114 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Partisipasi Lokal: Pengalaman Advokasi Participatory Budgeting Lsm di YOGYAKARTA

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    Pelaksanaan pembangunan dikatakan berhasil bila mampu menjawab kebutuhan dan permasalahan yang dihadapi anggota masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini, penulis membahas tentang peran serta warga masyarakat dalam perencanaan dan penganggaran APBD di daerahnya masing-masing melalui advokasi yang dilakukan oleh NGO. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Fakta menunjukkan bahwa keberhasilan pembangunan dapat terwujud salah satunya dengan mengikutsertakan anggota masyarakat sejak awal proses kegiatan, khususnya dalam penyusunan rencana pembangunan. Partisipasi dalam perencanaan pembangunan wujudnya bisa berupa kehadiran dalam rapat/musyawarah, pemikiran, dan waktu. Dalam rangka menyesuaikan dengan kepentingan masyarakat, maka penyusunan Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) tidak cukup dilakukan oleh lembaga-lembaga formal dari unsur eksekutif dan legislatif saja. Kelompok-kelompok masyarakat lokal dan Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM/ NGO) dapat turut berpartisipasi dalam penyusunan anggaran agar lebih dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, atau dengan kata lain lebih sesuai dengan kepentingan masyarakat.Implementation of the development is successful if it is able to answer the needs and problems faced by members of the community. In this study, the author specifically addresses the participation of citizens in local budget planning and budgeting in their respective regions through advocacy carried out by NGOs. Methods of research used in this research was a qualitative approach, data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation. The evidence suggests that successful development can be realized by involving members of the community since the beginning of the activity, particularly in the preparation of development plans. The form of participation in development planning can be a presence at a meeting / deliberation, thought and time. In order to adapt to the interests of society, the preparation of the Budget Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) is not sufficient for formal institutions of the executive and legislative elements only. Local community groups and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs / NGOs) should participate in the preparation of the budget to make it more accountable, or in other words more suitable to the interests of the community

    Pola Interaksi dan Perilaku Pertukaran Kelompok Nelayan Tpi Udang Jaya Desa Keburuhan Kecamatan Ngombol Purworejo

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    In fulfilling the needs of human life people exchange each other, even almost in all human behavior. This study examines the patterns of interaction and behavior in groups of fishermen. Behavior which is a social phenomenon born of the expectation of something back in return when performing an action.This research located in Keburuhan village, Ngombol district, Purworejo regency. The researcher used qualitative method with descriptive qualitative approach. In conjuction with the aims of the research, the reasearcher applied random purposive sampling technique to choose the informan based on the determined criteria: work distribution criteria. The data collecting techniques used in this research were semi-structured in-depth interview and observation. The validity and the reliability of the data were gained by means of triangulation. The data analysis process used interactive analysis developed by Miles and Huberman.The result of the reserach shown that in the daily life of Udang Jaya fisherman group there was primary interactional relationship among the group members. The relationship pattern which occured was based on working relation which aimed at economical exchange as well as social relation which aimed at social exchange

    Edukasi Anti Penyalahgunaan Obat Kepada Siswa SD di Kota Palu melalui Media Kartu Kuartet: Education Of Anti-drug Abuse For Elementary School Students In Palu Citythrough Quartet Card Media

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    Cases of illegal drugs and drug abuse in the elementary school community in Indonesia is increasingly massive and alarming. An innovation to protect elementary school students from that situation is through the colaboration of academics from Bandung Institute of Technology with FDA in Palu in the form education of  anti-drug abuse for elementary school students through quartet card media. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the education on anti-drug abuse knowledge in fifth grade students in Palu City. The research method used pre-experimental design with the design of one group pretest-posttest on three elementary schools which were representatives of three ranks namely; good, quite good and not good based on the results of the Smart-Accurate Quiz FDA in Palu for elementary school level in 2017. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. Observation of knowledge of elementary students using questionnaires that have been tested for validity and reliability had been carried out. The pretest and posttest were conducted before and after education. The comparison of pretest and posttest data in each elementary school was analyzed using paired T test whereas for all elementary school data analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with hypotheses. There was an influence of anti-drug abuse education through quartet card media on anti-drug abuse knowledge in fifth grade students in Palu City. The results showed that there was an influence of education on anti-drug abuse knowledge in fifth grade students from elementary school representatives “good and quite good ranking” with p values of 0.005 and p ≤ 0.001, while in elementary schools representatives “not good ranking”, the education did not influence their knowledge with a p value of 0.149. Analysis of the Wilcoxon test in all elementary schools showed a p value p ≤ 0,001, which meant that education had an influence on the knowledge of fifth grade students in elementary schools in Palu City

    Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Anemia Pada Kehamilan Usia Remaja

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    Tujuan: menganalisis beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian anemia pada kehamilan usia remaja di Kecamatan Sawahan Kota Surabaya.Bahan dan Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Observational Analitik. Desain yang digunakan adalah case control karena menggunakan 2 kelompok yaitu kasus (ibu hamil usia remaja dengan anemia) dan kelompok kontrol (ibu hamil usia remaja yang tidak mengalami anemia) yang masing-masing berjumlah 52 ibu hamil.Hasil: Terdapat hubungan antara kepatuhan minum tablet Fe dengan anemia kehamilan usia remaja, namun kepatuhan minum tablet Fe tidak berpengaruh terhadap anemia kehamilan usia remaja; Ibu hamil dengan pola makan kurang dari angka kecukupan gizi (AKG) kemungkinan anemia 6,321 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang pola makannya lebih dari sama dengan angka kecukupan gizi (AKG); Ibu hamil yang tidak teratur melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan kemungkinan anemia 4,421 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang teratur melakukan pemeriksaan kehamilan.Simpulan: Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap anemia pada kehamilan usia remaja adalah kepatuhan minum tablet Fe, pola makan, dan keteraturan pemeriksaan kehamilan

    Pengembangan Modul Mata Kuliah Penilaian Pembelajaran Sosiologi Berorientasi HOTS

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan modul matakuliah Penilaian Pembelajaran Sosiologi berorientasi HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). Penelitian menggunakan metode Research and Development (R&D) yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel yang meliputi tahap pendefinisian, tahap perancangan, dan tahap pengembangan. Data dikumpulkan dari penilaian dua orang pakar melalui lembar validasi ahli dan respon dari 75 mahasiswa melalui angket respon mahasiswa. Analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul layak digunakan sebagai bahan ajar dalam praktik penyusunan instrumen penilaian HOTS. Hal ini didasarkan pada penilaian ahli materi sebesar 83,33 (sangat baik) dan hasil respon mahasiswa dengan rata-rata skor sebesar 83,89 (sangat baik). Beberapa saran dari ahli meliputi aspek struktur modul, organisasi penulisan materi, dan bahasa. Saran dari mahasiswa agar contoh-contoh soal HOTS lebih diperbanyak. DEVELOPING HOTS MODULES FOR SOCIOLOGY LEARNING ASSESSMENT COURSE

    20 Years of Progress in Typhoid Research

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    In 1981, the reported number of cases of typhoid fever in Indonesia was 19,596, increasing to 26,606 m 1986, most of the increase was due to improved detection and recognition of the pathogen. A more realistic estimate of incidence for this underreported and underdiagnosed disease would be from 540,000 to 1,210,000 cases per year. This was based on results of a household survey done by Budiarso R. et al. in 1980 and 1986, and on result of a community surveillance done by Ruwido and Simanjuntak et al. from 1983-1988. These studies were done in Plaju, South Sumatera, representing an urban area and Paseh, West Java, representing a semi-rural area. The results showed that the incidence rate of typhoid fever in the semi rural area was 358/100,000 population/year, and between 760-810/100,000 population/year in the urban area. These studies also indicated that the high risk group in the population was school age children between ages of 3-19 years. From other observations, it is also noted that the case fatality in urbanized and growing areas of Indonesia, may be higher than it is reported in other areas of the worl

    Quantitative analysis of powder mixtures by raman spectrometry : the influence of particle size and its correction

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    Particle size distribution and compactness have significant confounding effects on Raman signals of powder mixtures, which cannot be effectively modeled or corrected by traditional multivariate linear calibration methods such as partial least-squares (PLS), and therefore greatly deteriorate the predictive abilities of Raman calibration models for powder mixtures. The ability to obtain directly quantitative information from Raman signals of powder mixtures with varying particle size distribution and compactness is, therefore, of considerable interest In this study, an advanced quantitative Raman calibration model was developed to explicitly account for the confounding effects of particle size distribution and compactness on Raman signals of powder mixtures. Under the theoretical guidance of the proposed Raman calibration model, an advanced dual calibration strategy was adopted to separate the Raman contributions caused by the changes in mass fractions of the constituents in powder mixtures from those induced by the variations in the physical properties of samples, and hence achieve accurate quantitative determination for powder mixture samples. The proposed Raman calibration model was applied to the quantitative analysis of backscatter Raman measurements of a proof-of-concept model system of powder mixtures consisting of barium nitrate and potassium chromate. The average relative prediction error of prediction obtained by the proposed Raman calibration model was less than one-third of the corresponding value of the best performing PLS model for mass fractions of barium nitrate in powder mixtures with variations in particle size distribution, as well as compactness
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