1,184 research outputs found

    Defining Strategic Position and Busines Model of CV Energi Selaras Alam

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    Fuel –addictive industry is a growing industry in Indonesia. With potential market of 80 million vehicles in Indonesia where most modern car use a subsidized –low quality fuel, market opportunity of this industry is very big. Although this industry is very influenced by world oil price and government regulation about subsidized fuel. CV.Energy Selaras Alam is the new comer in this industry. Founded in 2011, this firm provides a low price and highly efficient octane booster product to the society. Along the decreased issue of subsidized fuel price, this firm difficult to maintain their sales growth and expand to broader market that leads to significant decrease on its profit. If this condition allowed for the next couple month, this will lead company to bankruptcy.To understanding company's condition better, this research use methods of observation, literature survey and interview. Resource analysis and value chain analysis are used for internal analysis. PESTEL, Porter's 5 forces, and strategic group are used for external analysis. By using interrelationship diagram, it known that the root cause of this company's issue is the un-clarity of its strategic positioning.To formulate the solution, SWOT, IFAS, EFAS and SFAS matrix used to find CV.ESA new strategic position. Alternative strategy is generated from TOWS Matrix, result 13 strategies. Every strategy is integrated and mapped back into a new business model to create more integrated result for this company. The conclusion from this proposed strategy is the new strategy of CV ESA will be based on cost focus strategic position. This new strategy proposed to diversify product and marketing channel that focus on car and motorcycle user and also local industry that located only in West Java. Action Plan is derived from business model formulation, and prepared for 3 year implementation Plan. The implementation plan of those strategies is suggested to adjust the number of marketing and sales armada. This armada will be focused on creating new alliances and partnership that will be a success foundation of strategy proposed. Strategic Implementation will be implemented in the next 3 years and will start in 2013. Hopefully, this Research result would contribute a better understanding related with the importance of Strategic position and business Model in Startup Compan

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar pada Mata Pelajaran Sosiologi Kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Aditya Surya Pratama. K8410004. PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PADA MATA PELAJARAN SOSIOLOGI KELAS X-3 DI SMA NEGERI 1 MOJOLABAN TAHUN AJARAN 2015/2016. SKRIPSI. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Oktober 2016.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan penerapan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran Soiologi kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus, setiap siklus terdari dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi atas tindakan yangtelah dilakukan. Subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kleas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban yang berjumlah 36 peserta didik. Sumber data berasal dari guru dan peserta didik. Teknik utama dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan tes, sementara teknik pendukung menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kualitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar Sosiologi di kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan nilai hasil belajar pada pra tindakan dengan nilai rata-rata 74.17 meningkat menjadi 77.94 pada siklus I dan 86.64 pada siklus II.Simpulan penelitian ini adalah penerapan Problem Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas X-3 SMA Negeri 1 Mojolaban Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

    Semiquantitative and Quantitative Biostratigraphy for Correlation and Depositional Environment Analysis Case Study Kedinding Hill Area, Blora, Central Java

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    Biostratigraphy has a significant role in petroleum exploration, especially for correlation and depositional environment analysis. This research located in Kedinding Hill Area, Blora, Central Java, Indonesia. We uses semiquantitative graphic correlation method and quantitative constrained cluster analysis with data taken from measuring section of Kedinding River Track (Section-1) and Kalen River Track (Section-2). Both sections generate crossover in biostratigraphic event sequence that trouble the biozonation determination which resolved by Graphic Correlation Method and generate FAD Neogloboquadrina humerosa – LAD Globorotalia merotumida – LAD Globigerina venezuelana as regional biostratigraphic event sequence. Constrained Cluster Analysis method generate five cluster for depositional environment in both Section-1 and Section-2. Depositional environment of each cluster in Section-1 are: Cluster 1 (unpredictable), Cluster 2 (deep middle – outer shelf), Cluster 3 (outer shelf), Cluster 4 (outer shelf), Cluster 5 (outer shelf – upper slope), meanwhile in Section-2: Cluster 1 (inner shelf), Cluster 2 (deep middle – outer shelf), Cluster 3 (deep middle shelf), Cluster 4 (deep middle shelf), Cluster 5 (outer shelf – upper slope)

    Development of c-means Clustering Based Adaptive Fuzzy Controller for A Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle

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    Advanced and accurate modelling of a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle (FW MAV) and its control is one of the recent research topics related to the field of autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In this work, a four wing Natureinspired (NI) FW MAV is modeled and controlled inspiring by its advanced features like quick flight, vertical take-off and landing, hovering, and fast turn, and enhanced manoeuvrability when contrasted with comparable-sized fixed and rotary wing UAVs. The Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm is utilized to demonstrate the NIFW MAV model, which has points of interest over first principle based modelling since it does not depend on the system dynamics, rather based on data and can incorporate various uncertainties like sensor error. The same clustering strategy is used to develop an adaptive fuzzy controller. The controller is then utilized to control the altitude of the NIFW MAV, that can adapt with environmental disturbances by tuning the antecedent and consequent parameters of the fuzzy system.Comment: this paper is currently under review in Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Researc

    Pengkajian Unjuk Kerja Komponen Near Surface Disposal: Cover untuk Demoplant Disposal

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    STUDY OF PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT OF NEAR SURFACE DISPOSALCOMPONENT: COVER FOR DEMOPLANT DISPOSAL. Near Surface Disposal (NSD) has threecomponents as main barrier system such as waste package, site and disposal facilities. At thisyear, study of cover performance as part of the engineering barrier system in the NSD disposalfacilities has been conducted for recommendation suit cover in the Demoplant Disposal facilities.Method of work is description method by literature study, gathering information about variousdisposal type that has been applied in another countries with the purpose to obtain supporting datain the development of Demoplant NSD in Serpong Nuclear Zone. Performance assessment ofcover has been analysed by software HELP version 3.07 with weather data based on Serpong areaand using default soil texture from database. Serpong Nuclear Zone are an area that has fairly highrainfall and the site of Demoplant NSD are located in SP4 with an area 6.300 m2 that having aslope area in the west side of Demoplant NSD site. So that recommendation for cover type is multilayeredcover with dome type design (slope 2-3 %) that accompanied with drainage system. Covermaterial consists of vertical percolation layer that also as protection layer (consists of vegetatedsoil, coarse rock and gravel), two drainage layer (primer and secondary consists of sand layer) thatseparated by membran liner, and barrier layer that is low-impermeability material such as bentoniteor clays.Keywords: Near Surface Disposal, cover, engineering barrier, hydrologic. ENGKAJIAN UNJUK KERJA KOMPONEN NEAR SURFACE DISPOSAL: COVER UNTUKDEMOPLANT DISPOSAL. Near Surface Disposal (NSD) memiliki tiga komponen barrier utamayaitu kemasan limbah, tapak dan fasilitas disposal. Pada tahun ini telah dilakukan pengkajian unjukkerja cover sebagai bagian dari penghalang teknis pada fasilitas disposal NSD untuk rekomendasicover fasilitas Demoplant Disposal. Metode yang diterapkan adalah metode deskripsi dengan carapenelusuran pustaka, mengumpulkan informasi tentang berbagai tipe disposal dari negara laindengan tujuan mendapatkan data untuk mendukung pembangunan Demoplant NSD di IPLRKawasan Nuklir Serpong. Analisis unjuk kerja cover menggunakan perangkat lunak HELP(Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance) versi 3.07 dengan basis data cuaca Serpong dankarakteristik tanah default perangkat lunak. Kawasan Nuklir Serpong merupakan daerah yang memiliki curah hujan yang cukup tinggi dan lokasi calon Demoplant NSD terletak di SP4 denganluas area 6.300 m2 dan memiliki kemiringan lereng di bagian Barat sehingga rekomendasi tipecover yaitu multi-layered cover dengan bentuk desain berupa Kubah (slope 2-3 %) disertai dengansistem drainase. Komponen cover terdiri dari layer resapan yang juga berfungsi sebagai layerproteksi biologis berupa vegetasi dengan tanah, batuan dan kerikil, dua layer drainasi (primer dansekunder berupa lapisan pasir) yang dipisahkan oleh layer membran, dan layer barrier denganimpermeabilitas rendah berupa lempung atau bentonit terkompaksi
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