1,174 research outputs found

    Visibility maintenance via controlled invariance for leader-follower Dubins-like vehicles

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    The paper studies the visibility maintenance problem (VMP) for a leader-follower pair of Dubins-like vehicles with input constraints, and proposes an original solution based on the notion of controlled invariance. The nonlinear model describing the relative dynamics of the vehicles is interpreted as linear uncertain system, with the leader robot acting as an external disturbance. The VMP is then reformulated as a linear constrained regulation problem with additive disturbances (DLCRP). Positive D-invariance conditions for linear uncertain systems with parametric disturbance matrix are introduced and used to solve the VMP when box bounds on the state, control input and disturbance are considered. The proposed design procedure is shown to be easily adaptable to more general working scenarios. Extensive simulation results are provided to illustrate the theory and show the effectiveness of our approachComment: 17 pages, 24 figures, extended version of the journal paper of the authors submitted to Automatic

    A Mathematical Model of the Pneumatic Force Sensor for Robot-assisted Surgery

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    Restoring the sense of touch in robotic surgery is an emerging need several researchers tried to address. In this paper, we focused on the slave side proposing a pneumatic sensor to estimate contact forces occurring during the interaction between surgical instruments and anatomical areas. It consists of a tiny pneumatic balloon, which, after being inflated, appears near the tip of the instrument during the measurement phase only. This paper presents a mathematical method relating the intensity of the contact force to the variation of pressure inside the balloon. The latter was modeled as a spherical elastic membrane, whose behavior during contact was characterized taking into account both the deformation of the membrane and the compression of the contained gas. Geometrical considerations combined with an energetic approach allowed us to compute the force of interest. The effectiveness of our sensing device has been confirmed by experimental results, based on comparison with a high-performance commercial force sensor

    A new approach to the chap LQ regulator exploiting the geometric properties of the Hamiltonian system

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    The cheap LQ regulator is reinterpreted as an output nulling problem which is a basic problem of the geometric control theory. In fact, solving the LQ regulator problem is equivalent to keep the output of the related Hamiltonian system identically zero. The solution lies on a controlled invariant subspace whose dimension is characterized in terms of the minimal conditioned invariant of the original system, and the optimal feedback gain is computed as the friend matrix of the resolving subspace. This study yields a new computational framework for the cheap LQ regulator, relying only on the very basic and simple tools of the geometric approach, namely the algorithms for controlled and conditioned invariant subspaces and invariant zeros

    The Automatic Control Telelab: a remote control engineering laboratory

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    Describes the realization of a remote laboratory of automatic control developed at the University of Siena. The Automatic Control Telelab (ACT) allows the on-line interaction between remote users and a set of remote physical processes through the Internet. The key feature of this project is the user-defined controller facility. The remote user can design his/her own controller through the well-known Simulink environment. The overall architecture of the Automatic Control Telelaboratory has been designed with the goal of simplifying the upgrading procedure and the procedures to add new experiments

    Uncalibrated Visual Compass from Omnidirectional Line Images with Application to Attitude MAV Estimation

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new algorithm based on previous results of the authors, for the estimation of the yaw angle of an omnidirectional camera robot undergoing a 6-DoF rigid motion. Our real-time algorithm is uncalibrated, robust to noisy data, and it only relies on the projection of 3-D parallel lines as image features. Numerical and real-world experiments conducted with an eye-in-hand robot manipulator, which we used to simulate the 3-D motion of a Micro unmanned Aerial Vehicle (MAV), show the accuracy and reliability of our estimation algorithm

    On the Use of Magnets to Robustify the Motion Control of Soft Hands

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    In this letter, we propose a physics-based framework to exploit magnets in robotic manipulation. More specifically, we suggest equipping soft and underactuated hands with magnetic elements, which can generate a magnetic actuation able to synergistically interact with tendon-driven and pneumatic actuations, engendering a complementarity that enriches the capabilities of the actuation system. Magnetic elements can act as additional Degrees of Actuation (DoAs), robustifying the motion control of the device and augmenting the hand manipulation capabilities. We investigate the interaction of a soft hand with itself for enriching possible hand shaping, and the interaction of the hand with the environment for enriching possible grasping capabilities. Physics laws and notions reported in the manuscript can be used as a guidance for DoAs augmentation and can provide tools for the design of novel soft hands

    On Grasp Quality Measures: Grasp Robustness and Contact Force Distribution in Underactuated and Compliant Robotic Hands

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    The availability of grasp quality measures is fundamental for grasp planning and control, and also to drive designers in the definition and optimization of robotic hands. This work investigates on grasp robustness and quality indexes that can be applied to power grasps with underactuated and compliant hands. When dealing with such types of hands, there is the need of an evaluation method that takes into account the forces that can be actually controlled by the hand, depending on its actuation system. In this paper, we study the potential contact robustness and the potential grasp robustness (PCR, PGR) indexes. They both consider main grasp properties: contact points, friction coefficient, etc., but also hand degrees of freedom and consequently, the directions of controllable contact forces. The PCR comes directly from the classical grasp theory and can be easily evaluated, but often leads to too conservative solutions, particularly when the grasp has many contacts. The PGR is more complex and computationally heavier, but gives a more realistic, even if still conservative, estimation of the overall grasp robustness, also in power grasps. We evaluated the indexes for various simulated grasps, performed with underactuated and compliant hands, and we analyzed their variations with respect to the main grasp parameters

    Cutaneous Force Feedback as a Sensory Subtraction Technique in Haptics

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    A novel sensory substitution technique is presented. Kinesthetic and cutaneous force feedback are substituted by cutaneous feedback (CF) only, provided by two wearable devices able to apply forces to the index finger and the thumb, while holding a handle during a teleoperation task. The force pattern, fed back to the user while using the cutaneous devices, is similar, in terms of intensity and area of application, to the cutaneous force pattern applied to the finger pad while interacting with a haptic device providing both cutaneous and kinesthetic force feedback. The pattern generated using the cutaneous devices can be thought as a subtraction between the complete haptic feedback (HF) and the kinesthetic part of it. For this reason, we refer to this approach as sensory subtraction instead of sensory substitution. A needle insertion scenario is considered to validate the approach. The haptic device is connected to a virtual environment simulating a needle insertion task. Experiments show that the perception of inserting a needle using the cutaneous-only force feedback is nearly indistinguishable from the one felt by the user while using both cutaneous and kinesthetic feedback. As most of the sensory substitution approaches, the proposed sensory subtraction technique also has the advantage of not suffering from stability issues of teleoperation systems due, for instance, to communication delays. Moreover, experiments show that the sensory subtraction technique outperforms sensory substitution with more conventional visual feedback (VF)
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