosti kao povijesnog izvora za poznavanje prilika u srednjovjekovnoj Rijeci.The authors discuss a wooden crucifix from the St. Vitus Cathedral in Rijeka. The crucifix belongs to a group of crucifixes representing the suffering Christ (Christus patiens) ā€“ an iconographic interpretation of the Crucifixion that had developed within the 13th century art in central and northern Europe, from where it spread to the whole Europe at the end of the 13th and in the 14th century. Its appellative ā€˜miraculousā€™ is associated with a legend which connects it with the so-called bleeding crucifixes (or ā€˜imagesā€™) that had had a significant impact on the communities of faithful throughout the Christian world. The text introduces new insights on the development of this iconographic theme, offers a critical reading of historical documents and secondary sources, and raises questions about the importance of the crucifix within the urban community, as well as its value as a historical source for unveiling the life circumstances in medieval Rijeka

    The New Archaeological Map of Ancient and Early Medieval Tarsatica

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    U radu se predstavlja nova arheoloÅ”ka karta antičke i ranosrednjovjekovne Tarsatike, rezultat projekta ā€œArheoloÅ”ka karta Tarsatikeā€ iz 2013. godine. U kratkom pregledu dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja autori donose starije primjere karata Rijeke s ucrtanim arheoloÅ”kim nalazima te rezultate istraživanja i interpretacije istraživača vezane uz urbanizam Tarsatike. Zaključno su iznesena razmatranja i smjernice vezane uz pitanja i probleme tarsatičkog rastera i urbanizacije.The paper presents a new map of ancient and early medieval Tarsatica, which is the result of a project titled ā€œArchaeological Map of Tarsaticaā€ from 2013. In a brief review of the studies conducted to date, the authors present older examples of maps of Rijeka with marked archaeological finds, the results of research activities, and individual interpretations of studies related to the town planning of Tarsatica. To conclude with, the considerations and guidelines are presented, which are connected with the questions and issues related to the raster and urbanization of Tarsatica

    The Will of the Noblewoman Stelidija of Duino

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    In this paper we present the contents and entire transcript of the will of the noblewoman Stelidija of Duino drawn up in 1380 in Rijeka, and which today is kept in the Historical Archives of the Province of Gorizia in Gorizia. The will contains valuable data which contribute to the knowledge of the historical, judicial, cultural and religious aspects of the still insufficiently known and researched period of the Duino lords and mediaeval Rijeka


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    U tekstu se raspravlja o drvenom raspelu iz katedrale sv. Vida u Rijeci. Raspelo pripada skupini raspela s bolnim Kristom, čiji se nastanak vezuje uz 13. stoljeće, a tipologija uz umjetnost srediÅ”nje i sjeverne Europe, odakle se krajem 13. stoljeća i u 14. stoljeću proÅ”irila cijelim europskim prostorom. Raspelo nosi apelativ ā€˜Äudotovornoā€™ i vezano je uz predaju koja ga povezuje s tzv. krvarećim raspelima (ili ā€˜slikamaā€™), koja bilježe snažno djelovanje unutar vjerničkih zajednica diljem krŔćanskoga svijeta. Tekst donosi nove spoznaje o razvoju ikonografske teme, kritičko čitanje povijesnih dokumenata i sekundarnih izvora te otvara pitanja o značenju raspela unutar zajednice, ali i o njegovoj vrijednosti kao povijesnog izvora za poznavanje prilika u srednjovjekovnoj Rijeci.The authors discuss a wooden crucifix from the St. Vitus Cathedral in Rijeka. The crucifix belongs to a group of crucifixes representing the suffering Christ (Christus patiens) ā€“ an iconographic interpretation of the Crucifixion that had developed within the 13th century art in central and northern Europe, from where it spread to the whole Europe at the end of the 13th and in the 14th century. Its appellative ā€˜miraculousā€™ is associated with a legend which connects it with the so-called bleeding crucifixes (or ā€˜imagesā€™) that had had a significant impact on the communities of faithful throughout the Christian world. The text introduces new insights on the development of this iconographic theme, offers a critical reading of historical documents and secondary sources, and raises questions about the importance of the crucifix within the urban community, as well as its value as a historical source for unveiling the life circumstances in medieval Rijeka