1,243 research outputs found

    American Power: Mary Parker Follett and Michel Foucault

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    Classical pragmatism, despite its recognized concern for questions of freedom and democracy, has little to say directly about questions of power. Some commentators have found Dewey’s notion of habit to be a resource for taking up issues of power while others have argued that pragmatism does not provide a sufficiently critical tool to challenge systematic oppression. Still others have proposed to shore up pragmatism by using resources found in post-structuralism, particularly in the work of Foucault. This paper begins with this suggestion, but argues that while Foucault offers a useful starting point his conception of power fails—at least in an American context characterized by the experience of pluralism. I then argue that the pragmatist tradition, through the work of Mary P. Follett (1868-1933) has the theoretical resources to generate a conception of power that begins with the experience of pluralism

    Seeing Through the Noise: Seismic Reflection Profiling in Urban Areas

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    Studies for urban hazard or resource assessment often take place in densely populated areas characterized by considerable cultural noise. These site conditions can severely compromise seismic reflection data quality. We have collected vibroseis and hammer (weight drop) seismic reflection data in a range of geologic conditions to image stratigraphy and structures in the upper one km along regional highways, city streets,and power line access roads. In addition to the challenges of safety and outreach, acquisition efforts along busy streets and highways often encounter poor receiver coupling and large-amplitude coherent noise from traffic and power lines. Although higher quality seismic reflection data may be obtained by simply choosing alternate sites with less cultural noise, modifications to the acquisition and processing step scan minimize the effects of cultural noise and poor coupling where profiling is most relevant. Flagging crews, flyers and public announcements assist with outreach and safety concerns, and the local news media are often enthusiastic about publicizing geologic studies. Recording long-record vibroseis data reduces the effects of noise by itself,but data quality can be further optimized by recording uncorrelated,unstacked data and applying precorrelation amplitude adjustments and filters. Recording individual hammer shots likewise allows gains or mutes to normalize or remove traffic noise prior to vertical stacking. Large numbers of receiver channels allow attenuation of random noise and velocity filtering to remove coherent noise. Because ground roll and normal moveout (NMO) corrections minimize near-surface coverage, asymmetric source-receiver geometry allows for additional near-surface fold while muting large amplitude ground rolland NMO stretch. Source and geophone coupling on road shoulder scan degrade signal quality due to variable materials and topography,but these problems are often addressed with static corrections. Our experience is that high-quality seismic data can be obtained in noisy urban areas, but many recorded channels and a careful attention to acquisition and processing procedures can significantly improve the results

    Isospin Fluctuations from a Thermally Equilibrated Hadron Gas

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    Partition functions, multiplicity distributions, and isospin fluctuations are calculated for canonical ensembles in which additive quantum numbers as well as total isospin are strictly conserved. When properly accounting for Bose-Einstein symmetrization, the multiplicity distributions of neutral pions in a pion gas are significantly broader as compared to the non-degenerate case. Inclusion of resonances compensates for this broadening effect. Recursion relations are derived which allow calculation of exact results with modest computer time.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Exploring the nuclear pion dispersion relation through the anomalous coupling of photon to photon and neutral pion

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    We investigate the possibility of measuring the pion dispersion relation in nuclear matter through the anomalous coupling in the reaction \gamma - \gamma' \pi_0. It is shown that this reaction permits the study of pionic modes for space-like momenta. If the pion is softened in nuclear matter due to mixing with the delta-hole state, significant strength for this reaction is expected to move into the space-like region. Competing background processes are evaluated, and it is concluded that useful insight can be obtained experimentally, but only through a difficult exclusive measurement

    The Quark-Gluon Plasma in a Finite Volume

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    The statistical mechanics of quarks and gluons are investigated within the context of the canonical ensemble. Recursive techniques are developed which enforce the exact conservation of baryon number, total isospin, electric charge, strangeness, and color. Bose and Fermi-Dirac statistics are also accounted for to all orders. The energy, entropy and particle number densities are shown to be significantly reduced for volumes less than 5 cubic fm.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum corrections for pion correlations involving resonance decays

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    A method is presented to include quantum corrections into the calculation of two-pion correlations for the case where particles originate from resonance decays. The technique uses classical information regarding the space-time points at which resonances are created. By evaluating a simple thermal model, the method is compared to semiclassical techniques that assume exponential decaying resonances moving along classical trajectories. Significant improvements are noted when the resonance widths are broad as compared to the temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A Co-moving Coordinate System for Relativistic Hydrodynamics

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    The equations of relativistic hydrodynamics are transformed so that steps forward in time preserves local simultaneity. In these variables, the space-time coordinates of neighboring points on the mesh are simultaneous according to co-moving observers. Aside from the time step varying as a function of the location on the mesh, the local velocity gradient and the local density then evolve according to non-relativistic equations of motion. Analytic solutions are found for two one-dimensional cases with constant speed of sound. One solution has a Gaussian density profile when mapped into the new coordinates. That solution is analyzed for the effects of longitudinal acceleration in relativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC, especially in regards to two-particle correlation measurements of the longitudinal size

    Effect of Diet Supplementation on the Expression of Bovine Genes Associated with Fatty Acid Synthesis and Metabolism

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    Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are of important nutritional and health benefit to human. Food products of animal origin are their major dietary source and their concentration increases with high concentrate diets fed to animals. To examine the effects of diet supplementation on the expression of genes related to lipid metabolism, 28 Angus steers were fed either pasture only, pasture with soybean hulls and corn oil, pasture with corn grain, or high concentrate diet. At slaughter, samples of subcutaneous adipose tissue were collected, from which RNA was extracted. Relative abundance of gene expression was measured using Affymetrix GeneChip Bovine Genome array. An ANOVA model nested within gene was used to analyze the background adjusted, normalized average difference of probe-level intensities. To control experiment wise error, a false discovery rate of 0.01 was imposed on all contrasts. Expression of several genes involved in the synthesis of enzymes related to fatty acid metabolism and lipogenesis such as stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD), fatty acid synthetase (FASN), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), fatty-acyl elongase (LCE) along with several trancription factors and co-activators involved in lipogenesis were found to be differentially expressed. Confirmatory RT-qPCR was done to validate the microarray results, which showed satisfactory correspondence between the two platforms. Results show that changes in diet by increasing dietary energy intake by supplementing high concentrate diet have effects on the transcription of genes encoding enzymes involved in fat metabolism which in turn has effects on fatty acid content in the carcass tissue as well as carcass quality. Corn supplementation either as oil or grain appeared to significantly alter the expression of genes directly associated with fatty acid synthesis

    Fragile antiferromagnetism in the heavy-fermion compound YbBiPt

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    We report results from neutron scattering experiments on single crystals of YbBiPt that demonstrate antiferromagnetic order characterized by a propagation vector, τAFM\tau_{\rm{AFM}} = (121212\frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{2} \frac{1}{2}), and ordered moments that align along the [1 1 1] direction of the cubic unit cell. We describe the scattering in terms of a two-Gaussian peak fit, which consists of a narrower component that appears below TN 0.4T_{\rm{N}}~\approx 0.4 K and corresponds to a magnetic correlation length of ξn\xi_{\rm{n}} \approx 80 A˚\rm{\AA}, and a broad component that persists up to TT^*\approx 0.7 K and corresponds to antiferromagnetic correlations extending over ξb\xi_{\rm{b}} \approx 20 A˚\rm{\AA}. Our results illustrate the fragile magnetic order present in YbBiPt and provide a path forward for microscopic investigations of the ground states and fluctuations associated with the purported quantum critical point in this heavy-fermion compound.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Recommendations for Clinical CYP2C19 Genotyping Allele Selection: A Report of the Association for Molecular Pathology

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    This document was developed by the Pharmacogenetics (PGx) Working Group of the Association for Molecular Pathology Clinical Practice Committee, whose aim is to recommend variants for inclusion in clinical pharmacogenetic testing panels. The goals of the Association for Molecular Pathology PGx Working Group are to define the key attributes of PGx alleles recommended for clinical testing and to define a minimum set of variants that should be included in clinical PGx genotyping assays. These recommendations include a minimum panel of variant alleles (tier 1) and an extended panel of variant alleles (tier 2) that will aid clinical laboratories when designing PGx assays. The Working Group considered variant allele frequencies in different populations and ethnicities, the availability of reference materials, and other technical considerations for PGx testing when developing these recommendations. These CYP2C19 genotyping recommendations are the first of a series of recommendations for PGx testing. These recommendations are not to be interpreted as restrictive, but they are meant to provide a helpful guide