16 research outputs found

    Oral Health Policies to Tackle the Burden of Early Childhood Caries: A Review of 14 Countries/Regions

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    Aim: Early childhood caries (ECC) has significant public health implications but has received inadequate global attention. There is limited information regarding the success of oral health policies implemented to address the challenges of ECC. This review aimed to summarize such policies to tackle ECC from different countries/regions.Method: Independent collaborators from 14 countries/regions (Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Japan, Nigeria, Thailand, UK, USA, and Venezuela) collected the data. The ECC status, dental workforce, oral health policies on ECC prevention in different countries/regions were summarized by each country.Results: The findings indicated that ECC prevalence varied in different countries/regions. The lowest prevalence of ECC among 5-year-old children was found in Nigeria (7%), and the highest was found in Indonesia (90%). The existing dental workforce and resources are limited in most countries. The smallest dentist to population ratio was reported by Nigeria at 1:48,400, whereas the highest ratio was in Brazil (1:600). Out of 14, three (21%) countries namely India, Venezuela and Cambodia had no national oral health policies addressing ECC and four (29%) countries (Cambodia, China, India, Venezuela) had no publicly funded dental care program for 0–5-year-old children. Water fluoridation is available in four countries/regions (Australia, Brazil, Hong Kong, USA).Conclusion: ECC remains a global health challenge and dental workforce is limited. National/regional programs to tackle ECC are not yet prioritized in many countries/regions. Evidence to support demonstration projects is limited. Further research on the cost-effectiveness of interventions strategies is required for policymakers

    Effects of Different Application Times of Silver Diamine Fluoride on Mineral Precipitation in Demineralized Dentin

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    Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a cost-effective method for arresting active dental caries. However, the limited cooperation of patients may lead to an SDF application time that is shorter than the recommended 1–3 min for carious lesions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effect of different application times of SDF on the degree of mineral precipitation in demineralized dentin. Demineralized dentin specimens from permanent maxillary molars were treated by applying 38% SDF for 30, 60, or 180 s. Water was applied in the control group. The specimens were immersed in simulated body fluid for 2 weeks, and the mineral precipitation in demineralized dentin was then analyzed using FTIR-ATR, SEM-EDX, and synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy (SRXTM). The FTIR-ATR results showed a significant increase in mineral precipitation in the 180 s group after 1 week. However, after 2 weeks, the SRXTM images indicated comparable mineral density between the 30, 60, and 180 s groups. The precipitation of silver chloride and calcium phosphate crystals that occluded dentinal tubules was similar in all experimental groups. In conclusion, an application time of either 30, 60, or 180 s promoted a comparable degree of mineral precipitation in demineralized dentin

    Evaluation of periodontally diseased molars in diabetics with Miller–McEntire Periodontal Prognostic Index

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    Aim and Objective: The aim of this study was to prospectively determine and establish the periodontal prognosis of diseased molars in diabetic patients using the Miller–McEntire Periodontal Prognostic Index (MMPPI) with an additional criterion for diabetes (changes in glycosylated hemoglobin levels), at 2-year postperiodontal therapy. Materials and Methods: A sample of 200 molars in 25 patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronic periodontitis were evaluated. The prognostic parameters evaluated include age, probing depth (PD), mobility, furcation involvement, diabetes, and molar type. The total score calculated from all parameters was used considered prognosis score for each molar. All patients were evaluated at baseline and 2-year posttreatment. Results: The results of this study suggest that following prognostic factors, DM (hazard ratio [HR] =5.2), age (HR = 0.4), and molar type (HR = 0.6) were clinically significant at the end of the 2-year posttherapy from baseline. A total of 4 (2%) teeth were extracted from the 200 teeth with a mean of 0.02 for the tooth lost during 2-year posttreatment. Significant improvements (P < 0.05) in the frequency PD, furcation, and mobility scores were noted at 2 years. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that score for DM as prognostic criterion is a valid addition to MMPPI. The factors such as DM, age, and molar type can impact the prognosis of molar survival. Studies with a larger sample size and longer follow-up are required to affirm the findings of this preliminary study

    Innovation of dental education during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The impact of the pandemic of COVID-19 has a certain influence on various walks of life around the world. Because of the pandemic of this novel coronavirus in terms of COVID-19, the social life global wide has been changed a lot. To keep the social distance between human being to prevent from being infected is the most important strategy for all the countries. Many dental schools have been locked down to minimize the spread out of this coronavirus infection. Close contact between human being are required for all those learning process in traditional dental education. Learning methods should be innovated to keep on the learning process but away from being infected for dental education during pandemic. The purpose of this manuscript is to exchange the information and experience of those dental educators from different countries to prepare for the future demand for dental education during pandemic

    Early childhood caries epidemiology, aetiology, risk assessment, societal burden, management, education, and policy: global perspective

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    Background: This paper is a summary of the proceedings of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry Bangkok Conference on early childhood caries (ECC) held in 3-4 November 2018. Aim: The paper aims to convey a global perspective of ECC definitions, aetiology, risk factors, societal costs, management, educational curriculum, and policy. Design: This global perspective on ECC is the compilation of the state of science, current concepts, and literature regarding ECC from worldwide experts on ECC. Results: Early childhood caries is related to frequent sugar consumption in an environment of enamel adherent, acid-producing bacteria in a complex biofilm, as well as developmental defects of enamel. The seriousness, societal costs, and impact on quality of life of dental caries in pre-school children are enormous. Worldwide data show that ECC continues to be highly prevalent, yet infrequently treated. Approaches to reduce the prevalence include interventions that start in the first year of a child's life, evidence-based and risk-based management, and reimbursement systems that foster preventive care. Conclusions: This global perspective on ECC epidemiology, aetiology, risk assessment, global impact, and management is aimed to foster improved worldwide understanding and management of ECC