8 research outputs found
Indonesia di masa mendatang akan menghadapi krisis energi konvensional dalam hal kaitannya dengan peningkatan kapasitas kebutuhan, pasokan yang terus menurun, harga tinggi dan permasalahan lingkungan yang ditimbulkan. Potensi energi laut Indonesia yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan dapat menjadi salah satu sumber energi alternatif yang bersih, dapat diandalkan dan terbarukan. Untuk dapat memanen energi yang dihasilkan dari arus laut tersebut, Pusat Pengkajian dan Perekayasaan Teknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan (P3TKP)-BalitbangKP merancang dan mengembangkan twin series vertical turbin tipe drag release yang diharapkan dapat berputar pada putaran rendah. Studi lanjutan tentang bentuk blade-nozzle-guide vane serta kombinasi diantara ketiganya menjadi fokus utama agar dapat menghasilkan target output sebesar 10 kW
Di era modern ini dalam menciptakan hidup sehat sangatlah mudah dan murah, bila dibandingkan dengan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk pen-gobatan saat mengalami gangguan kesehatan karena cukup mahal. Hidup sehat merupakan hal yang harus diterapkan oleh setiap orang karena banyak memiliki manfaat yang disadari maupun tidak disadari, mulai dari konsentrasi kerja, kesehatan dan kecerdasan anak sampai dengan keharmonisan keluarga. Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) adalah semua perilaku kesehatan yang dilaku-kan atas dasar kesadaran sehingga anggota keluarga atau keluarga dapat me-nolong dirinya sendiri di bidang kesehatan dan dapat berperan aktif dalam kegiatan-kegiatan kesehatan di masyarakat. Akan tetapi, di era modern ini masih banyak daerah atau kampung yang tidak menerapkan PHBS. Banyak kampung-kampung yang masih tidak memiliki WC sendiri sehingga menggunakan WC umum yang kotor dan tidak terawat, tidak memiliki tempat cuci tangan, dan tidak memiliki tempat pembuangan sampah tertutup di setiap rumah. Hal-hal inilah yang meyebabkan penyakit seperti malaria, demam berdarah, diare, dsb. Kejadian ini bisa diatasi dengan kesadaran warga tersebut ingin hidup sehat, dan bisa dimulai dari hal-hal kecil. Hal kecil tersebut adalah dengan membuat kam-pung daerah tempat tinggalnya menjadi kampung warna warni agar warga yang tinggal di kampung tersebut merasa nyaman dengan tempat tinggal mereka, sehingga bisa menimbulkan kesadaran warga dalam menjaga kebersihan dan hidup sehat di kampung mereka. Dengan membuat kampung warna warni ter-sebut, bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan bahwa warga siap menerapkan PHBS di lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka. Kegiatan ini terlihat sederhana, tetapi dam-pak yang didapat dari kegiatan ini sangatlah besar bagi kesehatan warga kam-pung yang tinggal di daerah tersebut
TMS Design and analysis of ITB ultra deep ROV
Ultra deep ROV have the operating depth until 3000 msw (meters salt water).
With this very long distance, need some consideration to support the ROV can
work effectively. By the very long cable it is very hard to handle directly on
free swimming mode. TMS (Tethered Management System) is one of additional
system to support on the ROV operation especially for handling the umbilical.
This system designed to handling cable tension, power, communication, sea
current and effectively operation procedures. This system is depend on the ROV
system configuration and also the platform
where the ROV will be deploy. This paper will present the general design of ITB
Ultra deep ROV TMS and the step by step design aspect to support the ROV
Design of SHRIMP ROV for surveillance and mine sweeper
332-337Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) is developed
for various applications from civil until military requirement. One of the most
important UUV missions is surveillance including mapping of marine resources
and monitoring of the sea environment to prevent the destructive activities.
Underwater security becomes more crucial for the country that’s have thousands
island. The study comprises the design
of special Unmanned Underwater Vehicle, the SHRIMP-ROV (Remotely Operated
Vehicle). This UUV has special configuration and mechanism that can be
functioned as a surveillance agent (observation UUV) and as minesweeper agent.
The detail idea, design background and step by step of design methods were
observed in this study
Design and simulation analysis of flying trimaran USV
569-574The coverage area and cruising speed are important
design aspects of an unmanned surface vehicle (USV). Some conventional USVs
have generally a constraint on maximum speed. This fact motivates the
development of approaches for effective hull design in some earlier USVs developed
at the Center for Unmanned System Studies–Institut Teknologi Bandung. The
design approach with the new propulsion system and control surface is featured
in the present USV. This paper presents the design and operation analysis of
flying catamaran USV. The design was focused on the propulsion and distribution
of hydrodynamic and aerodynamic loads on the vehicle wherein computational
fluid dynamics method was used as the main analysis tool
Design and testing of underwater thruster for SHRIMP ROV-ITB
338-345Shrimp ROV is
the most recent underwater vehicle that has been developed at Center for
Unmanned System Studies (CentrUMS)-ITB. This type of vehicle is typically
designed for environmental or scientific surveillance mission as well as for
Small Observation ROV with military functions. One of them is Minesweeper ROV.
The present study consists the thruster
design of ITB SHRIMP-ROV as its main propulsion device. In the thruster design,
we used and applied Finite Element Analysis for calculating structural strength
and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for identification of fluid
characteristic on thruster. All the testing at this stage is performed in the
Design and analysis of laminar hull SWATH based unmanned surface vehicle
214-221Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) was one of unmanned solution for marine application.
There’s a lot of technology behind the research and development of unmanned
surface vehicle. USV offer some advantages for routine marine Patrol operation.
For the future, with additional payload sensor for surveillance and high
performance communication, this vehicle expected to replace the Navy patrol on
sea area. USV that’s has been developed on Center for Unmanned System Studies
(CentrUMS)-ITB was based on SWATH (Small Wetted Area Twin Hull) technology. SWATH
technology offers some advantages for as a surface vehicle. One of the most
important of SWATH design is on the hull design. This statement based on the
fact that’s the most resistance for SWATH type vehicle on twin submerged
underwater hull. For higher efficiency and long endurance, laminar hull became
one of most solution. All aspect of design consideration that’s involved on
this Laminar Hull of this vehicle will be described on this paper
Design and analysis of modular composites drybox hull of hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle
563-568Present study consists the design method for modular
composite hull of a hybrid autonomous underwater vehicle. Step by step method to design
the modular
composite drybox hull is described and discussed. FEA (Finite
Element Analysis) for material strength analysis was used to design and estimate
composition <span style="mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt;
mso-fareast-language:KO" lang="EN-GB">of <span style="mso-bidi-font-size:
12.0pt" lang="EN-GB">each layer of composites structure. Overall proposed
design method lead to the identification of the most efficient number of layers and acceptable safety factor for the composites