U radu se predstavlja nova arheološka karta antičke i
ranosrednjovjekovne Tarsatike, rezultat projekta “Arheološka
karta Tarsatike” iz 2013. godine. U kratkom pregledu
dosadašnjih istraživanja autori donose starije primjere karata
Rijeke s ucrtanim arheološkim nalazima te rezultate istraživanja
i interpretacije istraživača vezane uz urbanizam Tarsatike.
Zaključno su iznesena razmatranja i smjernice vezane uz
pitanja i probleme tarsatičkog rastera i urbanizacije.The paper presents a new map of ancient and early medieval
Tarsatica, which is the result of a project titled “Archaeological Map
of Tarsatica” from 2013. In a brief review of the studies conducted
to date, the authors present older examples of maps of Rijeka
with marked archaeological finds, the results of research activities,
and individual interpretations of studies related to the town
planning of Tarsatica. To conclude with, the considerations and
guidelines are presented, which are connected with the questions
and issues related to the raster and urbanization of Tarsatica