28 research outputs found

    Analisis Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Tambah (overlay) Cara Lenduntan Balik Dengan Metode Pd T-05-2005-B dan Pedoman Interim No.002/P/BM/2011

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    Roads are the transport infrastructures which play an important role in supporting the economicgrowth of a region. Therefore it is necessary to do maintenance efforts so that the roads canfunction optimally.One of them is by adding overlay. The selection of methods become a factorthat must be considered before doing flexible pavement overlay design. It is because of improperplanning can cause damaged or uneconomical construction of roads. Along with the technologicaladvances, methods of overlay flexible pavement design based on deflection also undergone manymodifications such as“Pedoman Perencanaan Tebal Lapis Tambah Perkerasan Lentur Pd T-05-2005-B”and “Pedoman Interim Perkerasan Jalan Lentur No.002/P/BM/201”. The purpose of thisresearch was to determine the most optimal and most efficient life cyclecost of overlay design inthe roads performance improvement project of Batas Kota Metro-Gedung Dalam. From theanalysis results show that the design results by using Pd T 05-2005-B were thinner than PedomanInterim No.002/P/BM/2011. It was caused by several factors such as the analysis of traffic,temperature correction factor, and the types of materials used. The indicator value of theinternational roughness index (IRI) is predicated by emperical equations and the design life of 20years, obtained the lowest lifecycle costs are the result of design methods Pd T-05-2005-B. Theresults of the analysis also showed that the cost at the end of the design life methods Pd T-05-2005-B less than Pedoman Interim No.002 /P/BM / 2011.Keywords :Road, Overlay, Life Cycle Cos

    Redesign Metering and Regulating Station Pada Sistem Jaringan Gas Rumah Tangga Sidoarjo

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    Abstract - PT PGAS Solution is a company engaged in the transmission and distribution of natural gas that requires distribution facilities in the form of gas pipes as a gas distribution. The Metering Regulating Station is the equipment for custody, safety and pressure regulation at each distribution point. For every house connection that will subscribe to natural gas, a calculation and analysis of the design of the natural gas pipeline and the Metering Regulating Station will be carried out according to the pressure, flow and estimated usage requirements for 1 month as in the Sidoarjo gas line, which originally amounted to 17,543 house connections, has now increased to 28,961 house connections. . The estimation of gas usage in daily distribution is 2896.1 m3 of natural gas per hour, so it is necessary to calculate the diameter of the pipe, turbine meter and identify the appropriate Metering Regulating Station to distribute gas from the distribution network to the existing pipeline. After calculating according to the needs in Sidoarjo, the identification of the most suitable MRS is (6/6)-(40/10) -(4/1)–(2000)–(G.400) which describes the MRS inlet outlet diameter, pressure maximum and minimum, maximum flow and type of meter used. The pressure drop value based on the simulation using the Pipe Flow Expert software in this design is 0.0125 bar where this number is still in accordance with the basic design criteria of PGAS Solution

    Pengaruh Suhu Pemadatan Campuran Untuk Perkerasan Lapis Antara (AC-BC)

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    The main objective of this study was to determine the influence of variations of temperaturechanges on the asphalt compaction process heat (hot mix asphalt) layer between (AC - BC)against Marshall parameter with reference to the specifications of Highways in 2010.Based on the analysis of data processing obtained that the value content of asphalt used formiddle limit is 6.1 % and the lower limit of 6.85 %.Based on the analysis of data processing obtained that the value content of asphalt used formiddle limit is 6.1 % and the lower limit of 6.85 %. From the test results Marshall at atemperature of 135oC, 145oC and 155oC in the middle limit has met all the parameters Marshall.Only at a temperature of 125oC and 115oC that do not meet the parameters Marshall Void in valuedue Mix (VIM) and the Marshall Quotient (MQ) do not enter Specifications Highways Marshall2010. While testing the lower limit on the temperature 115oC, 125oC and 135oC does not meet allthe parameters Marshall, because the value of Marshall Quotient (MQ) did not enter thespecifications of Highways in 2010

    AC-WC Mixed Characterstics with Temperature Version of Mixing

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature variations on the mixing processof the hot mix asphalt (hot mix asphalt) to Marshall parameters with reference to the specificationof Bina Marga, 2010.Variations in mixing temperature 125 o C, 135 o C, 145 o C, 155 o C, 160 o C AC-WC layer smoothgradations center limit with asphalt content of 5.7%, at a mixing temperature of 125 oC does notmeet the Bina Marga specifications, because the value of the air voids in the mix (VIM) at atemperature of 125 o C at 5.611%, which exceeds the minimum standards at 3.5% to 5%. As for thetemperature variation of 135 o C to 160 o C mixing has met the minimum value of the Marshallparameter. Next to the mixing temperature variations upper limit 6.8% asphalt contenttemperatures are not eligible to be in a temperature of 125 o C. Due to a temperature of 125 o Cvalue of the cavity filled with asphalt (VFA) of 62.718% below the minimum standard value that isequal to 65%. As for the value of air voids in the mix (VIM) which exceeds the minimum value of5% is in the temperature 125 o C, 135 o C, 145 o C which each value by 7.778%, 6.8919%, 6.2490%,and then at a temperature of 160 o C for 3 , 1429% of the value below the minimum value of 3.5%.Only at a temperature of 155 o C which meet Marshall parameter values

    Pengaruh Suhu Tumbukan Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Dengan Jenis Lapis AC-WC Gradasi Halus

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on the Marshall parameterscompaction to mix AC - WC subtle gradations central limit. Optimum Asphalt Content Value(KAO) in the study sought to use 15 samples and done in the laboratory of Highway University ofLampung. From the analysis of the Marshall parameters obtained KAO mixture is 5.7%. Marshallparameter data retrieval is done twice trials, each experiment using 2x24 samples with the sametreatment for each experiment. Compaction temperature is 120 o C-155 o C is reviewed by varasi5 o C.From the results of experiments that have been conducted, Marshall parameter valuesobtained in experiment 1 and experiment 2 is not too much different. In general, the Stability,Flow, VMA and VFA qualify specifications bina marga 2010, the MQ does not meet thespecifications of 135 o C or lower temperatures and VIM value does not meet the specifications of130 o C or lower temperatures.Based on the tendency of marshall parameter values obtained fromexperiment 1 and experiment 2 indicate that the data obtained from these experiments hasparticularly a small false possibility

    Aspal Modifikasi Dengan Penambahan Plastik Low Liniear Density Poly Ethylene (LLDPE) Ditinjau Dari Karakteristik Masrhall Dan Uji Penetrasi Pada Lapisan Aspal Beton (AC-BC)

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    This reseach was conducted by reviewing the impact of the addution of plastic plastik low linear density poly ethylene (LLDPE) in a mixturu of AC-BC layer. Next, calculate the optimum bitumen content and continued with the manufacture of test specimens to determine the optimum levels af- ter the analysis process by perfoming the process measuring, weighing, and testing with marshall. From the results of analysis obtained value of the optimum bitumen content that meets the sixth requisite criteria for the mixture according to the specification of Bina Marga 2010 revision III. After that followed the variation with the addition of plastic low linear density poly ethylene (LLDPE) with levels of pesecnt 1%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 9% calculate on the weight of the asphalt. From the analysis of the test reselt, the velue of the stability of the increasing levels of LLDPE in in - creasing the value of stability. But in value VIM no specifications that meet the standarts of Bina Marga 2010 revision III. The Velues decreased penetration of asphalt mix

    Perubahan Parameter Parameter Marshal Akibat Perbedaan Jumlah Tumbukan Pada Aspal Concrete – Wearing Course (ACWC) Gradasi Halus

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    This study was conducted to see the changes in the value of the parameter values marshall afterthe number of collisions in the standards vary the amount of the collision then analyzed thenumber of collision and then analyzed the number of collisions are most effective assessed on thevalue of the characteristic marshall. In the Marshall planning standard for the number ofcollisions of heavy traffic conditions compaction test specimen as 2x75 collision with a mixturecavity boundary between 3.5-5%.This study uses gradation Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course (AC-WC) smooth gradations formiddle and upper limits. From the data obtained aggregate gradation and asphalt aggregatedemand needs are used to find the optimum bitumen content that is used in the manufacture of testspecimens for variations in the number of collisions is 2x55, 2x65, 2x75, 2x85, and 2x95. Marshallthen test to see the number of collisions are most effective against the characteristics of asphaltmixture.Based on the analysis of the data processing is obtained that the value content of asphalt is used tolimit the middle that is 5.7% and the upper limit of 6.5%. Total Collision 2x75 and 2x85 that meetsall the parameters marshall. For the number of collisions 2x55 and 2x65 obtained small stability,voids In The Mix (VIM) is great and does not make the specification, to the number of collisions2x95, obtained great stability and voids In The Mix (VIM) is small and does not get in thespecification

    Variasi Temperatur Pencampuran Terhadap Parameter Marshall Pada Campuran Lapis Aspal Beton

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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature variations on the mixing processof the asphalt concrete AC-WC (Asphalt Concrete-Wearing Course) subtle gradations in themiddle limit and lower limit of the Marshall parameters with reference to specifications of BinaMarga, 2010.From the results of experiments conducted that the optimum asphalt content is used to middle limitusing a asphalt content of 5,7% and 6,8% for the lower limit after that mixing was done usingtemperature variation of 120 o C, 130 o C, 140 o C, 150 o C, and 160 o C.To a mixture of Laston AC-WC subtle gradations middle limit grading 5,7% asphalt contentmixing temperature using a temperature of 120 o C, 130 o C, 140 o C, 150 o C, 160 o C and still meet allstandards of marshall parameters. Ideal mixing temperature variations in the middle limit ofmixing temperature 150 o C-160 o C. While the lower limit to the level of 6,8% asphalt contentmixing temperatures between 120 o C-160 o C did not meet the specifications, because the MQ valuebelow the minimum value of 250 kg / mm