734 research outputs found

    Extra-virgin olive oil ameliorates cognition and neuropathology of the 3xTg mice. Role of autophagy

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    OBJECTIVE: Consumption of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), a major component of the Mediterranean diet, has been associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the mechanisms involved in this protective action remain to be fully elucidated. METHODS: Herein, we investigated the effect of daily consumption of EVOO on the AD-like phenotype of a mouse mode of the disease with plaques and tangles. RESULTS: Triple transgenic mice (3xTg) received either regular chow or a chow diet supplemented with EVOO starting at 6 months of age for 6 months, then assessed for the effect of the diet on the AD-like neuropathology and behavioral changes. Compared with controls, mice receiving the EVOO-rich diet had an amelioration of their behavioral deficits, and a significant increase in the steady state levels of synaptophysin, a protein marker of synaptic integrity. In addition, they had a significant reduction in insoluble Aβ peptide levels and deposition, lower amount of phosphorylated tau protein at specific epitopes, which were secondary to an activation of cell autophagy. INTERPRETATION: Taken together, our findings support a beneficial effect of EVOO consumption on all major features of the AD phenotype (behavioral deficits, synaptic pathology, Aβ and tau neuropathology), and demonstrate that autophagy activation is the mechanism underlying these biological actions

    Il Nuovo ciclo Rankine ad idrogeno per la produzione di Energia Elettrica

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    L’idrogeno, illustrazione delle sue potenzialita' e delle tecniche attualmente utilizzate per la produzione, stoccaggio e trasporto, con uno sguardo particolare a tecniche innovative, che lo vedono protagonista nella produzione di Energia Elettrica, tramite combustione diretta, in quello che sarà denominato "Nuovo Ciclo Rankine" (New Rankine Cycle N.R.C). Nei normali cicli termodinamici il vapore acqueo è generato attraverso il riscaldamento, il surriscaldamento ed eventualmente il risurriscaldamento; attraverso il N.R.C il vapore è generato dalla combustione diretta dell'Idrogeno, capace di sviluppare 1500°C di temperatura in uscita dai combustori. Descrizione della nuova tipologia di impianto termoelettrico, modellazione e successiva simulazione al calcolatore, per la stima di tutte le grandezze di interesse basilare. Alcune considerazioni relative alla possibilita' di una concreta realizzazione, e possibile collocazione di tale impianto nel parco di generazione dell’en ergia elettrica, nell’ottica di utilizzare fonti primarie di energia che non producano anidride carbonica (nucleare)

    Actualities on molecular pathogenesis and repairing processes of cerebral damage in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy

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    Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is the most important cause of cerebral damage and long-term neurological sequelae in the perinatal period both in term and preterm infant

    Smart Materials and Technologies for Early Warning, Monitoring, and Increased Expected Life of Transportation Infrastructure

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    Different approaches can be used to make cities and transportation infrastructures smarter, more sustainable, and durable. These changes will positively affect the work of many stakeholders, such as authorities, road agencies, citizens, users, and driverless vehicles. Unfortunately, despite the fact that smart materials are becoming more and more common, the integration level between smart materials and early warning technologies is still in need of a holistic approach.In light of this, the main objective of the work presented in this paper is to provide an overview of the materials and technological solutions that can be used in the field of transportation infrastructures to satisfy some of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation (resolution A/RES/70/1/2015).The solutions above include an innovative monitoring method, set up by the authors of this paper, which is based on the concept of vibro-acoustic signature. The method mentioned above is a Non-Destructive Test and sensor-based solutions in order to detect damage to road pavements. The proposed method was validated using Finite Element Modelling simulations, and experimental investigations followed by data analysis carried out using Machine Learning- and Wavelet-based algorithms.Results show that smart materials and technologies can be used to target A/RES/70/1/2015 goals and to improve the sustainability of the current and future transportation infrastructures. Materiali e tecnologie intelligenti per allerta, monitoraggio, e per aumentare la vita utile delle infrastrutture di trasportoDifferenti approcci possono essere utilizzati per rendere le città e le infrastrutture di trasporto più intelligenti, sostenibili e durature. Queste tendenze influenzeranno positivamente il lavoro di molti portatori di interesse come ad esempio le autorità competenti, le società che si occupano di strade, i cittadini, gli utenti, ed i veicoli senza guidatore. Sfortunatamente, malgrado il fatto che i materiali intelligenti sono sempre più utilizzati, il livello di integrazione tra materiali intelligenti e tecnologie per l’allerta precoce ha ancora bisogno di un approccio olistico.Alla luce di questo, l’obiettivo principale del lavoro presentato in questo documento è quello di fornire una panoramica su soluzioni basate su materiali e tecnologie che potrebbero essere utilizzate nel campo delle infrastrutture di trasporto per soddisfare alcuni degli obiettivi della risoluzione per lo sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals) delle Nazioni Unite (A/RES/70/1/2015).Le soluzioni su citate includono un metodo innovativo, messo a punto dagli autori della memoria, il quale è basato sul concetto di firma vibro-acustica. Il metodo su citato è una soluzione basata su test non distruttivi (NDT) e sensori per l’identificazione di danni nelle pavimentazioni stradali. Il metodo proposto è stato validato attraverso simulazioni fatte con un modello agli elementi finiti (FEM), e indagini sperimentali seguite da un’analisi dati svolta usando un modello basato sull’apprendimento automatico (machine learning).I risultati mostrano che materiali e tecnologie intelligenti possono essere utilizzate per raggiungere gli obiettivi della risoluzione A/RES/70/1/2015 e migliorare la sostenibilità delle attuali e future pavimentazioni stradali.Different approaches can be used to make cities and transportation infrastructures smarter, more sustainable, and durable. These changes will positively affect the work of many stakeholders, such as authorities, road agencies, citizens, users, and driverless vehicles. Unfortunately, despite the fact that smart materials are becoming more and more common, the integration level between smart materials and early warning technologies is still in need of a holistic approach.In light of this, the main objective of the work presented in this paper is to provide an overview of the materials and technological solutions that can be used in the field of transportation infrastructures to satisfy some of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation (resolution A/RES/70/1/2015).The solutions above include an innovative monitoring method, set up by the authors of this paper, which is based on the concept of vibro-acoustic signature. The method mentioned above is a Non-Destructive Test and sensor-based solutions in order to detect damage to road pavements. The proposed method was validated using Finite Element Modelling simulations, and experimental investigations followed by data analysis carried out using Machine Learning- and Wavelet-based algorithms.Results show that smart materials and technologies can be used to target A/RES/70/1/2015 goals and to improve the sustainability of the current and future transportation infrastructures. Materiali e tecnologie intelligenti per allerta, monitoraggio, e per aumentare la vita utile delle infrastrutture di trasportoDifferenti approcci possono essere utilizzati per rendere le città e le infrastrutture di trasporto più intelligenti, sostenibili e durature. Queste tendenze influenzeranno positivamente il lavoro di molti portatori di interesse come ad esempio le autorità competenti, le società che si occupano di strade, i cittadini, gli utenti, ed i veicoli senza guidatore. Sfortunatamente, malgrado il fatto che i materiali intelligenti sono sempre più utilizzati, il livello di integrazione tra materiali intelligenti e tecnologie per l’allerta precoce ha ancora bisogno di un approccio olistico.Alla luce di questo, l’obiettivo principale del lavoro presentato in questo documento è quello di fornire una panoramica su soluzioni basate su materiali e tecnologie che potrebbero essere utilizzate nel campo delle infrastrutture di trasporto per soddisfare alcuni degli obiettivi della risoluzione per lo sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goals) delle Nazioni Unite (A/RES/70/1/2015).Le soluzioni su citate includono un metodo innovativo, messo a punto dagli autori della memoria, il quale è basato sul concetto di firma vibro-acustica. Il metodo su citato è una soluzione basata su test non distruttivi (NDT) e sensori per l’identificazione di danni nelle pavimentazioni stradali. Il metodo proposto è stato validato attraverso simulazioni fatte con un modello agli elementi finiti (FEM), e indagini sperimentali seguite da un’analisi dati svolta usando un modello basato sull’apprendimento automatico (machine learning).I risultati mostrano che materiali e tecnologie intelligenti possono essere utilizzate per raggiungere gli obiettivi della risoluzione A/RES/70/1/2015 e migliorare la sostenibilità delle attuali e future pavimentazioni stradali

    Electric vehicles diffusion: changing pavement acoustic design?

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    Abstract Electric vehicles (EVs) are progressively entering into the current noisy urban ecosystem. Even though EVs are apparently quieter than traditional Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEVs), they have an impact on noise maps and road pavement designers should take this into consideration when designing future low-noise road pavements. Consequently, the main objective of this study is to define what are the most important aspects that road pavement designers should take into account. For this reason, in this paper, the noise emitted by EVs was analysed, considering parameters (e.g., speed and frequency) and comparisons, in order to identify crucial characteristics. Results show that EV noise could call for the improvement of pavement acoustic design due to the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS), high-frequency peaks, and noise vibration harshness

    A clinical review on megalencephaly: A large brain as a possible sign of cerebral impairment.

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    Megalencephaly and macrocephaly present with a head circumference measurement 2 standard deviations above the age-related mean. However, even if pathologic events resulting in both megalencephaly and macrocephaly may coexist, a distinction between these two entities is appropriate, as they represent clinical expression of different disorders with a different approach in clinical work-up, overall prognosis, and treatment. Megalencephaly defines an increased growth of cerebral structures related to dysfunctional anomalies during the various steps of brain development in the neuronal proliferation and/or migration phases or as a consequence of postnatal abnormal events. The disorders associated with megalencephaly are classically defined into 3 groups: idiopathic or benign, metabolic, and anatomic. In this article, we seek to underline the clinical aspect of megalencephaly, emphasizing the main disorders that manifest with this anomaly in an attempt to properly categorize these disorders within the megalencephaly group

    Ataxia in children: early recognition and clinical evaluation

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    Background: Ataxia is a sign of different disorders involving any level of the nervous system and consisting of impaired coordination of movement and balance. It is mainly caused by dysfunction of the complex circuitry connecting the basal ganglia, cerebellum and cerebral cortex. A careful history, physical examination and some characteristic maneuvers are useful for the diagnosis of ataxia. Some of the causes of ataxia point toward a benign course, but some cases of ataxia can be severe and particularly frightening. Methods: Here, we describe the primary clinical ways of detecting ataxia, a sign not easily recognizable in children. We also report on the main disorders that cause ataxia in children. Results: The causal events are distinguished and reported according to the course of the disorder: acute, intermittent, chronic-non-progressive and chronic-progressive. Conclusions: Molecular research in the field of ataxia in children is rapidly expanding; on the contrary no similar results have been attained in the field of the treatment since most of the congenital forms remain fully untreatable. Rapid recognition and clinical evaluation of ataxia in children remains of great relevance for therapeutic results and prognostic counseling

    Congenital muscular dystrophy: from muscle to brain.

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    Congenital muscular dystrophies (CMDs) are a wide group of muscular disorders that manifest with very early onset of muscular weakness, sometime associated to severe brain involvement.The histologic pattern of muscle anomalies is typical of dystrophic lesions but quite variable depending on the different stages and on the severity of the disorder.Recent classification of CMDs have been reported most of which based on the combination of clinical, biochemical, molecular and genetic findings, but genotype/phenotype correlation are in constant progression due to more diffuse utilization of the molecular analysis.In this article, the Authors report on CMDs belonging to the group of dystroglycanopathies and in particular on the most severe forms represented by the Fukuyama CMD, Muscle-Eye-Brain disease and Walker Walburg syndrome.Clinical diagnosis of infantile hypotonia is particularly difficult considering the different etiologic factors causing the lesions, the difficulty in localizing the involved CNS area (central vs. peripheral) and the limited role of the diagnostic procedures at this early age.The diagnostic evaluation is not easy mainly in differentiating the various types of CMDs, and represents a challenge for the neonatologists and pediatricians. Suggestions are reported on the way to reach a correct diagnosis with the appropriate use of the diagnostic means

    Optimisation of photoluminescent painting treatments on different surface layers

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    Improving drivers visibility in night time conditions is vital. Night-time visibility represents one of the most important features of road safety. Within such context, the use of photoluminescent road markings could represent an enhancement with regard to road safety. Consequently, the objective of the investigation here described was confined into the analysis of photoluminescent paints by referring to dense-graded and open-graded friction courses. Measurements, based on photometry technique, were carried out in the laboratory. Cores extracted from the surface layer of known pavements were used. Transitory effects (charge and discharge) and decay phenomena were investigated and modelled as a function of treatment and pavement characteristics (paint quantity, hot mix asphalt volumetrics, etc.). The results highlight that the photoluminescent performance depends on the volumetric characteristics of bituminous mixtures. Results can benefit both researchers and practitioners and can allow optimising painting treatments for different bituminous mixtures

    Observational loss database of typological precast RC buildings damaged after the 2012 Emilia Earthquake

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    The Emilia Earthquake occurred in 2012 in a highly industrialized area, characterized by the presence of about one firm every 9 inhabitants. The industrial heart of the region hosts many important clusters, from the Motor Valley to Food, Wellbeing, Fashion and Health devices. The main activities are conducted in production districts with several different long-span buildings like storages, deposits, warehouses, factories and silos. Among these, those made of precast reinforced-concrete (RC) elements were heavily damaged by the seismic sequence, resulting in a huge amount of economic losses due to damage to structures, products and machineries, business interruption and casualties. In the aftermath of the earthquake, the Region defined the criteria for the request of funds for the reconstruction of the buildings, the restoration of the products, the reparation of the equipment, and the temporary relocation of the activities. Thus, a large number of documents was collected reporting a variety of information concerning the seismic damage, the structural properties of the buildings, and the economic costs. In this work, through a process of progressive selection and refinement of the data, a database of seismic economic losses of damaged precast RC buildings was created. The main principles for the creation of the repository and the categorization of the information are illustrated. Hence, the losses were statistically analysed to derive useful consequence functions based on the investigation of diversified trends of the repair costs at different damage levels. The outcomes presented in this study may be adopted to perform loss assessment evaluations to guide the decision-makers in establishing priorities of structural interventions to reduce the consequences of future earthquakes in industrial areas
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