296 research outputs found


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    Regression analysis is one of the most popular methods in statistics to explain causal relationships between one predictor variables to one response variable. In general, modeling can be done using regression analysis. The regression curve can be assumed by the parametric regression approach and the nonparametric regression approach. However, not all data acquired follows a certain pattern so that this type of data uses a nonparametric regression approach. The nonparametric regression approach is not related to the assumption of the regression curve form as it is to the parametric regression, and more flexible. There are several techniques performed for estimation in nonparametric regression ie Spline. Some cases in the regression analysis found many problems that can not be solved by simple regression analysis of one response because if using two response variables in the research, it must be seen the value of correlation between variables. As a result, regression issues must be solved by the birespon regression model. This study aims to describe the IMR and malnutrition status of children under five and to get the Spline model in the best birespon nonparametric regression through the relationship between the suspected variables by using Cross Validation (CV) and Generalized Cross Validation (GCV) methods. The results obtained are the best model that is suitable for health by using CV method, obtained the minimum CV value located on Spline model linear one knot that is equal to 77.37831 with MSE of 76.75449

    An Evaluation Study of Bilingual Program in SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar

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    This study aimed at describing and explaining the implementation of Bilingual Program in SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar. It was an evaluation study which used CIPP model of evaluation. Being a qualitative study, it focused on describing and explaining the implementation of bilingual education in SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar in terms of context, input, process and product components. The subjects of this study were the English teachers , headmaster and the students of SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar in academic year 2012/2013. The data were in the form of : 1) researcher\u27s notes of the teaching and learning observation, 2) transcript of interview with the headmaster, English teachers, and the students, 3) teachers\u27 academic document, and 4) school\u27s documents. The main instrument was the researcher herself. The data were analyzed using Interactive Model of Miles and Huberman\u27s (1994). The findings of the study were divided into 4 sections, which were concerned with context, input, process and product respectively. The context components examined in this study include the reason why SMA Negeri 1 Denpasa becomes RSBI. The input components are the curriculum, students\u27 entry selection, educator and educational staff, and infrastructure. The process component is the teaching and learning process of bilingual program in the English class. The product is the students\u27 score on the English competency. In terms of context, this school becomes RSBI because it can fulfil the requirements from the government, and also made proposal for being so. For the input, the school already follows the regulation of R-SMABI about the SNP+X. The school uses a curriculum called adaptive curriculum, which is a result of adaptation from 3 curricula, namely KTSP SMA N 1 Denpasar, Cambridge curriculum, and General certificate of Singapore Education. In terms of Educator and educational staff, 18.84 % of the teachers have post graduate qualification. The school employs the entrance system using TPA and psycho test. In the process, the teaching and learning process already implement bilingual education, but still have lots of weaknesses. In terms of product, all of the students in SMA Negeri 1 Denpasar are able to pass the KKM


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    The village economy can be a measure of the progress of an area. MSMEs have an important and strategic role in national economic development. Information technology is considered to be able to increase business productivity, especially during a pandemic like now, where all people's activities are still limited. MSMEs located in the Traditional Ship Village consist of various kinds of businesses such as pottery, clay crafts, building materials and ceremonial materials. These MSMEs produce quality products and are quite well known. The implementation of this Community Service Activity (PKM) is located in the Traditional Ship Village which is included in the Mengwi District, Badung Regency, Bali Province. This activity targets MSME owners in the surrounding area, as users of information technology and drivers of village economic activities. The community partnership program that has taken place from the process of socialization, discussion, training and mentoring has been as expected. As a strategy to improve the abilities and skills of MSME owners, apart from socialization media, it is also carried out by providing information technology-based training, and assistance to strengthen the understanding of MSME owners so that they are able to develop their business independently and encourage the economy of Traditional Ship Villages in particular and in Bali in general


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    This research aims to find out how the face and description of architecture around the Bedugul Tabanan area. Which as is known architecture will continue to develop in each region. Especially in the area around Bedugul which has a high potential for agro-tourism because it is close to the mountains, hills, and lakes that provide considerable tourism potential. The most prominent tourist developments and many are found in the area around Bedugul, namely restaurant buildings, lodging, and recreation areas, such as strawberry picking. The Bedugul area is a mountainous area where the temperature in this area is still said to be quite cold in architecture and building materials used more refer to the use of wood as an accentuated material. Although some have practically used steel structures, they do not leave the wood element in it.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana wajah serta gambaran arsitektur yang berada di sekitar kawasan Bedugul Tabanan . Yang mana seperti yang diketahui arsitektur akan terus berkembang di setiap daerahnya. Khususnya pada kawasan sekitar Bedugul ini yang memiliki potensi agrowisata yang cukup tinggi dikarenakan dekat dengan daerah pegunungan, perbukitan serta danau yang memberikan potensi pariwaisata yang cukup besar. Pembangunan pariwisata yang paling menonjol dan banyak ditemukan di daerah sekitar Bedugul ini yaitu adalah bangunan restaurant, penginapan serta area rekreasi, seperti petik stroberi. Di Kawasan Bedugul ini merupakan kawasan daerah pegunungan yang mana suhu pada daerah ini masih dikatakan cukup dingin pada arsitektur serta material bangunan yang digunakan lebih merujuk penggunaan kayu sebagai material yang ditonjolkan. Walaupun ada beberapa yang sudah praktis menggunakan struktur baja akan tetapi tidak meninggalkan unsur kayu di dalamnya


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    Accountability is an obligation to be responsible for the success or failure in carrying out the mission of an organization in achieving a predetermined goal. This study aims to determine the effect of the village financial accounting system, the use of information technology and supervision on the accountability of village fund management in villages throughout Ubud District. The sample in this study was 95 village officials. The sampling method used was purposive sampling. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive statistics, validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination, model feasibility, t-test. From the results of this study, the village financial accounting system does not have a significant effect on the accountability of village fund management. The use of information technology has a positive and significant effect on the accountability of village fund management. Supervision has a positive and significant effect on the accountability of village fund management


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    The quality of financial reports can be said to be good, if they provide financial statement information that is easy to understand, and can meet the needs required by the user in making a decision, free from misleading meanings, errors in material and can be relied on. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of government accounting standards (SAP) and financial supervision on the quality of the regional government financial reports of Denpasar city. The data used in this study are primary data using a questionnaire as a method of collecting data obtained from respondents. The population in this study were all employees in OPD in Denpasar City. The method of determining the sample in this study used a purposive sampling method, with the criteria for the sample who held positions as Head of the Finance Subdivision, Expenditure Treasurer and employees who directly carry out accounting functions in OPDs throughout Denpasar City. The sample used in this study were 43 OPDs in Denpasar with 129 respondents. The analysis technique used in this research is Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the effect of government accounting standards (SAP) and financial supervision has a positive and significant effect on the quality of financial reports for the local government of Denpasar city.&nbsp

    Penambahan Omzet Usaha Jasa Penjahit Kebaya

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    Good marketing is one of the important things in the development and addition of income in entrepreneurship. The problem faced in the business of sewing clothes is that partners are not too focused on marketing management. Partners rely more on conventional marketing systems, even though the new location of the partner services business is not too strategic. This causes the field of business is difficult to be recognized by the wider community so that it becomes an obstacle in developing its business. The purpose of this activity is to provide solutions to the problems being faced, namely by implementing marketing management using Facebook pages. With the socialization and marketing management training, it is expected to be able to add insight into the actors in utilizing the internet as an online promotion media to introduce their business fields to the wider community in increasing their business income. The result of this activity was that the Partners were very enthusiastic, both from socialization to evaluation. Assistance with the use of the Facebook pages application is expected to continue to be used in a sustainable manne

    Perbandingan Pembobotan Seemingly Unrelated Regression – Spatial Durbin Model Untuk Faktor Kemiskinan Dan Pengangguran

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    Hukum I Tobler menduga segala sesuatu di suatu wilayah berhubungan erat dengan  wilayah lainnya sehingga pemodelan analisis spasial lebih tepat digunakan untuk memodelkan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kemiskinan dan pengangguran di suatu wilayah dengan memperhatikan efek spasialnya Salah satu metode spasial yang bisa digunakan ialah Seemingly Unrelated Regression-Spatial Durbin Model (SUR-SDM). Di dalam penelitian SUR SDM diperlukan suatu  pembobot yang digunakan untuk menghitung koefisien autokorelasi. Matriks pembobot yaitu matriks yang elemen-elemennya adalah nilai pembobot yang diberikan untuk perbandingan setiap daerah tertentu. Metode penentuan matriks pembobot dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan Queen Contiguity dan pembobot customize. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kemiskinan dan pengangguran serta faktor – faktor yang diduga mempengaruhinya menggunakan metode SUR-SDM dengan bobot Queen Contiguity dan Customize. Adapun variabel-variabel yang digunakan yaitu Variabel respon terdiri dari persentase rumah tangga miskin (%) (y1) dan angka pengangguran (%)(y2). Sedangkan variabel bebasnya yaitu terdiri dari: persentase jumlah sarana pelayanan kesehatan meliputi posyandu, poliklinik, puskesmas, puskesmas pembantu, dokter praktek, klinik bersalin, dan pos KB (%) (x1), persentase jumlah sarana sekolah meliputi TK, SD, SLTP, SMU, dan SMK (%) (x2), persentase penduduk yang bekerja di sektor pertanian (%) (x3),  persentase rumah tangga yang menggunakan air bersih (PDAM) (%) (x4), dan rasio penduduk yang belum tamat SD (x5). Hasil yang didapat yaitu pemodelan SUR-SDM dengan bobot Customize  menghasilkan nilai R-Square yang lebih kecil dibandingkan bobot queen di kedua variable respon yaitu sebesar 80.60% dibandingkan queen sebesar 80.64 untuk variable kemiskinan dan untuk variable pengangguran bobot Customize mengasilkan nilai 92.51% lebih kecil disbanding queen sebesar 92.53