127 research outputs found

    The Anti-gender and Gender-critical Roots of the Italian Anti-trans Parent Activism

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    Between 2020 and 2021, the fight against the hate crimes bill proposal on discrimination and violence based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability marked a pivotal moment in the ongoing mobilization against LGBTQ+ rights in Italy. Proposed by the main center-left party, the Bill proposal encountered a strong opposition both by right-wing and by MPs of the progressive area itself. In particular, the category of gender identity was targeted as a danger, a confused notion, a trojan horse of the “gender ideology”, etc. The Bill first adopted by the Lower House was later blocked at the Senate, thanks to the decisive action of Senator Simone Pillon, a founder and member of the Italian anti-gender movement, elected in 2018 with the radical right party of the League, led by Matteo Salvini. Anti-gender groups such as ProVita & Famiglia and Family Day, who had been campaigning against "gender theory" and "LGBT ideology" for over a decade, led this battle from outside the Parliament, online and in the streets, but also inside the Senate, during the parliamentary auditions to which they were massively invited to participat

    Tracking the Political Scope of Ultraconservative Christian-Right Movements in Italy: Strategies, Mobilizations, and Narratives

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    The purpose of this chapter is to shed light on the strategies that ultra-conservative Christian-Right movements have been using in recent years. In the first section we focus on the new path of Italian ultraconservative Catholic activism and the emergence of the anti-gender issue and its politicization. In the second and third sections, we briefly highlight the main frame of the dis-courses mobilized by the actors in both the religious and political fields. We conclude by examining the political effect of the Christian Right in Italy, indicating the particular relation that this particular kind of religious-based move-ment seems to have with the Catholic Church in Italy and, of course, with the Vatican

    Beyond electoral performance: reviewing and advancing the literature on LGBTIQ+ political careers

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    In recent years, the rising number of LGBTIQ+ politicians across the world has been matched by an increase in academic attention on which factors foster or hinder their careers. Here, we provide a comprehensive analytical review of the relevant literature, with the goal of illustrating both its synergies and imbalances. We show that most of the existing evidence specifically concerns LGBTIQ+ politicians' electoral performance. Moreover, this knowledge has largely been produced in very similar contexts politically and socioculturally. Finally, we highlight the potential of investigating a number of additional factors that may impact LGBTIQ+ political careers, such as intersectional dynamics that may have a differentiated impact within this population. Future works could expand the scope of this literature by considering these elements and focussing more on the direct experience of LGBTIQ+ politicians

    Le cadrage religieux de la mobilisation \uab\ua0anti-genre\ua0\ubb\ua0: une \ue9tude micro-\ue9v\ue9nementielle du Family Day

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    Cet article propose une analyse de l\u2019usage du discours religieux dans les processus de mobilisation \uab anti-genre \ubb en Italie. \uc0 partir d\u2019une observation micro-analytique de la manifestation du Family Day du 20 juin 2015 \ue0 Rome, je propose d\u2019\ue9tudier, d\u2019un c\uf4t\ue9, le cadre th\ue9orico-politique que l\u2019on appelle la cause \uab anti-genre \ubb et, de l\u2019autre, l\u2019usage strat\ue9gique du r\ue9f\ue9rentiel religieux pour attribuer une identit\ue9 catholique au mouvement et ainsi renforcer l\u2019adh\ue9sion \ue0 la cause. En d\u2019autres termes, il s\u2019agit d\u2019observer les modalit\ue9s de participation \ue0 la manifestation de rue qui et la pr\ue9sence m\ue9diatrice d\u2019un leader charismatique afin de construire une identit\ue9 catholique repolitis\ue9e. L\u2019article entend, en outre, retracer le processus de construction du terrain d\u2019observation en r\ue9v\ue9lant comment les interrogations et les incompr\ue9hensions du chercheur in situ contribuent \ue0 rendre visible ce qu\u2019un regard macroscopique et centr\ue9 sur des grilles de lecture structurelles ou syst\ue9miques ne parviennent pas \ue0 saisir

    La trajectoire r\ue9volutionnaire du militantisme homosexuel italien dans les ann\ue9es 1970

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    The article introduces the political history of homosexual activism in Italy in the 1970s. In particular, it discusses the genealogical discontinuity that exists in the history of homosexuality

    La crociata "anti-gender". Dal Vaticano alle manif pour tous

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    Che cos\u2019\ue8 \u201cla teoria del gender\u201d? Chi vi si oppone e perch\ue9? Il libro propone un\u2019analisi della crociata reazionaria lanciata dal Vaticano contro il concetto di genere e dei movimenti di protesta che l\u2019hanno incarnata. Queste mobilitazioni sono state organizzate, a partire dall\u2019inizio degli anni 2010, in numerosi Paesi europei, dalla Francia all\u2019Italia, dalla Germania alla Polonia, dalla Croazia alla Slovacchia, da un nuovo fronte di attori che riunisce gruppi anti-abortisti, tradizionalisti, membri dei movimenti ecclesiali e gruppi neo-fascisti. Concentrandosi in particolar modo sulla situazione italiana e francese, il libro studia la genesi del discorso \u201canti-gender\u201d e ricostituisce le tappe delle manifestazioni (conferenze, veglie, Family Day) che ne hanno fatto una causa militante. L\u2019intento di questo libro \ue8 quello di essere uno strumento di analisi a disposizione di lettrici e lettori che vogliono sapere come sono nate e a cosa servono le espressioni \u201cideologia gender\u201d, \u201cla teoria del gender\u201d o \u201cil gender\u201d e capire le ragioni del loro successo politico e epistemologico. L\u2019analisi proposta intende, inoltre, esplicitare i germi strutturalmente anti-democratici che nutrono una tale crociata

    Aspetti della biologia ed analisi del ciclo riproduttivo di Gobio benacensis (Pollini, 1816) nel Nordest Italia

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    Il presente studio si propone di approfondire la biologia ed il ciclo riproduttivo del gobione italiano (Gobio benacensis), specie endemica a corologia cisalpina inclusa nella categoria \u201cEndangered\u201d (EN) della lista rossa IUCN, con l\u2019intento di fornire informazioni utili a redigere corretti piani gestionali volti alla conservazione della specie. Le indagini sono state condotte in un corso d\u2019acqua del Bacino del Fiume Isonzo (Torrente Reca, Nordest Italia) ed hanno riguardato 86 esemplari catturati nell\u2019aprile 2016 al fine di definirne la consistenza e la struttura della popolazione e 77 esemplari, catturati mensilmente e bimestralmente tra aprile 2016 e febbraio 2017, per la definizione del ciclo riproduttivo. Le curve di regressione del peso sulla lunghezza totale per i maschi (W=0,1253TL2,8770) e per le femmine (W=0,1555TL2,7554), confrontate mediante ANCOVA, non hanno denunciato differenze significative. I valori medi \ub1 deviazione standard dell\u2019indice gonadosomatico GSI per i maschi sono compresi tra 0,61\ub10,49 e 1,75\ub10,58, mentre per le femmine tra 1,02\ub10,88 e 14,15\ub12,80. L\u2019indice epatosomatico HSI ha denunciato range compresi tra 0,05\ub10,02 e 2,68\ub11,26 e tra 0,25\ub10,19 e 1,75\ub10,58 rispettivamente per i maschi e per le femmine. Le analisi istologiche di ovari e testicoli, analizzati per la prima volta nella specie, hanno permesso di identificare gli stadi di maturazione, che unitamente all\u2019analisi del GSI indicano che la specie depone le uova a pi\uf9 riprese durante il periodo riproduttivo compreso tra aprile e giugno. Nei maschi \ue8 stata, tuttavia, evidenziata una prolungata attivit\ue0 riproduttiva che si protrae fino al mese di agosto


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    The study group of freshwater decapods established within the Italian Association of Freshwater Ichthyologists aims at improving knowledge on the biology of both native and alien freshwater crayfish, shrimps, and crabs which currently inhabit Italian lentic and lotic waters, promoting at the same time the establishment of a network of experts that guarantees an adequate spread of correct useful and usable information, not only for management activities by the local and national competent authorities, but even by non-experts. The group deals with taxonomy, systematic, zoogeography, ecology, ethology, physiology, anatomy, genetics, conservation (of natives) and management (of aliens) of freshwater decapods in Italy. Our main aim is to update the status of freshwater decapods within the national territory, useful for monitoring programs on these species and the habitats where they inhabit. It is necessary to study all the aspects of this order because many species represent an ecological (as a keystone species), fauna (some taxa are interesting peninsular endemisms), biogeographical (the Whole order includes peculiar models of dispersion, migration and vicariance) and evolutionary (there are stimulating case studies of adaptive radiation phenomena linked to a specific ecological value) heritage. Also from an applied perspective, freshwater decapods have a peculiar double aspect linked to the conservation of aquatic environments: on the one side some species can be considered as valuable biological indicators, but on the other side many alien species are reported to be invasive and their management is mandatory, according to the new European and Italian legislations, and should be ecologically, economically and culturally examined to evaluate their effects on environment, human activities and health


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    First published in Italian in 1977, Mario Mieli's groundbreaking book is an early landmark of revolutionary queer theory \u2013 now available for the first time in a complete and unabridged English translation. Among the most important works ever to address the relationship between homosexuality, homophobia and capitalism, Mieli's essay continues to pose a radical challenge to today's dominant queer theory and politics. With extraordinary prescience, Mieli exposes the efficiency with which capitalism co-opts 'perversions' which are then 'sold both wholesale and retail'. In his view, the liberation of homosexual desire requires the emancipation of sexuality from both patriarchal sex roles and capital. Drawing heavily upon Marx and psychoanalysis to arrive at a dazzlingly original vision, s a Gay Communism is a hitherto neglected classic that will be essential reading for all who seek to understand the true meaning of sexual liberation under capitalism today

    David Paternotte, Revendiquer le « mariage gay ». Belgique, France, Espagne

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    Deux difficultés majeures pèsent sur tout-e auteur-e d’un compte rendu : la proximité avec la question traitée dans l’ouvrage recensé (mais alors aussi la distance éventuelle) et la proximité avec son auteur-e (mais donc aussi une trop grande méconnaissance de l’auteur-e, de son parcours et de son approche). D’une part, être trop proche du sujet peut conduire à une lecture partiale et intransigeante s’attachant davantage à mettre en lumière les enjeux dont l’auteur-e qui, comme les absents, a..
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