10 research outputs found

    The Association between Menstrual Disorder and Work Disturbance among Employees

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    Objective: To investigate the association between menstrual disorders including each menstrual cycle disorder, duration and volume of menstrual bleeding disorder, menstrual interval disorder, and another disorder that related to menstruation against disruption of work among employees. Methods: This study used a cross sectional design. Sample randomization with winpepi® software for Windows 7®. Data analysis using SPSS 24® software for Windows 7®. Results: A total of 150 subjects were recruited in this study. The prevalence of menstrual disorder was 87%, menstrual cycle disorder 3%. Menstrual volume disorder 31%, 15% menstrual abnormalities, 83% menstrual pain disorder and premenstrual syndrome 71%. Prevalence of work disturbance was 49% for mild disturbance, 47% for moderate disturbance and severe work disturbance by 4%. There was a relationship between menstrual volume disorder, hypermenorrhoea, and menstrual / dysmenorrhoea pain to occupational disruption among the employee at RSCM (p <0.001). The submission of the proposed leaves due to menstrual disorder in the proposed permit for 1 day by 73%. Conclusion: The prevalence of severe work disturbance due to menstruation is not high but can lead to disruption in running jobs and activities. However, it is important to be a concern so that the employees get good management and care. Keywords: employee, menstrual leave, menstrual disorder, prevalence, work disturbanc

    Case Management of Pure Gonadal Dysgenesis 46, XY (Sindrom Swyer)

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    Disorders of sex development (DSD) are medical conditions in which the development of chromosomal, gonadal or anatomic sex varies from normal and may be incongruent with each other. Swyer syndrome is a condition caused by pure gonadal dysgenesis 46,XY, which followed by inadequate anti-mullerian (AMH) production results in maintenance and further development of mullerian duct into uterus. Therefore, many patients who suffer from this condition initially come with chief complaint of primary amenorrhea with insufficient development of secondary sexual characteristics. Patient&rsquo;s gender orientation commonly is a female, since her brain was not sufficiently exposed with androgen hormone. Management of DSD patients should be based on patient-centered approach. Therefore, overall management of DSD patients should follow according to patient&rsquo;s perception regarding to her gender orientation. Herein, we reported a case of Swyer syndrome in female aged 29 years with chief complain primary amenorrhea. Chromosomal analysis was 46,XY (20 mataphase), FSH level was 31.5miu/ml, LH 10.8miu/ml, estradiol (E2) &lt;5pg/ml, testosteron total (T) &lt;0.0025ng/ml. Medical management for this patient has the purpose to drive her feminization process in order to improve her physical appearance. However, since there is a great tisk for having gonadal tumor development from intra-abdominal dysgenetic gonad with Y chromosome, this patient has been strongly suggested to have bilateral gonadectomy.&nbsp

    The Effectiveness of Phalleria Macrocarpa Bioactive Fraction in Alleviating Endometriosis And/or Adenomyosis Related Pain

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    The overexpression of estrogen receptor-beta (ER-&szlig;) and the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme coupled with the absence of expression of progesterone receptors (PR) is critical to thepathogenesis of endometriosis and adenomyosis associated pain.&nbsp; DLBS1442, a novel bioactiveextract of Phaleria macrocarpa, exerts its action by downregulating the overexpressed ER-&szlig; andCOX-2 products and up-regulating PR gene expression. This pilot study was conducted to evaluatethe effectiveness of DLBS1442 treatment in alleviating endometriosis- and/or adenomyosis-relatedpain. Ten endometriosis and/or adenomyosis patients were recruited consecutively at YasminClinic Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in January - March 2013. Pain associated withmenses, including pre-menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, dyschezia and dysuria, was measuredusing the visual analog scale (VAS) at each of the next three menstrual cycles. Patients reportingone or more pain symptoms with a VAS score = 4 were given 100 mg of DLBS1442 three timesdaily for 12 weeks. VAS score reduction was noted in the first post-treatment menstrual cycle(approximately 5.3 weeks after treatment initiation) and VAS scores continued to decline overthe final two cycles. DLBS1442 was effective in alleviating endometriosis- and/ or adenomyosisrelatedpain, as demonstrated by early pain reduction as evaluated using the VAS

    Changes in Culture Expanded Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells: Implications for Potential Therapeutic Applications

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    Human amniotic epithelial cells (hAEC) isolated from term placenta have stem cell-like properties, differentiate into tissue specific cells and reduce lung and liver inflammation and fibrosis following transplantation into disease models established in mice. These features together with their low immunogenicity and immunosuppressive properties make hAEC an attractive source of cells for potential therapeutic applications. However, generation of large cell numbers required for therapies through serial expansion in xenobiotic-free media may be a limiting factor. We investigated if hAEC could be expanded in xenobiotic-free media and if expansion altered their differentiation capacity, immunophenotype, immunosuppressive properties and production of immunomodulatory factors. Serial expansion in xenobiotic-free media was limited with cumulative cell numbers and population doubling times significantly lower than controls maintained in fetal calf serum. The epithelial morphology of primary hAEC changed into mesenchymal-stromal like cells by passage 4–5 (P4–P5) with down regulation of epithelial markers CK7, CD49f, EpCAM and E-cadherin and elevation of mesenchymal-stromal markers CD44, CD105, CD146 and vimentin. The P5 hAEC expanded in xenobiotic-free medium differentiated into osteocyte and alveolar epithelium-like cells, but not chondrocyte, hepatocyte, α- and β-pancreatic-like cells. Expression of HLA Class IA, Class II and co-stimulatory molecules CD80, CD86 and CD40 remained unaltered. The P5 hAEC suppressed mitogen stimulated T cell proliferation, but were less suppressive compared with primary hAEC at higher splenocyte ratios. Primary and P5 hAEC did not secrete the immunosuppressive factors IL-10 and HGF, whereas TGF-β1 and HLA-G were reduced and IL-6 elevated in P5 hAEC. These findings suggest that primary and expanded hAEC may be suitable for different cellular therapeutic applications

    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors of Practitioners Supporting Cancer Patients in Fertility Preservation in DKI Jakarta: A Crosssectional Study

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    Background: More than 135,000 people aged under 45 yr are diagnosed with cancer annually in Indonesia. Good detection and management of cancer increase the quality of life. Objective: To determine the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of practitioners supporting cancer patients in fertility preservation. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 18 type D government hospitals and Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, in Jakarta, Indonesia, between January 2018 and August 2019. This study involved practitioners providing care to cancer patients. Data were described descriptively. Results: Most of the general practitioners, specialists, and subspecialists who participated in this study were aged 26-30 yr (65.4%), 31-35 yr (70.4%), and 31-40 yr (53.0%), respectively. The fertility treatment most known by general practitioners was in vitro fertilization with embryo cryopreservation (12.1%); for specialists it was sperm cryopreservation (24.5%). Meanwhile, subspecialists knew most about in vitro fertilization with embryo cryopreservation and sperm cryopreservation using a GnRH agonist (such as leuprolide injection) pre-cancer treatment (13%). A positive attitude towards fertility preservation as an important priority for cancer patients was shown in 72.0% of general practitioners, 73.3% of specialists, and 100% of subspecialists. General practitioners mostly referred patients to fertility specialists (44.4%). Many specialists (54.9%) and subspecialists (67%) discussed the possible impact of the patient's condition and / or treatment on fertility. Conclusion: The knowledge of and practices related to fertility preservation differed among general practitioners, specialists, and subspecialists. However, positive attitudes among them were similar. Key words: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Doctor, Fertility preservation

    The Effectiveness of Phalleria macrocarpa Bioactive Fraction in Alleviating Endometriosis and/or Adenomyosis Related Pain

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    The overexpression of estrogen receptor-beta (ER-&szlig;) and the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme coupled with the absence of expression of progesterone receptors (PR) is critical to thepathogenesis of endometriosis and adenomyosis associated pain.&nbsp; DLBS1442, a novel bioactiveextract of Phaleria macrocarpa, exerts its action by downregulating the overexpressed ER-&szlig; andCOX-2 products and up-regulating PR gene expression. This pilot study was conducted to evaluatethe effectiveness of DLBS1442 treatment in alleviating endometriosis- and/or adenomyosis-relatedpain. Ten endometriosis and/or adenomyosis patients were recruited consecutively at YasminClinic Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital in January - March 2013. Pain associated withmenses, including pre-menstrual pain, dysmenorrhea, dyschezia and dysuria, was measuredusing the visual analog scale (VAS) at each of the next three menstrual cycles. Patients reportingone or more pain symptoms with a VAS score = 4 were given 100 mg of DLBS1442 three timesdaily for 12 weeks. VAS score reduction was noted in the first post-treatment menstrual cycle(approximately 5.3 weeks after treatment initiation) and VAS scores continued to decline overthe final two cycles. DLBS1442 was effective in alleviating endometriosis- and/ or adenomyosisrelatedpain, as demonstrated by early pain reduction as evaluated using the VAS. Keywords: DLBS1442, dysmenorrhea, endometriosis, adenomyosis Efektivitas Ekstrak Bioaktif Phaleria macrocarpa pada Masalah NyeriTerkait Endometriosis dan/ atau Adenomiosis Abstrak Over-ekspresi reseptor estrogen beta (ER-&szlig;) dan enzim siklo-oksigenase-2 (COX-2) akan menekan ekspresi reseptor progesteron (PR) di endometrium; hal tersebut penting dalampatogenesis endometriosis dan adenomiosis. DLBS 1442, ekstrak bioaktif Phaleria macrocarpa,bekerja dengan menekan over-ekspresi ER-&szlig; dan COX-2 serta meningkatkan regulasi ekspresigen PR. Studi awal dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas pengobatan DLBS1442 padamasalah nyeri terkait endometriosis dan/ atau adenomiosis. Sepuluh penderita endometriosis dan/atau adenomiosis di klinik Yasmin RSCM pada bulan Januari - Maret 2013 yang memiliki keluhannyeri diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini. Dilakukan penilaian skor visual analog scale (VAS) untukkeluhan nyeri pre-menstruasi, dismenorea, diskezia dan disuria setiap 3 siklus menstruasi. Pasienyang memiliki keluhan satu atau dua gejala nyeri dengan skor VAS &gt; 4 diberikan DLBS1442sebanyak 3 x 100 mg sehari selama 12 minggu. Penurunan skor VAS diperoleh pada siklus pertamamenstruasi pascapengobatan (sekitar 5,3 minggu setelah inisiasi pengobatan) dan penurunanskor VAS terus berlanjut setelah melewati 2 siklus terakhir pengobatan. DLBS 1442 efektif dalammengatasi masalah nyeri pada endometriosis dan/ atau&nbsp;&nbsp; adenomiosis. Kata Kunci: DLBS 1442, dismenorea, endometriosis, adenomiosi

    Kegiatan Aktualisasi Nilai Pancasila dalam Proses Pembelajaran di Kelas II Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Persis No 13 Bojongwaru Kabupaten Bandung

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    Pancasila yang telah disepakati sebagai dasar dan pandangan hidup bernegara tentu harus diwujudkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila yang dimaksud harus dibuat ringkas dan menjadi rutinitas seluruh lapisan masyarakat agar nilai yang dimaksud dapat membumi serta bukan hanya menjadi utopia belaka. Tidak terkecuali bagi anak, anak sedari dini harus ditanamkan nilai Pancasila khususnya sila pertama yaitu “Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa” sesuai dengan agama yang dianutnya. Ini merupakan sesuatu yang krusial karena pada saat usia dini anak dapat dengan mudah dibentuk serta diarahkan, sehingga aktualisasi nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dapat terlaksana. Pada kesempatan kali ini kami kelompok 1 dari mata kuliah Pendidikan Pancasila, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung telah melaksanakan tugas aktualisasi nilai-nilai Pancasila di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Persatuan Islam No. 13 Bojongwaru, Kecamatan Pameungpeuk, Kabupaten Bandung pada tanggal 12 November 2021 dengan materi yang dibawakan berupa pengenaalan dasar-dasar tentang Islam dan doa-doa harian. Dalam melaksanakan program, kami menggunakan metode belajar sambil bermain, juga dengan memberikan hadiah atas setiap keberhasilan anak. Tujuannya adalah agar anak dapat memahami nilai Pancasila secara ringan dan dapat melaksanakannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari