136 research outputs found

    Strategi Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Pantai Panjang Bengkulu, Ditinjau dari Perspektif Wisatawan dan Masyarakat Lokal

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    The purpose of this study was to identify potential tourist attraction, reviewing internal environmental conditions (such as their strengths and weaknesses) and external environmental conditions (such as opportunities and threats), and review the appropriate tourism development program in the Long Beach-based to tourists and local community perspective. The analytical method used in this study, namely diskritif analysis to identify the availability of infrastructure and the potential and power trarik travel and quantitative analysis with the help of Matrix IFAS and EFAS matrix. The number of respondents who were taken by accidental sampling of 100 respondents. The results showed that the potential tourist attraction located in Long Beach with a score of +0.910 internal factors and external factors with a score of +1.90. Thus the position in the grand strategy matrix (matrix internal-external) are in a position with a growth strategy occupies one cell in the matrix. A cell's position one shows the strategy to grow and establish (Rapid growth strategy), strategies to increase the growth rate of tourist arrivals with a faster time (the second year is greater than the first year and thereafter), improving the quality of that factor into force in order to maximize the utilization of all the opportunities (grand strategy). Tapak Padri development efforts and Beach Jakat sustainable (sustainable)

    Integrasi Budaya Jawa Pada Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Bumi Dan Alam Semesta

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    Kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari IPA salah satunya disebabkan oleh sebagian besar materi IPA diadopsi dari sains Barat. Padahal budaya yang mendasari pengembangan sains Barat tidak sama dengan budaya Jawa, maka pembelajaran sains berpotensi menimbulkan kesenjangan (clash) dengan sains lokal. Kesulitan lain disebabkan oleh pembelajaran IPA selama ini dilakukan memisahkan antara konten IPA dan pedagoginya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan Budaya Jawa dalam pembelajaran IPA yang meliputi proses dan produk (materi) IPA menjadi satu kesatuan pengetahuan (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK). Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitan pengembangan (R&D). Tahap-tahap penelitian meliputi (1) studi pendahuluan; (2) pengembangan PCK; (3) validasi PCK; dan (4) pengembangan produk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan modul yang dikembangkan layak untuk diujicobakan pada tingkat yang lebih luas dalam perkuliahan Fisika Sekolah Menengah. Western-adoption of most material of science causes student's difficulties in learning science. Meanwhile, the culture base of Western science development is different from the Javanese one. This is why science learning causes potentially clash to local science. Other difficulty is caused by learning science which has been done by separating content from its pedagogy. This study aims to integrate Javanese culture into science teaching that include process and product to become a unified science knowledge (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK). The research method used was a research & development (R & D), with the stages of (1) preliminary study, (2) development of PCK, (3) validation PCK, and (4) product development. The results showed that the developed modul decent for piloting at a broader level in High School Physics class

    Pengaruh Ukuran Biji Dan Kedalaman Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Sturt)

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    Jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) adalah salah satu tanaman sayur yang mempunyai prospek penting di Indonesia. Kedalaman tanam dan ukuran biji merupakan komponen utama dalam bercocok tanam, hal ini dikarenakan kedalaman tanam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan akar tanaman sedangkan ukuran biji akan mempengaruhi daya perkecambahan benih. Ukuran biji sangat berpengaruh dalam perkecambahan karena dalam biji terdapat cadangan makanan (endosperm) yang sangat berfungsi untuk menyuplai makanan bagi benih saat proses perkecambahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memgetahui pengaruh kedalaman tanam dan ukuran biji terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman jagung manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Banjardowo, Kecamatan Lengkong, Kabupaten Nganjuk. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Petak Terbagi (RPT) dengan 16 perlakuan yang diulang 3 kali. Faktor pertama yaitu kedalaman tanam 1,3,5 dan 7 cm, faktor kedua yaitu ukuran biji 4,5,6 dan 7 mm. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji F dengan taraf 5%,apabila berbeda nyata antar perlakuan diuji dengan BNT 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi yang nyata pada parameter jumlah daun dan perkecambahan. Perlakuan kedalaman 5 cm dan ukuran biji 7 mm memiliki persentase perkecambahan dan jumlah daun yang lebih baik daripada perlakuan lain. Perkecambahan pada 5 cm dan 7 mm memiliki daya perkecambahan 100 % karena biji 7 mm memiliki energi yang besar untuk tumbuh serta ditunjang kedalaman yang ideal bagi tanaman. Namun, pada parameter hasil kedua faktor tidak menimbulkan interaksi yang nyata pada semua parameter hasil

    Efektifitas Backwashing untuk Menjaga Kinerja Rapid Sand Filter di Daerah Gambut

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    Peat water is water that available on surface or ground water, it has been affected by the characteristic of the peat. These conditions make well water in that area can not be consumed. Water treatment process needs to be done to improve the water quality. One of them with a simple concept and experiencing is rapid sand filter. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness retrospective on the addition of saturated filter backwashing installation. Reactor rapid sand filters without backwashing and rapid sand filter by backwashing made of PVC pipe diameter 6 " and high 50 cm. The results showed rapid sand filters without backwashing produce the best effectiveness to raise the pH value of 7,96 % and lowers the organic content of 29,31 %. While the rapid sand filter by backwashing produce the best effectiveness in raising the pH value of 5,81 % and lowers the organic content of 30,43 %. In general, the processed peat water from rapid sand filter is capable of improving the water quality of the peat

    Perancangan Motor Listrik Bldc 10 Kw untuk Sepeda Motor Listrik

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    Kendaraan bermotor roda dua merupakan moda transportasi yang paling banyak digunakan oleh masyarakat. Saat ini, kendaraan bermotor menggunakan mesin dengan bahan bakar minyak (BBM) sebagai sumber energi. Salah satu solusi untuk mengurangi konsumsi BBM adalah dengan menggunakan moda transportasi berbasis listrik. Oleh karena itu perlu dirancang salah satu moda trasnportasi berupa sepeda motor listrik. Motor listrik BLDC memiliki komponen utama yaitu stator dan rotor. Perancangan komponen utama motor BLDC meliputi perancangan stator dan rotor dengan menggunakan bantuan perhitungan manual dan software solidworks. Spesifikasi awal dari motor telah ditentukan untuk daya 10 kW dan frekuensi tegangan input 50 Hz dan kecepatan putar 1500 rpm serta jenis magnet yang digunakan adalah neodymium N52. Hasil perancangan diperoleh jumlah kumparan di stator sebanyak 6 kumparan, 24,192 lilitan per fasa dan jumlah fasa 3 fasa. Dimensi fisik stator berupa susunan plat setebal 84 mm, tersusun dari plat setebal 2 mm per plat. Lilitan stator memiliki tebal 94 mm. Besar arus yang akan mengalir di lilitan stator sebesar 60,14 A. dimensi akhir motor memiliki lebar 144 mm dan diameter luar 230 mm. Model motor listrik BLDC HUB ini dapat disesuaikan dengan bentuk tromol motor dengan diameter roda 18 inci

    Kajian Perkuatan Struktur Gedung Yang Disesuaikan Dengan Sni Gempa 03-1726-2012 Kota Semarang Studi Kasus Gedung Kuliah Utama Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro

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    The Main Lecture Building of Engineering Faculty of Diponegoro University construction process start form June 2010 and be expected to finish at November 2010 but until October 2015 this building can not used as it planned because the construction process have some trouble. Design of this building still use the old guidence that is Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2002. This day that guidence has been updated become Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012. Because of that this building need to studied so the building can accord with the new guidence. The purpose of this study is to design the structure strengthening so the building can accord with the new guidence. The method of this study is collect the data of laboratory examination. This data will use to determine the quality of materials for calculate nominal capacity. Then redesign the structure using SAP 2000 so that we can know the forces in every element of this structure. Then compere these forces with nominal capacity of the existed structure which is manually calculate under guidence of Concrete SNI 03-1726-2013. If the forces from SAP 2000 analysis bigger than the nominal capacity then the element need strengthening. The reviewed element are beam, column, joint and caisson foundation with strengthening use fiber reinforced polymer under guidence of ACI 440 and concrete jacketing. The result of analysis based on Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012 show that some element in this building can not hold the forces. Beam can not hold the shear forces. Because of that, beam need the FRP shear strengthening to increase the nominal capacity. Beside beam, column also can hold the forces there are axial and moment. Because of this column need to use the concrete jacketing method to increase the nominal capacity. Concrete jacketing method more efficient than FRP strengthening for column

    High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Fe-Cr Steel in Air at 1000-1200 K

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    The high temperature oxidation behavior of Fe-Cr steel was studied in air at elevated temperatures of 1000, 1100 and 1200 K for up to 72 ks. The mass change of all samples was recorded in order to evaluate their oxidation kinetic. The structure of oxide scales was investigated by mean of X-ray diffraction and SEM-EDX. According to oxidation kinetic curve, the mass gain of oxidized sample increases with increasing oxidation time and temperature. At 1000 and 1100 K, the Fe-Cr steel exhibits an excellent oxidation resistance. As oxidation temperature increase to 1200 K, however, the accelerated oxidation occurred. This is considered due to breakaway oxidation. The Fe-Cr steel forms a duplex oxide layer consisting of Fe-rich oxides in the outer layer and Fe-Cr oxides in the inner layer. The obtained results suggest that the oxidation temperature strongly affects the oxidation resistance of Fe-Cr steel and the structure of formed oxide layer on the steel surface. The influence of oxidation temperature on the oxidation resistance and scale structure is discussed in this paper
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