28 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku ibu dalam menangani penyakit diare anak balita di kecamatan Wirobrajan=The Influential Factors of Mother\u27s Behaviour

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    The purpose of this study is to find out the most influential factor of mother\u27s behavior on the management of diarrhea An ex post facto study was conducted, with 138 housewives subjects who have under five years old children with the history of diarrhoea. The subdistrict of Wirobrajan was intentionally chosen due to the fact that Wirobrajan is one of municipal areas where the CCD programe is in progress. Regression analysis was employed to lest the hypotheesis. The result supports the occurence of positive correlation between mother\u27s level of education and their behavior towards diarrhoea and oralit. Education level gave the most dominant contribution in affecting mother\u27s behavior in the management of diarrhoea. Family size and the usage level of the \u27Post Timbang" showed positive correlation with the mother\u27s behavior. However, it was not significant statistically. It is most likely that many factors may influence the mother\u27s behavior as the studied area was a municipal one Keywords: mother\u27s behavior - diarrhoea - orali

    Persepsi ibu tentang imunisasi DPT hubungannya dengan partisipasi ibu dalam membawa anaknya untuk imunisasi DPT=Mother\u27s Perception About DPT Immunization the Correlation with Mother\u27s Participation on DPT Immunization P

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine DPT mother\u27s immunization behavior in the Godean subdistrict The population of the Godean subdistrict was chosen ?WV," se it was one of the first Expanded Programme on Immunization efforts in the Yogyakarta province and still has a high drop out rate. A Cross Sectional approach was utilized to study 372 house wiles who have children aged 7 to 24 months. Regression analysis was used to analyses the data Percieved threat of the diseases, perceived benefits of preventive action, perceived barriers to preventive action, and advice from others about DPI. immunization, significantly influenced mother\u27s DPT immunization behavior. Perceived barriers on the mother\u27s part, especially ignorance about the benefits of immunization and DPT immunization procedures, had the strongest predictive power. Advice from others showed the second strongest predictive power,with health cadres giving the biggest contribution next to doctors and vaccinators. Perceived susceptibility to the diseases gave a bigger contribution than perceived severity of diseases. Key words: mother perception - DPT immunization - behavio

    The Improvement of Student Competency in a Clinical Study in Indonesia: What Factors Played An Important Role?

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    Background: The improvement of nursing student competency currently is still an issue for the majority of nursing education institutions in Indonesia. This is due to their partnership with hospitals having not been supported by adequate policies and other factors. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the appropriate model for improving student competency in a clinical study. The design used in this study was an observational study with cross-sectional approach. Methods: The research design used a cross-sectional approach involving five hospitals and five Universities. Three hundred and eighty-four participants were recruited from these sites. The data was analysed using multiple logistic regression. Results: The results showed that the partnership contributed 3.36 times, the patient variations 2.96 times, the job description of the clinical educator 2.30 times, a role model 2.28 times, and the expertise of the faculty educator 2.08 times towards the achievement of student competency in the clinical study. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the partnership aspect, patient variation, job description of the clinical educator, role model, the expertise of the faculty educator, and the level of education has a significant role to improve the achievements coming from the level of student competency in the clinical study. The results of this study can be used by nursing educational institutions, hospitals and the government to organise a nursing education model for the more optimal achievement of the student's competencies

    The Improvement of Student Competency in a Clinical Study in Indonesia: What Factors Played an Important Role?

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    Background: The improvement of nursing student competency currently is still being an issue for the majority of nursing education institutions in Indonesia. This is due to partnership with hospitals has not been supported by adequate policies and other factors. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to identify the appropriate model in improving student competency in a clinical study. Design used in this study was observational study with cross-sectional approach. Methods: The research design used cross-sectional approach with involving five hospitals (Fatmawati Jakarta Hospital, Hasan Sadikin Bandung Hospital, Kariadi Semarang Hospital, Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital, Soetomo Surabaya Hospital) and five universities namely Muhammadiyah Jakarta University, Padjajaran Bandung University, Gadjah Mada Jogjakarta University, Diponegoro Semarang University,  Airlangga Surabaya University. Three hundred and eighty-four participants were recruited from these sites. Data were analyzed  using multiple logistic regression. Results: The result showed that partnership contributed 3,36 times, the patient variations 2,96 times, job description of clinical educator 2,30 times, a role model 2,28 times, expertise of faculty educator  2,08 times, toward the achievement of student competency in clinical study. Conclusions: It can be concluded that partnership aspect, the patient variation, job description of clinical educator, role model, expertise of faculty educator, and level of education have significant role to improve the achievement of student competency in clinical study. The results of this study can be used by nursing educational institutions, hospitals and government to organize nursing education model that has been present for more optimal achievement of student competencies

    Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

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    xii. 236 hlm.; 21 c

    Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Kedokteran dan Kesehatan

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    xii, 274 hlm; 21 c

    Pandangan dan langkah reformasi B.J. Habibie

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    xiii, 350 [2] p.; 24 cm

    Dasar-dasar metodologi penelitian kedokteran & kesehatan

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    xii, 236 hlm., 21 cm

    Dasr-dasar metodologi penelitian kedokteraan dan kesehatan

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    xii.236 hlm.21 c