14 research outputs found

    Taxonomic revision of the Temnothorax salvini clade (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with a key to the clades of New World Temnothorax

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    Temnothorax is a large myrmicine ant genus with a range spanning the northern hemisphere, including the northern half of the Neotropics. Many of the Neotropical species were originally placed in the now defunct genus Macromischa. Recent molecular work has revealed that distinct lineages of Neotropical Temnothorax have arrived by evolutionary convergenceat a morphological syndrome with characteristics that were used to diagnose the former genus Macromischa. One such lineage is the salvini clade, which in this study is redefined to contain 63 species, 35 of which are described as new. A key to all species of the salvini clade based on the worker caste is provided; additionally, a worker-based key to all clades of the New World is provided. The following species are redescribed: T. albispinus (Wheeler), T. androsanus (Wheeler), T. annexus (Baroni Urbani), T. augusti (Baroni Urbani), T. aztecus (Wheeler), T. ciferrii (Menozzi & Russo), T. flavidulus (Wheeler & Mann), T. fuscatus (Mann), T. goniops (Baroni Urbani), T. huehuetenangoi (Baroni Urbani), T. ixili (Baroni Urbani), T. leucacanthus (Baroni Urbani), T. nigricans (Baroni Urbani), T. ocarinae (Baroni Urbani), T. pastinifer (Emery), T. pergandei (Emery), T. politus (Smith), T. pulchellus (Emery), T. rugosus (Mackay), T. salvini (Forel), T. schwarzi (Mann), T. skwarrae (Wheeler), T. subditivus (Wheeler), T. tenuisculptus (Baroni Urbani), T. terricola (Mann), T. terrigena (Wheeler), T. torrei (Aguayo). The gynes of T. ciferrii, T. fuscatus, T. ixili, T. politus, T. rugosus, T. salvini, T. tenuisculptus and T. torrei are described. The males of T. albispinus and T. fuscatus are described. Lectotypes are designated for T. androsanus, T. annexus, T. augusti, T. aztecus, T. flavidulus, T. fuscatus, T. nigricans, T. pastinifer, T. pergandei, T. politus, T. pulchellus, T. salvini, T. skwarrae, T. subditivus, T. terricola, and T. terrigena. A neotype for Temnothorax salvini obscurior (Forel) is designated, the taxon is raised to species, and a replacement name is designated: T. longicaulis stat. nov., nom. nov. The following species are described as new: T. achii sp. nov., T. acuminatus sp. nov., T. acutispinosus sp. nov., T. agavicola sp. nov., T. altinodus sp. nov., T. arbustus sp. nov., T. aureus sp. nov., T. aztecoides sp. nov., T. bahoruco sp. nov., T. balaclava sp. nov., T. balnearius sp. nov., T. bison sp. nov., T. casanovai sp. nov., T. fortispinosus sp. nov., T. harlequina sp. nov., T. hippolytus sp. nov., T. laticrus sp. nov., T. leucacanthoides sp. nov., T. longinoi sp. nov., T. magnabulla sp. nov., T. misomoschus sp. nov., T. nebliselva sp. nov., T. obtusigaster sp. nov., T. paraztecus sp. nov., T. parralensis sp. nov., T. parvidentatus sp. nov., T. pilicornis sp. nov., T. quercicola sp. nov., T. quetzal sp. nov., T. rutabulafer sp. nov., T. terraztecus sp. nov., T. tuxtlanus sp. nov., T. wettereri sp. nov., T. wilsoni sp. nov., T. xincai sp. nov

    Integrating morphology with phylogenomics to describe four island endemic species of Temnothorax from Sicily and Malta (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

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    Temnothorax (Myrmicinae, Crematogastrini) is one of the most diverse Holarctic ant genera, and new taxonomic advancements are still frequent worldwide. The Mediterranean region, a global biodiversity hotspot characterized by a complex geographic history, is home to a substantial portion of its described diversity. Sicily is the region’s largest island and, as ongoing investigations are revealing, it is inhabited by a long-overlooked but highly diverse ant fauna that combines multiple biogeographic influences. We combined qualitative and quantitative morphology of multiple castes with phylogenomic analysis based on ultra-conserved elements (UCEs) to describe four species of Temnothorax endemic to Sicily and the neighboring Maltese Islands (Sicilian Channel). Three of these species, T. marae Alicata, Schifani & Prebus sp. nov., T. poldii Alicata, Schifani & Prebus sp. nov. and T. vivianoi Schifani, Alicata & Prebus sp. nov., are new to science, while a redescription clarifies the identity of T. lagrecai (Baroni Urbani, 1964). These descriptions highlight the current difficulties of delimiting monophyletic Temnothorax species groups based on morphological characters. The intra-insular endemicity patterns we revealed highlight the importance of Mediterranean paleogeography to contemporary ant diversity and distribution in the region

    Optimized DNA extraction and library preparation for minute arthropods: Application to target enrichment in chalcid wasps used for biocontrol

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    International audienceTarget enrichment is increasingly used for genotyping of plant and animal species or to better understand the evolutionary history of important lineages through the inference of statistically robust phylogenies. Limitations to routine target enrichment are both the complexity of current protocols and low input DNA quantity. Thus, working with tiny organisms such as microarthropods can be challenging. Here, we propose easy to set up optimizations for DNA extraction and library preparation prior to target enrichment. Prepared libraries were used to capture 1,432 ultraconserved elements (UCEs) from microhymenoptera (Chalcidoidea), which are among the tiniest insects on Earth and the most commercialized worldwide for biological control purposes. Results show no correlation between input DNA quantities (1.8-250 ng, 0.4 ng with an extra whole genome amplification step) and the number of sequenced UCEs on an Illumina MiSeq. Phylogenetic inferences highlight the potential of UCEs to solve relationships within the families of chalcid wasps, which has not been achieved so far. The protocol (library preparation + target enrichment) allows processing 96 specimens in five working days, by a single person, without requiring the use of expensive robotic molecular biology platforms, which could help to generalize the use of target enrichment for minute specimens

    Electron microscopy

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