17 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK:Penciptaan karya seni video membutuhkan ide sebagai bentuk awal karya. Ide tersebut bisamencakup benda dan alam, peristiwa atau sejarah, proses teknis, pengalaman pribadi atau kajian.Karya video seni Prematur ini berawal dari fenomena bayi prematur yang disebabkan karenaasap rokok yang dihisap oleh ibu hamil atau karena paparan asap rokok yang dihirup oleh ibuhamil. Fenomena tersebut akan dituangkan dalam bentuk karya seni video seni yang memberiinformasi tentang akibat dari bahaya dan efek asap rokok yang berdampak buruk bagi janin.Video seni Prematur memaparkan fenomena ibu hamil yang merokok dan terpapar asap rokokyang akhirnya dapat menyebabkan janin lahir prematur. Pemaparan sebagai sifat dari video yangakan dibuat dengan cara menggunakan konsep kausalitas yang dalam sistem tanda padasemiotika disebut indeks. Konsep kausalitas atau sebab akibat dibedah menjadi 2 kanal videountuk penyajiannya. Video yang pertama menjadi sebab dan video kedua menjadi akibat. Kontendari masing-masing video adalah representasi dari fenomena yang menjadi latar belakangpenciptaan karya ini. Sehingga dari 2 video ini maka akan menjadi sebuah konsep kausalitasketika digabung.Kata-kata Kunci: Video Seni, Prematur, Asap Rokok

    Marketing strategy in "Bakpiapia Djogja" food product packaging design

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    Reviewing the role of packaging in today's snack products, the packaging function is not only to protect the existing products in it but to grow more broadly with the addition of functional values, among others is as a means of communication between producers and consumers, namely as communications media that describe or reflect the product, brand image, and also as part of the promotion with the consideration that the packaging is easy to see, understand, and remember. Bakpiapia Djogja, a bakpia product in Yogyakarta, has innovated different packaging designs from competitors to increase consumer awareness towards bakpia products from Bakpiapia Djogja. This makes Bakpiapia Djogja have creative and different image compared with other competitors. From the marketing aspect of Bakpiapia Djogja packaging design, try to be an integral part and place it precisely at the beginning of the marketing concept. Packaging Bakpiapia Djogja has been aimed at specific markets, namely young people and tourists. Bakpiapia Djogja emphasizes the visual aspect of packaging to give more value to consumer consideration

    Representation of violence value in Joker Film

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    The Joker film aired in Indonesia on October 2, 2019. This film was widely discussed by the audience and succeeded in bringing the audience into the atmosphere of the film. This is because the problems that are taken often occur in the life of the general public. This film tells the story of Arthur aka Joker, whose life is filled with sadness, cheating, injustice as a lower middle-class citizen so that he is treated inappropriately by society and his family. Everything that happened to him resulted in the victim becoming the perpetrator of violence. Researchers are interested in analyzing the Joker film more deeply, and this is because the shows in the film contain violence that can trigger various physical and mental conditions such as aggressive behaviour, violent behaviour, bullying, fear, depression and nightmares for those who watch it. The purpose of this research is to find out how the representation of violence in the Joker film viewed from the Semiotics of Roland Barths to determine a meaning using the concepts of denotation, connotation, and myths taken from several scenes that represent the value of violence in the Joker film. The findings from the results of this study indicate that there are 16 scenes that present violence. The violence is in the form of physical violence, psychological violence, financial violence, functional violence, and rational violence. The Joker film shows that perpetrators of violence still often occur in life, even victims can become perpetrators of what happened to them. Often times people think this is normal because not everyone understands the importance of humanity and justice for others

    Bukti Pengajaran Semester Genap 2022/2023

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    Commodification of women in Sido Muncul advertisement Sido Susu Ginger drink Ariel Tatum version

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    This study aims to determine the indications that refer to the commodification of women contained in YouTube advertisements. Women in the media become indispensable for the capital owners because they can be an exchange value; this cannot be separated from the role of advertisers. This research used qualitative research with the content analysis method. The research was conducted by observing the Sido Susu/Sido Muncul advertisement of the Ariel Tatum version from each shot. The result of this research shows that there is an element of commodification of women in the Sido Susu advertisement of the Ariel Tatum version; the advertisement has shown the beauty of women's bodies, which has been exploited by the capital owners and advertisers. Advertisement in the media cannot be separated from the interests of the company because the company certainly wants to look for profit, but women here have been used as objects that are utilized as if women can become an exchange value

    Peer Review Gibbran Prathisara

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    Walmart is one of the shopping companies in America that campaigned for their newest service, namely Walmart grocery pickup. A Grocery Pickup service so that every customer no longer needs to go from the vehicle to pick up food items that have been ordered previously. The advertising packaging is conceptualized in a unique way to attract the attention of its consumers successfully. This research wants to analyze the ad's ideology, which wants to know the basic idea of making the ad. Analyzing the ad, the researcher uses the main theory to consume the advertising with Gillian Dyer Iconology theory to determine its ideology. Gillian Dyer's iconology discussed the ad went through three stages of meaning: denotation, connotation, and ideology. The results showed that four ideologies were obtained, including social equality, excellent service, free and easy. It does not differentiate between the customer and the form of service, and of course, there is no additional cost for using this service in this service. Walmart created this service because it wanted to make it easier for its customers who didn't have much time to shop at their store because of their busy customer activity and had not had time to go shopping


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    Walmart merupakan salah satu perusahaan perbelanjaan di Amerika yang membuat sebuah iklan yang mengkampanyekan suatu layanan terbaru milik mereka yaitu Walmart grocery pickup. Sebuah layanan penjemputan bahan makanan jadi setiap pelanggan tidak perlu lagi turun dari kendaraan untuk mengambil bahan makanan yang sudah dipesan sebelumnya. Pengemasan iklan tersebut dikonsep dengan cara yang unik untuk berhasil menarik perhatian konsumennya. Pada tampilan visual iklan yang kemas secara menarik maka peneliti ingin menganalisis ideologi pada iklan tersebut, bahwa ingin mengetahui ide dasar pembuatan iklan tersebut. Menganalisis iklan tersebut maka peneliti menggunakan teori utama untuk mengkupan iklan tersebut dengan teori Ikonologi milik Gillian Dyer untuk mengetahui ideologi pada iklan tersebut. Ikonologi milik Gillian Dyer untuk mengkupas iklan tersebut maka ada tiga tahap pemaknaan yang ia lewati yaitu denotasi, konotasi dan Ideologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada empat ideologi yang di dapatkan diantaranya kesetaraan sosial, Pelayanan Prima, Gratis dan Mudah. tidak membedakan pelanggannya maupun bentuk pelayanannya dan tentunya dalam pelayanan ini tidak ada penambahan biaya atas menggunakan layanan ini. Walmart membuat layanan ini karena ingin mempermudah pelanggannya yang sudah tidak ada banyak waktu untuk berbelanja ke toko mereka karena aktivitas pelanggannya yang padat dan belum sempat untuk datang berbelanja