418 research outputs found

    Interactive Medical Image Segmentation using Deep Learning with Image-specific Fine-tuning

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance for automatic medical image segmentation. However, they have not demonstrated sufficiently accurate and robust results for clinical use. In addition, they are limited by the lack of image-specific adaptation and the lack of generalizability to previously unseen object classes. To address these problems, we propose a novel deep learning-based framework for interactive segmentation by incorporating CNNs into a bounding box and scribble-based segmentation pipeline. We propose image-specific fine-tuning to make a CNN model adaptive to a specific test image, which can be either unsupervised (without additional user interactions) or supervised (with additional scribbles). We also propose a weighted loss function considering network and interaction-based uncertainty for the fine-tuning. We applied this framework to two applications: 2D segmentation of multiple organs from fetal MR slices, where only two types of these organs were annotated for training; and 3D segmentation of brain tumor core (excluding edema) and whole brain tumor (including edema) from different MR sequences, where only tumor cores in one MR sequence were annotated for training. Experimental results show that 1) our model is more robust to segment previously unseen objects than state-of-the-art CNNs; 2) image-specific fine-tuning with the proposed weighted loss function significantly improves segmentation accuracy; and 3) our method leads to accurate results with fewer user interactions and less user time than traditional interactive segmentation methods.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Family-centred care for hospitalised children aged 0-12 years (Review)

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    This is an update of the Cochrane systematic review of family-centred care published in 2007 (Shields 2007). Family-centred care (FCC) is a widely used model in paediatrics, is thought to be the best way to provide care to children in hospital and is ubiquitous as a way of delivering care. When a child is admitted, the whole family is affected. In giving care, nurses, doctors and others must consider the impact of the child's admission on all family members. However, the effectiveness of family-centred care as a model of care has not been measured systematically. To assess the effects of family-centred models of care for hospitalised children aged from birth (unlike the previous version of the review, this update excludes premature neonates) to 12 years, when compared to standard models of care, on child, family and health service outcomes. In the original review, we searched up until 2004. For this update, we searched: the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL,The Cochrane Library, Issue 12 2011); MEDLINE (Ovid SP); EMBASE (Ovid SP); PsycINFO (Ovid SP); CINAHL (EBSCO Host); and Sociological Abstracts (CSA). We did not search three that were included in the original review: Social Work Abstracts, the Australian Medical Index and ERIC. We searched EMBASE in this update only and searched from 2004 onwards. There was no limitation by language.\ua0We performed literature searches in May and June 2009 and updated them again in December 2011. We searched for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) including cluster randomised trials in which family-centred care models are compared with standard models of care for hospitalised children (0 to 12 years, but excluding premature neonates). Studies had to meet criteria for family-centredness. In order to assess the degree of family-centredness, we used a modified rating scale based on a validated instrument, (same instrument used in the initial review), however, we decreased the family-centredness score for inclusion from 80% to 50% in this update. We also changed several other selection criteria in this update: eligible study designs are now limited to randomised controlled trials (RCTs) only; single interventions not reflecting a FCC model of care have been excluded; and the selection criterion whereby studies with inadequate or unclear blinding of outcome assessment were excluded from the review has been removed. Two review authors undertook searches, and four authors independently assessed studies against the review criteria, while two were assigned to extract data. We contacted study authors for additional information. Six studies found since 2004 were originally viewed as possible inclusions, but when the family-centred score assessment was tested, only one met the minimum score of family-centredness and was included in this review. This was an unpublished RCT involving 288 children post-tonsillectomy in a care-by-parent unit (CBPU) compared with standard inpatient care.The study used a range of behavioural, economic and physical measures. It showed that children in the CBPU were significantly less likely to receive inadequate care compared with standard inpatient admission, and there were no significant differences for their behavioural outcomes or other physical outcomes. Parents were significantly more satisfied with CBPU care than standard care, assessed both before discharge and at 7 days after discharge. Costs were lower for CPBU care compared with standard inpatient care. No other outcomes were reported. The study was rated as being at low to unclear risk of bias. This update of a review has found limited, moderate-quality evidence that suggests some benefit of a family-centred care intervention for children's clinical care, parental satisfaction, and costs, but this is based on a small dataset and needs confirmation in larger RCTs. There is no evidence of harms. Overall, there continues to be little high-quality quantitative research available about the effects of family-centred care. Further rigorous research on the use of family-centred care as a model for care delivery to children and families in hospitals is needed. This research should implement well-developed family-centred care interventions, ideally in randomised trials. It should investigate diverse participant groups and clinical settings, and should assess a wide range of outcomes for children, parents, staff and health services

    Characterizing quark gluon plasma by dilepton interferometry

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    The Hanbury-Brown-Twiss (HBT) radii have been calculated from the two particle correlation functions with virtual photons produced in the collisions of two nuclei at ultra-relativistic energies. We show that the variation of the HBT radii with the invariant mass of the virtual photon can be used to characterize and distinguish the hadronic as well as the partonic phase that might have produced initially in the collisions. It has been illustrated that the non-monotonic variation of the HBT radii with invariant mass provides an access to the development of collective flow in the system.Comment: Talk presented at icpaqgp 2010, Dec 6-10, 2010, Goa, Indi

    Genetic and biochemical characterization of an acquired subgroup B3 metallo-β-lactamase gene, blaAIM-1, and its unique genetic context in Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Australia

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    Three clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates (WCH2677, WCH2813, and WCH2837) isolated from the Women's and Children's Hospital, Adelaide, Australia, produced a metallo-β-lactamase (MBL)-positive Etest result. All isolates were PCR negative for known MBL genes. A gene bank was created, and an MBL gene, designated bla, was cloned and fully characterized. The encoded enzyme, AIM-1, is a group B3 MBL that has the highest level of identity to THIN-B and L1. It is chromosomal and flanked by two copies (one intact and one truncated) of an ISCR element, ISCR15. Southern hybridization studies indicated the movement of both ISCR15 and bla within the three different clinical isolates. AIM-1 hydrolyzes most β-lactams, with the exception of aztreonam and, to a lesser extent, ceftazidime; however, it possesses significantly higher k values for cefepime and carbapenems than most other MBLs. AIM-1 was the first mobile group B3 enzyme detected and signals further problems for already beleaguered antimicrobial regimes to treat serious P. aeruginosa and other Gram-negative infections

    Chronostratigraphy and geochronology: a proposed realignment

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    We propose a realignment of the terms geochronology and chronostratigraphy that brings them broadly into line with current use, while simultaneously resolving the debate over whether the Geological Time Scale should have a “single” or “dual” hierarchy of units: Both parallel sets of units are retained, although there remains the option to adopt either a single (i.e., geochronological) or a dual hierarchy in particular studies, as considered appropri-ate. Thus, geochronology expresses the timing or age of events (depositional, diagenetic, biotic, climatic, tectonic, magmatic) in Earth’s history (e.g., Hirnantian glaciation, Famennian-Frasnian mass extinction). Geochronology can also qualify rock bodies, stratified or unstratified, with respect to the time interval(s) in which they formed (e.g., Early Ordovician Ibex Group). In addition, geochronology refers to all methods of numerical dating. Chronostratigraphy would include all methods (e.g., biostrati-graphy, magnetostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, cyclostrati-graphy, sequence stratigraphy) for (1) establishing the relative time relationships of stratigraphic successions regionally and worldwide; and (2) formally naming bodies of stratified rock that were deposited contemporaneously with units formally defined at their base, ideally by a GSSP (Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point = “golden spike”) that represents a specific point in time. Geochronologic units may be defined and applied generally by either GSSPs or—as currently in most of the Precambrian—by Global Standard Stratigraphic Ages (GSSAs). Geochronologic units would continue as the time units eons/eras/periods/epochs/ages, and chronostratigraphic units as the time-rock units eonothems/erathems/systems/series/stages. Both hierarchies would remain available for use, as recommended by a formal vote of the International Commission on Stratigraphy in 2010. Geological context helps determine the appropriate usage of the component units

    Test–retest reliability of four flatwater performance-related tests in canoe slalom athletes

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    Purpose: This study aims to evaluate the test–retest reliability of four flatwater performance-related tests in canoe slalom athletes. Methods: Twenty-two Slovak national team members of junior and U23 age group racing in a category K1 men (K1M), K1 women (K1W) or C1 men (C1M) volunteered to take part in this study. During both test and retest testing sessions athletes performed 4 flatwater tests: SPS—Sprints with a turn to the preferred side (2 × 15 m shuttle sprints), SNPS—Sprints with a turn to the non-preferred side (2 × 15 m shuttle sprints), SBS—Sprints with turns to both sides (2 × 15 m shuttle sprints) as well as 12 × 15 AOT—12 × 15 m all out shuttle test (12 × 15 m shuttle sprints). Each athlete completed two sessions separated by a minimum of days and a maximum of 5 days. Results: The results have shown the excellent test-retest reliability of all four flatwater tests (ICC—SPS: 0.98; SPNPS 0.97; SBS: 0.98 and 12 × 15 m AOT: 0.96). Additionally, results have shown SEM (SPS: 0.14; SPNPS 0.18; SBS: 0.13 and 12 × 15 m AOT: 1.05) and SWC (SPS: 0.21; SPNPS 0.26; SBS: 0.19 and 12 × 15 m AOT: 1.58). Conclusion: Based on our results we suggest that coaches use these valid and reliable tests to assess changes in their athletes’ performance-related physical fitness over time, to verify the effectiveness of training programs focused on improvement in specific physical fitness of athletes as well as to identify asymmetries between the preferred and non-preferred side in canoe slalom athletes

    Electronic relaxation of 1B3u(nπ*) pyrazine in a supersonic jet:Rotational state dependence of the nonradiative rate leading to biexponential decay

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    The decay of single rotational levels of the vibrationless first excited singlet state of pyrazine (1,4‐diazabenzene) following expansion in a helium supersonic jet and excitation with a pulse dye laser is biexponential, as it is for single vibronic level excitation in the bulk gas phase. However, both the relative contribution and the lifetime of the fast, ’’nonradiative’’, component are strongly dependent on the initial rotational state. A fit to the data shows that the rate of nonradiative decay is proportional to K2, where K is the projection of the rotational angular momentum vector on the (near‐symmetric) top axis. Both the interpretation of these results and their implications with respect to the theory of radiationless transitions are discussed briefly.(AIP

    Photon interferometry and size of the hot zone in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The parameters obtained from the theoretical analysis of the single photon spectra observed by the WA98 collaboration at SPS energies have been used to evaluate the two photon correlation functions. The single photon spectra and the two photon correlations at RHIC energies have also been evaluated, taking into account the effects of the possible spectral change of hadrons in a thermal bath. We find that the ratio Rside/Rout1R_{side}/R_{out} \sim 1 for SPS and Rside/Rout<1R_{side}/R_{out} <1 for RHIC energy.Comment: text changed, figures adde

    Asymmetries in paddle force influence choice of stroke type for canoe slalom athletes

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    Canoe slalom is an Olympic discipline where athletes race down a whitewater course in kayaks (K1) or canoes (C1) navigating a set of down-stream and up-stream gates. Kayak paddles are symmetrical and have a blade at each end, whereas C1 paddles have only one blade that must be moved across the boat to perform strokes on either the right or left side. Asymmetries in paddle force between the two sides of the boat may lead to a reduction in predicted race time. The purpose of this study was to quantify asymmetries in the paddle forces between the two sides for slalom paddling. Paddle forces for 42 canoe slalom athletes (C1 and K1) were quantified from the straight sections of a flat-water figure-of-eight course. Paddle forces were measured using strain gauges embedded in the paddle shaft, stroke type was identified using video, and boat trajectory was tracked using inertial measurement units and high-speed GPS: data were fused using in-house analysis software. Paddle forces were quantified by their peak force, and impulse during the stroke. Paddle forces for the kayakers had asymmetries of 14.2 to 17.1% for the male K1M and 11.1 to 14.4% for the women K1W. Canoeists were no more asymmetrical than the kayakers for their ‘on-side’ strokes between the right and left sides. However, there were considerable differences for their ‘off-side’ strokes: male C1M off-side paddle forces were similar to their ‘on-side’ forces for the same side, but the women C1W had a significantly lower (−20.8% to −29.5%) paddle forces for their ‘off-side’ strokes compared to their ‘on-side’ strokes on that same side. Despite an increasing number of younger male athletes being introduced to the switching technique, and it being used by C1M athletes in international competitions since 2014, C1M paddlers still do not use switching transitions as much as C1W. The data from this study indicate that there is a biomechanical reason for this sex-based difference in the higher proportion of off-side strokes used by the C1M athletes compared to C1W athletes: and this needs to be considered for optimal technique development and race performance