142 research outputs found

    Adaptations in lactate dehydrogenase and its isozymes in aging mammalian myocardium: Interaction of exercise and temperature

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    The responses of the left and right ventricles (LV and RV) to physical conditioning in cold (25°C) and thermoneutral temperatures (35°C), with special reference to lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and its isoenzyme profile, were studied in the 2-month (young)- and 12-month (middle-aged)-old rats. Moderate hypertrophy was a common observation irrespective of age, region and swim temperature. LV, however, hypertrophied to a significantly lesser extent in the middle-aged, than the RV. Blood Lactate (La) content showed a decline in the trained rather than their untrained counterparts. LDH activity decreased with age. Swim training induced elevations in the enzyme activity. The isoenzyme profile was suitably and efficiently altered in the LV and RV of trained animals to meet the arising O2 demands. The above adaptations were best seen in the young and in the animals trained at thermoneutral temperatures. Thus it is suggested that young age is very apt for initiation of training programs although middle-age is not so late. Swimming in water near body temperature is emphasised as a more preferred environment to cold water, in order to derive maximal exercise-associated beneficial effects


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    In present days of globalizations all are concentrated in finding basics of transformations or existence. The concept of Panchamahabhuta (five basic elements) has been scientifically explained in Ayurveda. Panchamahabhuta are important components of the body. It is the five basic constituents which exist in the universe and human beings; they are Akasha, Vayu, Agni, Jala and Prithvi. The union of Shukra (sperm) and Shonitha (ovum) and Atma (soul) in the Kukshi (uterus) is designated as Garbha (embryo). The five Mahabhuta (basic elements) play a important role in formation, development and maintenance of Garbha (embryo). The five elements refer to etheric, gaseous, radiant, fluid and solid states of matter. Mahabhutha plays an important role in Garbhautpatti (embryogenesis). It helps in separation and segregation of cell mass, nourishment, structural development etc. The present work is to study the concept of these five elements in embryogenesis

    Dietary vitamin E and physical exercise: I. Altered endurance capacity and plasma lipid profile in ageing rats

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    The effect of vitamin E on the exercise performance and plasma lipid profile was studied in male Wistar rats of 4-(young adults), 8-(old adults), 12-(middle-age) and 22-months (old) of age. Animals were orally supplemented with vitamin E and allowed to swim for 30min/day, 5 days/week and for a total period of 60 days. Swim velocity (Sv), external work done (Wext) and endurance (E) capacity were the parameters that were used to assess the exercise performance of the trained rats that were either supplemented or non-supplemented with the dietary antioxidant. Plasma lipid profile analyses were in terms of low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein, (HDL-C) cholesterol and total cholesterol (C). Age-related decline in Sv was noticeable in the 22-months old rats. However, the effect of vitamin E on the Sv between the trained groups was not evident in any of the age groups. Wext increased linearly with age with no significant variations between the trainees. Trainee rats, when allowed to swim to exhaustion, showed a higher endurance capacity when supplemented with vitamin E. However, this capacity declined with age. There was a significant age-associated elevation in plasma C with corresponding increase in LDL-C. Exercise training in conjunction with vitamin E supplementation was most effective in elevating HDL-C levels in all age groups. These changes were accompanied by significant reductions in cholesterol/HDL-C ratios in animals receiving vitamin E, sedentary or otherwise. Our data suggests that it may be important to consider vitamin E while attempting to derive the benefits of swim training, both in terms of favorably altering the plasma lipid profile as well as enhancing the endurance capacity of exercise trainees. Dietary supplementation by vitamin E could attenuate the early onset of fatigue in the old. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved

    Dietary vitamin E and physical exercise: II. Antioxidant status and lipofuscin-like substances in aging rat heart

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    The heart faces a high risk of free radical injury owing to a slow generation of antioxidant (AO) enzymes by its cells. A general decline in this system may be another reason for the development of age-related diseases. Although the correlation between aging and exercise has been studied extensively, these studies have produced conflicting data on the effects of vitamin E on the aging heart, when it is introduced as an intervening factor. To investigate these effects, we determined the activities of antioxidant enzymes (AOEs) such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), lipid peroxidation (LP), lipofuscin (LF)-like autofluorescent substances and vitamin E content in the left and right ventricles (LV and RV) of the heart in male Wistar albino rats of 4-(young adults), 8-(old adults), 12-(middle-age) and 22-mos(old) of age. Animals were orally supplemented with vitamin E and allowed to swim for 30min/day, 5 days/week and for a total period of 60 days. Exercise training in all the age groups except the old was effective in upregulating the SOD activity. Old trainees showed an increase in SOD activity when supplemented with vitamin E. In the 22-mo-olds, a remarkable decrease in CAT activity was seen. Exercise by itself upregulated the CAT as well as SOD activity in all age groups except the old wherein vitamin E was effective in increasing the activities of AOEs. Supplementation significantly reduced LP as evidenced by lowered malondialdehyde (MDA) and LF-like autofluorescent substances in the trained as well as sedentary rats. Tissue vitamin E content was low in the swim trainees that were not supplemented. This change, well emphasized in the trainee groups of 22-mo-old suggests the probable utilization of vitamin E in keeping free radicals at bay. Our results suggest that vitamin E can stand out as a significant tool in ameliorating the declining AO defense in the old rats. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved

    Temperature-induced changes in anaerobic capacity of interventricular septum in trained young and middle-aged rats

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    The interventricular site has been proposed as one of the sites for the myocyte cell death with aging and thereby enhancing the possibility of ventricular dysfunction with aging. Variations in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a key glycolytic regulatory enzyme along with its isomers were used as indices to evaluate the anaerobic capacity of the interventricular septum (IVS) in 2-month-old (young) and 12-month-old (middle-aged) rats trained to swim at 25°C (cold, C) and 35°C (thermo neutral, N) temperatures. Blood lactate (La) and LDH along with its isoenzymes in the IVS were assessed and compared with untrained and sedentary rats. Increased septal and heart weight was indicative of age-related hypertrophy accompanied by increased septal thickness. Elevated total LDH activity was evident in both the trained groups in the young. The middle-aged animals exhibited lesser variations in LDH and, H and M subunits. The data suggest an efficient adaptability of the IVS of young rats to physical training in contrast to a poor response by the IVS of middle-aged animals


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    Objective: The objective of the present study was to encapsulate Methotrexate in liposomal formulation for treatment of cancer. Conventional compositions of Methotrexate are available but in high doses showvariation in bioavailability and they are associated with a number of toxicities when administered orally. To overcome these problems, in the present study, inclusion of Methotrexate in parenteral liposomal formulation was approached with the aim of increasing retention time at the site of action which leads to improvement in bioavailabilityand better tumor targeting. Methods: In this study, PEGylated Methotrexate liposomes containing Hydrogenated Soy Phosphatidyl Choline and Cholesterol were prepared by thin film hydration method. The main advantage of PEGylated lipid vesicles lies in the possibility of active-targeted delivery of drugs to the tissues or organs that need those most. Attempts were made to enhance the encapsulation by use of non-ionic surfactants such as Tween-80, Tween-20 and solubilityenhancers such as β-cyclodextrin. The characterization of formulated liposomes was carried out by vesicle size, zeta potential, %free drug and in-vitro dissolution. Results: Formulation containing 10mg/ml of Tween-20 and 20 mg/ml of β-cyclodextrin showed highest encapsulation efficiency. The optimized formulation has exhibited more than 90% release of the drug within a period of 4 days. The accelerated stability studies (40±2°C/ 75±5% RH) of the Methotrexate liposome were conducted for a period of three months and the formulation was found to be stable. Conclusion: These results suggest that the liposome encapsulated MTX may serve as a useful targeted drug delivery system for effective management of neoplastic diseases

    Laparoscopy as a diagnostic tool in evaluation of female factors in infertility

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    Background: Infertility leads to considerable personal suffering and disruption of family life. According to United Nations "Reproductive health is a state of complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in all matters relating to the reproductive system and to its functions and processes". The objective of present study was to find out different causes of female infertility with diagnostic laparoscopy and their comparative frequency in primary and secondary infertility.Methods: It is a prospective study conducted on all infertile women and they underwent diagnostic laparoscopy for primary and secondary infertility during the study period. Couples who had not lived together for at least 12 months, and those with male factor infertility were excluded. Data were collected on a proforma, and analyzed on SPSS package for windows version 10. Frequencies were calculated for laparoscopic findings regarding primary and secondary infertility.Results: Fifty infertile women underwent laparoscopy during the study period, 35 (70%) had primary infertility while 15 (30%) secondary infertility. 10 (28.5%) patients with primary and 3 (20%) patients with secondary infertility had no visible abnormality. The common finding was tubal blockage in 10 (28.5%) and 5 (33.3%) cases of primary and secondary infertility respectively. 9 (25.7%) cases of primary infertility were detected as polycystic ovaries (PCO) and 2 (13.3%) in cases of secondary infertility. Endometriosis was found in 1 case with primary infertility and 2 (13.3%) cases with secondary infertility. Fibroid was found in 3 (8.57%) and 1 (6.6%) cases of primary and secondary infertility respectively.Conclusions: Most common causes responsible for infertility were tubal occlusion and polycystic ovary. Infertile couple should be thoroughly investigated. Laparoscopy in infertility can be used for a definitive diagnosis

    Comparative study of single dose versus multiple doses of antibiotic prophylaxis in caesarean delivery

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    Background: Women undergoing caesarean delivery (CD) are 5 to 20 fold greater risk of infection than women of vaginal delivery group. Infectious complications after CD are an important and substantial cause of maternal morbidity and increase in the hospital stay and cost of treatment. The objective was to compare the efficacy of intravenous single dose, less costly cefotaxime and more expensive triple drug regimen (ceftriaxone+gentamycin+metrogyl) for 5 post operative days, for prophylaxis in caesarean delivery.Methods: It is a prospective comparative study was undertaken on 300 subjects with 2 parallel treatment groups. Data were analyzed using Graphpad Instat 3 McIntosh software by Student’s t test, Mann–Whitney U test, the Chi-squared test or fisher’s exact test.Results: Comparatively narrow spectrum low cost cefotaxime is as effective as more expensive commonly used triple drug regimen with no significant difference of infectious morbidity.Conclusions: Less costly cefotaxime should be preferred compared to more costly triple drug regimen for prophylaxis at caesarean section


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    Objective: Telmisartan is an angiotensin II type I receptor blocker antihypertensive agent with 42% oral bioavailability. The aim of the present investigation was to develop a nanoemulsion gel to enhance bioavailability of poorly water soluble Telmisartan.Methods: Different nanoemulsion components (oil, surfactant and co-surfactant) were selected on the basis of solubility and emulsification ability. Pseudotemary phase diagrams were constructed using aqueous titration method. Carbopol 934 was added as a gel matrix to convert nanoemulsion into nanoemulsion gel. Drug loaded nanoemulsions and nanoemulsion gels were characterized for particle size, viscosity, rheological behavior, thermodynamic stability studies and ex vivo permeation studies using rat skin. Transdermal permeation of Telmisartan from nanoemulsion gels was determined using Franz Diffusion cell.Results: The optimized nanoemulsion gel (NEG) contained Labrafil®M 2125 CS (14.3%) as oil, Acrysol®EL 135 (30.84%) as surfactant, Carbitol® (15.42%) as co-surfactant and (32.44%) water; 20 mg drug and 1% w/w carbopol. The ex vivo permeation profile of optimized formulation was compared to nanoemulsion and normal gel. Permeability parameters like steady-state flux (Jss), permeability coefficient (Kp), and enhancement ratio (Er) were significantly increased in nanoemulsion (NE) and nanoemulsion gel (NEG) as compared to conventional gel. There was a considerable improvement in bio availability for nanoemulsion gel compared to the conventional telemisartan gel.Conclusion: Nanoemulsion gel has significantly increased the bio-availability of the drug.Â

    Beyond content knowledge: transferable skills connected to experience as a peer-leader in a PLTL program and long-term impacts

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    Background Being a successful peer-led team learning (PLTL) workshop leader involves developing content knowledge and workshop facilitation skills. These skills connected to being a peer leader, however, do not terminate at the end of one’s undergraduate program. In fact, many former peer leaders denote having been a peer leader on their LinkedIn profile. This study examines the transferable skills that former peer leaders identified as being valuable in their current positions. We conducted semi-structured interviews with former peer leaders from varying disciplines, universities, ages, and years since being a peer leader. Results Interview questions captured leadership experiences including successes and challenges of being peer leaders, roles and responsibilities, and specific transferable skills further developed by being peer leaders and how they are being utilized in the leaders’ current position. Conclusion Thematic analyses of these interviews indicate that former peer leaders recognize leadership skills, coping with many challenges (including not having the right answer), collaboration/teamwork skills, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills as being relevant and frequently used in their current work
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